Face persistent challenges? Fear that God can’t love you? Feel that you aren’t good enough? The Shut Up, Devil Show helps you shut down the lies and struggles that prevent you from thriving in God’s design for your life. There’s no shame allowed here! Kyle Winkler explores God, the Bible and relevant topics in a direct, but grace-based way.
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Do you feel like you just don’t belong? Like you’re the misfit of the family? The odd one at the office? Even the outcast at church? Changing yourself isn’t the solution. Join Kyle to explore what it is.Por Kyle Winkler
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It’s a reality that not everyone will like you. However, by embracing a core biblical truth, you can almost effortlessly boost your likability and favor with people.Por Kyle Winkler
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Science suggests that one of the most effective ways to relieve prolonged guilt is to say, ‘I forgive myself.’ Scripture reveals how it’s possible to do so. Join Kyle as he navigates the intersection of science and Scripture, guiding you on the healing path to self-forgiveness.Por Kyle Winkler
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10 Things about God’s Love You Don’t Hear in Church
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30:42You’ve heard that God’s love is unconditional. But there are some huge implications of this that you might not be aware of ... because somebody is afraid to tell you. Not Kyle! Join him as he reveals what many churches don’t.Por Kyle Winkler
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Worried about what counts as sin? Constantly thinking about how to stop sinning? Join Kyle to discover why sin consciousness is harmful and what God wants you to concentrate on instead.Por Kyle Winkler
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Personal change, growth and deliverance happen through a process the Bible calls “mind renewal.” Join Kyle to explore what is God’s role vs. your role in mind renewal, and the amazing ways it impacts you spiritually, psychologically, even physically.Por Kyle Winkler
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A belief seen as humble actually provokes addiction, anxiety and anger, while one criticized as prideful fosters confidence, courage and godliness. Join Kyle to discover which is which.Por Kyle Winkler
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Your beliefs can transform your emotions, perceptions, and even your cells. Jesus showed that faith in God as a good Father is especially powerful. Join Kyle to explore the Scriptural and scientific reasons why.Por Kyle Winkler
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You’re a Christian. Yet, you don’t react so “Christian” when something goes wrong. Why do you do it? What does it mean about you? How can you change? Kyle explores the surprising answers. (Originally released May 21, 2024.)Por Kyle Winkler
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What Are the Limits of God’s Forgiveness?
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29:23Ever wondered if there are limits to God’s forgiveness? Does it require something from you first? Can you exhaust a forgiveness quota? You’ll be amazed by what the Bible reveals. (Originally released April 16, 2024.)Por Kyle Winkler
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Healing the Fear of Rejection at Its Roots
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33:06Do you find yourself grappling with the fear of rejection? You’re not alone. This fear often has both deep spiritual and scientific roots. Join Kyle to uncover these roots so you can finally heal this fear.Por Kyle Winkler
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How to Accept God’s Unconditional Love for You
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28:35The Bible portrays God’s unconditional love as the ultimate catalyst for growth, healing and transformation. But how can you accept this love to truly feel its impact? The answer might surprise you. (Originally released April 5, 2023.)Por Kyle Winkler
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Answering the 6 Biggest “BUTs” I’ve Heard in 2024
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30:14The gospel of grace often sparks doubts and debates, many starting with “BUT….” Join Kyle as he addresses six of the most common objections that he’s heard.Por Kyle Winkler
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From Bethlehem to the shepherds in their fields nearby, every element of the Christmas story points to a prophetic message. Join Kyle for a fascinating exploration that unwraps a fresh perspective on this timeless tale.Por Kyle Winkler
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Despite abundant social opportunities these days, many still feel lonely. But if more socializing isn’t the answer, what is? Join Kyle as he explores how to address loneliness from within. (Originally released October 31, 2023.)Por Kyle Winkler
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Spiritual Warfare—God’s Way (Ephesians 6)
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33:20Spiritual battles are real, but in Ephesians 6, the apostle Paul shows that victory comes from something entirely different than duking it out with the devil.Por Kyle Winkler
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God’s Idea of a Love Life (Ephesians 5)
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29:06God wants you to have a “love life”! In Ephesians 5, Paul gets personal and even meddles into marriage. But there’s far more to his instructions than meets the eye.Por Kyle Winkler
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In our diverse and interconnected world, is it possible to remain unoffended, even by genuinely hurtful or hateful remarks? Absolutely! The gospel offers a straightforward path to rejecting offense and fostering peace. (Originally released October 17, 2023.)Por Kyle Winkler
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The Easy Way to Walk Like a Christian (Ephesians 4)
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31:51Embrace love, reject lust. Control your anger, practice forgiveness. And don’t grieve the Holy Spirit! Ephesians 4 is packed with instructions … and the easy way to follow them.Por Kyle Winkler
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God’s Big Secret Revealed (Ephesians 3)
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32:29The long-held secret of God is finally revealed! Here’s a clue: it concerns those who were once considered unworthy or too dirty to be accepted, much less blessed by God. But why did God wait so long to unveil it? And what does it mean for you?Por Kyle Winkler
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God’s Masterplan for His Masterpiece (Ephesians 2)
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31:34In Ephesians 2, the apostle Paul unveils God’s masterplan to show Himself to the world. Not through angels or miracles, but through us—His masterpiece—in the most unexpected way.Por Kyle Winkler
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A Letter to You from Prison (Ephesians 1)
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27:25How can a letter penned from prison to Christians 2,000 years ago impact your life today? In almost every way! Discover how Ephesians 1 relates to your peace, purpose and protection.Por Kyle Winkler
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After years of facing threats and lies that held him back, Kyle finally discovered what really works to end the enemy’s influence. Tune in as he reveals his top 5 spiritual warfare secrets. (Originally released December 12, 2023.)Por Kyle Winkler
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How to Get Everything Your Soul Desires
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31:04Value, acceptance and validation are universal human desires. While many strive tirelessly to attain them, they can actually be received with ease. Join Kyle as he explores how God has designed to fulfill your soul’s deepest wants and needs.Por Kyle Winkler
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Many people say they hear God speak to them personally. But is this biblical? If so, what does He sound like, and what does He say? Join Kyle as he explores history and Scripture to uncover the surprising answers.Por Kyle Winkler
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Are you masking something that you fear would get you canceled if it’s revealed? Kyle reveals two life-tested secrets to help you escape the prison of pretending.Por Kyle Winkler
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Many people are trapped in an endless quest for purpose, misguided by five major lies. Ready to discover the truth and end the search for why you’re here?Por Kyle Winkler
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He’s not who you think he is! Join Kyle as he uncovers the hidden truths about the enemy’s past, his power, and most importantly, his limits.Por Kyle Winkler
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Scientists have identified six factors that people use to gauge their self-worth. Only one is a true measure. The other five contribute to feelings of depression, anxiety or insecurity.Por Kyle Winkler
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Are symptoms, struggles, addictions, or poverty signs of a generational curse? Join Kyle as he dives deep into Scripture to uncover the truth.Por Kyle Winkler
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Christians face mixed messages. Some advocate, “Love yourself!” while others insist, “Deny yourself!” Join Kyle as he clears up the confusion.Por Kyle Winkler
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Your sense of peace is directly linked to your thoughts. Especially as they relate to three kinds of personal relationships.Por Kyle Winkler
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Christians have rights that can’t be taken away. Yet many don’t know them, which is why they settle for a life that’s far short of what Jesus died to give. (Originally released on August 22, 2023.)Por Kyle Winkler
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Are you somehow giving the enemy access to your life? Does spiritual freedom depend upon disciplines like sin management and object avoidance? Kyle breaks down the common deliverance myths that hold you back.Por Kyle Winkler
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The Bible instructs to be holy like God is holy. Sadly, there are many misconceptions about what this means. Tune in as Kyle separates fact from fiction to reveal how easy it is to be holy.Por Kyle Winkler
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Worried that God's view of you is based solely on your sin and your discipline? Watch Kyle shatter misconceptions to reveal what matters most to God.Por Kyle Winkler
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5 Bible Verses that Don’t Mean What You Think
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27:59Beliefs influence emotions and behaviors. That’s why your anxiety, stress and shame might be a result of what you think Scripture teaches, but it doesn't. Join Kyle to discover freeing truths about 5 commonly misunderstood Bible verses.Por Kyle Winkler
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Why Nothing Changes, No Matter How Hard You Try
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28:16Frustrated because things aren’t changing, no matter how hard you try? There’s a spiritual reason for this. But victory isn’t hopeless. Discover the way that works! (Originally released November 29, 2022.)Por Kyle Winkler
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The Holy Spirit still speaks. And He wants to speak through you. But how He sounds and what He wants to say might be very different than you think. Tune in to discover how to be an effective voice for the Holy Spirit.Por Kyle Winkler
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In this life, bad habits and hang-ups abound. The desire to do better isn’t bad, of course. Yet most people’s attempts to improve only worsen their problems. Tune in to discover how to deal effectively with the things you don’t want to do.Por Kyle Winkler
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Many Christians fear that thinking positively about themselves is prideful. The belief that they are wretched sinners makes them feel holy. But God doesn’t agree. Let’s explore the (surprising) truth about you—and why that truth is key to peace, joy and godliness.Por Kyle Winkler
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God doesn’t expect you to be perfect. Discover how embracing His love helps you win the war against your most toxic emotions and behaviors and excel at what’s most important to Him. (Recorded live at Grace Orlando in Orlando, Florida.)Por Kyle Winkler
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75 percent of people believe lies about God’s character, which drive fear, insecurity, even stress. Explore the lies people believe, the surprising source of the lies, and the clues God has planted throughout the Bible to reveal the truth.Por Kyle Winkler
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Defeat the Enemy Without Lifting a Finger!
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36:22Struggling with the enemy’s attacks? Not anymore! Here’s everything you need to know about the enemy—and how to shut down his tactics effortlessly.Por Kyle Winkler
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You’re a Christian. Yet, you don’t react so “Christian” when something goes wrong. Why do you do it? What does it mean about you? How can you change? Kyle explores the surprising answers.Por Kyle Winkler
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The Holy Spirit is the greatest of all of God’s promises. Yet there are at least 5 LIES about the Holy Spirit that prevent many Christians from experiencing His full power in their lives. (Originally released June 20, 2023.)Por Kyle Winkler
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God’s love is more than just a comforting quality; it’s a power that grows and heals both spiritually and physically. Discover the scripture and science behind what love does, how it does it, and how you can receive the most from it.Por Kyle Winkler
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Do you feel more bound than free? More defeated than victorious? More stressed than saved? Sadly, many Christians do. Not because they aren’t saved, but because their thinking has been distorted by three sneaky lies.Por Kyle Winkler
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The lamb is the most frequently used symbol in Scripture for Jesus. It represents freedom, forgiveness and peace. It also explains why God is not angry. Join Kyle as he unpacks the significance of John the Baptist’s call to “behold the Lamb!”Por Kyle Winkler
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Often, people treat Jesus as something like Windex when it comes to forgiveness. They believe He cleans them, but only after they do something to apply it. Join Kyle to explore why this transactional kind of forgiveness is far from what Jesus died to provide.Por Kyle Winkler
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