A deeply entertaining, R-rated, darkly satirical, sex-positive comedy audio drama with elements of horror. Congratulations! You are now a shareholder in Kakos Industries, a megacorporation that specializes in helping its clients to Do Evil Better. You are now entitled to listen to the shareholder announcements that keep you up to date on all of the advancements made in Evil and the bizarre occurrences inside of Kakos Industries itself. For fans of Welcome to Night Vale, Douglas Adams, Better ...
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DIY electronics projects & much more
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Industries Most Wanted Podcast caters to up and coming artists, Business owners and more. Check out the latest interviews hosted by TampaMystic
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Hoe kunnen we technologie en industrie circulair maken op een haalbare én betaalbare manier? In deze podcast zoeken onze onderzoekers van het onderzoekscentrum Duurzame Industrie antwoorden op die vraag. Zij ontwikkelen haalbare en betaalbare oplossingen voor en met bedrijven. Samen bouwen we aan een duurzame industrie, maar hoe dan, wat gaat dat kosten en kan de ontwikkeling ook wat sneller gaan? In 3 afleveringen zetten we een onderzoeker en iemand uit de bedrijfswereld samen om het over o ...
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This Smart Manufacturing Podcast by Siemens Digital Industries explores the advantages of smart manufacturing, a digitalized product development strategy and the solutions it offers for the Industrial Machinery industry.
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A podcast about the The TV Shows Agatha All Along, The Penguin, The Rings of Power, Shogun, Invincible, The Bad Batch, Marvel's Echo, What If, Ahsoka, Wheel of Time, Loki and The Boys
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From Chapman University in Orange County California, Catalyst gives listeners a chance to learn about the Creative Industries through conversations with individuals from a wide array of backgrounds who are working in CI all over the globe. Hear how CI is influencing the public and private sector alike, and how local influences shape a region’s creative landscape.
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A podcast that is all things and beyond! From the history of toys, restaurants, companies, birthdays... to food reviews, music reviews, funny skits, exclusive made in house songs and interviews, fun facts and so much more, IIWR is your one stop shop and home podcast after a long day or to get your day started off right!
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In unserem Podcast geht es um verschiedene Themen mit Relevanz für den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau in Deutschland und Europa. Die Trendthemen beleuchten Chancen und Risiken für den Maschinenbau und zeigen die Herausforderungen für die Branche auf. Dazu sprechen wir mit Expertinnen und Experten aus Forschung, Wissenschaft und Unternehmen. Die Gäste geben einen Einblick in praxisnahe Anwendungsfälle und beleuchten die Möglichkeiten der Umsetzung wichtiger Themen in Unternehmen.
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Een zesdelige radio-serie over wiettelers, coke-baronnen, xtc-koeriers en wat dies meer zij, die vertellen over de kick van hun illegale werk in de drugsindustrie - en de stress die dat met zich meebrengt.
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The sounds of Lazenbee Industries.
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Nous jouons des mixes d'une heure des meilleurs Musique Industrielle - EBM - Gothique -- Électro-industriel - Dark Electro - Aggrotech - Cybergoth - Électronique - Synthwave - Synthpop.
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All things music. Cover art photo provided by Rangus Moiboi on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@rangusmoiboi
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News and all things related to Misfit Toys Industries.
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Behind the industries is a podcast dedicated to uncovering the secrets of the big companies/industries.
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Een podcast over Duurzaamheid, Circulariteit en de Energietransitie in relatie tot onderhoud en asset management. In deze podcast serie spreken we met vernieuwers en over praktijkvoorbeelden in de energietransitie. Door elkaar te inspireren en kennis te delen, komen we samen verder. Een initiatief van Stork, onderdeel van Bilfinger.
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A podcast on business development related to energy and ocean industries from the Norwegian newspaper Sysla.no
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Parijat Product Audio Library
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Explanation of Iowa's businesses and Industries
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Chaque trimestre, le rédacteur en chef de la revue Industries Cosmétiques nous livre son éditorial.
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Markets and sectors are transforming at a speed never seen before. Industries in Motion – a new serialized podcast from RBC Capital Markets – delivers highly differentiated insights and intelligence that looks at where now meets next, turning today’s faster-moving trends into tomorrow’s opportunities. Disclaimer: https://www.rbccm.com/en/policies-disclaimers.page
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Here we shall build your self esteem, business knowledge, and joy. Be ready for the new you. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/netergold/support
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Digitale Kunden- und Mitarbeitergewinnung mit System I Mittelstand I Industrie I Produktionsunternehmen I B2B-Unternehmen I B2B-Vertrieb I Marketing
Social Media Schwaben
Digitale Kunden- und Mitarbeitergewinnung mit System von Robert Kirs und Anes Cavka ist der Podcast für mittelständische Industrieunternehmen, die qualifizierte Fachkräfte und bessere Neukunden gewinnen möchten. Wenn Sie wissen wollen, wie Sie sichtbarer im Internet werden und über Social Media Interessenten für Ihr Angebot gewinnen können, gleichzeitig Ihr erklärungsbedürftiges und technisches Angebot im B2B Bereich vermarkten wollen, dann ist dieser Podcast genau der richtige Input für ihr ...
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A weekly podcast ripped from the Wikipedia pages no one uses.
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The New ist der Podcast des BDI. Wir diskutieren die Kraft neuer Technologien und innovativer Politik.
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Geography Assignment
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I thought I'd ramble at you for a few minutes each morning, trying to figure out what I'm doing for the day, instead of just talking to myself! This is a work in progress!
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In B2B marketing, change is the one thing you can always count on. Marketing to Complex Industries features conversations about current topics, challenges and opportunities in industrial marketing across a variety of industries. Presented by Godfrey, a full-service B2B marketing agency.
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Are you looking to give your brain a break? You've come to the right place. From deep within "The Basement" we're concocting your daily injection of sports information. Two Lunch-Box workers from New England give their unprofessional and nonlinear thoughts on everything sports. Join them as they attempt to organize their thoughts and make sense of the snappy daily sports landscape.
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Hi guys I’m from Indian ...
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Join the members of Wrong Room Industries as the adventure across the dangerous land of Renix
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I play some records and talk about them. It's okay, I guess?
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A podcast about The Penguin and Pennyworth Seasons 1, 2 and 3 on HBO Max
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Az zene rengeteg átalakuláson ment át az elmúlt évtizedekben. Folyamatosan változott és számtalan generáció nőtt fel, miközben újabbnál újabb stílusok alakultak ki vagy tűntek el, örökre beírva magukat a zene nagy történelemkönyvébe. De nem csak a zene változik. Az emberek médiafogyasztási szokásai is az online irányba tolódnak el. Jelenleg viszont ezen a téren hazánk még nagyon gyerekcipőben jár. A rádiók játszási listái köszönőviszonyban sincsenek a fogyasztók valódi igényeivel. A műsorok ...
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Gonsanto Industries: The Insomnia Project is a horror-comedy audio fiction podcast. It focuses on Gonsanto Industries recruiting test subjects for human trials of several compounds designed to counteract the effects of sleep. Over the course of the experiments, several test subjects begin experiencing unexpected results.
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Join me on a journey into the minds of creative people at different stages of their careers. A candid view on their personal and professional achievements through the many struggles.
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"Great Minds Think Alike... Just Got Better!"What else could you ask for? We are a hub of Machinimators and Commentators that function as a team. We are creative, passionate, fun-loving, dedicated, and we are trying our best to provide you with the best entertainment we can!
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Leadership in hazardous industries! Is it different to non hazardous industries? Nikki McMurray works as a leadership coach and conducts leadership workshops in hazardous industries; water, gas, high voltage, open cut, underground, rail, construction, water etc. Unlike most, Nikki actually coaches leaders and influencers on the job. She has seen what works and what doesn't. Leadership is a skill, anyone can learn it, you just need to know the tools and how to use them. Listen in to go from S ...
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Auch in Ihren Daten stecken wertvolle Informationen! Möchten Sie mit Daten Ihre Produkte schneller entwickeln? Ihre Versuche effizienter auswerten? Ihre Prozesse besser verstehen und optimieren? Dann ist dieser Podcast für Sie. Barbara Bredner berät und begleitet seit 2003 Menschen in der Industrie bei der Datenauswertung in Forschung und Entwicklung, Prozess Engineering und Qualitätsmanagement. In ihrem Podcast erklärt sie, wie Sie eigene Daten auswerten und gezielt nutzen können. Sie gibt ...
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America Innovates - Backstories of entrepreneurs and investors transforming industries.
America Innovates
America Innovates shares the backstories of entrepreneurs and investors who are transforming industries. Produced by Sean Young. Co-hosted by Christine Lu.
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A podcast about the first two seasons of the TV Show Good Omens. We're waiting for the announcement of a renewal for Good Omens Season 3 on Prime Video.
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Actors and Interests in Creative and Cultural Industries Globally: Re-orientating Resilience
Canaan Bridges Consulting Inc.
Creative and cultural industries are relevant players in most economies' markets. Who are the main key stakeholders in creative and cultural industries eco-systems (globally)? What actors and interests are prioritized, and which sub-sectors deserve more attention? What role does international law and development play in mobilizing new constructive outlooks in these sectors? This limited edition podcast will delve into these dynamics.
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Filler is a creative industries podcast broadcast from Notes, a coffee shop in central London. Co-hosts Harry Hitchens and Matt Shore sit down with the biggest and brightest creatives, delve into their stories, and draw lessons from their experiences. Whether we’re interviewing one of Facebook’s first design hires, or a 17-year-old with a feature film in the works, Filler aims to inspire the young and inform the experienced through good conversation. New episodes every Sunday at 6PM BST.
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Mr. Boare Industries' The Remedy Get-Togethers is a podcast designed to address the ailments of those struggling with the problem of finitude by offering remedies that implode work-life balance. Congratulations!
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A gaming company that strives to immerse you into fantasy and science fiction...
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Welcome to the Pitched Industries Podcast! Join us as we delve into the world of photography and creative entrepreneurship, sharing insights and advice from some of today's most inspiring and influential creatives. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned professional, our podcast is designed to help you become a better freelancer, expand your photography business, and understand your industry better. From social media and online portfolios, to print sales and client proposals, we cover every ...
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GET TO YES by Listening, Not Telling with Neil Osborne | Selling in the Hair, Beauty and Body Industries
Neil Osborne | The Sales Catalyst
If you’re frustrated and struggle to be successful in the Hair, Beauty and Body Industries, the GET to YES Podcast will help transform your business, brand and financial reality. The GET to YES Podcast is for those B2B sales people and B2C salon and clinic owners and staff, who are ready to learn how to talk with, not at, their clients and customers. In each episode, Neil Osborne explains practical ways to master a more empathetic and persuasive sales approach, that’s been proven to dramatic ...
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#232 - Die letzte Chance: Warum Industrie und Vertrieb jetzt disruptiv denken müssen
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16:18Industrieunternehmen stehen unter Druck – und jetzt? Die Wirtschaft verändert sich, viele Unternehmen kämpfen mit hohen Kosten, Fachkräftemangel und sinkender Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Doch einfach abzuwarten ist keine Option! In dieser Folge erfahren Sie: ✔ Warum klassische Vertriebswege ausgedient haben ✔ Wie ein moderner Hybrid-Vertrieb Ihnen system…
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Van wegwerpcultuur naar herfabriceren, de mogelijkheden in de autosector. In het kort: Auto-onderdelen zijn tegenwoordig complex en moeilijk te herfabriceren. In plaats van het onderdeel te herstellen of een tweedehands onderdeel te gebruiken, wordt het vandaag vaak vervangen door een nieuw stuk. Hoe ondersteunen we de switch naar hergebruik van on…
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Aus Daten wird Umsatz - die Tokenisierung des Maschinenbaus
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31:43Mit Datenräumen die Produktivität im Maschinenbau steigern Die mittelständische Industrie in Europa sitzt auf einem gut gehüteten Schatz, den sie jetzt erst so richtig zu heben beginnt: unendlich viele Daten, die in ihren Maschinen und Anlagen täglich entstehen. Maschinen optimal nutzen, indem Hersteller und Kunden sie gemeinsam betreiben - das ist…
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Pepsi Soda Shop & Made With Real Sugar History & Review | Is There a Difference?
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11:49Fan mail and questions are welcome! Dive into the sweet, fizzy world of nostalgia with my in-depth review and history of Pepsi Soda Shop Made with Real Sugar! In this video, I explore the origins of this classic Pepsi twist, uncovering the fascinating history behind the soda shop-inspired recipe. Whether you’re a soda enthusiast, a lover of product…
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The Great Search - Extra-Tall 6mm Tactile Switches
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6:29For our next design of the Fruit Jam board, we want to design a top plate that will let the header strip and switch poke out. This means we also have to choose buttons that will be able to poke out, so that they can be pressed when the plate is in place.Measuring the header height, it's 8.5mm tall, so we want 6mm x 6mm SMT tactile switches with mor…
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The Great Search: 8 Ohm PC Pin Mount Speaker
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8:14For our next revision of Fruit Jam (https://www.adafruit.com/product/6200), we want to add an onboard speaker to provide some sound beeps and boops. The amplifier we're using can drive 4 or 8-ohm speakers, up to a couple watts—but we're not expecting hi-fi sound here. Most important is something that is solderable into the PCB so that it is an "all…
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Worst New Years Eve Party Ever (Story Time)
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25:53Fan mail and questions are welcome! Industrial Industries World Radio Songs and Skits of Seasons 1 & 2 now available everywhere you download and stream music! Check it out today! Support the show Subscribe to the YouTube channel! https://youtube.com/@industrialindustriesworldradio?si=vHoN5T7FYD7cvHt7…
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Testing Dark Castle with audio on the RP2350 Fruit Jam 🕹️🏰
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2:14Jepler spent a bunch of time this week working on getting audio working on the pico-umac port https://github.com/jepler/pico-mac/tree/rp2350-fruitjam to Fruit Jam https://www.adafruit.com/product/6200 . Audio on the hardware we're emulating is pretty straightforward: every scanline of the video generator also pops out one byte of PWM data. We have …
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Desk of Ladyada – Marchintosh on Fruit Jam
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26:20Ladyada tests final TLV320DAC3100 boards for Fruit Jam, revises the PCB, and explores Jepler’s pico-mac. Also designs a USB-C CC resistor fix board. For the next rev, she hunts an 8-ohm PCB-mount speaker under 0.8" for onboard beeps.Por Adafruit Industries
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Fan mail and questions are welcome! Discover the ultimate ranking of the 2024 soda releases in this exciting video where we take you from the worst to the best! If you’re a fan of soda reviews, love trying new soft drink flavors, or are just curious about which brands nailed it and which fizzled out, this is the video for you. From bold cola experi…
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Fan mail and questions are welcome! Pepsi Holiday Spice ruled, I tell you my own personal experience with it when it first hit shelves and where I was at in my own life and so much more! Fun history info: Pepsi holiday spice was a limited edition flavor of pepsi that was released during the holiday season of 2004. The description of its flavor as d…
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Exclusive interview with Carolina BLUE on The Hype 87.3
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38:50Tune in as TampaMystic interviews Carolina BLUE on The Hype 87.3Follow on IG @carolinabluemassaysteriaPor Industries Most Wanted
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Exclusive interview with Ves on Spinz 92.9
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40:41Tune in as TampaMystic interviews Ves on Spinz 92.9Por Industries Most Wanted
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Exclusive interview with Baby Blue BBE on The Hype 87.3
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54:46Tune in with TampaMystic as she interviews Baby Blue BBEPor Industries Most Wanted
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John Park's CircuitPython Parsec: Unicode Blocks
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5:30#circuitpythonparsecHow to use Unicode characters in the REPL.https://github.com/jedgarpark/parsec/blob/main/2025-03-20/code.pyhttps://www.adafruit.com/product/6003Learn about CircuitPython: https://circuitpython.orgVisit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com-----------------------------------------LIVE CHAT IS HERE! http://adafru.it/d…
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Daredevil Born Again Episode 4 Review
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1:28:18Our full team finally gets back together to chat all about Daredevil Born Again Episode 4 "Sic Semper Systema". Chris, John and Derek go deep on this episode to chat all about the drivers and pushes for the characters to revert to type and an appearance from Frank Castle. Directed by Jeffrey Nachmanoff Written by David Feige and Jesse Wigutow Dared…
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1:00:05JOHN PARK'S WORKSHOP LIVE 3/20/25Pico-8 Wall Arcade Mounted!CircuitPython ParsecJPPPoW recapProjectsand more!Visit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com-----------------------------------------LIVE CHAT IS HERE! http://adafru.it/discordAdafruit on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adafruitSubscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://ada…
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New Product 3/19/25 Feat. @Adafruit Snap-on Enclosure for Adafruit Mini Sparkle Motion
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4:35Cytron MOTION 2350 Pro - RP2350 Robotics Controller (0:10)https://www.adafruit.com/product/6080Adafruit ESP32-S2 Feather with w.FL Antenna - STEMMA QT / Qwiic (1:17)https://www.adafruit.com/product/6282Snap-on Enclosure for Adafruit Sparkle Motion (2:14)https://www.adafruit.com/product/6301Snap-on Enclosure for Adafruit Mini Sparkle Motion (3:24)ht…
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Fan mail and questions are welcome! Support the show Subscribe to the YouTube channel! https://youtube.com/@industrialindustriesworldradio?si=vHoN5T7FYD7cvHt7Por Industrial Industries World Radio
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EYE ON NPI - Boréas Technologies' BOS1931 High-Efficiency Piezo Driver
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10:25This week's EYE ON NPI is trendy and buzzy, it's Boréas Technologies' BOS1931 High-Efficiency Piezo Driver (https://www.digikey.com/en/product-highlight/b/boreas/bos1931-high-efficiency-piezo-driver). This chip is a compact way to add powerful high-voltage piezo drive to any product, combining three chips: power supply, waveform generator and drive…
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Adafruit Top Secret for March 19, 2025
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13:47The hush-hush news from Adafruit in Industry City, Brooklyn, New York. Broadcast March 19, 2025These are items or concept products that may/might/could be introduced into the Adafruit store in the future (or not)! It's not out yet, so please don't ask questions or ask when it'll be available.... Check out the Adafruit store for all the great produc…
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ASK AN ENGINEER 3/19/2025 LIVE!Visit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com-----------------------------------------LIVE CHAT IS HERE! http://adafru.it/discordSubscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://adafru.it/subscribeNew tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System: http://learn.adafruit.com/-----------------------------------------…
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3D Hangouts – Moon Phase Lamp, Severance Speaker and Save Icon
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1:05:53This week @adafruit we’re checking out our IoT Moon Phase lamp from Pedro and Liz. Looking at updates to Noe’s intercom bluetooth speaker inspired by the Severance TV show. Timelapse video this week features a retro inspired necklace pendant of the floppy disk icon designed by Pierre.Moon Lamp Guidehttps://learn.adafruit.com/moon-phase-guide/ QTPy …
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Taco Bell Decades Menu Review 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s
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14:24Fan mail and questions are welcome! Taco Bell Decades Menu Review #tacobell #review #food Support the show Subscribe to the YouTube channel! https://youtube.com/@industrialindustriesworldradio?si=vHoN5T7FYD7cvHt7Por Industrial Industries World Radio
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113: Freelancing in the Creative Industries
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54:54Catalyst is a Creative Industries podcast, from Chapman University. Each episode features Chapman students who have completed a Podcasting course through the Center for Creative and Cultural Industries at the university. Students who had no podcasting experience or technical ability in the genre before taking the course were able to contribute all …
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SHOW and TELL 3/19/2025Por Adafruit Industries
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JP’s Product Pick of the Week 3/18/25 PCM5102 I2S Stereo DAC RECAP
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1:00JP’s Product Pick of the Week 3/18/25 PCM5102 I2S Stereo DAC RECAPPCM5102 I2S DAC w Line Level Output 112dB SNRhttps://www.adafruit.com/product/6250 Deep discount during livestreamVisit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com-----------------------------------------LIVE CHAT IS HERE! http://adafru.it/discordSubscribe to Adafruit on YouTu…
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Browsing HyperCard stacks on our RP2350-based Fruit Jam 🍏📂
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2:13Browsing HyperCard stacks on our RP2350-based Fruit Jam 🍏📂With a little more tweaking, we've got a nice big 12MB disk image loading into our Pico-Mac port https://github.com/jepler/pico-mac/tree/rp2350-fruitjam to the Fruit Jam https://www.adafruit.com/product/6200 — that 16MB of internal flash is coming in super useful now! That means not only can…
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Build a Pico-8 Wall Arcade with Raspberry Pi5, Matrix Bonnet, and Piomatter built into an IKEA shadowbox frame with 3D printed mounts. John Park's Learn Guide coming soon.Note: there's no flicker in real life, these are just difficult to film!Visit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com-----------------------------------------LIVE CHAT …
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See the Sounds of Classic Mac Audio 🔊🍏We're working on the Pico-Mac port https://github.com/jepler/pico-mac/tree/rp2350-fruitjam to Fruit Jam https://www.adafruit.com/product/6200 and one thing we really want to add is sound support for classic Mac games and HyperCard stacks.Audio on the hardware we're emulating is pretty straightforward: every sca…
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Flap Flap Flying Toasters on Fruit Jam 🕊️🍞💾
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3:12We grew up with a Mac Plus/512K, so getting the Pico-Mac 68000 emulator https://github.com/evansm7/pico-mac working on Fruit Jam https://www.adafruit.com/product/6200 with 1MB+ of RAM was a high priority for those nostalgic vibes.We've got HSTX DVI output plus PSRAM working https://github.com/jepler/pico-mac/tree/rp2350-fruitjam, which means 4MB RA…
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#newproducts JP’s Product Pick of the Week 3/18/25PCM5102 I2S DAC w Line Level Output 112dB SNRhttps://www.adafruit.com/product/6250 Deep discount during livestreamVisit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com-----------------------------------------LIVE CHAT IS HERE! http://adafru.it/discordAdafruit on Instagram: https://www.instagram.c…
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Playing Our Childhood Mac on the Fruit Jam 🍏💾
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4:41We grew up with a Mac Plus/512K, so getting the Pico-Mac 68000 emulator https://github.com/evansm7/pico-mac working on Fruit Jam https://www.adafruit.com/product/6200 was a high priority for those nostalgic vibes.We've got HSTX DVI output plus a USB keyboard and mouse https://github.com/jepler/pico-mac/tree/rp2350-fruitjam and with a little effort,…
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Build an internet-connected Moon Phase clock displaying the current moon cycle on a 3D printed topographical relief of the lunar surface!Guide: https://learn.adafruit.com/moon-phaseVisit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com-----------------------------------------LIVE CHAT IS HERE! http://adafru.it/discordAdafruit on Instagram: https:…
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The Worst Mountain Dew Flavor? (Mountain Dew Fruit Quake Review)
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10:32Fan mail and questions are welcome! I try Mountain Dew Fruit Quake, a fruitcake flavored Mountain Dew that was out for a limited time during the holiday season of 2022. I reviewed it back then and by all accounts, I loved it. But I’m back to review it again as for the past 2 years I’ve been seeing everyone saying that it’s one of the worst Mountain…
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Macintosh 'No Startup Disk' Icon TagBy PierreNickhttps://www.printables.com/model/1221697-macintosh-no-startup-disk-icon-tagBambu X1CBlack White PLA8hr 08minsX:48 Y:48 Z:5mm.2mm layer / .4mm Nozzle6% Infill / 1mm Retraction200C / 60C10g230mm/s-----------------------------------------LIVE CHAT IS HERE! http://adafru.it/discordAdafruit on Instagram: …
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History Crunch Tators and Review (Home Alone Chips)
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11:16Fan mail and questions are welcome! Lays Crunch Tators, I had no idea these were even released after its discontinuation in the early 90’s. I was watching home some and saw the scene with these chips in the background and I thought “man, I’d love to have tried some crunch Tators”. I think me saying that put the fate in the universe that I would com…
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CircuitPython Weekly Meeting (Fixed audio) for March 17 2025
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40:38Thanks to FoamyGuy for the backup recording with better audio.Notes document is available here, with timecodes: https://github.com/adafruit/adafruit-circuitpython-weekly-meeting/blob/main/2025/2025-03-17.mdJoin here for the chat all week: http://adafru.it/discord The CircuitPython Weekly normally is held at 2pm US ET/11am us PT on Mondays. Check th…
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Fan mail and questions are welcome! Expensive crap, it’s sold in the most prestigious of stores and boutiques. Today we go into the world of Chanel, a store that has a lot of crap that is overpriced. I know I know, people all be like “you’re paying for the name, the brand, the status” well, I’ll take a big hard pass on that and be my own name and s…
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Fan mail and questions are welcome! Pepsi True is a discontinued Pepsi Soda that was released in 2014 to compete with Coca-Cola Life. Its gimmick was that it was sweetened with Stevia. In this video we will look at its history, its demise, what it looks like, smells like, tastes like and if it’s any good. Basically everything you need to know about…
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pizza Points…what were they?
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17:00Fan mail and questions are welcome! What were Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pizza Points? If you’re a fan of TMNT history, retro toys, or 80s and 90s nostalgia, this is the video for you! In this deep dive, we explore the origins and fascinating story behind Pizza Points, the unique promotion that captured the hearts of TMNT fans everywhere. Whether…
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Deep Dive w/ Tim: Fruit Jam Game Jam: 2 Player Memory w/ 2 USB Mice
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1:56:43Visit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com-----------------------------------------LIVE CHAT IS HERE! http://adafru.it/discordSubscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://adafru.it/subscribeNew tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System: http://learn.adafruit.com/-----------------------------------------…
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The FruitJam board has an RP2350, dual USB ports over PIO, DVI output from HSTX, and the ability to emulate some classic computers. In this demo, we're using it with the Mac 128K-But-With-384K-Instead https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macintosh_128K It's not quite a 512K or Mac Plus—which had 1 MB of RAM—but it does have the same 68000 core and is runn…
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We're testing out an I2C-to-solenoid driver today. It uses an MCP23017 expander. We like this particular chip for this usage because it has push-pull outputs, making it ideal for driving our N-channel FETs and flyback diodes. The A port connects to the 8 drivers, while the B port remains available for other GPIO purposes. For this demo, whenever we…
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Exclusive interview with Zeke Avery on The Hype 87.3
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52:24Tune in with TampaMystic as she interviews Zeke AveryPor Industries Most Wanted
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Exclusive interview with Carlito Black on Spinz 92.9
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37:19Tune in with TampaMystic as she interviews Carlito BlackPor Industries Most Wanted
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John Park's CircuitPython Parsec: ANSI Text Formatting
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4:32#circuitpythonparsecHow to format text with ANSI escape sequences in the REPL.https://github.com/jedgarpark/parsec/blob/main/2025-03-13/ansi_text_code.pyhttps://www.adafruit.com/product/6003Learn about CircuitPython: https://circuitpython.orgVisit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com-----------------------------------------LIVE CHAT I…
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Daredevil Born Again Episode 3 Review
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1:23:31The Defenders are back with our case notes for Daredevil Born Again Episode 3 "Hollow of His Hand". We go spoiler filled as always, so make sure you've watched the episode before listening to our podcast. Directed by Micheal Cuesta Written by Matt Corman and Chris Ord Daredevil Born Again Episode 2 Cast Charlie Cox - Matt Murdock/Daredevil Vincent …
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JOHN PARK'S WORKSHOP LIVE 3/13/25Pico-8 Wall Arcade Mounted!CircuitPython ParsecJPPPoW recapProjectsand more!Visit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com-----------------------------------------LIVE CHAT IS HERE! http://adafru.it/discordAdafruit on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adafruitSubscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://ada…
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It's time for a mega battle in the finale with Invincible 308 "I Thought You'd Never Shut Up". Invincible 308 "I Thought You'd Never Shut Up" Details Created by: Robert Kirkman, Ryan Ottley, Cory Walker Episode Written by: Robert Kirkman Directed by: Sol Choi Synopsis: The Viltrimite, Conquest, has been dispatched to Earth to kill Mark for not taki…
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