Gospel Tech is a resource for parents who are feeling outpaced and overwhelmed as they raise children in a tech world. Our goal: Equip parents with the tools, resources, and confidence they need to raise kids who love God and use tech. Gospel Tech’s mission is to equip families to love God and use tech. We want to empower parents to: Talk about healthy tech Communicate the Gospel Connect the hope of the Gospel to their everyday tech lives Introduction to Gospel Tech Three years ago I (Nathan ...
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In the digital world there are a lot of new ways to do old things: Young people hangout online, play sports via the internet, and get famous for their ideas and influence. So how do we know if this is just the latest phase in life and culture, like the printing press or the bicycle, or if there is something unhealthy in our child's life that needs …
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Six Questions to Ask When Choosing Tech
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Our kids ask us for all kinds of tech, and as loving parents we love to give them good gifts. So how do we know which tech they should use and which they should avoid? Today we'll walk through the six simple questions that will help us choose great tech AND teach our children how to discern which tech is the best for them. Show Notes: https://bit.l…
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Starting the New Year with Healthy Tech
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We can ensure our tech is healthy to start the New Year by answering three simple questions: What type of tech are we using? What tech is most concerning right now? What can we do instead? Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4h88y2HPor Purposely
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Best of 2024: Little Choices Matter (Talk to Teens #1)
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It's tough being a kid. Being raised in a tech world is even worse. In today's conversation I talk directly to the teens in our lives, and give a reminder that yes, our choices matter, and God's call is even bigger than our mistakes. (Originally recorded May 28, 2024: Episode 227) Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3P2kVl9…
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Prioritizing isn’t one of my gifts. I’ve got great energy, I’m adaptable, and I can do a great job being present. Being prepared is another thing. While I’d love to justify my lack of planning on account of my spiritual superiority (I’m clearly a Mary, not a Martha), I have to acknowledge that we are called to count the cost of following Jesus. Tha…
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This year has seen God provide again and again for the relationships, resources, and opportunities to do the work of both Flint and Iron and Gospel Tech. Thank you, listeners, for being such an active part of helping us reach more families, make top-tier resources, and for doing the hard work of raising healthy youth in a tech world. Today's episod…
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Christmas Break is a great excuse to talk about tech with your family. Your family is going to have more free time on your hands, more people to visit(along with their devices), and all of this means it's a great chance to talk about your expectations in time, place, and content, as well as what to do when something goes wrong with tech. This Chris…
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Christmas is coming, and so are those hangouts with family and friends who aren't in your usual rotation. These are the times when new tech can show up, and intentional conversations and boundaries can help our children and family stay safe with their tech use. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/49m3IMUPor Purposely
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The holidays are a chance for us to be deliberate with our time. As followers of Christ we have the chance to do more than simply survive this season--we can: Seek out opportunities to be amazed at God's goodness Connect with those God has put into our lives Place our fears and anxieties before the Lord Put the first things first Show Notes: https:…
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Christmas is an amazing chance to inspire and invest in high quality, high-engagement activities. Today we'll talk about five of our favorite ways to engage the minds and hearts of young people in real-world, tech-free play. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4fTHCmYPor Purposely
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The great news of the gospel is that we are saved from sin and set free to live freely. Today we look at how this truth goes further than just being from from making mistakes and dives into the freedom we have to own our mistakes, repent, and lead our families in making new choices because we are free. Our freedom in Christ isn't license to make ex…
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We can show our children how to use the best tech by bringing it intentionally into our homes. Today we'll talk about how we can think about our tech well, choose intentional tech, and I share a little of what the hottest tech is in the Sutherland house right now. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4fwt9x1Por Purposely
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This week I've had the opportunity to practice what I preach. One of my lovely humans struggled with an unhealthy RESET due to tech I allowed. So what now? Today we'll discuss how the Gospel of Jesus helps us address unhealthy tech as a heart issue, and build our relationships with our children as we seek to serve and lead them in the way they shou…
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Parenting Roblox, Minecraft, and YouTube
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Should your child play Roblox? Is Minecraft a safe choice for a child? How do we go about handling YouTube? Today, we're putting our tech conversations to work and looking at all three of these to assess: Are they safe? Is my child ready? Is the fruit good? Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3YxGY8QPor Purposely
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Use the Best Tech (Tech Boundaries #3)
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Christmas is coming, and your child is going to ask for that new tech. What will you say? Today we'll give you the tools you need to answer in hope, not fear, and ensure that you give your child all the best tech and none of the tech that will harm or distract them for their full potential in Christ. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3BLYs8u…
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Location Limits for Tech (Tech Boundaries #2)
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The location of our tech matters. Raising healthy youth is more than simply having good rules, it means having good conversations about how, and where, we use our tech. Today we'll discuss why location matters and what we can do to ensure that our families use best tech in the best ways. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4ey4A2G…
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Set Time Limits for Tech (Tech Boundaries #1)
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Tech has a way of creeping into the nooks and crannies of our lives. Today we begin our series on the three boundaries we all need around our tech, and we start with time.Specifically we address: How much time we should spend on tech What time of day we should use our tech How many times a day we should use our tech Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3BwdM…
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The lie of anonymity is one of the great lies tech tells us. We are told we can do what we want, go where we want, and be who we want without real life consequences. This is a lie, and it brings harm and death to many hearts and families. Today we discuss what to do with hidden sins: why they matter, how to address them, and how to apply the gospel…
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Video games are a perennial struggle for time management. If we have decided that games are a great option for our kiddos, how do we balance them with everything else that's important in life? Today we'll walk through the process of making the most of our gaming time, and in building a conversation that supports what is most important with graceful…
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Jesus says that he came for us to have life, and to have it to the fullest (John 10:10). So what does this "fullest" life look like? And how can we get it in a hectic tech world like ours? Today we discuss three changes we can make, starting today, and three additions Nathan has made to his life recently. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3XyNZWh…
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So your child has made a mistake. On purpose. Potentially repeatedly. Now what? Today we'll discuss the difference between confession and repentance (and why it matters A LOT), what removing and replacing can look like, and what new actions we can take to develop healthy tech choices. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3TffhP8…
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Today's episode is a celebration of what God has done, with your support, in Flint and Iron and Gospel Tech this past year. We've grown in reach and resources, we've developed amazing relationships, and we have reached more families with hope and help in raising healthy youth in a tech world. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4fYEfvI…
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Talking about technology can be an amazing win for both parents and children. In today's conversation we break down how we can talk about tech's benefits, potential drawbacks, and it's fit for our family as we tackle even the hardest tech conversations with hope and grace. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4dRp1Xo…
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School is starting and smartphones are at the center of the conversation. Should our schools ban smartphones? Today we'll talk about how parents and schools can take steps to ensure the best possible outcomes for students and staff, while including the best technology possible for health, growth, and learning. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3M4IMiC…
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My new book, Gospel-Centered Tech, equips parents, leaders, and mentors talk about tech health, communicate the gospel, and connect the hope of the gospel to everyday life. My hope is that every family will know the terms Tool and Drool Tech, will understand how to apply a RESET, and will use tech on purpose, not for purpose, as they live out the f…
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The Graceful Disconnect (Author Interview with Anna Sutherland)
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The Graceful Disconnect is a guide for parents to foster deeper family connections and faith and avoid the common pitfalls of tech-saturation in daily life. In today's conversation Anna walks us through what inspired this book, how it will help parents (especially moms), and what families can expect from a season of graceful disconnect. Show Notes:…
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Keeping Tech Safe This Summer (Five Tech Fixes #3)
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Summertime provides an amazing opportunity for us to discuss the fifth of the Five Fixes for unhealthy tech: Loving Boundaries. Today we'll discuss how to build open communication around tech, which is the basis for any meaningful tech change, and develop practical hedges for our family, devices, and network. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4bPQ5oN…
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Making Summer Fun (Five Tech Fixes #2)
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Summer is an amazing time for adventures. The key to great making summer fun? Real world, analog adventures. Today we'll dive into how we can make this happen even with busy schedules and small budgets. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3S9D7LkPor Purposely
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How Do I Manage Tech This Summer? (Five Tech Fixes, #1)
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Summer is here, and our children have a lot more time on their hands. How do we help them navigate the tech that helps vs. hurts? I've received a number of queries from parents and I'm using three recent scenarios to inspire our conversation on how we can use tech from hope, not for hope, and ensure our tech is safe, good, and that our children are…
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Anna joins us today to talk about how summer changes our tech rhythms, where we're struggling to use tech well, and how we can implement one of the Five Fixes to improve our summer fun and tech health. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3XJdN2nPor Purposely
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What Will You Be When You Grow Up? (Talking with Teens #5)
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Young people are asked this question from the time they can speak. Yet what we do isn't as important as who we are while we're doing it. In today's conversation we'll discuss what we're called to do as followers of Christ, and reflect on whether our current goals and achievements (or failures) in the area of a career line up with who God is calling…
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Which Tech Can I Use? (Talking to Teens #4)
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It's a story I'm hearing more and more often: a high school junior who swapped Instagram for Whatsapp to reclaim her goals and time a twenty year old who deleted social media to spend more time in his own life rather than the lives of others a college senior who asked his mom to put parental controls on his smartphone to help him focus on his schoo…
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Love, Dating, and Tech (Talking to Teens #3)
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Love and dating is always an awkward world, especially in middle and high school, and tech only makes it worse. Today we'll talk about what it looks like to truly love someone, how we can step into loving relationships, and what we must get right about love and tech. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3Ky5EGg…
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Loving Parents Give Good Gifts (Talking to Teens #2)
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“What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent; or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?" (Luke 11:11) I love to give my children good gifts. Whether it's a delicious treat, snappy new clothes, or a new game or toy, I love being able to provide my children with not only what they need but al…
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Little Choices Matter (Talking to Teens #1)
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It's tough being a kid. Being raised in a tech world is even worse. In today's conversation I talk directly to the teens in our lives, and give a reminder that yes, our choices matter, and God's call is even bigger than our mistakes. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4brDl8qPor Purposely
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Prioritizing isn’t one of my gifts. I’ve got great energy, I’m adaptable, and I can do a great job being present. Being prepared is another thing. While I’d love to justify my lack of planning on account of my spiritual superiority (I’m clearly a Mary, not a Martha), I have to acknowledge that we are called to count the cost of following Jesus. Tha…
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Proverbs 22:6 tells us to raise our children in the way they should go. Galatians 5:19-22 reminds us of the fruit we are to look for in our lives and hearts. Today we'll talk about how to do the first when the second isn't going the way we'd hoped. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3UtjsGQPor Purposely
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Helping Our Children Experience Awe (Justin Pavey Interview, 2024)
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Today we sit down with uber-dad, top-tier nerd, and my good friend Justin Pavey to talk about how we can help our children see more of God through the talents, interests, and opportunities he's given us. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3WpWFODPor Purposely
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God calls us to a relational, embodied existence. This is impossible to do in solely virtual spaces, and trying to exist only online causes anxiety, loneliness, and depression. We have the opportunity teach our children how to be present, and it starts with making space in our lives and calendars to be together. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3wcQe6P…
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What is the Good Life? (Can We Talk Series)
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Everyone wants to live their best life, but what if living your best life now literally means living for, and with, Jesus? Today we end our Season One of Can We Talk with a conversation about how Christ empowers us to live the best life possible, and how that doesn't always look like what we'd plan (mainly because our plans are rarely ever truly wh…
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Drool Tech is designed to take our time, focus, and money. Not only does it manipulate our decisions, our investment includes the loss of opportunities we would have had if we'd been able to move on with real life. The loss of relationships, real world stress, and experiences of personal agency (you made a choice, saw the outcome, and learned from …
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How Do We Know Our Identity In Christ? (Can We Talk Series)
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What does it mean to be a Christian? It seems simply, we've all known this since summer camp: Put your faith in Christ and you get eternal life. But is that what Jesus taught us? What did Jesus say about his power for our life today, not just our life in eternity? Today we're talking about what it means to be buried with Christ, raised to new life …
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Jonathan Haidt’s new book changes the tech conversation. From this moment onward, no one can respond to concerns about tech with “nuh uh” and be taken seriously. The research has been compiled, the conversational table has been set with delicious morsels of facts, research, relationship, and experience, and now the meal can commence. This book will…
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How Can We Know God? (Can We Talk Series)
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We can know God. Not just as a theory, or a vague idea, but as a person to interact with, talk to, and be loved by. Today we discuss how we can know God, why it's reasonable and relevant to do so, and what knowing the God of the Bible means for the rest of our daily life as believers. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4aOl1Wd…
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The World and The Devil (Three Temptations of Tech, Part 2)
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Martin Luther, in summarizing many church fathers and mothers, cited the three temptations that draw us away from God: The flesh, the world, and the devil. Technology offers the same three distractions from God's best for us, and today we look specifically at how these sublte lies slip easily into our daily lives, and what we can do to recognize an…
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”The devil’s three temptations of Christ aren’t about getting him to “sin”, as we think of it, but to get him to take his rightful kingdom by an easier road—to do the right thing in the wrong way.” -John Mark Comer, Live No Lies. Today we discuss the three temptations of technology, not to be afraid of it, but to expose it for what it is. We can li…
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Why is God Relevant? (Can We Talk Series)
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God matters today. Many of us believe that, but we need to connect that truth to our daily lives in a world filled with frenetic goal chasing, instant gratification technology, and the many fears being shouted from every digital rooftop. Today’s conversation focuses on how God fuels the most important conversations and solutions to the problems of …
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How do we teach our children to use tech well? We've setup hedges, we've assessed tech health, and we know the lies tech will tell us. Today we discuss how to help our children use tech well by looking at the fruit, the fit, and the safety of our new tech. Doing this empowers us to use the best tech, stay hope focused, and fight for our children (n…
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Tech and Our Children (Can We Talk Series)
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Today we focus on the "tech" of culture, God, and tech. Nathan Sutherland shares a bit of what we can do to be intentional with our tech use, how we can talk about tech with our children, and how there is great hope for tech used well for ourselves and our children. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/43qKq5S…
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We continue our conversation about how to use to use tech well with a look at how to keep our tech use healthy. We do a quick dive into RESET and building hedges, and equip ourselves with the information we need to fight for our children, not just with them, when it comes to tech. Show Notes: https://bit.ly/43rGfqn…
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