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Nação dos Montes

Igreja de Florianópolis

A Nação dos Montes é um selo para a unificação da identidade das ações de todas as igrejas que compõem a Igreja de Florianópolis – IF. Hoje somos seis igrejas locais em diferentes cidades identificadas por este selo – Nação dos Montes.
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Bem vindos ao IF Farofa, um projeto de podcast do IF Fluminense, campus Macaé, que conta com o apoio da Fundação Carlos Chagas de Apoio à Pesquisa do Rio de Janeiro - Faperj. Pretendemos conversar sobre a rede federal de ensino profissional e tecnológico. Nossa intenção é ultrapassar as fronteiras de nosso campus, sem perder nossa identidade, mas buscando dialogar com diferentes realidades da rede.
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Intro Show

João Domingos Boom 💥

This is a big description!! And has a link to www.google.com This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, click here ->
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Welcome to ALEGNA FALA! Hosted by she/her. Compartilho as fofocas da minha vida com quem não conheço (no caso você). Tomara que nenhum amige esteja ouvindo isso. Se eu não estiver gravando esse podcast, for sure I'll be assistindo doramas, curiando os tweets alheios ou dançando sozinha no quarto. Find me if you can. 안녕하세요!
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Acompanhe nossos três programas: "Starting Up", com conteúdos para o nível iniciante, "Way Ahead", para quem já está mais avançado e preparado para acompanhar um conteúdo 100% em inglês, e "The Blah Blah Spot", programa em que os teachers Carina Fragozo e Fábio Emerim batem um papo sobre algum assunto relacionado à língua inglesa em português, em inglês, ou em uma mistura dos dois idiomas.
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Neste Podcast um grupo de doutores e doutorandos em Filosofia, de diversas instituições, tais quais UFPR, IF-Sertão e Universidade de Lille (França), debate questões relativas aos impactos políticos, econômicos e sociais da Pandemia causada pelo novo Coronavírus Covid-19, a partir de textos de filósofos contemporâneos.
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We all want to be heard, to feel connected to other people and to make a difference in the world. This podcast aims to help leaders, business owners, experts and entrepreneurs to find inspiration, tips and strategies to express themselves better and take a leap in the career. Created by Inês Moura, an Executive Vocal Coach with over a decade of experience, this show runs every two weeks with solo episodes & interview with guests with the most diverse backgrounds. If you want to tap into the ...
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This new season of Dear Reality, You’re Effed takes on a whole new type of reality. Join Hannah Ferrier, as she chats with inspiring creators all about their road to going viral and beyond. What inspires them, the moment they knew they had something great, and much more!
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If you are working out, going on long road trips, driving to work, or want to feel like you are going to the club, this podcast is for you! DJ Avery Usita puts down the hottest quick mixes that motivate dance floors worldwide. An excellent music selection with top-chart hits is packed into each episode. This podcast is in high demand and can be found on multiple music streaming platforms, including Amazon Music and Audible, Apple Podcast, Player FM, iHeartRadio, Audacy, Google Podcast, Gaana ...
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MagaSessions were born in 2012 quite naturally, out of the need for a venue where musicians might offer the most varied sonic proposals. More than concerts, given the casual and informal setting, we’ve experienced intimate and creative encounters that have helped bring musicians and listeners even closer together. __________ MagaSessions quickly turned into an experimentation lab, open not only to widely recognised Portuguese musicians but new projects too, and has become a must for all thos ...
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Gender transition can be a difficult road to navigate, but imagine starting the process in a country where you don't speak the language very well, or don't know the health system. And even if you do, you still have to translate your feelings to your family and friends. Hear the stories of Brazilians Jakob and Wendlle and their experiences with gender transitioning in Australia, also a special episode with psychologist and specialist in gender transitioning, Patricia Martins. Listen in Englis ...
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O Memorycast é o podcast do canal O Paragonauta recheado de RPG, jogos de todos os tipos e boas memórias. Através de um bate-papo descontraído, falamos das experiências mais nerds que tivemos interpretando personagens, vivendo aventuras e conhecendo novos amigos que nos ajudaram a criar um acervo de bons momentos.
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Feito por quatro Nerds, para Nerds! Semanalmente vamos abordar temas da cultura pop nos debates de forma descontraída e autêntica, com diversos assuntos. DC, Marvel, HQ's, Animes, Games... vem com a gente! Integrantes: Alisson - Gamer desde sempre e membro da Bat-Família. Gustavo - O Foscaranha. Nuno - Amante da cultura pop e criador de teorias na velocidade da luz. Serginho - Membro da ordem Jedi com grande orgulho Sayajin. Fã de Flash, Capitão América, Justiceiro e Demolidor. Siga nossas r ...
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Os nerds vão dominar o mundo com o Geek Mix! Tudo sobre games, cinema, livros, séries e HQ's. O clã, formado por Fernando Caruso, Affonso Solano, André Gordirro e Afonso Tresdê vai comandar o bate-papo, sem direito a game over.
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Um podcast para S.E.R. O "Fora do Meio" é um espaço para todos que querem entender e se aprofundar no mundo da diversidade sexual e de gênero. Somos apaixonados por ampliar a representatividade da comunidade LGBTQIA+ e trazer temas relevantes, como a questão da homofobia, transgeneridade e a luta pelos direitos iguais. Não importa se você é da comunidade ou se tem interesse em aprender mais sobre o assunto, aqui você encontrará uma visão aberta, honesta e informativa. Fale Conosco: Site: htt ...
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show series
Na primeira carta de Reis, capítulo 6, do verso 11 ao verso 13, o Senhor ensina a Salomão três chaves importantes para que ele tenha as suas promessas cumpridas. E essas chaves são aplicadas aos cristãos e à igreja de hoje, porque nós somos o templo em edificação para a habitação do Senhor. Assim como o Salomão edificava um templo, nós nos edificam…
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You’ve probably never heard of the name Danny Elman! But I’m sure you’ve heard some or many of his songs! In today’s episode teacher Fabio Emerim will tell you why we should champion this great musician and his legacy!Apresentação, texto e edição: Fábio Emerim www.instagram.com/teacher_fabioemerimLink para o Pronunciation Masters com Desconto: http…
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In this episode of BTL, we will talk about some Conspiracy Theories and what’s going on in Hollywood. Are there monsters amongst us? Are we safe being just regular people? If you were in their shoes, what would you do? Pronunciation Masters https://lp.englishinbrazil.com.br/pronunciation-masters/video/ English in Brazil Plus https://go.hotmart.com/…
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And here is teacher Fabio Emerim reading 6 news that have made headlines in recent days! Links para as notícias: https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/how-video-calling-started-level-3/ https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/saudi-arabia-may-get-a-nuclear-weapon-level-3/ https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/people-in-switzerland-vote-about-saving-n…
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Neste episódio do NaçãoCast, entramos fundo nos desafios práticos do louvor, como lidar com o famoso “mimimi” dentro do grupo, a escolha do setlist e o que fazer quando o inesperado acontece durante o culto. Nossos músicos compartilham experiências reais e dicas valiosas de como manter a unidade e a sensibilidade espiritual durante esses momentos. …
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In this episode of BTL, we will talk about the controversial CPH (Critical Period Hypothesis) and how this could be questioned. I will give y’all a little bit of theory as well as my personal point of view when it comes to learning not only languages but anything you put your mind to. Pronunciation Masters https://lp.englishinbrazil.com.br/pronunci…
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So the Oasis reunion has been announced and the world went crazy!Did you too? Teacher Fábio Emerim talks about what to expect from this most anticipated comeback! Apresentação, texto e edição: Fábio Emerim www.instagram.com/teacher_fabioemerim Link SOS Viagem ESPECIAL COM DESCONTO: https://go.hotmart.com/W83430766X You can read this text with vocab…
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In this episode of BTL we will talk about the importance of the Internet and how dependent on it we all are. If there were no Internet, we wouldn’t be here right now, you wouldn’t be checking emails, contacting your family through WhatsApp, like pictures, watching reels, or watching your movies and series on your Smart TV. But, who’s in charge? Wha…
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In this episode of BTL we are bringing up a delicate topic that might hit differently. I’ve decided to talk about it because not only will you face this your entire life, it’ll also be extremely important for you to overcome fears, obstacles, and for you to stand out amongst others. Stepping out of your comfort zone to become a better version of yo…
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In this episode of BTL we are talking about the Olympics in Paris 2024 as well as the importance of English so that one can communicate with the world. French is the official language of the event, but English is the most common language amongst the organizers and athletes. Wanna communicate with the world? You’d better learn the language that will…
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And here is teacher Fabio Emerim reading 8 news that have made the headlines in the past few weeks! Link para o Pronunciation Masters com Desconto: https://go.hotmart.com/S76261021L You can follow the texts on the links below: https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/uk-protests-level-3/ https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/why-people-stutter-level-3…
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