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Una charla entre amigos (Beto, Pepe y Andrés) hablando de temas con todo lo relacionado con la cultura pop y analizan con humor el significado de la vida y lo más absurdo de ella. Hablamos de todo y a la vez hablamos de nada. Un poco de temas relacionados con la música, peliculas, series de televisión, noticias virales y curiosas vistos con tres ángulos diferentes e irreverentes. Especial para escucharlo mientras viajas en el auto, metro, autobús, avión o incluso cuando haces ejercicio!
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Kemalan Podcast

Kemalan Podcast

Selamat datang di Kemalan Podcast,podcast'e arek kemalan-kemalan. Sebuah podcast yang berasal dari keresahan Si @gagas_armstrong dan @yunuspriadi. podcaste'e arek Sidoarjo. akun ig : @kemalanpodcast Terima kasih sudah mendengarkan!
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Podcast Kemana Saja

Boy Ardi Yunas

Mengenal Indonesia dalam beragam nuansa dan cerita. Podcast Kemana Saja adalah obrolan santai bersama kawan-kawan dalam ranah Travelling / Berkelana. Dibawakan oleh @boyardiyunas. Saran - Kritik - Pertanyaan dan lainnya, bisa melalui DM Instagram @boyardiyunas atau email ke [email protected]
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Sebuah Podcast komedi asal Samarinda berisi cerita atau opini dari @kemal.uhhuyy tentang berbagai hal seperti, kejadian sehari hari, kebiasaan manusia, dan isu terkini. Punya segmentasi diantaranya "Podcast Si Kemal" "Bersama tamu" "Canda Candu" "Brisik" dan "VTP" kalo mau nanya nanya, curhat, kolaborasi atau bahkan iklan, silahkan bisa di kirim ke [email protected] selamat mendengarkan! Support this podcast:
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Cerita Sore Kemarin

Cerita Sore Kemarin

Cerita Sore Kemarin adalah podcast yang akan berbagi cerita tetang sekumpulan pengalaman dan masalah yang terjadi di sekitar dari sudut pandang kami. Podcast ini dibawakan oleh @miftahulawali dan @kniaafln.
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If you intend to recover from substance abuse, you’re probably aware of how challenging it can be. Ideally, you’d want to do everything possible to avoid relapse. It all starts by getting the right rehab facility. Kemah Palms Recovery comes highly recommended if you’re searching for a Houston addiction rehab center. To get started, you can visit our website or give us a call today. Kemah Palms Recovery - Alcohol & Drug Treatment 1013 Delesandri Lane Kemah, Texas 77565 855-568-0218s https://w ...
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Duka Kemanusiaan Pemilu 2019

Muhammad Zainal Arifin

Fenomena meninggalnya ratusan petugas pemilu 2019 yang terdiri dari petugas KPPS, Pengawas Pemilu, Dan pihak keamananan adalah kejadian luar biasa dalam tragedi kemanusiaan. Dalam kasus ini negara harus menyelidiki kasus ini dengan komprehensif dan transparan agar penyebab kematian diketahui secara jelas bukan menjadi misteri dan beban masa depan Indonesia.
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show series
After finishing the 12 Steps, you most likely will to the phase of telling enthusiastically everyone about your changes and how your life has changed for good after winning the battle with your addictions. Some people will take it very pleasant and contagious for being approached for an invitation to follow you and also make a change, while others …
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In our program to help and support to make you free of substance abuse, we understand how important is to make a stop and dedicate time to yourself. Praying and meditation have different approaches, but an important role. As we discuss in previous episodes, you can't handle an addiction problem by yourself. You can pray to God as if you're just tal…
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Follow-up and consistency are the keys. During the first months of any addiction recovery, the firsts months are the most difficult. We all are tempted to falling back. And when you fall down you gotta get back up no matter how bad it hurts. The goal should be to avoid that to happen. We should be realistic that bad habits that were continuously pa…
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There are cases where others are better of not knowing. In a case where people won't get hurt, it's ok to make a direct amendment with such a person, but some truths will injure that other person and are better off not telling anything. In this case, you will be protecting that person from a painful feeling and it's ok. Often, "that" person is some…
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In every relationship, is terrifying to think that everything got broken because of our misbehavior, and sometimes their faults. there are always a few stubbornly proud people who consider an impatient word or neglected thank-you fair cause to snub someone for life. Chances are, if your substance abuse problem has lasted any length of time, you’ll …
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The keyword is "Humbly". Humility may not be assured of an easy route, but it believes in a successful finish. Ask God to help us accept full responsibility for our mistakes. To forgive others and reach others to be forgiven for anything we did wrong when we were diving into our addictions and we didn't see the harm we caused. The change in ourselv…
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Temptations will come when you feel you're "ready: to restore and heal. Having your defects completely removed is an entire long life process. People's cravings to fall and come back to previous addictions will always be around the corner. Even though God will empower you to give you strength, friends and family will support and advise you, and pro…
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One Step of the 12 steps is to admit to ourselves our own wrongdoings. However, As seen in other Steps, just admitting won't make your way to recover and if it does it will be a harder process. There 4 key points that we will focus on, after admitting to ourselves, we'll admit to God, to others, and we will confess the nature of our wrongs. This an…
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The moral inventory during Step Four of the 12 Steps is not intended as a beat-yourself-up or put-yourself-down exercise. Our goal is to create an outline for participants. People who follow their own inner leading are far less likely to have substance abuse problems than are those who let others plan their lives for them; so you’ll find it far eas…
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"Let go and let God" during step 3 of the 12 steps. Having a relationship with God won't necessarily mean sitting back and relax while it happens. But it means that we admit that are things that fall out of our control. We can turn our will and lives over to the care of God and at the same time take full responsibility for our obligations on our wa…
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Even though the road to sobriety is a long hard walk by any method, there’s a freeing aspect in recognizing your Higher Power as the source of help. Your own capabilities are not the limit of your resources. Your failures are not the death of your hope. In this Step, our goal is that you find that outside help that will help you walk through that t…
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It’s worth noting that admitting “I am powerless and my life is unmanageable” is hard to say not only because it threatens to tear from us a habit that’s become a favorite coping strategy and an old friend. The admission strikes a hard blow at our pride, the inherent craving to be capable of perfecting ourselves. Admitting that at this moment we ha…
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