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A Second-Advent message: “Holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord!” Hebrews 12 In a season when we celebrate Advent — the first coming of Jesus — Pastor Percy Gutteridge reminds us that we are now in the time of the Second Advent — that is, we are in the days before Jesus’ Second Coming. This message is an exposition of the twelfth chapte…
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The firstsfruits belong to God – materially and spiritually! Leviticus 23:9-14 There is much significance in the fact that the Feast of Firstfruits and the Feast of Pentecost were to be celebrated on the first day of the week. It signifies God’s law of firstfruits. The Lord Jesus Christ, “the firstfruits of them that slept” (1 Corinthians 15:20), r…
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The famous Liberty Bell is inscribed with the words of Leviticus 25:10: “Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof” — the proclamation of Jubilee! Leviticus 25:1-55 In this message Percy Gutteridge clearly explains the wonderful analogy between the Old Testament celebration of Jubilee and the glorious and complete freedo…
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2 Kings 2; Luke 1:17 Elijah and Elisha by Gustav Doré The Scriptures include many types, or figures, which help illustrate important foundational truths. In this look at the ministries of Elijah and Elisha, we see Elijah as a type of Old Covenant prophet, while Elisha is a type of the New Covenant prophet. Similarly, John the Baptist is the last of…
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Resurrection Day: Jesus on the Road to Emmaus by Gustav Doré Luke 24:1-35 This message examines the false theories concerning our Lord’s resurrection, including and shows their errors. Pastor Gutteridge’s teaching fully vindicates the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ on the third day, and shows its great significance for Christians. Source…
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The Lost Sheep by Alford Usher Soord Luke 15 “Uh, oh — another message on the parables of Luke 15!” If that was your first thought as you read the title, it’s time for an attitude check. And that check would be very appropriate, because in this message, Pastor Percy Gutteridge looks at the different attitudes of the things and persons mentioned by …
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“Behold, a sower went forth to sow.” Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23, 24-30, 31-32 As detailed in Matthew 13, Jesus told many parables, three of which had to do with seeds. With the words, “A sower went forth to sow,” the first parable describes a sower who casts the seed of the word; the final disposition of the seed sifts out the true heirs of the Kingdom.…
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“Go and work in My vineyard.” Matthew 21:28-32 Matthew 20:1-16 Matthew 20:20-28 Jesus taught us both the parable of the vineyard and the servants and the parable of the vineyard and the sons. One of the revealed truths in Scripture is the difference that the Lord makes between Servants and Sons. The exposition of these two parables brings out the d…
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Parable of the Talents (Anonymous) Matthew 25:14-30 From the parables of Jesus, the Good Servants and the Unprofitable Servants are delineated with their ultimate rewards. But there are not just two divisions on earth — the saved and the unsaved. There is a division in the ranks of the saved: there are servants and servant-sons. Servants may believ…
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The Unjust Steward (by Jan Luyken) Click to see the full image. Luke 16:1-13 God has always put His work out to the care of stewards. In the past, “Sons of God” came to report to Him at intervals (Job 1:6, etc.). Some have been unfaithful. In the present, God has His faithful and unfaithful servants who have the choice of far greater service in the…
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The Prodigal Son and His Father (woodcut by Gustav Doré) Click to see the full image. Luke 15:11-32 This message unfolds a fresh look at this story which is so familiar to us that we tend to think we’ll be hearing the “same old, same old.” But this is an entirely different approach, and may leave you amused, instructed, enlightened, stirred, challe…
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Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane (woodcut by Gustav Doré) The name Gethsemane means olive press. King David had his Gethsemane, and “great David’s greater Son,” the Lord Jesus, had His. It came on a pleasant night in spring under a full moon. From Christ’s Gethsemane, by way of Calvary, the gift of the golden oil of the Spirit comes to us. But it …
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now the coat was without seam, woven from the top throughout.” Have you ever clearly understood how Jesus Christ is God and Man, perfectly, at the same time? Here’s a seemingly unrelated question: Have you ever given thought to Jesus’ seamless garment, for which the soldiers gambled during the Crucifixion (John 19:23)? Why did Jesus wear a seamless…
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“I am the Vine, you are the branches.” Of this message, Pastor Gutteridge wrote: God is the Husbandman, the great Vine-Dresser. He intends that His children should be fruitful with ever-increasing fruitfulness, so He purges them, that they may bring forth more fruit. But they must abide in the Vine as living branches in the Vine; and the Vine is Hi…
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Melchizedek Blessing Abram Pastor Percy Gutteridge prepared this message at the request of a number of people who wanted to know more about this great king-priest, Melchizedek, one of the greatest types of the Lord Jesus Christ revealed in the Scriptures. The purpose of this message is to unfold more of the perfection of the Lord Jesus Christ in Hi…
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Gustav Doré’s illustration of Jesus at prayer in the garden. In this message, Pastor Percy Gutteridge will clearly explain just what intercession is, keying this study off the description of Messiah in Isaiah 52:13–52:12. Jesus is shown as the Great High Priest, ever interceding on behalf of a rebel world and a largely indifferent Church, pleading …
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Gustav Doré’s rendering of the Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. (Click on the image for a larger view.) Consider the days mentioned in John 1 & 2. “The third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee” (John 2:1); but what about the other two days? Trace back each following day to the first mentioned, John 1:19, and you find that the third da…
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Percy Gutteridge In 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Paul takes as a pattern the Marathon footrace of the ancient Greeks, well known to and partly copied by the Romans. This is a stimulating message on the Heavenly Race. Comfort and encouragement are given from the Scriptures and Christian experience. You will be surprised as to how much the epistles have to …
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Orpah returns as Ruth leaves with Naomi for Bethlehem Judah (from an illustration by Doré) Starting in Ruth chapter 1 as he did in last month’s Grains from Gutteridge podcast, Pastor Gutteridge weaves in Peter’s report about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the house of Cornelius (Acts 11), and brings forth a helpful message about our adoption …
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Ruth gleaning in the field of Boaz (from a 19th Century illustration) In this message, Percy Gutteridge explains both the Biblical doctrine of redemption and Jesus’ role as our Kinsman-Redeemer. Redemption’s part in God’s great plan of salvation is made made clear in the beautiful story of Ruth. Other free audio messages by Pastor Gutteridge are av…
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