Take control of your life and rise up to your fullest potential! We will discuss topics to build transformational growth grounded in heart-centered values and focused on the personal care and support of ourselves, and others to produce proven extraordinary growth and results in our bodies, minds, and souls. To help grow the audience, please like, follow, and share Healing Humanity with others. Don’t miss the WEEKLY EPISODES now available for you to enjoy. Check us out at our website: https:/ ...
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Secret meetings are a breeding ground for slaves in hiding and massive corruption. All things done in the dark eventually come to light. Isn't it time to save yourselves and your love ones rather than fighting God's plan for His world? https://healing-humanity.org/servicesPor Dee Rizzo
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There are many things we are taught or introduced to that interfere with our freedom and healing in body, mind and soul. To receive healing and deliverance it requires a review of your situation and prayer. https://healinghumanity.org/servicesPor Dee Rizzo
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Your personal energy may be someone elses currency. https://healing-humanity.org/servicesPor Dee Rizzo
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Do you think its a waste of time to save people and bring them to the light of God? https://healing-humanity.org/servicesPor Dee Rizzo
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Witchcraft has been growing worldwide, but if you know you have spiritual abilities and powers wouldn't it make sense that all the details in the Bible are acccurate just as well? Join the world in prayers for 25 hours, beginning Friday, February 28th, at 6:00 pm MST https://www.gather25.com https://healing-humanity.org/services…
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If you have ever found yourself saying, "I hate God," then here is how you can find peace again in your soul! https://healing-humanity.org/Por Dee Rizzo
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Are you being bullied, or do you have a child being bullied by fellow schoolmates? This may be of interest to you. https://healing-humanity.org/services/Por Dee Rizzo
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Why should it take a crisis in order for us to each experience or be witness to the humanity in this world? https://healing-humanity.org/Por Dee Rizzo
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There are thousands of people who are being gangstalked by groups of individuals. How can you successfully move through the trauma? https://healing-humanity.org/Por Dee Rizzo
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Do you like the short-term gain or the long term wins? https://healing-humanity.org/Por Dee Rizzo
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While you celebrate today loving all the people you care about, remember this is a great time to share the true love of Christ—a love that is selfless, eternal, and redemptive. Love letter: https://www.fathersloveletter.com/ https://healing-humanity.org/Por Dee Rizzo
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How do you keep your faith, and good health while under fire; spiritually, emotionally or physically. https://healing-humanity.org/servicesPor Dee Rizzo
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Humanity is suffering in chaos and conflict. Do you know how to gain power in a poor situation? Let's talk about it. https://healing-humanity.org/servicesPor Dee Rizzo
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You don't want to miss this in February! 178 Countries will be coming together in a massive online event over a period of 25 hours. I'll be there, will you? https://healing-humanity.org/Por Dee Rizzo
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Have you ever felt like your stuck, and you want to get out of the rut your life seems to be in? Are you struggling with fatigue or extreme sadness? There is hope! https://healing-humanity.org/servicesPor Dee Rizzo
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There are many excuses people use to hate God, but there are a few strategies you can use to pull yourself out of the depth of despair to live a more Christ-driven, hopeful and happy life. https://healing-humanity.org/Por Dee Rizzo
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When you want to change your life, improve your body or mind, overcome something you have to have a plan. Maybe my journey can help you figure out what's next. https://healing-humanity.org/servicesPor Dee Rizzo
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My need for healing started almost a decade ago, here is the whole story why I needed to heal my body, mind and soul. https://healing-humanity.org/servicesPor Dee Rizzo
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If you think God doesn't speak anymore, maybe it's that we are not listening quite like we should. https://healing-humanity.org/servicesPor Dee Rizzo
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Four Steps to Build a Spirit-filled Life
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17:03Our country has been through a lot in the last decade, but there is hope for our Country, and hope for ourselves through building a spirit-filled life. https://healing-humanity.org/services/Por Dee Rizzo
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Are you loving? What actually is love and how does God show you He loves you? https://healing-humanity.org/servicesPor Dee Rizzo
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Are you living in alignment with your values and what are they saying about you? https://healing-humanity.org/Por Dee Rizzo
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The state of humanity is tragic. But if you are looking for self-help, and growth look at the spiritual truths to guide you. Comparing the Bible to The Four Agreements 1. Proverbs 10:9, Matthew 5:33-37, Ephesians 4:29, Proverbs 18:21 2. Proverbs 29:25, Romans 12:3, James 1:2-4 3. Matthew 7:7, 1 Corinthians 14:9, Ecclesiastes 10:13-20 4. Colossians …
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You don't realize how much you can change until you start on a new path. If you want to get unstuck from the same old daily grind and you want to truly realize your worth there are 10 things that will help assure you a successful journey to a new you. https://healing-humanity.org/servicesPor Dee Rizzo
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Have you been feeling helpless? Have you been facing a lot of injustices, disrespect, stress and extreme sabotage? Humanity seems to be crumbling around us, but hope can be found in the helplessness. https://healing-humanity.org/servicesPor Dee Rizzo
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There are three ways to tame your mind and survive emotional turmoil, financial suppression, gang-stalking or spiritual attacks.Por Dee Rizzo
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Never Take Yourself Out of the Game First
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28:40It is your job to learn to awaken your hidden senses, and stay the course even when you don't understand the obstacles. https://healing-humanity.org/Por Dee Rizzo
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While a loveless nation of men and women strive for riches and power rather than joy and peace they suffer traumas, trying to make sense of what went wrong. No matter what the trauma is you're going through, I can assure you, there is no time for whining during this war. https://healing-humanity/services…
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Many people are struggling with faith, fear and anxiety. There tends to be a sense of hopelessness around the Christmas season. But changing your perspective on the big God story and never giving up can (and will) restore your hope. https://www.healing-humanity.org/Por Dee Rizzo
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During the Winter Solstice I found myself thinking about how our initial reaction is always fear to the things we don't understand. It's time for a rebirth and renewal of our hearts to the truth of what's available to us. Release the fear, stop holding judgments, and let's increase solidarity not further division. https://healing-humanity.org/…
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We cannot let this Christmas pass without a full understanding of the truth behind this time of year especially after all the chaos and drama we've experienced in the last ten years worldwide. Let's understand the truth behind the gift. https://healing-humanity.org/Por Dee Rizzo
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The matrix develops you into the person it wants you to be, whole generations guided on a particular path. Our children and young adults have been programed to be busy, and we have to help them purify their minds and souls through meditation. https://healing-humanity.org/servicesPor Dee Rizzo
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It is time to celebrate the miracles of this world, the miracles of The Way and to start sharing the hard truths. Hold on to your hats boys and girls, because here we go... https://healing-humanity.org/servicesPor Dee Rizzo
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God has a message to share with you, and if you have been hungering for God to save you, if you've lost your wonder as you walk in the world, then this is for you. https://healing-humanity.org/Por Dee Rizzo
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In this world we exalt anger and find humor in bad behaviors. Many think being compassionate and humble is to be weak. I have a 24-hour challenge for you! https://healing-humanity.org/Por Dee Rizzo
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If your life is busy or you seem to be battling with life in general but you see other lives simply flow and you wonder how that's possible. Then let's talk about how we become spiritually formed. https://healing-humanity.org/Por Dee Rizzo
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Here are five reasons we all seek spiritual formation and why it is important. https://healing-humanity.org/Por Dee Rizzo
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Break your heart of stone in order to experience the the word written on it and the promises meant just for you. https://healing-humanity.org/Por Dee Rizzo
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It's all about the blood. If you want salvation, you have it. If you want forgiveness, it is yours. If you want eternal life in the spirit, look no further than the blood. https://healing-humanity.org/Por Dee Rizzo
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Do you want to know if God is real? Look to the light. https://healing-humanity.org/Por Dee Rizzo
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Our journey to wholeness is to heal our memories. It's up to you to figure out who, and what has formed you. Then it's your job to change it and learn about the true you. https://healing-humanity.org/Por Dee Rizzo
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Your pride, your ego and whatever you allow to control you through your fleshly desires is your sin and leads to death, not life. It's all about our own choices and what you want...not for your body, but for your soul. https://healing-humanity.org/services/Por Dee Rizzo
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Your doing your best to get through our days, but then you find your in the midst of bullying, depression, recalling or reacting to older stressful events or maybe you're the target of various types of attacks, at school, at home or even at work. You could be spiritually wounded, but I don't want you to give up! There is hope. https://healing-human…
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There are many ways we are deemed as sinners, from gross sins to small sins of omission such as not calling a friend in need or judging others. Are you cheating, lying, stealing? God expects these things will happen and many more, but the good news is, He has given us guidance on how to improve our thoughts, and greatly improve how we show up in th…
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What is the new covenant, and how is it for you? Listen in to find out. https://healing-humanity.org/servicesPor Dee Rizzo
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Our hearts are hard and many think we can only gain strength and power through manipulation, and force. But there is a special power in being humble. https://healing-humanity.org/servicesPor Dee Rizzo
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A “secret life” might be as simple as quietly dealing with anxiety or sadness without sharing it, or as complex as engaging in behaviors that we wouldn’t want anyone else to see. This disconnect leads to cycles of shame, isolation, and further hardening of the heart. Let's talk about it.Por Dee Rizzo
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Betrayal: The Wound That Breaks and the Path to Healing
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30:32Let's explore the challenges and how to heal from deep betrayals. https://healing-humanity.org/servicesPor Dee Rizzo
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A Two Thousand Year Old Game of Telephone
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33:05Our history could be part of a big old game of Telephone. The whispers and shares of the life, ideologies and reputation of Mary Magdalene could be one of those historical narratives sent down a broken and altered line of facts. Healing our world has to start with healing our women. https://healing-humanity.org/services/…
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The Bible talks about Ha Satan, the evil one. Do you know that you could one of the ones it describes? https://healing-humanity.org/servicesPor Dee Rizzo
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