A simple dialogue introducing some common greetings and salutations in Brazilian Portuguese. It is a good idea to listen many times to each part.
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Rock and pop (and Brazilian music), mainly of the 70's and 80's, mostly on vinyl. Every Monday a new episode.
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Online Coach Francisco Hestnes interviews athletes and coaches who live around Lisbon or are just passing through. Shot at the Lisbon Strong outdoor gym, guests will vary from calisthenics to strongman competitors to casual people who are just now starting their own journey in the world of picking things up and putting them down.
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Learn Spanish with Jorge your Colombian Friend 😀. In this podcast you will learn real Spanish with comprehensible and engaging content in Spanish for Intermediate Students. In each episode Jorge delivers fascinating stories about his life. These stories are compelling and made 100% in Spanish to help you improve language proficiency and to learn Spanish in a natural way. Aquí aprenderás español real con contenido atractivo para estudiantes intermedios. Aqui você aprenderá espanhol de verdade ...
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Daily news for the podcast and on-demand audio industry - from Apple Podcasts to Spotify, YouTube Music to Joe Rogan. Podnews also covers the latest jobs and events and trending shows in a short update every weekday. editor@podnews.net - visit https://podnews.net to get our free newsletter.
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Gerocast nasceu em 2014 de muitas vozes , somos o primeiro e maior podcast no Brasil que fala sobre longevidade, saude e medicina. Top Podcast Spotify | 2018-2019-2020-2021 Gerocast was born in 2014 from many voices, we are the first and largest podcast in Brazil that talks about longevity, health and medicine. Top Podcast Spotify | 2018-2019-2020-2021
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Na vida de cada um de nós há duas ou três músicas que nos transportam para as pessoas ou acontecimentos significativos da vida de cada um. Por trás de cada música, há uma história. Por trás de cada história, há uma pessoa ou um momento especial.
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music. Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age. At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years old, and had another invitation to be the DJ resident of a discotheque in Lisbon. Due professional reasons years late, he left his career of Re ...
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WAIT (Why Am I Talking?) is your quick and lighthearted podcast about technology in everyday life! In just 2 minutes, discover how innovation and artificial intelligence are transforming the way we learn, work, and live—at school, at home, at work, and even on the street. All of this with scripts written by me, Angela Rocha, and narrated by the charismatic voice of AI Jenny.
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Programa de conversa semanal moderado por José Manuel Fernandes, com Jaime Nogueira Pinto e Jaime Gama.
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We all want to be heard, to feel connected to other people and to make a difference in the world. This podcast aims to help leaders, business owners, experts and entrepreneurs to find inspiration, tips and strategies to express themselves better and take a leap in the career. Created by Inês Moura, an Executive Vocal Coach with over a decade of experience, this show runs every two weeks with solo episodes & interview with guests with the most diverse backgrounds. If you want to tap into the ...
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Fred and Adrienne are tired of the same old format, where this podcast is Movie reviews ONLY, or True Crime stories ONLY. So we threw that out the window and decided that each week we will discuss whatever we feel like talking about. Whether that be a new Movie or show we watched, or some creepy story that we heard about. There are no formalities here. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. You never know what we will be talking about next.
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🇵🇹 O Podcast onde os temas da Tecnologia e Saúde se cruzam para criar um espaço de debate aberto e inovador, através de entrevistas descontraídas, mas com conteúdos importantes e atuais. Ambicionamos que este podcast sirva como fonte de inovação e de criatividade para os nossos ouvintes. 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 The Cruzamento Podcast is where Technology and Health intersect to create an open and innovative debate, through relevant, current and informal interviews with recognised thought leaders. Our ambition ...
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After surviving an attempted cult sacrifice, Jason Fenix finds himself entangled in the affairs of a secret, government organization that is responsible for handling paranormal, esoteric and occult activity. Unable to recall the past eight months, Jason must work together with Special Agents Elijah Long and Alexandria Watts, in order to solve the mystery behind his missing memories.
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Conversas e revisão de artigos entre analistas do comportamento e outros profissionais sobre tudo relacionado a análise do comportamento aplicada (ABA) a cada duas semanas nas 4as feiras! Envie perguntas, comentários e sugestões para: tudoaba@daxta.com. Para obter créditos de educação continuada, acesse: courses.daxta.com
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Welcome to the Podcast by Prof. Marcão! Here, we dive into a universe of knowledge and reflection, exploring a wide range of topics—from classical music to spirituality, including erudition, psychoanalysis, philosophy, professions, and much more. If you’re looking for enriching and thought-provoking content, then you’ve come to the right place. Get ready to stimulate your mind and expand your horizons with the Sinapse Podcast. We hope you Prepare-se para estimular sua mente e expandir seus h ...
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Queens Rise To CEO: Organic Marketing Strategies for Women Coaches
Talena Bacon - Business Strategy Coach For Women Coaches
Welcome to the podcast for women coaches who are ready to grow their businesses organically. If you're looking to attract clients and generate sales without the stress, you're in the right place! We’ll dive into everything you need to build a successful online business—from launching your brand and creating an effective marketing strategy to mastering social media, crafting engaging content, and setting up systems that keep your business running smoothly without burnout. I’m Talena Bacon, yo ...
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Economia, política e Rock’n’Roll
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Profiling the biggest movers from the past week on Mojo's market and previewing the next week of NFL action!
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A Radio Show Hosted by Ricardo Mariano since 2002 § Vidro Azul ("Blue Glass"): its broadcastings began in RUC-Radio University of Coimbra, later extending to Radio Radar and Radio SBSR. In its two-hour duration, this author’s project explores melancholic sonorities also experimenting boundarylessly, with beautiful, ethereal landscapes. Through several genres ranging from folk, glitch, indietronica, neoclassical, ambient, jazz, indie pop, minimal among others, themes are blended in an intenti ...
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Progress By: DJ MTS The best of Progressive House and strands on Central DJ, the biggest webradio in Brazil: http://www.centraldj.com.br/ To broadcast Progress on your radio/webradio, click here: www.centraldj.com.br/progress Follow Progress @ Twitter: http://twitter.com/Progressbymts Like Progress @ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Progressbymts Instragram: https://www.instagram.com/progressbymts DJ MTS Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/djmts/ Follow DJ MTS @ Twitter: http://twitter.com ...
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Dito e Feito é um podcast do Teatro Bairro Alto em que falar é uma forma de fazer, e vice-versa. A sua periodicidade vai ser irregular. O formato também. Acompanhem-nos nas redes sociais e em teatrodobairroalto.pt ///// Dito e Feito (Said and Done) is a podcast by Teatro do Bairro Alto in which saying is a way of doing, and vice-versa. Its frequency is irregular. So is its format. Follow us on social media and at teatrodobairroalto.pt
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Hio is an Italian-Brazilian DJ who has been pursuing her passion for music and honing her skills since 2008. She has performed across Brazil, from the south to the north, earning recognition for her musical selection and captivating charisma. In 2013, she was named one of Latin America's revelation DJs. After gaining success in several Latin American countries such as Chile, Bolivia, and Paraguay, she moved to Milano, Italia in 2020, where she became a resident DJ at the prestigious It Milan ...
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Law firm in Brazil led by lawyer Marcello Benevides.Topics related to Brazilian legislation. Podcasts of Real Estate Law, Sports Law, Family Law, Labor Law for Companies, Entertainment Law and Business Collection. Escritório de advocacia no Brasil comandado pelo advogado Marcello Benevides. Temas ligados a legislação brasileira. Podcasts de Direito Imobiliário, Direito Desportivo, Direito de Família, Direito Trabalhista para Empresas, Direito do Entretenimento e muito mais.
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Hi, I’m Sean, and I’m passionate about using languages to connect with people around the world. Welcome to Polyglot Fun!, the podcast where I share my language-learning journey, personal stories, and insights in different languages! My goal is to inspire you on your own language adventure! Whether you’re a language lover or just enjoy thought-provoking stories about life, culture, and beyond, this podcast is for you. Let’s dive in! ------------------------------------------------------------ ...
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o podcast que traz as melhores histórias dos nossos jogos narrativos diretamente para os teus ouvidos. Mergulhamos mensalmente em emocionantes minicampanhas, explorando universos diversos repletos de magia, mistério e emoção! Com uma equipa rotativa de mestres e jogadores, cada campanha traz novas vozes, novos estilos e novas histórias. Prepara-te para embarcar numa jornada sem igual seguindo o nosso canal!
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O maior ecrã da rádio portuguesa. As estreias da semana; as rodagens; um outro olhar sobre os filmes. Edição de Tiago Alves e Lara Marques Pereira.
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Dj Producer´s PeterJam and MarkEvans Presents CrazyRadioShow
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Conectamos as pessoas através do áudio. Uma plataforma de intercâmbio para jovens Africanos, dedicado exclusivamente ao empreendedorismo e é um banco de recursos e soluções.
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Podcasts do Jogabilidade que discutem jogos, aqui você vai encontrar o DASH e o Vértice.
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Desde 2011 Rômulo Konzen, Daniel Iserhard e convidados batem papo descontraído com o objetivo de colocar uma pitada de Rock 'n' Roll no coração de cada ser humano.
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O 45 Graus é um podcast para saber mais e pensar criticamente. José Maria Pimentel - economista, professor universitário e curioso por natureza - conversa sobre os grandes temas (e não só) com especialistas e pessoas cujas ideias vale a pena ouvir. São conversas sem pressa, às vezes profundas, mas sempre descontraídas. Novos episódios a cada duas semanas, sempre à quarta-feira.
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Analise musicais, descrição de bandas, programas informativos e muitos outros assuntos relacionado ao mundo do Rock and Roll!
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Discover updates, analysis and hassle-free debates on the main topics covering the Maritime and Port Infrastructure sector in Brazil and worldwide. Connect has experts in each subject to bring you the essentials about services, products and innovations that leverage this industry and develop countries and their people.
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Falando merda com meus amigos "Eita, pesadinho mas aceitável" -Valquíria
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well, in that account I put some mashup's and some sets so I do not take soundcloud block
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Nesse podcast batemos um papo com convidados de diversas áreas do conhecimento e buscamos entender as suas relações com a tecnologia e o meio digital.
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Sonora é um podcast semanal sobre música, produzido e apresentado pelo publicitário Eduardo Axelrud, trazendo novidades, descobertas, curiosidades e muitas bandas legais do mundo todo. Uma hora tocando tudo que não toca no rádio.
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O petiscando é um podcast que visa trazer o debate de tecnologia para a mesa de bar.
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Bem-vindos ao DC and Chill With Coach and Roberto! O podcast onde falamos sobre Gaming, Tech, Nerd Stuff, e basicamente tudo aquilo que nos vier à cabeça. Estás a ver a conversa que tens com os teus amigos? Acabámos de te poupar uma saída!
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Brazilian and American culture Cover art photo provided by Andrew Ridley on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@aridley88
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Sonora é um podcast sobre música produzido e apresentado pelo publicitário Eduardo Axelrud, trazendo novidades, descobertas, curiosidades e muitas bandas legais do mundo todo. Uma hora tocando tudo que não toca no rádio.
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ITIL and Beyond. Um podcast da autoria de João Rodrigues Um local onde se fala sobre ITIL e não só de uma forma descontraída
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Podcast lítero-poético autoral com obras de Pabro Poeta, abordando diversos temas, em prosa ou em verso, abrangendo gêneros literários como: poesia, poema, contos, canções, etc. Podcast literario y poético de autor con obras de Pabro Poeta, que aborda una variedad de temas en prosa y verso, y que abarca géneros como poesía, poemas, cuentos, canciones, y más. Author podcast featuring literary and poetic works by Pabro Poeta. It explores a range of themes in both prose and verse, including gen ...
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Sempre voando atrás de música, o Disco Voador traz, em 2023, diversas séries especiais pra você que ama música tanto quanto a gente. Conteúdos inéditos sempre às terças, quintas e sábados!
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The Best Tribal and Club music remixed By Vitor Sirgado Just Listen Download and Share
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SEND YOUR DEMO / MUSIC TO: demo@glorierecords.com Our tracks have been supported by: Swedish House Mafia, Steve Angello, Nicky Romero, Hardwell, Sander Van Doorn, Dada Life, Don Diablo, Kryder, Dannic, Ummet Ozcan, Timmy Trumpet, Knife Party, Matisse & Sadko, Yves V, Sick Individuals, Thomas Gold, Fedde Le Grand, Promise Land, Bingo Players, Fatboy Slim, Max Vangeli, Futuristic Polar Bears, Cedric Gervais, Dash Berlin, Daddy's Groove, Brooks, Marnik, Jude & Frank, Going Deeper, Holl & Rush, ...
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Translator, social media lover and manager, blogger, podcaster.
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Hi Internet! We are Matt and Matty. Two adult children of the 1990's. We like to sit and talk about the important non-issues of the world. We create a podcasts/videos for your listening and viewing displeasure. Matt and Matty
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How to ask someone to give you an object.Por LingQ_Support
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Ep 12: When Your Strategy Stops Working: How to Pivot and Attract Clients
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17:39Sometimes in business, you hit a rut. You’ve tried strategies that once worked, but now? Nothing. Crickets. You start questioning everything—your approach, your business, even yourself. Sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone! In this episode, we’re diving into what it really means to be in a rut and, more importantly, how to climb out of it with a…
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Venus And Mars - 50 Anos | Disco Voador | Série Abduzidos | EP191
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24:56Em 2025 se completam 50 anos de um dos discos mais celebrados do Wings, grupo que Paul McCartney fez após a dissolução dos Beatles. Venus And Mars trazia uma nova formação da banda num LP com tantos hits como seu antecessor, Band On The Run. Listen To What The Man Said e Letting Go são apenas alguns exemplos do peso do LP, que atingiu o número um d…
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162. Frases Familiares Esenciales en Colombia (Essential Family Phrases in Colombia)
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19:51Descubre las frases que harán que tus reuniones familiares en Colombia sean inolvidables. Desde saludos cálidos hasta expresiones que reflejan cariño, este episodio te llevará un paso más cerca dehablar como un local. ☕🏡 ¡No te lo pierdas!. (Discover the phrases that will make your family gatherings in Colombia unforgettable. From warm greetings to…
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And the Oscar goes to...; "O Romance de Jim"
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35:07Os favoritos nas principais categorias; entrevistas com Arnaud e Jean-Marie Larrieu
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Até a "Adolescência" é culpa do digital? — Debate
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1:37:46É polémica, mas necessária. A nova série da Netflix tornou-se viral e surge a necessidade de refletir: afinal, até a culpa da violência juvenil - e, mesmo, da morte - é das redes sociais? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Por Observador
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Spotify Partner Program expands into Europe
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4:22Sponsored by CoHost. Want more listener insights without switching hosting providers? Explore CoHost's Prefix with in-depth podcast analytics and tracking links starting at just $15/month. Sign up today for a free trial. Spotify’s monetisation model for creators, the Spotify Partner Program is to expand to a further nine new countries, eight in Eur…
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Redes sociais são má desculpa para “Adolescência”
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7:51Também já vimos “Adolescência”. Logo lemos inúmeras opiniões sobre o perigo dos telemóveis e a “culpa” das redes sociais. Era fácil se fosse assim, mas nem sequer é essa a tese dos criadores da série. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Por Observador
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Há vários tipos de armas disponíveis no mercado paralelo. O problema tem ou não vindo a agravar-se ao longo dos anos? Adriana Alves, jornalista da secção de Sociedade, é a nossa convidada. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Por Observador
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Entrevistas com Laura Carreira e Alain Guiraudie
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Sponsored by CoHost. Want more listener insights without switching hosting providers? Explore CoHost's Prefix with in-depth podcast analytics and tracking links starting at just $15/month. Sign up today for a free trial. YouTube is the #1 podcast platform in Japan, according to a new report from Otonal and the Asahi Shimbun Company. A new high of 1…
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Negras Oportunidades #6 - O Pergaminho
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1:04:22Após a luta a entidade necromântica que residia na mansão de Lorde Corvinus, continuam as investigações pelo pedaço de âmbar, com pormenores desvendados e novos destinos. 🚧Disclaimers: Este episódio pode contar temas e descrições considerados maduros. 🛡️Elenco: Pedro Lopes - Dungeon Master Marta Costa - Ziova Bramo Mitchell Ventura - Vall Galanodel…
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How to ask where someone is going.Por LingQ_Support
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How to ask if an object belongs to someone.Por LingQ_Support
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How to ask someone to repeat what they said more slowly.Por LingQ_Support
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How to ask how someone is doing.Por LingQ_Support
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How to ask about someone's weekend.Por LingQ_Support
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How to say good morning, good afternoon, and good night.Por LingQ_Support
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Sponsored by CoHost. Want more listener insights without switching hosting providers? Explore CoHost's Prefix with in-depth podcast analytics and tracking links starting at just $15/month. Sign up today for a free trial. YouTube could be switching on dynamic ad insertion, according to a report by Semafor. The report says YouTube “would allow host-r…
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🎙️ Season 8, Episode 8: "Amplify Your Voice with Humor" with Thomas Cock For this joyful and refreshingly honest episode, I’m joined by the one and only Thomas Cock - laughter therapist, comedian, speaker, and soon-to-be author. If you’ve ever wondered how laughter can truly change the way you use your voice, show up in the world, and even lead oth…
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FLY_TP1023 by PaulJam @ iTunes Podcast
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57:48Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Sponsored by CoHost. Want more listener insights without switching hosting providers? Explore CoHost's Prefix with in-depth podcast analytics and tracking links starting at just $15/month. Sign up today for a free trial. Exclusive: New data from The State of Video Podcasting 2025 by Coleman Insights and Amplifi Media, to be unveiled next week at Ev…
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Ucrânia e Gaza. "EUA já não são vistos como mediadores de uma paz justa e duradoura"
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41:49Trump é imprevisível, mas uma coisa é certa: os EUA passaram a assumir um dos lados do conflito em Gaza ou na Ucrânia. Olhamos ainda para a Europa e a crescente urgência para investir em defesa. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Por Observador
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O que viam os taxistas em 1974/75: “Já no 25 de abril se levava uma pinga a mais no aeroporto”
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35:01Os taxistas que davam informações à PIDE. A revolta contra o uso obrigatório do boné. Os novos carros que surgiram com a revolução. A divisão política dos frequentadores da noite. A “pinga a mais” cobrada no aeroporto. E os miúdos pendurados nas portas para receberem 50 centavos dos clientes. O taxista Vítor Carvalhal é o convidado deste episódio d…
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CMM #709 - Steven Wilson: Hand Cannot Erase
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1:14:14No 709º episódio do Podcast mais Rock’n Roll da internets Rômulo Konzen, Marcel Pfütz, Leandro Pereira e Álcio Villalobos batem papo sobre o disco Hand Cannot Erase de Steven Wilson. Apoie o CMM: https://orelo.cc/crazymetalmind https://apoia.se/crazymetalmind Compre os produtos do CMM: https://podcaststore.com.br/ Trilha tocada no episódio (na orde…
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150CastFM plays pop, rock, plus a lot of genres of Brazilian music, mostly of the 70's and 80's, mainly on vinyl. Every Monday a new episode.
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#69 James Oscar e Jesualdo Lopes - Imaginação Radical _ Crossing the lines
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1:21:25Neste episódio do podcast Dito & Feito iremos escutar o escritor, crítico de arte, curador de arte e performance James Oscar e o artista multidisciplinar, produtor cultural, organizador comunitário e fundador do The Blacker The Berry Project Jesualdo Lopes numa conversa sobre presente e futuro com muito passado dentro.James e Jesualdo, a partir de …
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Hoje é dia de caminhar no Sonora, trazendo uma seleção de faixas com a palavra Walk no título: - Matt Berninger and Phoebe Bridgers - Walking on a String (Alternate Version) - Ambala (feat. Laid Back) - Walk With The Dreamers - Jimmy Sommerville - Walking After Midnight - El Perro Del Mar - Walk On By - Strange As Angels - The Walk - The Billy Rubi…
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Hoje é dia de caminhar no Sonora, trazendo uma seleção de faixas com a palavra Walk no título: - Matt Berninger and Phoebe Bridgers - Walking on a String (Alternate Version) - Ambala (feat. Laid Back) - Walk With The Dreamers - Jimmy Sommerville - Walking After Midnight - El Perro Del Mar - Walk On By - Strange As Angels - The Walk - The Billy Rubi…
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O futuro do trabalho tem cabelo branco — e o RH ainda não percebeu
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3:15O futuro do trabalho tem cabelo branco — e o RH ainda não percebeu
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Dados à Portuguesa - 1 Ano de Aventuras! 🎉🎲
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47:25🎉 O Dados à Portuguesa faz um ano! 🎲✨ Neste episódio especial, reunimos a equipa para recordar a origem do podcast, os desafios e momentos épicos deste primeiro ano. Também respondemos a perguntas dos ouvintes, revelamos estatísticas curiosas e partilhamos planos para o futuro. Junta-te à celebração e vem brindar connosco a mais um ano de RPGs e hi…
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A treta entre o conselho federal de farmacia e o conselho federal de medicina
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3:23A treta entre o conselho federal de farmacia e o conselhor federal de medicina
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Costumava tocar esta canção no baixo, ligado a um dos lados da aparelhagem de casa, conta Tim. Não é das mais fáceis, mas é das mais brilhantes. Esta semana, n'A História da Música.
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11:23👉👉👉Assista também: • 🔴O QUE NÃO PODE FALTAR NO ACORDO DE S... Se você é médico e tem uma clínica ou hospital, precisa entender a importância de uma holding empresarial para proteger o seu patrimônio e garantir segurança jurídica. No episódio de hoje do Terça Empresarial, vamos explicar como essa estrutura pode proteger seus bens contra riscos traba…
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Sponsored by CoHost's analytics. Podcasters need better analytics. Discover where downloads are coming from, how listeners are resonating, and who your audience is with CoHost. Sign up today for a free trial. For the first time, The Infinite Dial from Edison Research has reported that over 50% of Americans are consuming podcasts each month. The res…
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Vértice #462: Assassin’s Creed Shadows, Silent Hill F, novo joga da ZA/UM, possível fim do Zeenix e mais!
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2:51:12Embarcamos em uma viagem ao Japão para explorar suas florestas, templos e figuras históricas (e escalar muitas torres) em Assassin's Creed Shadows, nas notícias discutimos as novas investidas da Sony e da Microsoft na integração de IA generativa nos jogos, as novidades sobre Silent Hill f, o futuro incerto do Zeenix e mais! 00:07:32: Silent Hill f …
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Progress #549 - Guest Mix: DJ Fabrício Lopes
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59:02Progress #549 www.centraldj.com.br/progress/549 Subscribe for free on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/br/podcast/progress/id1077982631?mt=2 -- Progress By: DJ MTS To broadcast Progress on your radio/webradio, click here: https://www.centraldj.com.br/programas/?p=progress Follow Progress @ X: http://x.com/progressbymts Like Progress @ Facebook: htt…
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Fantasy Footballers to keynote at Evolutions
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6:06Sponsored by CoHost's analytics. Podcasters need better analytics. Discover where downloads are coming from, how listeners are resonating, and who your audience is with CoHost. Sign up today for a free trial. Evolutions has announced two new keynotes for the event in Chicago IL, USA, from Mar 31 to Apr 3. Hosts of The Fantasy Footballers, Jason Moo…
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"Cartas Telepáticas", "Monsieur Aznavour", "Branca de Neve"
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46:45Entrevistas com Edgar Pêra, Tahar Rahim, e o remake da Disney
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Law&Crime launches show exclusively with Wondery+
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5:08Sponsored by CoHost's analytics. Podcasters need better analytics. Discover where downloads are coming from, how listeners are resonating, and who your audience is with CoHost. Sign up today for a free trial. Law&Crime, a legal and true crime network, has launched a new show - as an exclusive on Wondery+. Luigi will launch on March 24, following th…
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E4 Miguel Rocha - o gajo mais fixe do mundo
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1:16:48Foi uma honra falar com o Miguel Rocha. A presença e camaradagem da parte dele no Lisbon Strong são irrepreensíveis desde que o conheci e ainda foi capaz de me surpreender quando nos sentámos - é o gajo mais fixe do mundo. Se quiserem mais episódios em português por favor digam-me.Por Francisco Hestnes
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Emília Vieira: O medo que sai caro - porque não investimos as poupanças em ações?
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1:37:38Emília Vieira é fundadora, CEO e responsável pela Gestão de Ativos da Casa de Investimentos, em Braga. É licenciada em Gestão de Empresas pela Universidade do Minho e mestre em Finanças pela Universidade de Lancaster, no Reino Unido. Iniciou a sua carreira no Banco Português do Atlântico, onde trabalhou de 1989 a 1995. Entre 1995 e 2009, lecionou e…
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YouTube puts “podcasts” on the front page
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7:18Sponsored by CoHost's analytics. Podcasters need better analytics. Discover where downloads are coming from, how listeners are resonating, and who your audience is with CoHost. Sign up today for a free trial. YouTube is adding a dedicated “Podcast” tab on the main screen of its Android TV app, thus highlighting more podcast content to YouTube’s big…
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Estreia. "O Misterioso Engenheiro Jardim". Episódio 1: Uma foto vai salvar-lhe a vida
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33:53É o homem certo para resolver os casos mais difíceis. Jorge Jardim formou-se como engenheiro agrónomo e chegou ao governo com apenas 29 anos, mas em 1952 um convite vai mudar-lhe a vida. Muda-se com a família para África para trabalhar como administrador de uma fábrica. Mas a capa de um homem de negócios e de um pai de uma família numerosa escondia…
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Sponsored by CoHost's analytics. Podcasters need better analytics. Discover where downloads are coming from, how listeners are resonating, and who your audience is with CoHost. Sign up today for a free trial. When trying to take stock of your podcast network’s numbers, it can be irritating logging into multiple platforms across the internet to put …
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150CastFM plays pop, rock, plus a lot of genres of Brazilian music, mostly of the 70's and 80's, mainly on vinyl. Every Monday a new episode.
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CMM #708 - Melhor Banda Para Fazer Parte
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1:11:17No 708º episódio do Podcast mais Rock’n Roll da internets Rômulo Konzen, Daniel Iserhard e Álcio Villalobos batem papo para decidir qual seria a melhor banda para fazer parte. Apoie o CMM: https://orelo.cc/crazymetalmind https://apoia.se/crazymetalmind Compre os produtos do CMM: https://podcaststore.com.br/ Apoiadores do CMM no Padrim e Orelo, que …
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#68 Nuno Viegas/Associação Parasita - Guião de um movimento
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57:56Guião de um movimentoDito e Feito 68Nuno Viegas/Associação ParasitaO áudio-documentário Guião de um movimento de Nuno Viegas acompanha o processo de criação da audiodescrição do espetáculo de dança ONYX, da coreógrafa Piny apresentado no Teatro do Bairro Alto em maio 2024. Esta audiodescrição foi concebida no contexto da formação/pesquisa Pensar a …
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