Todd and Tom are franchise detectives - picking a half-decent movie, then watching and rating every single sequel... to the bitter end!
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Talking to NZ brewers about beer and brewing, interspersed with drinking and tom-foolery.
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Episode Five! Now that the Candyman franchise is behind us, it's time to share our 'reflections' on the wild journey we've been on. (Reflections, get it? Get it? Reflections like in a mirror, like Candyman cos he likes mirrors?)Por The Bitter End
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Episode Four! Well here we are, our 100th ever episode, just as we reach the BEE-tter end of the Candyman franchise, with a fresh new entry in the franchise. Can you BEE-lieve it? It is incredi-BEE-le! (Warning: we say "bee" a lot now.)Por The Bitter End
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Episode Three! There is only one thing you need to know about this film. Somehow, for some reason, through some feat of movie-making magic... They put a bee in an egg. And we like it.Por The Bitter End
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Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh (1995)
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45:01Episode Two! Pass the gumbo, cos Mr. Jeff Candyman is back and this time he's brought waaaaaay more bees. Todd & Tom take a trip to New Orleans to investigate the resurrection of this secretly Cajun urban legend.Por The Bitter End
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Season Twelve, Episode One! Say it once, say it twice, say it a bunch more times, as Todd & Tom finally return to see what the buzz is about. (buzz because bees, do you get it? do you?)Por The Bitter End
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Episode Four! Time has lost all meaning, and not just because the portal of time only goes to 1990's LA. It's been a strange year, but at least we've had Dar and his animal antics to help us along. Join Todd & Tom for a look back on this furry, feathered franchise.Por The Bitter End
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Beastmaster III: The Eye of Braxus (1996)
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53:36Episode Three! Todd & Tom have finally wound up at the bitter end of the Beastmaster franchise. With heavy hitting names like Candyman's Tony Todd and Tron's David Warner somehow in this movie, how bad can it be? (Answer: baaaaaaaaaaaad.)Por The Bitter End
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Beastmaster 2: Through the Portal of Time (1991)
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56:12Episode Two! The year is 1991. Everything is terrible.Por The Bitter End
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Season Eleven, Episode One! Todd & Tom attempt to embark on a remotely-recorded 'pandemic' season of the podcast, escaping to a fantasy world where man and ferret can coexist peacefully.Por The Bitter End
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Surprise! Just a cheeky bonus episode to take a long, hard look at the much-anticipated 2019 remake of the classic killer doll peen-stab-a-ganza! Will it be any good? There's only one way to find out!Por The Bitter End
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Episode Six! What unknowable secrets does The Tall Man hold? Dunno. They are kind of unknowable, by definition. But that doesn't stop Todd & Todd from summing up the crazy romp that is this most ball-centric of franchises! Update DescriptionPor The Bitter End
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Episode Five! Tom & Todd have parked their Barracuda at the Bitter End of season ten, with this unusual Phantasm Phinale that literally spans generations. Expect old favourites to return, alongside ruminations on ageing, dodgy rapping, and an unfortunate horse.Por The Bitter End
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Episode Four! Balls balls balls. Balls balls balls balls balls, balls balls. Balls. Balls. Balls balls balls balls balls balls balls. Balls! Balls balls, balls balls balls. All balls and no balls make balls a balls balls. Balls. Balls? Balls.Por The Bitter End
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Episode Three! Reggie is dead, long live Reggie... Because sure he died in the last film, but who cares! Not when there's a tall man to fight. Oh and balls. Lots of balls. Lots and lots and lots of balls.Por The Bitter End
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Episode Two! The tall man is back, and he brought enough murder-balls for everybody! Holy macaroni, this movie is really gonna pick up where the last one left off and pretend a decade hasn't gone by, huh? Let's get bloody!Por The Bitter End
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Season Ten, Episode One! This movie sure has balls. But not only balls! It also a tall man, lots of short men, and even (gasp) a woman... in like, one scene. Could this be Tom & Todd's most psychedelic voyage yet?Por The Bitter End
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Episode Five! Having waded through the whole fishy franchise, Todd & Tom are joined by their old pal Milo The Video Game King to examine the Jaws legacy, its origins, and look ahead to what the future might hold.Por The Bitter End
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Episode Four! Todd & Tom have reached the bitter end at last, but there's something fishy about this film. Who is the mysterious Hoagie? What does Hoagie want with Mrs. Brodie? Does anything that happens have any point at all?Por The Bitter End
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Episode Three! Here we go again! Shark? Back. The water? Not safe to go back in. The picture? Out of focus. The audio? Unintelligible. The dimensions? Tripled. The drama? Non-existent. Dennis Quaid? In this film. His agent? Filled with regret.Por The Bitter End
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Episode Two! Chief Brody is back, and he's got one mission. TO MURDER THE OCEAN ITSELF. Nobody seems to have learned their lesson, least of all Jaws The Shark. Will it be once bitten, twice shy for Todd and Tom?Por The Bitter End
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Season Nine, Episode One! Just when you thought it was safe to back into your podcast feed, Todd & Tom are back! This time, they're attempting to reel in one of cinema's biggest fish... and we don't mean Free Willy.Por The Bitter End
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Episode 13: Adam Sparks from Sparks Brewing
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37:27Awesome catch up with Adam from Sparks Brewing. We talk about stouts, European beers & what the future might hold...Por Dave & Darrn
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Remember us? Because we sure remember you! Here's a quick update on where the heck we've been, as we embark on an exciting day out to see The Muppets, live in the flesh. Do Muppets even have flesh? Who cares!Por The Bitter End
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Episode 12: Luke Nicholas from Epic Brewing Company
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45:38After a short summer break we're back at it! In this episode we chat to Luke from Epic Brewing Company at his awesome HQ. Join us for the ride!Por Dave & Darrn
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Episode Six! We've reached the end of our relentlessly festive journey. Time to take a step back and pluck the stuffing out of this franchise as one cohesive whole, from the movies, to the stars, the cultural impact and beyond!Por The Bitter End
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Episode Five! We made it to the bitter end of this harrowing festive saga. With Malcolm McDowell from A Clockwork Orange playing our villain, this final chapter of The Yellow King's gospel will be the darkest of all. Merry Christmas!Por The Bitter End
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Episode Four! This movie is made for TV, made for cheap, and made for kids.... Not kids with particularly high standards either. Despite all of it's many many many flaws, can Home Alone 4 somehow win Todd & Tom over?Por The Bitter End
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Episode Three! Not a Culkin in sight, this holly jolly romp flips the whole damn formula on it's head. It may not even be Christmas. But did somebody ask for stakes? How's NUCLEAR WAR for stakes?!? Family movie my ass...Por The Bitter End
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Episode Two! This is the big one, isn't it? Our boy Macallalaunay Culkin is wreaking havoc in the big apple, and everything about this movie is turned up to 11. But is this a golden goose or a total turkey?Por The Bitter End
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Season Eight, Episode One! Todd & Tom bravely venture into bold new territory... everybody's FAVOURITE holiday caper! There'll be laughter, tears, a whole lot of bonks on the head, and something for the whole family to enjoy. OR WILL THERE???Por The Bitter End
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Episode 11: Bruce Turner from Urbanaut Brewing Co
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42:27A short stroll down from the Kingsland shops lies a place of wonder and mystery (and damn good beer). We caught up with Bruce from Urbanaut to learn more about this mythical place.Por Dave & Darrn
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Episode Nine, but movie Seven! The wait is over, as the newest instalment of the franchise is fresh off the production line! Featuring Andy Barclay, Nica Pierce, and Jennifer Tilly, can Todd and Tom cope with this much sensory overload?Por The Bitter End
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Episode 10 - Scott & Hamish from Deep Creek Brewing
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38:20Dave & Darren took a drive out to sunny Browns Bay to chat with Scott & Hamish from Deep Creek BrewingPor Dave & Darrn
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Episode Eight! What a strange road it's been. It's time to reflect on what that little doll hath wrought. We've made a lot of friends, stabbed a lot of peens, and flipped a lot of birds. We'll miss you, Chucky.Por The Bitter End
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Episode Seven! We finally reach the bitter end of the franchise... until the next movie comes out in a few weeks! This one looks scary, and not just because it stars Big Bad Brad The Big Bad Lad's real daughter!Por The Bitter End
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Episode Six! (Well, kind of episode five and a half, but let's not nitpick.) Now Todd & Tom have picked their jaws up off the floor, it's time to race to the mind-bending conclusion of the world's most controversial film.Por The Bitter End
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Episode Five! Todd & Tom have so very much to say about this confounding, astounding, and all-round face pounding movie, that they've had to split this episode into two parts! Yes, really! The epic struggle starts here. Tread carefully, traveller...Por The Bitter End
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Episode Four! Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to celebrate the joining together of one freaky ass murder-puppet with another freaky ass murder-puppet. We hope that Chucky and Tiffany enjoy many years of carnage and depravity together. Aint love grand?Por The Bitter End
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Episode Three! At ease soldiers, Chucky's going to military school! Why? Not sure, really. Perhaps the screen-writers had a tight deadline. But still, surely this is a rich setting for some fun slasher action? It's gotta be good, right? RIGHT??Por The Bitter End
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Episode Two! Chucky's back, and he's doing what Chucky does best! With a few famous faces in the mix and a change in tone, is this sequel going to play fair, or just toy with us? (Toy puns are hard.)Por The Bitter End
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Season Seven, Episode One! Tom is in complete and utter denial about the fact that he's going to have to face his fears and watch the slasher movie that traumatised him so much as a child... it's Child's Play baby!Por The Bitter End
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It's been a long wait, but Friday The 13th: The Game is finally here. As die-hard franchise journalists since season one, Todd & Tom would be remiss not to do some serious play-testing. Does it rule, or does it drool?Por The Bitter End
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Lavalantula & 2 Lava 2 Lantula (Bonus!)
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49:51Goots is back to tackle fire-breathing spiders in not one but two made-for-TV movies! With cameos from Hooks, Winslow and Callahan it's the Police Academy reunion nobody asked for... Of course we had to watch both films back to back!Por The Bitter End
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Episode Eight! At ease Sergeants, we have officially completed our final Police Academy shift! Time to look back on our adventures with Goots and the gang, take a gander at their non-cinematic outings, and announce the topic of Season Seven!Por The Bitter End
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Police Academy: Mission To Moscow (1994)
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55:39Episode Seven! Todd & Tom are finally at the bitter end of the Police Academy franchise, and what a ride it's been! Experimenting with an unusual approach to their movie-watching beverages, this viewing takes a surprisingly psychedelic turn. Dasvidaniya, comrades!Por The Bitter End
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Police Academy 6: City Under Siege (1989)
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50:00Episode Six! Can the gang make do with the same old gags? Or will they bam things up a notch? As tireless franchise detectives, Todd & Tom have no choice but to selflessly wade in and snoop around for clues.Por The Bitter End
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Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach (1988)
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48:59Episode Five! Surf's up guys, we're going to Miami! Get ready for sun, sea, and all your favourite Police Academy characters. Except for Steve Guttenberg. Or Bobcat Goldthwait. Or Sweetchuck. Or Mauser. Actually, don't get ready for any jokes either.Por The Bitter End
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Police Academy 4: Citizens On Patrol (1987)
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53:15Episode Four! It's time to wave goodbye to our boy Goots, as he bows out of the franchise in style. With some unexpected famous faces, could this one be a surprise treat? I mean, probably not, but let's find out!Por The Bitter End
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Police Academy 3: Back In Training (1986)
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57:28Episode Three! Wait, what? Now they're going BACK to the academy? But they literally just graduated. Is this going to happen every movie now? Oh dear god. Todd and Tom are starting to get a bad feeling about this franchise.Por The Bitter End
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Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment (1985)
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58:34Episode Two! The rag tag gang of misfits we all fell in love with last episode are back, and they're faced with the one thing that they can't do... their jobs! Jeez, being a cop looks really really difficult guys.Por The Bitter End
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