Experience Colorado's Premier Rock Station In A Whole New Way. Travel Back And Forth Through Time With Interviews, Events, Bits, And Air Checks From KILO's 40+ Years Of Rocking.
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Vielleicht kennt ihr uns von YouTube, vielleicht aber auch noch nicht! Tarik von den Elektrobays und Jonas von JÖNOHS reden wöchentlich gemeinsam über alles, was den beiden Auto-Verrückten so in den Sinn kommt! Als E-Auto-Experten wird es wohl öfter um Stecker, als Tankstellen gehen, aber es ist alles andere, als Lobhudelei von E-Nerds ;)
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Der Kilometermacher erzählt Geschichten...
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Welcome to Bodie, where amazing things happen.
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Podcast a dos voces entre @pigonna y @mg_ocio en el que hablamos de series, libros, pelis y mucho más. ¡DÉCIMA temporada!
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Kilowatt is a podcast about electric vehicles (EVs) that covers various topics related to EVs, including the latest news and developments, the benefits and challenges of EVs, and the future of transportation. The podcast features interviews with experts in the field and provides in-depth analysis and information about EVs. It aims to educate and inform listeners about the latest trends and innovations in the EV industry. Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/kilowatt. Support the show ...
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From Beautiful Downtown Merrifield in the shadow of the Mosaic District, it’s the Reddy Kilowatt Hour, presented Thursdays at 9 pm ET on Radio Fairfax (Fairfax, Virginia) and on Saturdays at 8 pm CET on WBRS Belgium. Hosted by a washed-up college DJ that is demonically possessed by a discredited cartoon spokesman for the electric industry. Reddy J Kilowatt is your rock and roll servant, featuring alt-rock, progressive rock, soul, occasional punk rock, deep tracks, forgotten classics, and bra ...
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El running nostálgico con humor e información (aunque esta última, no necesariamente). Nos reiremos juntos de muchas de las cosas que sucedieron, para poner en valor el presente. Porque en una cosa estáis de acuerdo tu abuelo , tu padre y tu , y es que ANTES SE CORRIA MEJOR. Todo contado con el estilo "@contadordekm". Comenzamos. Puedes seguirnos en nuestras redes sociales: https://www.instagram.com/contandokms.podcast/ https://twitter.com/ContandoKmsPod FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.co ...
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Stories. https://linktr.ee/sostkilo
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In de podcast 'Kilowattuur' ontdek je hoe de bedrijfsfiets meer energie kan trappen in je bedrijf.
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Join spiritual teacher and author Scott Kiloby as he offers unique insights on a variety of topics (consciousness, inquiry, trauma, emotional repression, ending suffering, extra-terrestrial/dimensional phenomena, culture, politics, and LGBTQIA issues). This podcast will bust myths, shatter illusions, and welcome a greater depth of understanding and heart-centered wisdom around consciousness and this absolutely crazy, profoundly beautiful unfolding we call life! Take this free repression test ...
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Welcome to the Bravo Kilo Advisors Podcast, hosted by the insightful Brad Kaufman! In this engaging series, Brad draws on his extensive personal and professional experiences to guide listeners through the intricate world of business advisory services. Specializing in the DFW, North Dallas, and Collin County areas, he’s dedicated to helping clients navigate the complexities of buying and selling businesses. At Bravo Kilo Advisors, Brad believes in treating clients with dignity and respect, en ...
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Join the Electrifying.com team for a weekly wander through the world of electric cars. Whether you’re charging, relaxing, or trying to look busy for the boss with your headphones on, our round-up of the electric week is the perfect way to spend half an hour. Discover what the team has been up to, driving, reviewing and complaining about. We discuss the topics that really matter alongside the ones that really don’t. If you love electric cars or are merely window shopping, this is the podcast ...
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A microcast about my thoughts on technology, workflow and the world.
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This is about new music, if your tired of what's going on come here, Rap x Rock x alternative
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Super Fan Rachel and First Time Watcher Matt make their way episode by episode through the groundbreaking 1990's Canadian vampire cop television show, Forever Knight.
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Die beiden Profi-Trailrunner Ida-Sophie Hegemann und Kim Schreiber unterhalten sich in diesem Podcast wöchentlich über Rennen, Training, aktuelle und kritische Themen aus dem (Trail) Running Sport und geben Einblicke in das Leben als Leistungssportlerinnen. Ehrlich, (selbst-) kritisch und ungefiltert wird hier von Wettkampfoutfit über Preisgelder bis hin zu zyklusbasiertem Training alles thematisiert, was kein Tabu-Thema sein sollte. Zudem werden sie das ein oder andere Mal den Blick über de ...
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I just doing me bro I'm scuffed asf
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This is a podcast about movies and TV as well as my attempting to start a business in which I make movies and TV shows.
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Welcome to Kilowatt-hour, EV Chronicle's podcast. Bringing you current electric vehicle news, reviews, interviews with other EV enthusists, adventures, and a little road noise.
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Podcast ruuhka-Suomen ulkopuolella. Äänessä urbaanit raahelaiset eli kaupunkiopas Hanna Leppikangas ja toimittaja Niko Peltokangas.
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A weekly radio show of new, exciting and rare releases from around the world. Specializing in Deep, Funky, Light Tropical and Jackin' UK House. This show does not disappoint!
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Natürliche Blüten ohne Pestizide oder Herbizide sind gesünder für uns und umweltfreundlicher. Happykilos legt großen Wert auf die Reinheit ihrer Blüten und stellt sicher, dass ihre Produkte 100 % natürlich sind und keine Zusatzstoffe enthalten. Durch den Verzicht auf Pestizide und Herbizide trägt Happykilos dazu bei, eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft zu fördern und schützt unsere Gesundheit.
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Podcast by KiLo
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Welcome to the Kilo The Kid podcast, Nutrition, Dreams, Goals, Fitness, MindPower, & SelfMastery
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Welcome to the Kilos Kaibigan Show podcast, where amazing things happen.
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10-minute weekly podcasts about the often bizarre experiences of a British expat in Greece
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Politics, philosophy, tech reviews, photography, writing, and general observations.
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The Kilo Loco Show is a podcast about topics in development, content creation, and entrepreneurship. The host, Kilo Loco, works in all three of these areas and use's this show as a creative outlet for relevant topics. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kiloloco/support
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Giving out the best information on Health and Nutrition. Advanced Sports Nutritionist 🍕 Licensed Commercial Pilot ✈️ Certified Personal Trainer 💪🏻 Checkout Health By Kilo on Instagram and Youtube ASAP! 🔥 #HealthByKilo #KabirGrover
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Kilograme de fericire este un podcast născut din experiența mea cu obezitatea, prin care îmi propun să aduc inspirație în viața oamenilor care se confruntă cu kilogramele în plus. Vei găsi aici discuții cu specialiști dar și cu oameni care au o poveste relevantă în ceea ce privește implementarea unui stil de viață sănătos. Să îți fie cu inspirație.
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In diesem Podcast nimmt Gerhard Dashuber dich mit auf eine spannende Reise durch die Welt des Radfahrens, der Solidarität und der kreativen Spendenideen. Gemeinsam mit seinen Gästen – von leidenschaftlichen Kilometersammlern bis hin zu Unterstützern und beeindruckenden Persönlichkeiten – spricht er über persönliche Geschichten, besondere Aktionen und die Motivation, Gutes zu tun. Was bewegt Menschen, für andere in die Pedale zu treten? Wie entstehen einzigartige Spendenprojekte? Und welche k ...
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Hey there, I share valuable action tips which will help you become emotionally, mentally and physically fit, positive, strong and confident. My holistic approach towards fitness has helped many, and hopefully, will help you too!
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Bienvenido/a a Kilómetro 226: un podcast de Adrián Aira en el que hablamos de Triatlón, salud y deporte de resistencia. En la primera temporada el objetivo fue la meta del Ironman de Hamburgo, algo que ya habrás podido escuchar. Después de eso, continuamos con retos, entrenamientos, entrevistas y pruebas de material y consejos desde la perspectiva del deportista amateur. Aquí tendremos invitados especiales que nos acompañarán para hablar, como siempre, de esa gente normal que hace cosas extr ...
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In deze podcast gaan journalisten Lisanne van Sadelhoff en Rosanne Sies op zoek naar het verhaal achter een bermmonumentje langs een Gelderse N-weg. Ze stuiten op ongeluk na ongeluk, en beginnen zich af te vragen: wat is er met deze weg aan de hand? Benieuwd naar onze andere series? Zoek op 'Omroep Gelderland' in je podcastapp.
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Three women with different backgrounds and stages in their lives coming together discussing love in its entirety. From unconditional love, self love and even heartbreak, we share our stories in a hope of giving hope to others on their own personal quest to find their own love.
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Bienvenidos a KILOMETROS, un podcast en el que tratamos temas sobre carreras, entrenamientos, material, relojes, nutrición y todo lo que me apetezca, con la intención de ser un complemento a mi canal de YouTube y seguir aportando contenido de valor a la comunidad. 📩 Ponte en contacto conmigo en info@befinisher.com
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E' fin troppo facile prevedere che, tra i temi cruciali del XXI secolo, un ruolo di primo piano toccherà a quello della sostenibilità energetica. Per oltre 200 anni, dall'inizio della rivoluzione industriale ad oggi, tanto le tecnologie che i modelli di sviluppo sono stati elaborati su un presupposto che oggi mostra più di una incrinatura: la disponibilità di materie prime e combustibili fossili a basso costo. La trasformazione che ci attende, perciò, è estesa e profonda; ed è ormai comincia ...
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20 kilo geleden zat ik niet lekker in mijn vel. Ik had een laag zelfbeeld en zorgde niet goed voor mezelf. Dat is allemaal veranderd na het zien van een aflevering van Obese, die mij inspireerde om mijn leven om te gooien. Mijn eigen Lifestyle Change is nu meer dan 10 jaar geleden, en sindsdien heb ik de eer gehad om honderden mensen te helpen ook grip te krijgen op hun gewicht. In iedere aflevering van mijn podcast geef ik alles wat ik heb om jou te helpen de strijd met de kilo's ook te winnen!
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Echando Kilómetros - Conversaciones sobre running, natación, trail running, ultra running, triatlón y mucho más.
Jimmy Flores y Ana Belén Tapia Gómez
Conversaciones sobre runnning, natación y mucho más de dos novatos que solo quieren aprender.
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XXL-Helden - Abnehmen mit über 100 Kilo | Essgewohnheiten ändern & gesund abnehmen
Tim Gelhausen | Abnehmcoach für Schwergewichte, Lizenzierter Fitnesstrainer & Experte für gesunde Ernährung
Zeigt deine Waage eine 3-stellige Zahl an? Dann bist du goldrichtig hier. Nachdem ich 70 Kilogramm abgenommen habe, plaudere ich im XXL-Helden Podcast über meine Erfahrungen, Hürden und Probleme beim Abnehmen als Ex-Schwergewicht. Ich zeige dir, wie gesundes Abnehmen auf Dauer funktioniert, wie einfach gesunde Ernährung sein kann und wie Du einen schlanken und gesunden Körper erreichst - ohne dabei zu hungern, stundenlang in der Küche zu stehen und OHNE im Endeffekt wieder rückfällig zu werd ...
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Move For Kids - 100 Kilometer, die mein Leben veränderten!
Dennis Dolecki - Move For Kids - Der Podcast
Was macht man, wenn man von einem Freund, der extreme Herausforderungen liebt, unwissentlich zu einem 100-km-Marsch angemeldet wird? "Sich eine Ausrede ausdenken, warum man an ausgerechnet diesem Wochenende nicht kann!" Das war auch mein erster Gedanke. Das der erste nicht zwangsläufig immer der beste Gedanke sein muss, wurde mir durch das gezeigt, was ich erleben durfte. Eben weil mir keine gute Ausrede eingefallen ist, warum ich keine Zeit haben könnte. Ich stellte mich der Herausforderung ...
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Was genau machen die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter im Archiv? Wer nutzt die Akten und warum? Wie diskutieren ForscherInnen, Zeitzeugen und Interessierte über die DDR und das Wirken der Stasi? Der Podcast gibt Einblicke in die Arbeit des Stasi-Unterlagen-Archivs und sucht den Dialog mit Nutzerinnen und Nutzern der Akten. Episoden mit Gesprächen wechseln sich ab mit Veranstaltungsmitschnitten zu historischen und aktuellen Themen aus der Beschäftigung mit dem Archiv und seiner Geschichte. Je ...
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Jamie MacDonald, the comedian you might know better as That Funny Blind Guy, found out that during lockdown the devil does not, it turns out, make work for idle hands; he makes pies and pints. In the first eight weeks of the coronavirus crisis lockdown in the UK, Jamie ate and drank heartily and put on 10 kilograms. His mental health might have suffered too, but he was too drunk to notice. Deciding enough was enough, he enlisted the help of Fran and John of FSR Personal Training to get back ...
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KILO'S Top 30 Jams Of 2024 - Hosted By Ross, Sid, And Emily.
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With More Than 45 Songs Competing For The #1 Slot This Year, Tough Decisions Had To Be Made. Thanks To All The Rockers On The KILO Panel For Doing The DIrty Job! Sid And Emily Count Em Down, And Ross Gives A Few Great Songs That Didn't Make The Top 30 Cut. Here's To Another KICK ASS Year Of Rock N Roll.…
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Brad Kaufman on Maximizing Business Sales: The Power of Competition and Strategic Negotiations
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Why Is It Smarter To Cast A Wide Net And Engage Multiple Buyers Rather Than Focusing On A Single Buyer? Curious about how to transform a good business sale into a great one? Discover why casting a wide net and engaging multiple buyers could be your secret weapon for better negotiation, higher sale prices, and a smoother transaction process. Join me…
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Repression Earth—What Motivates Us to Suffer and Why Do We Care?
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Reflecting on his recent in depth article on Medium called “Repression Earth,” Scott delves into the intricate layers of human motivation, examining how emotional repression influences suffering. He explores a range of psychological theories, from Freud's insights on the unconscious to Skinner's behaviorism, highlighting the impact of childhood exp…
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Support the Show: Patreon Acast+ Links: Savant Savant (Verge Article) AutoCar India Hyundai Creta Review Federal EV Tax Credit News: Ford extends "Power Promise" promotion Hyundai Creta EV Hyundai owners get free NACS adapter Xiaomi delivered 135k EVs in 2024 2025 Nissan Ariya VW versus car dealerships VW ID.4 lease VW ID.4 recall Cybertruck qualif…
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The Pain-Pleasure Cycle: New Advancements in KI
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In this special episode, revealing upcoming developments in KI, Scott explores how emotional repression influences human behavior through the lens of the pleasure-pain principle. This principle, rooted in early psychological theories, highlights our innate drive to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Using the iceberg model as a framework, Scott categori…
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Episode 60: New Year... new car (that was supposed to be a secret)
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This week, Ginny, Tom and Mike kick off the new year with a new purchase (that was supposed to be a secret), new hope for pavement chargers and news of an expansion of the public charging network. The team also discuss the latest videos going live on the YouTube channel and help listeners with their car buying questions. This podcast is also availa…
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Episode #203 - Fairfax (You're Still the Same) (1/9/25)
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Send us a text 9:01 PM | William Tell | Fairfax (You're Still the Same) 9:03 PM | Dazy | Weigh Down On Me 9:06 PM | ALO | Wasting Time 9:14 PM | Desert Liminal | Some Memories Burn 9:19 PM | Annika Bennett | Dig Myself Out 9:22 PM | Better Joy | what a day 9:27 PM | Arctic Monkeys | Snap Out of It 9:30 PM | Local H | Bound for the Floor 9:35 PM | R…
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Tesla Drama, VW Data Leaks, and an RV That Powers Itself!
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Description: In this episode of the Kilowatt podcast, I explore highlights from CES, including Volkswagen's access to the Supercharger network, Mercedes' EV developments, and concerns over a data vulnerability affecting 800,000 vehicles. We cover Tesla's latest news on autonomous driving, a significant recall, and a $1 billion board member settleme…
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En el programa de hoy os ponemos al tanto de novedades 1-Entradas ya a la venta para ver el podcast en directo elpróximo día 01/02/2025 en Madrid a las 21:00 Entradas: https://www.eventbrite.es/e/entradas-contando-kilometros-podcast-en-podnight-madrid-1088551188909?aff=oddtdtcreator 2- Puedes apoyarnos en Spotify en este enlace y en Ivoox dándoleal…
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Listen to the announcement in the episode first please! Read Scott’s article mentioned in the episode related to the announcement next: https://medium.com/@skiloby/emotional-repression-and-the-pain-pleasure-principle-e5a531787086. If you’re interested in speaking to Scott for free about his one on one 90 day intensive, or signing up for the Feb KI …
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Scott takes on a unique perspective regarding suffering, asserting that we inherently have a right to suffer, a right we've carried since birth. Conditioned into a sense of separation, our suffering often stems from unprocessed emotions hidden within the body. When we do nothing about our suffering, we are, in essence, exercising this right. As a n…
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Laternenparker VS eigene Wallbox - wie schlimm ist es wirklich? die Kilometerfresser #22
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4 Jahre an der Straße laden VS 4 Jahre eigene Wallbox zu HauseTarik lädt seit 4 Jahren sein E-Auto ausschließlich öffentlich und ist trotzdem nicht deprimiert doch jetzt kommt Jonas und erzählt von seinem Alltag mit eigenen Wallboxen. Wie schlimm ist es wirklich und welche Abstriche ergeben sich im Alltag? danke, dass wir den Titelsong verwenden dü…
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Ganz nach dem Motto: "Neues Jahr, neues Glück" thematisieren wir diese Woche Trainingsprotokolle, -Zusammenfassungen und Jahreskilometer. Wie gehen wir damit um, wenn andere ihre Trainingsstunden teilen und gibt uns ein Strava Review eigentlich Motivation, Selbstvertrauen oder Selbstzweifel? Hier kommst Du direkt zur "Laufsong der Woche"-Playlist D…
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The Tension Between Freedom and Safety
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In this podcast, Scott explains how emotional repression leads us to unconsciously choose safety and love over freedom. This affects our choice of paths, practices, and teachers, sabotaging our journey. After years on a spiritual path, we might wonder why we still suffer, facing issues like disease, chronic pain, or addiction. The reason is that we…
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2024 Delivery Numbers and CES Update #1
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Description: In this episode, I share my experiences from the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), a pivotal hub for innovation in electric vehicles and renewable energy. I recount the vibrant atmosphere, my networking endeavors, and serendipitous encounters with fellow podcasters. Updates on the electric vehicle market include the recent recall of Kia…
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In this thought-provoking episode, Scott emphasizes the significance of having the right context in our spiritual practices. He clarifies that "right" does not necessarily equate to what is correct or absolutely true, but rather refers to a perspective that guides us toward understanding our experiences in a way that addresses the root of our suffe…
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I Could Only Be a Soft Boy - My Gender Doublebind
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In this thought-provoking episode, Scott shares his personal journey growing up in a gender double bind, feeling unable to fully embrace either masculinity or femininity. Repressing anger made it difficult for him to embody the typical cultural signs of masculinity, while being biologically male prevented him from expressing his femininity without …
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Episode #202 - Wide Awake (1/2/25)
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Send us a text 9:01 PM | Parquet Courts | Wide Awake 9:03 PM | Gumshoes | Bad Omens 9:07 PM | Simple Minds | Your Name In Lights 9:12 PM | Whitney | No Woman 9:16 PM | The Avalanches | Since I Left You 9:21 PM | The Main Ingredient | Everybody Plays the Fool 9:26 PM | Gorilla Biscuits | New Direction 9:29 PM | Pom Poko | Go 9:32 PM | Aaron Neville …
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No show notes. Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/kilowatt. Support the show at https://plus.acast.com/s/kilowatt. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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In this episode, Scott explores the intricate relationship between our consciousness and the future shaped by advancements in AI and deepfake technology, inspired in part by a song from Aimee Mann and current events. Scott delves into how taking sides—whether politically or otherwise—often serves as a protective mechanism from our unresolved trauma…
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Attracting Buyers Through Employee Loyalty and Innovation with Brad Kaufman
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How Can Attracting And Retaining High-Quality Employees Demonstrate Stability And Value To Potential Buyers? Learn the secrets to creating a workforce that attracts buyers and stands the test of time with insights from our guest Brad Kaufman, founder and president of Bravo Kilo Advisors. Ever wondered how a strong company culture can be a game-chan…
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[TRIGGER WARNING]. An Open Letter to Anger Repressors (From Those Who Love You)
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In this episode, Scott delves into the profound idea that true intimacy and meaningful connections flourish when we allow ourselves to fully experience our emotions and open up to others. While emotional repression often serves as a misguided form of self-protection, it ultimately sabotages our deepest desires for authenticity and closeness. Scott …
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die BESTEN E-Autos 2025 unsere Highlights: die Kilometerfresser #21
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was kommt 2025 auf uns zu und worauf freuen wir uns am meisten?Von Tesla über Audi bis hin zu Volkswagen und den Chinesen. Diese E-Autos erwarten uns 2025. Wir zeigen euch unsere Highlights und versteckte Favoriten. Was erwartet ihr von 2025 in Punkto E-Mobilität? Gibt's eine Förderung, überleben die deutschen Hersteller oder übernimmt China den Au…
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Ida und Kimi wünschen euch ein frohes neues Jahr und legen eine einwöchige Podcast-Pause ein. Ab nächster Woche Donnerstag geht es wie gewohnt mit den regulären Folgen weiter. Du möchtest deine Werbung in diesem und vielen anderen Podcasts schalten? Kein Problem! Für deinen Zugang zu zielgerichteter Podcast-Werbung, klicke hier. Audiomarktplatz.de …
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S11E12 - En el que despedimos temporada
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LIBROS 00:01:40 Las Varamillas (Camile Jourdy) 00:02:30 Recuerdos de Perrito de Mierda (Marta Alonso Berná) 00:03:40 La casa de la playa (Séverine Vidal) 00:04:45 Perros (Keum Suk Gendry-Kim) 00:07:25 La loba blanca. Neimhaim #3 (Aranzazu Serrano) 00:09:55 La apelación de Navidad (Janice Hallett) 00:11:15 El Gran Juego (Jennifer Lynn Barnes) 00:12:…
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The Cult of One - Hyper-Independence on an Avoidant Spiritual Path
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In this thought-provoking podcast episode, Scott explores the concept of hyper-independence and how it can become a significant hindrance on one's spiritual path. He explains that the insulated barrier created by those on a hyper-independent path often involves neglecting buried emotions, leading them to become their own cult leader, guiding them i…
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Episode 59: Our highs... and lows of 2024!
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This week, the full Electrifying.com crew reveal their own winners and losers of 2024. It's been another incredibly busy year in the world of electric cars, so the team are spoilt for choice! This podcast is also available on the Electrifying.com YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC29JbxEwr7q5bP7ANJMSqAg) where you can leave comments…
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Before and After Emotional Repression Inquiry
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Scott shares the before and after emotional repression inquiry upon request of listeners. To work directly with Scott, visit https://kiloby.com/scott.
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Episode 58: Santa’s new sleigh, hydrogen returns and Nisonda. Or is it Honsan?
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This week, Ginny and Tom discuss Citroen's festive concept car and are joined by designer Roman Egorov. The team also chat about a potential merger between Honda and Nissan and ponder on the the subject of hydrogen power. This podcast is also available on the Electrifying.com YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC29JbxEwr7q5bP7ANJMSqAg…
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Episode #201 - The Fab 14 of 2024 (12/26/24)
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Send us a text 9:00 PM | #14: Bleakney | House of Pain 9:04 PM | #13: Father John Misty | She Cleans Up 9:08 PM | #12: 2nd Grade | Made Up My Own Mind 9:12 PM | #11: Flowerbomb | Do It Again 9:16 PM | #10: The Mommyheads | Chicken Soup 9:21 PM | #9: Nilüfer Yanya | Like I Say (I runaway) 9:26 PM | #8: Christopher Owens | Beautiful Horses 9:31 PM | …
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Description: In this episode of Kilowatt, I discuss Volkswagen's negotiations with its labor union, the implications of keeping three factories operational alongside potential layoffs of 35,000 workers by 2030. We delve into NIO's introduction of the Firefly, a budget-friendly EV that incorporates unique battery swap technology and will sell exclus…
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Grandiose Narcissist or Just Hurt and Afraid?
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Scott delves deeply into how grandiose narcissism originates from a foundation of repressed hurt and sadness. Scott discusses the complexities of emotional repression, revealing how these buried feelings shape the grandiose persona often seen as a means to meet unmet childhood needs and maintain a supply of validation from others. Scott outlines th…
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Happy New Year! In this episode, Scott dives into the concept of New Year's resolutions, highlighting their common nature as often short-lived desires for significant life changes. He reflects on how resolutions like losing weight, becoming more connected, or dropping a compulsion can fail to sustain themselves over time. Scott shares insights from…
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Unsere E-Auto Highlights 2024 - die Kilometerfresser #20
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von Tesla über Audi bis hin zu Volkswagen und den Chinesen, 2024 war ordentlich was los!Tarik von Elektrobays und Jonas von JÖNOHS blicken auf das E-Auto Jahr 2024 zurück, das nicht immer liecht, aber dennoch sehr spannend war! Wir reden über unsere persönlichen Highlights, Überraschungen und gute, sowie schlechte Videos. Eure Kilometerfresser wüns…
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Weihnachten liegt sozusagen hinter uns und damit rückt das neue Jahr immer näher. Grund für uns, gemeinsam mit euch und mit Ruhe auf unser 2024 zurückzuschauen. Was waren unsere schönsten Momente des Jahres? Welche Erfahrungen durften wir machen, welche Erinnerungen sind uns besonders präsent im Kopf, welche Niederlagen nagen noch immer an uns und …
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Mary’s Christmas - The Greatest Gift We Never Give Ourselves
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In this episode, Scott shares the poignant story of Mary, who grapples with her challenging relationship with Christmas and her father. As Mary buries herself in work to avoid the painful feelings that arise during the holiday season, her hidden suffering begins to manifest as physical ailments, seemingly connected to her unresolved issues with her…
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Deck the Halls with Poorly Read EV News
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Description: In this episode of Kilowatt, I explore key developments in the electric vehicle sector, starting with Canoe's staff furlough amid financial challenges. I celebrate Robert Dunn's milestone with his Polestar 2, which achieved 100,000 miles with impressive battery health. We discuss the uncertain fate of Volkswagen's factory closures due …
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In this episode, Scott delves into covert narcissism in a stream of consciousness manner, illustrating how repression underlies all forms of narcissism, whether diagnosable or not. He emphasizes that each of us must confront this issue and explore whether our narcissistic or ego-driven behaviors stem from the fear of anger, hurt, or sadness. For th…
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After Surviving A 3 Day Trek From California To Colorado, Matt AKA "Zero 9:36" Made It Into The KILO Studio To Plug A Show And Hang With Emily Nixx. Eventually The Interview Turns Into A Free Commercial For Cheba Hut, But Before It Does, Zero Talks About His Recent Lesson "Vegas Was Built By Losers", His Rockstar Neighborhood, And The Pressures Of …
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Description: In this episode of Kilowatt, I delve into the EV news. We talk about, Quebec's decision to ban gasoline vehicle sales by 2034, marking a significant shift towards sustainable transport. We spotlight Rivian’s delivery of 20,000 electric vans to Amazon, raising questions about production capabilities. The discussion shifts to Tesla’s pla…
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Episode #200 - Waiting for George Bailey (12/19/24)
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Send us a text 9:02 PM | Early Edison | Waiting For George Bailey 9:06 PM | Bruce Springsteen | Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town - Live 9:12 PM | Sea Wolf | Winter Windows 9:16 PM | Carla Thomas | Gee Whiz, It's Christmas 9:19 PM | Johnny Cash | Ringing the Bells for Jim 9:21 PM | Tom Lehrer | (I'm Spending) Hanukkah in Santa Monica 9:26 PM | Boyscott…
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The Original Gaslight - Guest Dan McLintock (KI Co-Developer)
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In this episode, Scott invites his very special first guest - the innovative Dan McLintock - Co-Developer of KI. Dan and Scott tackle the concept of the original gaslight: how we often believe we’re being gaslit by others while failing to recognize that we gaslight ourselves due to emotional repression from childhood. They dive deep into how this s…
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Episode 57: "The £100k Renault 5, DS dreaming and EV bargains on the way..."
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This week, Mike, Vicky and Tom discuss the rebooted, £100k Renault 5 Turbo, the quirky DS No 8 and potential electric car bargains. The team also review your comments from last week's episode and help a listener with an electric car conundrum. This podcast is also available on the Electrifying.com YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC…
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#006 Maria Weichard: Von Sport-Engagement bis Spendenaktionen – Eine Botschafterin mit Herz
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Gerhard Dashuber spricht mit Maria Weichard, einer engagierten Botschafterin von Radeln und Helfen. Maria erzählt, wie sie mit kreativen Ideen wie Online-Sportkursen, Weihnachtsaktionen und gemeinnützigen Projekten unzählige Spenden sammelte und damit Kinder und soziale Einrichtungen unterstützt. In diesem Podcast nimmt Gerhard Dashuber dich mit au…
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#005 Robert Mayerhofer: Mit Leidenschaft und Teamgeist durch Europas Pässe
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Gerhard Dashuber spricht mit Robert Mayerhofer über seine beeindruckenden Erfahrungen beim Radrennen über die höchsten Pässe Europas. Im Fokus stehen die Vorbereitung auf das Three Peaks Bike Race, die Herausforderungen langer Distanzen und die Bedeutung von Spendenaktionen für Kinder in Not. In diesem Podcast nimmt Gerhard Dashuber dich mit auf ei…
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#004 Jürgen Zwickel: Ultra-Cycling, Mindset und Spenden für Kinder in Not
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Gerhard Dashuber spricht mit Jürgen Zwickel über seine Erlebnisse als Ultra-Cycler, wie er durch mentale Stärke Herausforderungen meistert und warum er für Kinder in Not in die Pedale tritt. Jürgen gibt Einblicke in seine Rennen, sein Mindset und seine inspirierende Verbindung zu Radeln und Helfen. In diesem Podcast nimmt Gerhard Dashuber dich mit …
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#003 Christian Waniaus: Mountainbiken mit 2,10 m und sozialem Engagement
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Gerhard Dashuber spricht mit Christian Waniaus, einem leidenschaftlichen Mountainbiker und Botschafter für Radeln und Helfen. Im Gespräch erzählt Christian von den Herausforderungen, ein passendes Rad für seine Größe von 2,10 m zu finden, seinen emotionalen Erlebnissen auf dem Trail und seiner Motivation, durch Radfahren Kindern in Not zu helfen. I…
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#002 Peter Beers Abenteuer: 1500 km durch Österreich für den guten Zweck
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Gerhard Dashuber spricht mit Peter Beer über seine Teilnahme am Race Around Austria, bei dem er 1500 km mit Unterstützung seines Teams bewältigte. Peter gibt Einblicke in seine akribische Vorbereitung, die Herausforderungen des Rennens und wie er durch seine Spendenaktion die Kinderkrebshilfe Balu unterstützen konnte. In diesem Podcast nimmt Gerhar…
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#001 Veit Fiedlers 6000 km: Ein Transkontinentalrennen für Kinder in Afrika
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Gerhard Dashuber spricht mit Veit Fiedler über seine Teilnahme am Transkontinentalrennen, bei dem er unglaubliche 6000 km für den guten Zweck geradelt ist. Im Gespräch erzählt Veit von seiner Vorbereitung, den Herausforderungen des Rennens und wie er durch Spendenaktionen Kindern in Afrika helfen konnte. In diesem Podcast nimmt Gerhard Dashuber dic…
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