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Das Motto dieser Show lautet „Aufgewacht und nachgedacht“, denn wir Erwachsenen brauchen keine Geschichten zum Einschlafen. Wir brauchen Geschichten, um wieder aufzuwachen. Mein Name ist Sebastian Kühn und in diesem Podcast erzähle ich kurze Geschichten, die bei mir für Aha-Momente gesorgt und damit mein Leben verändert haben. Wenn du mir einmal pro Woche dein Gehör schenkst, dann würde ich mit großer Freude auch dein Weltbild auf die Probe stellen.
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Aha! Momente - Impulse für dein gesundes & erfülltes Leben by Lela Hermann

Lela Hermann | Hier geht es rund um das Thema Gesundheit & Glück, also wen

Aha! Momente - Der Podcast, bei dem du Impulse für Dein gesundes, glückliches & geiles Leben bekommst. Warum mache ich das? Ich beschäftige mich seit über 10 Jahren privat und beruflich intensiv mit dem Thema "Gesundheit" . Gesundheit, das ist nicht nur das Verhalten des Einzelnen, sondern hängt in komplexer Weise mit sozialen, ökonomischen und Umweltbedingungen zusammen. Und ich kann einfach nicht mehr dabei zusehen, wie viele auf dieser Erde entweder - das Potential nicht sehen, das ihre L ...
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A guided bi-weekly podcast for anyone who wants to realize their true potential and live a more inspired life. Featuring an exciting mix of solo shows, interviews, and special guest appearances, each episode of the AHA Moments with Coach KA allows you to consciously replace your fears with intellect. Experience flashes of insight and guidance as Coach KA leads the conversations on topics of varying interest. Be it relationships, education, business, leadership, or spirituality, reinvent ever ...
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show series
Fühlst du dich durch politische Unsicherheiten, die Nachrichten oder die bevorstehende Bundestagswahl gestresst? Du bist nicht allein! In dieser Episode erfährst du, warum uns Politik so emotional mitnimmt und wie du innere Stabilität findest – mit konkreten Impulsen, Übungen und psychologischen Hintergründen. ✨ Das erwartet dich in dieser Folge: ✅…
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The Rebirth of the Nation - A Message of Clarity and Hope The World seems to be turning upside down especially in the USA. I have taken a bunch of time to get centered and channel the guidance for powerfully moving forward. And on this episode I will share it with you. Let’s Get Clarity! What’s really going on? On this show we will discuss: - Timel…
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In dieser Folge tauchen wir in die zauberhafte Welt von Harry Potter ein und entdecken, welche tiefen psychologischen und symbolischen Lektionen in der Geschichte stecken. Vom goldenen Schnatz über die Dementoren bis hin zur Heldenreise – wir analysieren, wie diese Metaphern mit deinem Leben und deiner persönlichen Entwicklung verbunden sind. Heute…
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It goes without saying that we are in completely uncharted waters! Timelines are shifting rapidly, the collective is being pushed as hard as possible to take a stand and make a choice for what they truly want. This is a time where you may feel helpless, or frustrated at what you see on the outside. But there are several things you can actually do..…
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As we move toward 2025 everything is changing! And new roads are opening for those who connect in and choose them. The New Energetic Timelines are here and you MUST choose which one you will be on. Collectively we have two core options. Once you choose, you must employ your own 5D frequency to bring it to fruition. New portals have opened and acces…
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Studies have shown that having a positive outlook on life can improve mental health and reduce the risk of depression. Doing good deeds doesn’t have to take up much of your time or cost much of anything. In fact, some things can only get resolved by following your own heart. Come tune in and listen to coach Ka as he shares with us some benefits on …
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Does overparenting lead to helplessness in children? Can it lead to adult entitled dependency? Sometimes victimhood can feel like a never-ending state of mind. Like not trying leads to laziness and powerlessness. Come tune-in and listen to coach Ka as he shares with us “How to Overcome Learned Helplessness”. It can change your life.…
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According to the American Psychological Association (APA), Emotions are conscious mental reactions (such as anger or fear) subjectively experienced as strong feelings usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body. Come tune-in and listen to coach Ka as he asks the question “H…
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Are honest people honored or appreciated in our society today? Lies seem to be the fabric of our society and unfortunately lies are considered harmful because they destroy trust. Honesty is good, but not everyone appreciates an honest being. Tune-in and listen to coach Ka as he talks about “Are You Psychologically Strong Enough to Be Honest with Yo…
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Have you ever felt drained after spending time with certain people or certain situations? Or have you ever felt exhausted after visiting certain cities or places? If so many of us struggle with setting healthy boundaries for ourselves, especially when it comes to protecting our mental health. Come tune-in and listen to coach Ka as he was inspired t…
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Besuch Lela bei Instagram: / lela.herman. . Podcast auf youTube mit Video: https://linktr.ee/lela.hermann Du möchtest Dein Schmerzproblem mit Healing Humans in einer engen und individuellen Zusammenarbeit lösen? Dann melde Dich hier zu einem kostenlosen und unverbindlichen Erstgespräch an: https://independence-healing-humans.de/) Besuch Healing Hum…
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Your attention is your power. Don't feed what doesn't add value to your life. Protecting your energy is essential to your life. It’s in recognizing these influences and taking the proper steps to maintain your vibrational frequency. Come tune-in and listen to coach Ka as he talks about “Protecting Yourself Against Low-Vibrational Energy”.…
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Schau dir das Interview auf youTube an: https://www.youtube.com/@LelaHermann Besuch Lela bei Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lela.hermann/?hl=de Du möchtest Dein Schmerzproblem mit Healing Humans in einer engen und individuellen Zusammenarbeit lösen? Dann melde Dich hier zu einem kostenlosen und unverbindlichen Erstgespräch an: https://indepen…
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Dominik gehört zu einem der bekanntesten Gesundheits-Coaches in Deutschland und ich spreche heute mit ihm über die "Volkskrankheit" Nackenschmerzen. Dich erwartet im Interview: zu Beginn 3 praktische Übungen zum mitmachen typische Fälle von Nackenschmerzen und Lösungsansätze Quick Q&A mit euren Fragen, die ihr auf Instagram gestellt habt was Domini…
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Everything is energy and has a vibration. From the chair you're sitting on, to the car your driving, to the thoughts you think and the colors you see and wear. The difference is that everything vibrates at various frequencies. Come tune-in to Coach Ka as he explores the topic “How can I not allow other people’s negative energy to affect me”?…
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For centuries we have been hearing about the ushering in a New Age where we would be heart centered, in alignment and stepping into the most aligned version of ourselves possible. I have been hearing about this since my energetic journey began in the early 1980's. We are now stepping into the promised energetic corridor and on a whole new learning …
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5 Hidden Signs That You Have an Ancestral Block and Why You Should Care! Just like you inherit your looks and mannerisms from your parents, you also inherit a long downline of emotional patterns, idiosyncrasies and karmic load from them as well. We inherit things from our ancestors in all categories… mental, emotional, physical and energetic. And j…
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Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on your job, religion, politics, relationships or life itself? Character cannot be developed in ease and comfort. Oftentimes through experience of trial and error can the soul be strengthened and inspired. Leonardo Da Vinci once said that there were 3 classes of people. Come tune-in and explore these 3 classes of…
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If you have not yet noticed, we are in unprecedented times right now! You may be feeling seismic shifts in both your personal and professional life. And the world events are also in free fall mode. What is going on? Well on this show I am going to shed some light in the darkness and talk about the messages that I have been getting on things like: W…
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We all have some fears and insecurities. For example, fear of the unknown, fear of failure or success, fear of abandonment to name a few, however fear does not actually have to be something to be afraid of. You cannot always control what happens in your life, but you can control your reactions to it. Come tune-in with coach KA as he speaks on “Beco…
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Sichere dir deinen Platz für meinen kostenfreien Workshop "Zweifel loslassen" am 29. Juni 2024, um besser mit deinen Ängsten und Zweifeln umgehen zu können: https://www.digistore24.com/product/553159 In der 4. Folge meiner Podcastserie gebe ich dir 2 weitere wertvolle Tipps, wie du mit deinen Ängsten und Zweifeln umgehen kannst. Indem du dir Moment…
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We all have some fears and insecurities. For example, fear of the unknown, fear of failure or success, fear of abandonment to name a few, however fear does not actually have to be something to be afraid of. You cannot always control what happens in your life, but you can control your reactions to it. Come tune-in with coach KA as he speaks on “Beco…
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Sichere dir deinen Platz für meinen kostenfreien Workshop "Zweifel loslassen" am 29. Juni 2024, um besser mit deinen Ängsten und Zweifeln umgehen zu können: https://www.digistore24.com/product/553159 In der heutigen Podcastfolge beleuchte ich den aktiven Umgang mit deinen inneren Anteilen, z.B. deinem inneren Kind und dem inneren Beobachter. Ich ze…
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Sichere dir deinen Platz für meinen kostenfreien Workshop "Zweifel loslassen" am 29. Juni 2024, um besser mit deinen Ängsten und Zweifeln umgehen zu können: https://www.digistore24.com/product/553159 Der dreistündige Workshop bietet tiefgehende Einblicke in deine Gedanken, Gefühle und deinen Körper, die lebensverändernd und horizonterweiternd wirke…
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"He who has overcome his fears will truly be free.” ― Aristotle People may be unsure of their abilities when approaching a substantial change in their life. Therefore, fear of failure causes many to feel stuck or unseen, but without fear there cannot be courage. Come tune-in and explore the topic “Are You Comfortable Being Uncomfortable” as it will…
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"There is nothing permanent except change." — Heraclitus. People may resist change if they do not understand the reasons for the change or its likely consequences. Having a lack of awareness and knowledge about change can limit your growth and potential. Come tune-in and explore the topic “Ready or Not are You Ready to Grow” as it will cause you to…
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A belief is something that you believe or accept as true. For some of our most important beliefs, we have no evidence at all, except that people we love the most, and trust hold these same beliefs. You owe it to yourself to question every belief you hold dear to your heart. Come tune-in and explore with Coach Ka the question “Is Your Belief Helping…
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Belief is something you don’t have to force into our existence. In fact, Belief systems are the stories we tell ourselves to define our personal sense of reality. Every human being has a belief system that they use, and it’s through this process that we individually, “make sense” of the world around us. Come tune-in and listen to coach Ka as he exp…
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If you are the least bit energetically sensitive, you undoubtedly are feeling very different than normal during this mercury in retrograde, eclipse season and all of the other influences at play in 2024. Sensitive’s are feeling off, discontent, disconnected, confused, anxious, worried yet strangely optimistic. Like something is brewing. The winds o…
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How might your life change if all your beliefs were re-examined and you found out that what you were believing was a lie. How might your life change? Sometimes our beliefs can come from accepting other people’s thoughts without questioning their value to you. Come explore with Coach KA part II to the subject “Have You Questioned Your Belief System …
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How might your life change if all your beliefs were re-examined and you found out that what you were believing was a lie. How might your life change? Sometimes our beliefs can come from accepting other people’s thoughts without questioning their value to you. Come explore with Coach KA the subject “Have You Questioned Your Belief System Lately”? Th…
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Frühjahrsputz für Kopf & ❤️ gefällig? Wenn du Bock hast Altes loszulassen und mit neuer Energie & Vision frisch zu starten,dann sei dabei: Vom 2.-4. April um jew. 18:00 (inkl. Aufzeichnung) zeige ich dir in 3 Workshops, wie das gehen kann! 🤩 Und das ganze für 0€! 😳 Hier kannst du dich jetzt anmelden: https://www.digistore24.com/product/544503 Stay …
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Falls du gerade etwas aufschiebst oder wegdrückst: hör dir diese 10min an und tank ordentlich Lebensfreude und Energie! Bock auf deinen Frühjahrsputz für Kopf & Herz? Dann melde dich jetzt hier für 0€ an: https://www.digistore24.com/product/544503 Über 3 Tag werden wir gemeinsam: Klarheit und Ordnung in dir schaffen Altes und deine Zweifel loslasse…
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On this episode we continue our conversation on Vibrational Alignment and go over the second 5 key indicators that you are hitting the mark! If you are tired of confustion around what is going on and why things are taking so long this is for you! It usually takes a few small adjustments and things can start to kick into high gear. On this episode I…
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What is an illusion? Do you believe we are living in one? Illusions can come when you look only at the surface of something and don’t go beyond appearance to examine what is underneath the exterior. Come tune-in and explore with coach KA the topic “Removing the Veils of Illusion” Part II. There’s more to life that meets the eye.…
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How is your manifesting going? Feeling like things are taking longer than you would like? Assuming that your stuff is off in the distance and you have to wait patiently for them to arrive? The truth is that since everything you desire already exists in the Quantum Field and 5D Frequency all you have to do is be in "vibrational alignment" with them.…
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