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Mc-tankar i kubik

Mc-tankar i kubik

En podcast för den som kör motorcykel, vill köra motorcykel eller tycker om att titta på när andra kör motorcykel. Följ med och lyssna på andras inspirerande historier och få mer kunskap inom motorcykelsportens alla områden.
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Hear all episodes Mark Robertson and I talk about the issue of slavery and what the Bible has to say about it. Slavery is one of the highly criticized sections of the Bible. We also discuss background on God's perspective on freedom - how he made mankind free and had no desire to see people in bondage This is our third podcast reviewing Mark's new …
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Uppvuxen på två hjul har han tagit sig fram genom livets upp och nedförsbackar. Han har snickrat i tv och fått möjlighet att hjälpa många människor i sin vardag, bästa återhämtningen blir i skogens endurospår mellan alla de projekt som han sysslar med. Lyssna på avsnitt nummer 32 och bli inspirerad av Mattias Särnholm!…
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Greg Thomas discusses Emotional Intelligence on today's Podcast. Some say it's more important than IQ for success in the almost any relational interaction in life. Emotional Quotient can be improved, while IQ is what it is. Greg is a business leader, author, keynote speaker, and a personal life-coach that I have known for nearly two decades. His cl…
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I'm excited to introduce you to a new podcast, the Nordic Baltic Topics, A Biblical Outlook for a Sustainable Tomorrow-- where I will assist host James Ginn. James coordinates the United Church of God's work in the Baltic Republics, Scandinavia, and Eastern Europe, including Russia and Ukraine. It can be found most places where you get your podcast…
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This is an alarming development of online prostitution that may be viewed and participated in everywhere....including your own home. Do you know what your children are watching on their phones. Rex and I discuss what this is doing to our children, their future and society. How innocent is OnlyFans?? You better find out. It's everywhere and the numb…
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Lördag 8 mars var vi på ADV Motorcycle Expo som arrangerades för första gången. Mässan hade inriktning adventure och vi passade på att intervjua härliga människor om deras bästa mc-minne. Stort tack till alla er som ville ställa upp på en kort intervju och hoppas att ni får uppleva nya härliga mc-minnen den här säsongen. Här finns mycket att inspir…
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Ken Murray from Clermeont, Queensland, Australia and I talk about biblical end time events that become pronounced in the light of current events: Trump, Russia, Ukraine, Europe, Tariffs and more. Here is our contact information Vic Kubik vic@kubik.org Ken Murray aaakenm@outlook.com Free literature supplement to podcast Are We Living in the Time of …
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Hear all episodes of this series Mark Robertson, author of The Enlightened Law of Moses and I do our second podcast about his new book. In this episode we discuss how this book is different from other books on the topic, how Jesus is the Second Great Prophet like Moses. We also discuss how Jesus' teachings are founded on Old Testament Law and final…
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I dessa olika temaavsnitt som vi har valt att kalla Motorsportens framtid, kommer vi intervjua både barn och ungdomar som tävlar inom motorsport. Vi tycker det att det är viktigt att lyfta fram dem för det arbete de lägger ner, all träning de gör, all tid familjen satsar, alla samarbeten som sker och det brinnande engagemang de har för att få syssl…
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It was a diplomatic disaster on Friday, February 28, 2025. President Trump and JD Vance baited desperate Ukrainian leader Zelenskyy into an argument at the White House. Shame on all. And, the winner is....Vladimir Putin! Such a disgusting display to the world, which the world will not forget as anti-American sentiment will grow in Europe and elsewh…
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Interview with Melvin Rhodes, author of insightful newsletter. MEL RHODES' PLACE . . . world news that matters https://melvinrhodes.wordpress.com/ News this week is regarding. USAID Ukraine / Russia War Munich Security Conference British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Special Relationship with the US and more Subscribe to the newsletter -- do this…
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We're planning for the 3rd Annual Gear Grinders bike ride sponsored by the United Church of God in Minneapolis/St. Paul. Hear a discussion with us, four participants, including the Organizers of the fun, fellowship, and enrichments on the weekend after Labor Day. Click the following link for more detail and register.https://www.eventcreate.com/e/ge…
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Follow up to our first podcast a few months ago with Trish Hodges, Family Service Planner at Flanner and Buchanan "What Happens Before Death?" You can find it at https://vkubik.podbean.com/e/trish-hodges-what-happens-before-death/ Also, we feature Buddy Sean Shea, who is a Family Service Manager who gives us insight into what choices your loved one…
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Ken and I discuss the subject o wisdom as its presented in Proverbs and James. How to study them in an organized way. Here are links tp Ken Murray's Facebook pages referenced in the podcast. Facebook: “Bible Daily Reading …with commentary” at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1067853697750375 Facebook: “Proberbs Bible Wisdom” at: https://www.faceboo…
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Ted and Kim Budge talk about the traumatic loss of their home in the Los Angeles area fires on January 8, 2025. They candidly speak about what they had gone through, but more importantly share thoughts that all of us should consider about where life can take us and how to survive whatever comes our way. They are great examples of courage and faith …
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Hear all episodes of this series Join us on my interview with Mark Robertson, the author of The Enlightened Law of Moses: A Christian Review of the Remarkable System of Old Testament Law that was released on November 27, 2024. Mark elegantly elevates the law of God being much much more than a listing of rules, but a fabric that defines the substanc…
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Från tanke till handling med att starta mc-företag när Backroads föddes 2021. När motorcykelmässan inte blev av tänkte duon ”vi gör en egen, men inom adventure-segmentet”. Vi pratar med Petra och Kristian Ölvestad som med glädje och entusiasm får berätta mer om just sitt företag och alla projekt de har. Läs mer om mässan här: Backroads AB Tack för …
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What's the big point in your discomfort and suffering? If God can stop it, why not free you of the pain that you are going through? Is there something for us to learn? If so, what is it? Learn some things here that will help you and see the greater purpose in God's creating a better you in the context of not only this life but also life eternally.…
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It's less than one week since the inauguration of Donald Trump and already we see campaign promises being delivered in 200 Executive Orders. Steve and I talk about what this means for the near future. Subjects of prophecy and.Christian conduct are discussed Visit and subscribe to Steve Buchanan's newsletter at worldnewsandprophecyreview.com Write t…
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We held a wonderful tribute dinner celebrating the work of the LifeNets Board and Staff over the past 25 years. You will learn more about we're about by listening to what people say about LifeNets. In this part we hear from the following countries: Japan Ukraine -- Chernihiv, Chernobyl, Western Ukraine Malawi Zambia Roy Waterhouse - Hopkins Printin…
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We share moments of a very special evening that the LifeNets Board of Directors and key workers shared together at a commemorative dinner at the Columbia Club on the Circle in Indianapolis on January 18, 2025. Listen to a bit of history, stories and tributes from Don Turgeon Bev Kubik Victor Kubik Mike Snyder Jamie Snyder Michael Kubik Winston Snyd…
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Hennes målmedvetna mindset och viljan att bli bäst har minst sagt tagit henne på spännande upplevelser genom åren. Allt från dragracing med både motorcykel och bil till att numera köra Top Fuel i USA. Vi möter Ida Zetterström som bjuder på massa härlig energi, glädje och såklart inspiration kring hennes egna resa som hon jobbar väldigt fokuserat me…
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Loren Oesterly is a member of the United Church of God and lives in Azusa, California, right next to the devasting fires of the past week. He is the treasurer of the Church and works with pastor Tom Fish to distribute aid to victims of the fire. He gives a first-hand view that is sobering and and sobering at the same time. People have been helping …
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Lamentations paints a vivid picture of a city's funeral—a tear-soaked depiction of once-proud Jerusalem, now reduced to rubble by the invading Babylonian forces. Jeremiah pours out his raw emotions over this devastating loss. Jerusalem lies desolate, like a death has occurred. Yet, amid this profound tragedy, Jeremiah boldly declares, “Great is You…
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Los Angeles / Bakersfield pastor Frank Fish talks about what he and his congregation have gone through in the January 2054 fires. One member family totally lost their home and all their belongings. Others evacuated. Pastor Frank and wife Valerie were in the Hurst fire area, but fortunately escaped damage. LifeNets is giving immediate help fire vict…
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Att satsa och våga prova om vingarna bär när man får en idé om något som saknas på marknaden är modigt! Vi lyssnar till Anna Haglund som precis nu i dagarna äntligen släppt sin digitala motorcykeltidning All about bikes. Gå gärna in på Instagram eller hemsidan allaboutbikes.se och följ hennes resa i mc-världen. Vi önskar Anna all lycka till med tid…
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Please be sure to listen to Kurt Hoyer's first The Kubik Report Podcast at https://vkubik.podbean.com/e/kurt-hoyer-the-continuing-quest-to-connect-new-finds-in-archeology-to-the-bible/ from June 26, 2024 We talk about the top five discoveries in Archeology in the Near East that validate the Old Testament. Shipwreck 50 miles off the coast of Israel:…
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On Friday, December 13, 2024, James Ginn and I discussed the Work of the United Church of God in Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, and the Baltics. James Ginn will be the coordinator of this area, continuing the magnificent work of Johnnie and Hazel Lambert here for 27 years. Meet James Ginn in this informative podcast. I thank all who have served in th…
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David Cobb has written an article for the current (DEC 2024) Compass Check magazine for teens entitled "Practical Tools For Navigating Anxiety." It is not just for teens. Mike Snyder is a crisis communication professional who has worked with mental health care. We speak about three tools that you can use to lessen worry. Books recommended in the po…
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Maja Bergsten har kört många mil på motorcykel med grus och naturen som underlag. Hon drivs av utmaningar, att växa som förare men även att se andra göra det i alla turer och event hon är med och anordnar. Vi träffar ett riktigt energiknippe som vet vikten av att våga för att utvecklas i sin träning med det som ibland kan kännas läskigt. Tack för a…
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I juni börjar den målmedvetna Ellinor resan mot motorcykelkörkort och blir klar i september, för att nu i november bege sig iväg på äventyr ihop med sambon. Resmålet är Colombia och 6 månader på motorcykel. Vi intervjuar innan avfärd och den spännande resan går även att följa på @ochomoto_unfilteredPor Mc-tankar i kubik
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Several years ago when Michael Snyder was a Plain Truth senior writer, he interviewed several nuclear war experts and physicists during a Washington DC science conference. That produced the popular Plain Truth cover article “Humanity won’t end this way,” referencing concerns about nuclear war which Mr. Herbert Armstrong later made into a World Tomo…
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Redan i 12 årsåldern hade hon siktet inställt på att jobba med racing och drömmen var Öhlins. Som färdigutbildad konstruktör lyckades hon få det efterlängtade jobbet på just det svenska företaget. Idag designar hon bland annat fjädring för MotoGP, Moto2 och 3 samt World superbike. Lyssna på Signe i avsnitt 21 och hennes spännande yrke!…
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It's two days after Trump's Victory. Bruce Porteous from New Zealand and I talk about how the next Trump Administration will change the world. WORLD. The new Trump administration will affect many nations it they implement the policies that they have declared. It will lead to the collapse of America as the leader of the free world and see the creati…
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Trish Hodges and I talk about how to be comfortable with some uncomfortable things about life and how it affects your loved ones when you die. Trish is an proactive Advance Planning Advisor with Flanner Buchanan, equipped with a background in Public Affairs from IUPUI and a degree in Applied Science in Chemical Technology. She passionately advocate…
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Att gå från pojkdröm till verklighet är precis det Ola Stenegärd har gjort! Idag arbetar han med att utveckla nya motorcyklar för Indian motorcycles, men har ett finger med i många andra modeller på flera märken. Hör bland annat om hur han tagit sig dit och hur en motorcykel utvecklas från början. Varmt tack för att du lyssnar på vår podd!…
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Our very good friends Andre and Elise van Belkum visited us in Lafayette, IN while coming from South Africa to a General Conference of Elders meeting Cincinnati. I happened to come across this audio file and brought it back to life. His message to us inspired our going to these places and before the start of LifeNets. Andre was the Director of Life…
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I presented this in Indianapolis UCG on October 3, 2024. I speak about the History of the Feast of Trumpets, its traditions and how they relate to us, in particular how they affect our character and work. Documents referred to can be found at http://x.com/victorkubik http://coe.ucg.org https://coe.ucg.org/updates/united-church-god-2019-2020-strateg…
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Ovala banor med motorcyklar i hög hastighet som inte bromsar, utan sladdar in i kurvorna. Vi passar på att fråga Pontus Aspgren (tidigare en av Sveriges bästa förare innan en olycka tyvärr gjorde att hjälmen lades på hyllan) om sporten. Numera bidrar Pontus med sin tid till återväxten i sporten, det vill säga alla barn och ungdomar som vill börja k…
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