Everyday musings of a modern human. Your host Mati Kos takes you on a personal journey to think about and learn something new. News, YouTube videos or articles of interest - no matter what he always tries to find a springboard to get better at being friend, husband, father and a human being. Care to join the next expedition?! Music by Ben of www.bensounds.com - thanks!
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Again we talk about... talking, about conversations. But not the kind of conversation we have everyday but one of a higher degree. Got you attention? Check it out! Oh and there is also a short review about truth in conversations.
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We made it to episode #60 and... we have a guest. Ronni Gurwicz is here to introduce (reintroduce?) us to the world of storytelling. We can all be better storytellers and listeners for this is the very essence of being human. If you like what Ronnie shared with us you can get continue exploring this at https://narrative4.com/ or if you want to reac…
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This time we talk about thin-slicing which is a phenomena that we are all doing whenever we interact with other people. If you are interested you can get Malcolm Gladwell's book Blink from our sponsor www.audibletrial.com/HumanTouch for FREE!!! And check out the song Touch of a Human from friends of the podcast https://youtu.be/i6CgmzBk-FY…
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It's been a while but not because I forgot or didn't have time to record - what I did record wasn't just good enough. But now I am here and it's time to geek out again but even if you're not into tech bare with me because after all is said (quite literally) and done this podcast is a quest for human angle wherever it can be found. So don't shy away…
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Wow! You can always tell when I record at night because my voice gets all soft and quiet since I am scared of waking kids up. I got hold of the following list - http://www.marcandangel.com/2018/12/16/19-uncomfortable-things-you-need-to-start-doing-for-yourself-in-2019/ and just could't help myself and had to make my own commentary to the said list.…
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We are sooo back! Not just back but back with our first guest ever!!! Good friend Rafi of What Make You Tic, a blog about what motivates people to get up in the morning. After you listen to this episode you should definitely go and follow his account on Instagram and/or Facebook. I would love to hear from you about what makes you tic?! Let me know.…
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Human Touch 055 - Who Wants To Live Forever
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12:59I think it's time we talk again about food and what will help us live, healthier, better and longer. After all isn't it what everybody wants? I found us a perfect guy to shed light on this.You can find his amazing article here - http://www.grubstreet.com/2018/03/ultimate-conversation-on-healthy-eating-and-nutrition.htmlNow 2 things I messed up - fi…
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Human Touch 054 - Got My Mind Set On You
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12:39This episode is all about people in our heads. Or maybe just in my head? Why they are there? What are they doing? And how to get them to leave? A lot of it is based on podcast and work of Brooke Castillo of https://thelifecoachschool.com I am really huge fan so let this be in a way my tribute to her. I also mention marc & angel article http://www.m…
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Some House keeping items, better check it out.And then in the rest of the episode I talk about learning on many levels. My own learning experiences, the tips for enjoying the studying based on my own thought and article ( https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/2018/11/23/enjoy-studying/ ) and also the my own view at future of education at large. So much …
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I got sick and missed an episode but I really hope we can somehow make up for it... one day.I came across this amazing article https://www.raptitude.com/2018/11/joy-no-phones/and to be honest the whole website sounds great although I didn't have a chance to read a lot there. But this article is gold and it came in the time when I've been thinking a…
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Human Touch 051 - We Don’t Need Another Hero
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7:50This time it’s all about being imperfect, about making mistakes and failures. And about full disclosure. So in that spirit I want to confess that I was super tired when recording and I really don’t say IRL “medias”. And this mistake bothers me so much I had to write about here. Alas it was too late to fix it. You’re welcome to reach out to me and s…
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This is episode number 50!!! Yay! I’m celebrating it by indulging myself with yet another pep talk and talking to angels. Check it out and celebrate with me!!!
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Human Touch 049 - A Horse With No Name
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10:33After surviving online self-betterment master class, I’m here to share some of the tips and tricks for better memory. Brave enough? Check it out!
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While on a hunt for a new topic I discovered lots of ANTs and they all live in my head. And for this kind we can show no mercy. So lend me your ear and I’ll tell you all I know about killing ANTs.
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There’s just so many, too many terrible things happening all around us. Can we do something about it? Can we be great? Just give me a smile! Please
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I just can't, I come across these great ideas about change and I just have to share them with you. So this episode delves into anatomy of change and how to start habits that stick. And then... at the very end of the episode there is a surprise announcement. So exciting!!!Link to the article about change - https://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/most-peopl…
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This is a perfect recipe for disaster... or more like recipe how to cope with disaster. I am not saying it works 100% and for everyone but I feel it could help me. So maybe I am just talking to myself... again! You are more than welcome to eavesdrop.
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I have some good news and some bad news. But at the end it's all good anyway, no? We have some update on fight with cancer and I am fighting an injury.
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I didn't win the jackpot so at least there is a new episode on schedule. This time we talk about health and what little things we all can do to live longer life of quality.I got inspired by this article - https://www.cnbc.com/2016/01/13/top-cancer-doctor-do-these-things-to-live-longer.htmlIt's good stuff so get your get headphones and let's go!…
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The hype of the historical jackpot rubs off here to so lets hold no punches and just talk about money and all things connected to winning a lottery... and if you patient enough I think at the end there is a lesson for all of us (not just the winner) to take home. So let's go!
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This time lets get some life lesson form Japan. I want to talk about Kintsugi. This is so cool! If I only could remember this wisdom for the times when I need it ringing in my ears. Check it out!
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We continue gazing into the future and this time we try to wrestle with concept with quantum computing. This is not an easy thing to understand but let's try to give it a shot. Maybe we can at least understand some of it... and it wouldn't be Human Touch if we haven't tried to find in this some kind of lesson for us today. Ready or not - buckle up!…
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Let's go on another journey. This time lets talk about why we don't need to be scared of future. I'm focusing on the future of a work place plus some thoughts of the future of education. Can we walk & talk? Walk with me please.
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October 5th is always for me day to remember Steve Jobs. He was and is a great inspiration. I want to delve into some of the lessons with you and make sure they stay fresh and relevant in my life.The video (along with transcript) of 2005 Stanford U Commencement Address I am referencing can be found here:https://news.stanford.edu/2005/06/14/jobs-061…
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Yessss! We're back!After the turmoil of past couple of weeks I feel I need some more pep talk to start me up!This time I'm talking about 2 old life lessons that are currently on my mind. One about that things are always good and the other one about not living always focused on the next deadline. These things you are surely familiar with so it's not…
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Human Touch 036 - Bridge Over Trouble Water
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9:28As I try to get to the other side of this messed-up schedule period, I have a good one. This one is all about mentors. It all was inspired by this article (the TED Talk at the bottom of the article - but it's not just video version of the article but rather they complement each other) - https://ideas.ted.com/the-5-types-of-mentors-you-need-in-your-…
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Human Touch 035 - You Can't Always Get What You Want
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6:37Sorry but my publishing schedule is all messed up and need some time to get the groove to get back. In the meantime - good things come to those who wait... and this is what this episode is about. Plus one more breathing follow up. The exercise is called 4-7-8 as breathe in for 4s, hold for 7s and breathe out for 8s. You can just google it to see al…
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I decided to see if I can getaway with saying on this podcast whatever I want - no matter how subjective and unsubstantiated my opinions are.So this time I decided to segregate all the things on the internet into 3 categories. You are welcome to call me out on it.@PodcastHuman on Twitter or email to HumanTouchPodcast@icloud.comThe links I promised:…
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Oops! I only noticed after the fact that my mic got caught up in a spot that makes extra noise. Sorry, I couldn't go back and record it again. Things like these just can't be scripted. Following last 2 episodes I delve into deeper questions about myself and where I am in my life. You know just regular Thursday musings... ;)…
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Human Touch 032 - Here I Go Again... Again
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10:34If you you liked the talk about productivity from the last episode then this time I have couple of more methods for you. If you didn't like it - fire up you podcast player just to find out what happened with the cake!And for all of you who are interested here is the article that breaks down all the methods and helps you find out which one might be …
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Bit late but I am here. So short of time - I have way too much on my plate (hint hint)... or maybe I am just not organized well enough. Lets just talk a bit about being productive... and also how cool I used to be cool back in high school.
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Batteling with a sore throat I turning my focus to some overdue housekeeping items - a follow up and answering listeners questions. But then it would be me if I haven't break loose and try to convince you to employ some positivity. Good stuff.
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Human Touch 029 - Every Breath You Take
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13:39It is some kind of irony that the episode about voice and breathing I get to record with a soar throat. But that's the way we roll! Again great content with some inside scoop from the world of deep breathing. Check it out. Roger Love, Celebrity Vocal Coach - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCql5i4wc-I1CgAyVn_c6dqA Oak app (iOS) - https://itunes.app…
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We've got new intro - you gotta check it out. And then after that I have some questions, I have question while searching for truth and I need your help.
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This time we are taking a break from regular programming to focus on prevention. I got a phone call from a phone scammer - I manage to become a victim and now I want you to also stay safe.
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Human Touch 026 - Here Comes The Rain Again
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8:27Life is too short to stay quiet so I decided to go ahead and disagree with the richest person alive. Why not? I just think I see more value in people. Go ahead and listen... and pick a side!?
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The weather kept me at home for way too long and I decided to start early with resolutions and plans for short term future. Come and play (sic!) and join me again. We'll make a list!
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First slight drop in temperature and my voice is already changing... but fret not the rest of the show has retained its sterling quality. This episode we go back into loosing weight, a bit but hopefully with long lasting effects. So c'mon just press play!This episode is sponsored by Audible - go to www.audibletrial.com/humantouch sign up for free 3…
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This time I’m being frugal with words but it’s only because I’m trying to impart on us (present company included) important lesson of being quiet. Enough said!
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I had a surprise suggestion for the episode. I thought I know everything I needed to know but hey - you never know (sic!). So come and join me in taking a peak at Emotional Intelligence - it will be invigorating!
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Sorry this episode is coming bit late but I'm here now! And I am here with good news or more like good vibrations. Trying not to complain about complaining.
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Human Touch 020 - With A Little Help From My Friends
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7:51Yay! We got to episode #20! With a little help from Audible. Please check them out at www.audibletrial.com/humantouch and support this podcast.This episode is just one long way (not so long!) of giving shout out and thank you to my very close friends. But it wouldn't be Human Touch if it wasn't the way to remind ourselves of something important so …
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Again my thanks to Audible for sponsoring this episode.Please go to www.audibletrial.com/humantouch to get your free audiobook and free 30-day trial.This time on Human Touch we get to revisit walking... just a little bit and talk about wisdom. Make sure to listen to the end because there is a very personal story there and hopefully happy ending.…
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So exciting! We've got the first sponsor!!!Please go to www.audibletrial.com/humantouch to support the podcast.Becoming a grownup podcast is not an easy gig! You gotta please cut me some slack please. This podcast's production turned out to be so difficult. I missed out on few things, most prominently on explaining what #FOMO is! You can check it o…
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Once you finished exercising after last episode it's time for some data capture or more precisely I m talking this time about writing. Writing regularly... or maybe not so much.And don't forget to please give me rating & review wherever you get your podcast. Thanks and enjoy!
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Running (sic!) bit long but finally got to talk about my walking and how it got me out of lower back pain problems. The amazing study I refer to you can find in this article. https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2017/8/4/15929484/chronic-back-pain-treatment-mainstream-vs-alternative . It only looks TL;DR for those of you who never had any lower b…
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That's what happens when you let me out free. I meet obstacle and I end up ranting about them. But also as usual I am trying to use it as a springboard for something good.So go ahead and play if you want to hear the lion roar(... or more like meow). It's time for revolution... again?
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My Ant-Saga continues and that got me thinking bit about taking care of the environment. Something that anyone could implement. If you got ny good ideas be sure to send them my way @PodcastHuman (on Twitter) or HumanTouchPodcast@icloud.com
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Summer is here and I need your help with making Summer plans or at least vent about it a little bit. (*Plane tickets not included)
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It's summer time and for a lot of people in education school's out but do we ever stop learning? In this episode you can learn about my crazy drive to further my education.
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