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Hokejportal.net reaguje na požiadavky doby, a tak prichádzame s novinkou. Veríme, že Hokejportal-podcast bude pre vás obľúbeným hokejovým počúvaním na rôzne témy, ktoré vždy budú o hokeji bez mantinelov. Staňte sa pravidelným poslucháčom debát moderátorky Nikolety Kováčovej s naším šéfredaktorom Pavlom Rajtarom a zaujímavými hosťami o aktuálnom dianí vo svete hokeja.
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Hokie Hangover

Hokie Hangover

An independent Virginia Tech Athletics Podcast, with Andrew Alix, Ricky LaBlue, and Mike McDaniel. Brought to you by Main Street Pharmacy in Downtown Blacksburg, Homefield Apparel, and Vivid Seats. Thanks for listening! If you like what you're hearing, shoot us a follow, leave a 5 star review and spread the word to your Hokie friends.
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Sons of Saturday is a Virginia Tech Podcast focused on Hokies Athletics and campus life. Featuring exclusive interviews, game previews and analysis, and conversations about life in the Tech community both on and off campus. A podcast for Hokies, by Hokies.
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Two Deep | The Longest-Running Hokies Podcast

Pete B. & Sam Jessee | Sons of Saturday

Two Deep is a podcast feed housing multiple shows focused on the Virginia Tech Hokies. Hokies Under the Influence is a football-centric show with a love for craft beer. Pete and Robbie have previewed and recapped every VT football game since Frank Beamer's last season in 2015, and now Sam Jessee joins the fold in 2024. College Football Monday started in 2023 and is our National coverage show with a VT slant - it hits the feed every week during football season. An array of guests from around ...
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北海道からこんにちは Hello from Hokkaido 來自北海道的你好 【北海道之聲】(Hokkaido no koe) ※LISTENでこの番組をフォローすると音声をテキストで読むことができます。 https://listen.style/p/hokkaido ▷投げ専 nagesenでこの番組を応援する https://listen.style/p/nagesen ▷Firstoryでこの番組を応援する(サポートする) https://open.firstory.me/join/campus 北海道のこえ The voice of Hokkaido 北海道的聲音 遙遠的故事 Far Stories 北海道狗,度假出租,旅遊,溫泉,美食,購物,大學,哲學,社會科學,政治 Hokkaido dog, vacation rentals, travel, hot springs, gourmet food, shopping, universities, philosophy, social science, politics ▷YouTube ◎北海道犬 冬一郎 http ...
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Deejay Hok

Hok Deejay

Radio monthly session of the best tracks House, Dance, Funk, Disco, Future House, Hi-Energy & Trance, approximately 80 minutes and contain 15-20 tracks.
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The Tech Sideline Podcast is the number one podcast covering Virginia Tech sports: football, basketball, recruiting, and more. Founded in 1996, we have assembled the best, most knowledgeable team to cover VT sports. Check us out on the Web at TechSideline.com, on Twitter and Instagram (@techsideline for both), and be sure to catch the video version of our podcast (and more) on YouTube.
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HOKIPLAY Situs Judi MPO Slot Online Gacor Deposit Pulsa Tanpa Potongan. Mposlot Mega Big Win Slot Hoki Play, Pragmatic Play & PGSoft Terpercaya. Hokiplay sebagai situs slot online terpercaya tentunya sudah memiliki Game Play berstandar Internasional. Kami sebagai pelopor slot dalam bentuk digital atau online pertama di Indonesia sejak tahun 2015 sehingga tak mengherankan sudah memiliki jumlah pemain terbanyak mencapai jutan orang dari seluruh tanah air untuk bergabung disini.
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Hokkaidō 150

UBC Centre for Japanese Research

Official channel of the "Hokkaidō 150: Settler Colonialism and Indigeneity in Modern Japan and Beyond" workshop. Stay tuned for audio of Hokkaidō 150 workshop proceedings, along with podcasts exploring topics related to Ainu history and culture, and the settler colonization of Hokkaidō.
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個別指導学院TOCOは「勉強は、実は、楽しい」を掲げ、2000年に東京の東久留米市からスタートした塾は、東京都練馬区、埼玉県和光市にも展開する地域密着型のプロが指導する個別指導塾です。 信田貴仁について、都立西高校卒業後、慶應義塾大学商学部に入学。大学在学中は、ゼミでの社会保障の研究と家庭教師・塾講師としての仕事に没頭した。卒業後は厚生省に入省するも、理想と現実とのギャップに悩み退省。その後、プロ家庭教師に転身。それがきっかけとなって、個別指導塾を設立した。幅広い見識と英語力を磨くため、2010年からオーストラリアで学ぶ。そして、2013年にBOND-BBT(MBA)取得。信田は、「知性を深め、感性を磨き、学びと遊びを喜びに変え、社会を活性化する要になる」というビジョンを描いている。 何百人ものお子さん親御さんと1対1で関わってくる中で、学習方法、進路、将来展望など、ありとあらゆる質問を受けてきました。TOCOで学んで実によかったと言ってもらえるように、リスナーの皆さんの疑問にお答えします。
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HOKKAIDOTRAIL GIRLS 2021 founder Mari Eiga 北海道 羊蹄山の麓から トレイルランニング や冬のレースやアウトドアアクティビティについてお話しします。 オレゴン州 ポートランド在住のマミコさんともセッション予定です。
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Prediksi sdy. Syair, prediksi atau Bocoran sdy, syair sdy Sudah lama hingga saat ini togel sydney sudah sangat terkenal. Ditambah syair prediksi togel sdy untuk pembukaan yang jam nya siang, Pastinya hal ini membuat banyak orang menggemari pasaran sydney ini. Kamu tidak perlu menunggu hingga larut malam untuk menang. Terkait prediksi syair sydney, kami sebagai pengurus website Ekorhoki selalu memberikan yang terbaik untuk penggemar sekalian.
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In de ‘Van hokjes naar puzzelstukjes’ podcast neemt Judith Webber je mee in haar wereld van hokjes en puzzelstukjes. Ze deelt haar kijk op talentbevrijding, vertrouwen, verbinding & veiligheid in organisaties, het onderwijs en de samenleving. Judith gaat er vanuit dat iedereen talent heeft, dat dit slechts bevrijd hoeft te worden. Dat we open, flexibel en liefdevol met elkaar om kunnen gaan, ook op het werk. En dat mensen intrinsiek gemotiveerd zijn, uit zichzelf. Wat er nodig is om dit tevo ...
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show series
Pat and BRM chime in on the vibes of the Virginia Tech fanbase. Discuss 3 random VT big picture takes, Blacksburg's biggest flexes, and the MBB portal Looking for hotels for the South Carolina Game? Follow this link -> https://sonsofsaturday.com/vt/articles/looking-for-hotels-for-vt-vs-south-carolina-join-the-sos-discounted-hotel-block…
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NHL potrebuje sériu bratov Tkachukovcov. Zbaví sa Vancouver Thatchera Demka? A je vôbec meno, ktoré bude žiadanejšie ako Mitch Marner? Bastardi tipujú na https://www.ifortuna.sk/ ZAPO odporúča: OBHLIADKA NACVIČENÁ AKO DIVADELNÉ PREDSTAVENIE https://open.spotify.com/episode/5GPcpqzm1Wnl08ecZeEIb1?si=fda7799f4b5b4d51 VRAŽEDNÉ PSYCHÉ naživo! BRNO, 4.4…
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はじらぢさんでぃ #024 -脳は何でも知っている- HRC season5|LISTEN|Spotify #北海道犬 #冬一郎 YouTube 北海道犬 冬一郎ちゃんねる Instagram 北海道犬 日記 "がんばれ 冬一郎" Guest House; minpaku, a private home, experience-based accommodation. 投げ銭でこの番組を応援する: https://open.firstory.me/user/clnr4bhnz04wy01yogezaeqp8 このエピソードへの感想をコメントで教えてください: https://open.firstory.me/user/clnr4bhnz04wy01yogezaeqp8/comments 【北…
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Virginia Tech football head coach Brent Pry spoke to the media to preview the spring football season. Sit down with the Tech Sideline crew as they dissect Pry's comments and discuss what they expect for the spring. TechSideline.com has been covering Virginia Tech football, basketball and recruiting since 1996 and is the premier independent publicat…
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Carter Hill is joined by Virginia Tech head softball coach Pete D'Amour for Episode 8 of Tech Sideline's audio-only podcast talking all things Hokies softball with the head man himself. Today's topics include the 4-0 road trip, a 5-1 start in ACC play, Michelle Chatfield's historic weekend and how Coach got his start in college softball. Learn more…
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はじらぢさんでぃ #023 -期待値は低いに限る⁈- HRC season5|LISTEN|Spotify #北海道犬 #冬一郎 YouTube 北海道犬 冬一郎ちゃんねる Instagram 北海道犬 日記 "がんばれ 冬一郎" Guest House; minpaku, a private home, experience-based accommodation. 投げ銭でこの番組を応援する: https://open.firstory.me/user/clnr4bhnz04wy01yogezaeqp8 このエピソードへの感想をコメントで教えてください: https://open.firstory.me/user/clnr4bhnz04wy01yogezaeqp8/comments 【北…
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Hiau Lok and I had a really honest chat about his childhood. Find out why he had to turn off his computer before her mother came home. He also shared how teachers played an important role in his life. His sharing will help us further understand the other side of Hiau Lok in next week’s episode. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penangho…
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V rámci našich podcastov sa každoročne venujeme minimálne raz aj daniu v Tipos SHL, alebo ak chcete v 1. lige. Ani sezóna 2024/25 nie je výnimkou. Na prahu prvých zápasov play-off v druhej najvyššej slovenskej súťaži sme sa (aj) o výkonoch a jednotlivých tímov porozprávali s našim redaktorom Ivanom Harčárom. Hokejportal Podcast nájdete na väčšine p…
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It's an exclusive interview with AEW star Ricochet as he gets ready for AEW Collision on 3-15-25 here in Las Vegas at The Theater at Virgin Hotels! Ricochet discusses his early career, his unique in-ring style and setting up matches, putting out his new persona, the AEW roster stepping in the face of The Death Riders, what happened at AEW Revolutio…
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Iskierka ešte nezhasla, ale Mrázek Detroit nespasí. Môže Werenski vyhrať Norris Trophy na úkor Makara? Sledujte Dylana Cozensa v Ottawe. A fluktuácia v obrane Devils. Bastardi tipujú na https://www.ifortuna.sk/ ZAPO odporúča: SPRCHA NA IZBE A VAŇA VEDĽA SPORÁKU https://open.spotify.com/episode/3euDpjhH54wJ3erwZAEaUS?si=KTng7NbuRUqhD7U7Bgun3g Podcas…
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Pete and Sam welcome multiple guests to get you up to speed on Hokies Athletics. First Ed gives his thoughts on the Cal game and what's next for Mike Young and Co. as they approach the offseason. Next up, Brian goes in-depth on what the Hokies did down in Durham on Sunday - winning their first ACC wrestling tournament in 6 years!…
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Senior Virginia Tech baseball outfielder Sam Tackett has had an unbelievable start to his final season in Blacksburg. Tackett leads the ACC in almost every major batting statistic. Sit down with the Tech Sideline crew as they talk to him about the start to the season, his career in Blacksburg and more! TechSideline.com has been covering Virginia Te…
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BRM catches up with 6 year NFL-Pro, Joey Slye to discuss his career, life in the NFL, and his fundraising initiative with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. To support Joey and his initiative with Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Visionaries of the Year campaign for the state of Virginia check out the link below. https://pages.lls.org/voy/va/va25/fmetca…
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We came back with even more spooky tales, like an office ghost typing on the keyboard, a dad being possessed, and even a ghost in Sambai Belacan’s room! We also went to Balik Pulau and talked about frogs and toads. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-03-10.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse …
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Je za nami základná časť Tipos extraligy. Ako to už býva dobrým zvykom, pre niekoho skončila sklamaním, iní oslavujú priebežný úspech. Na podcast sme si tentoraz pozvali meno, ktoré za našim mikrofónom ešte nesedelo. Pozvanie prijal bývalý extraligový hráč, tréneri i manažér a dnes aj spolukomentátor televíznych prenosov – Branko Radivojevič. Hokej…
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Každý fanúšik Toronta si pred Playoff musí nájsť iný tím. Nad galaxiu jasné, aký je problém v Edmontone. Ticho okolo Crosbyho. A kredit pre Columbus. Bastardi tipujú na https://www.ifortuna.sk/ ZAPO odporúča: Najrýchlejšia žena na Slovensku https://open.spotify.com/episode/6J2wQKxvqRtKW6pQmTrpEb?si=HRPr0LLTQfOodadV9EyjUg Podcast NEHANEBNÍ HOKEJOVÍ …
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はじらぢさんでぃ #022 -運の尽き運命の別れ道- HRC season5|LISTEN|Spotify #北海道犬 #冬一郎 YouTube 北海道犬 冬一郎ちゃんねる Instagram 北海道犬 日記 "がんばれ 冬一郎" Guest House; minpaku, a private home, experience-based accommodation. 投げ銭でこの番組を応援する: https://open.firstory.me/user/clnr4bhnz04wy01yogezaeqp8 このエピソードへの感想をコメントで教えてください: https://open.firstory.me/user/clnr4bhnz04wy01yogezaeqp8/comments 【北…
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In this episode, the guys cover the newest additions to the football staff, what Tuten and Co. did at the NFL Combine, the settlement between the ACC and their problem children, along with basketball, baseball, and softball. It's a packed show!Por Pete B. & Sam Jessee | Sons of Saturday
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The ACC has come to a legal agreement with Florida State and Clemson regarding a new TV revenue distribution. What does all of this mean? How does this impact Virginia Tech? We answer those questions and more on this episode of the Tech Sideline Podcast. TechSideline.com has been covering Virginia Tech football, basketball and recruiting since 1996…
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Carter Hill is joined by Virginia Tech head softball coach Pete D'Amour for Episode 7 of Tech Sideline's audio-only podcast talking all things Hokies softball with the head man himself. Today's topics include this past weekend in Salem, kicking off conference play and the upcoming series against Virginia. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit meg…
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はじらぢさんでぃ #021 -すくえないこともある- HRC season5|LISTEN|Spotify #北海道犬 #冬一郎 YouTube 北海道犬 冬一郎ちゃんねる Instagram 北海道犬 日記 "がんばれ 冬一郎" Guest House; minpaku, a private home, experience-based accommodation. 投げ銭でこの番組を応援する: https://open.firstory.me/user/clnr4bhnz04wy01yogezaeqp8 このエピソードへの感想をコメントで教えてください: https://open.firstory.me/user/clnr4bhnz04wy01yogezaeqp8/comments 【北…
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Virginia Tech is firmly on the NCAA Tournament bubble. What do they need to do at the ACC Tournament to make the Big Dance? Sit down with the Tech Sideline crew as they discuss the boxes that need to be checked in Greensboro. TechSideline.com has been covering Virginia Tech football, basketball and recruiting since 1996 and is the premier independe…
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Pete and Mike get you caught up on everything Hokies basketball as the men and women close out their regular seasons. The men continue to punch up, giving Louisville all they could handle last week before taking care of Syracuse in OT on Saturday. The ladies saved their tournament hopes with a big win at Clemson, but they have more work to do this …
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This week we shared stories about dogs. We shared interesting and funny stories about our own dogs but also didn’t shy away from unpleasant subjects of animal cruelty and dog’s interesting behavior. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-03-03.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penan…
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はじらぢさんでぃ #020 -正直者はバカを見る?- HRC season5|LISTEN|Spotify #北海道犬 #冬一郎 YouTube 北海道犬 冬一郎ちゃんねる Instagram 北海道犬 日記 "がんばれ 冬一郎" Guest House; minpaku, a private home, experience-based accommodation. 投げ銭でこの番組を応援する: https://open.firstory.me/user/clnr4bhnz04wy01yogezaeqp8 このエピソードへの感想をコメントで教えてください: https://open.firstory.me/user/clnr4bhnz04wy01yogezaeqp8/comments 【北…
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Ticho pred trade deadline. Unavený McDavid po Four Nations. Husso ide kryť záda Dostálovi. A povedz mi tím, ktorý by nechcel Rantanena. Bastardi tipujú na https://www.ifortuna.sk/ ZAPO odporúča: ŠTARTUJEME! Ružová kombinéza, copík vonku! https://open.spotify.com/episode/6enYdhzbrexnNt7VjwQ3lR?si=263f3a0914f24a79 Podcast NEHANEBNÍ HOKEJOVÍ BASTARDI …
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The ACC and Big12 could benefit from scheduling each other in the future. Sit down with Chris Coleman as he answers your questions about the upcoming football season, future football schedules and more. TechSideline.com has been covering Virginia Tech football, basketball and recruiting since 1996 and is the premier independent publication covering…
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Senior Virginia Tech softball pitcher Emma Lemley is off to an unbelievable start to the 2025 season. We had the opportunity to sit down and discuss her hot start, who she is as a person and much more! TechSideline.com has been covering Virginia Tech football, basketball and recruiting since 1996 and is the premier independent publication covering …
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Send us a text In this episode, we unravel the complex conversation around DEI in hiring practices and the implications for public safety and workplace culture. We touch on listener feedback and dive into the role of unions, weighing their relevance and impact in today's workforce. • Exploration of DEI and its effects on hiring standards • Discussi…
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It was a great weekend for the Hokies! Pete and Sam are joined by Ed Williams to go around the horn on VT sports. The boys cover just about everything - wrestling, basketball, baseball, softball, and yes, even some final notes on the offensive coordinator hire. They even squeeze in some beer reviews. Cheers!…
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