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Wrapping up our Church portion of the Love Series, I share my husband and my church experiences over the years. What we’ve learned, what questions we’ve been asking, and what our hearts currently long for. Rather than referencing scripture in this episode (I know...shame on me), I reference people and talks that have informed our journey. (Rethinki…
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This episode isn’t about signing up for the next small group, outreach opportunity, or finding an area to serve. We’re looking at some hard topics like giving and reconciling with one another. If that sounds hard to you (like it does me sometimes), we must go back to Acts 2 as our background. The power of the Holy Spirit, the truth of the Gospel of…
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It’s easy to assume that the “one another’s” apply to everyone, but they were really given as commands of how we are to treat others in the body of Christ. Since we are members of one another, of the same body... shouldn’t we want to nourish, cherish, and do well to our body, the body of Christ? We typically care for our physical bodies well. How m…
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As believers in Jesus Christ, our lives should be marked by love... they should be marked by how well we die to ourselves. Very counter cultural, but that’s what’s truly transformational! Listen to some of Jesus’ last words to us about how we should function as His Church. (Scriptures I referenced: John 13:35, John 15:12-13, John 17:20-21, Galatian…
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Hebrews 12:1 says to lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely. It sounds like a command to get rid of whatever could distract and hinder us from running the race. In Matthew 19, Jesus tells his disciples not to hinder children from coming to Him. I wonder if as parents our examples, teaching, and leadership could hinder rather than he…
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So it seems I love talking about love languages lol. I just think it’s a helpful tool to personalize how we love, how we understand behaviors, and even how to apply the appropriate discipline based on how our children feel loved. One size does not fit all in the categories of loving, training, or disciplining.…
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Last week, we talked about the most important thing we can teach our children. This week, it seems...we’re talking about the most important thing we can teach our children LOL. I promise they’re different, but they definitely go hand in hand. (Scriptures I referenced: Judges 2:10, Deuteronomy 6:7, Acts 1:8, Jude 1:24-25). ♥️…
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There are so many things discussed and shared in the book of Proverbs, but it seems the most important take away is the fear of the Lord. Which means, that’s the most important thing we can teach or train our children in. Listen for some highly practical and transformational examples straight from God’s word of how we can teach our children how to …
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Last week, we looked at what we’re called to BE and this week is all about what we’re called to DO! This revelation kind of blew my mind...just like our husbands sacrificial love for us makes us feel deeply loved, our husbands feel most respected though our submission. Our submission is a way of saying “I respect your authority and position in my l…
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A study in Genesis 2 teaches us that woman were created FOR man, that wives were created FOR husbands. Created to help. Help them do what? Understanding this is at the core of understanding our purpose and mission in marriage, but also as women. (Scriptures I referenced: Genesis 2:15, 18-19, 22, Genesis 3, 1 Corinthians 7:16). ♥️…
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Ever wonder why the Christian walk is referred to as a race or good fight? It requires endurance, perseverance, and training. Titus 2:4 says that older women are to train younger women on how to love their husbands and children. Now I’m not technically an older woman, but I’m just studying for myself and inviting you to listen along. AND to share y…
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I love how God speaks! Making the connection from loving others like myself to loving others like Christ requires a middle phase. This phase or “Stage 2 of Love” is a journey to understanding how to love your “enemy” like God loves His. It looks like compassion, mercy, and grace. It looks like not insisting on our own way. And this can only happen …
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We have been taught by God to love one another by the many examples He’s proved His love for us. That is how Jesus can say “love like I have loved you”. It’s more than loving others like we would love ourselves. We’re going to need the Holy Spirit’s help for this one. (Scriptures I referenced: John 13:14, 35, 1 John 4-11-12, 1 Thessalonians 4:9, 1 …
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Jesus said “You’ve heard it said love your neighbors and hate your enemies”... but I say “LOVE YOUR ENEMIES”. And then He compares it to being merciful and perfect like God the Father. How does that compare at all? Well... God the Father knows something about loving His enemies. He sent His Son to die so His enemies could become His children. What …
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In today’s episode, we discuss who our neighbor is and what it looks like to love like ourselves. Spend time today thinking about how you love yourself. Not to focus on you, but to have descriptive ways to now love your neighbor. It all comes back to the Golden Rule: do unto others as you wish they’d do unto you. (Scriptures I referenced: Leviticus…
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At the core of each human being is the desire to elevate and fight for oneself, yet love needs a heart that says “i’ll lay myself down”. As we continue to look at Jesus as our perfect example, we’ve got to ask ourselves if we will lay our lives down to love? (Scriptures I referenced: Matthew 22,5, and John 13, John 15:13, Genesis 3:16, 1 Corinthian…
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Our ability to actually love and obey God only comes when we have a new heart of flesh given by the Holy Spirit. That heart can finally say “I just want to love you”. (Scriptures I referenced: John 14:15, 1 Samuel 15:22, Galatians 1:10, Matthew 15:3 and 7:21-24, Isaiah 29:13, 1 Samuel 16:7, Romans 2:25-29, and Ezekiel 11:19-20). ♥️…
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If loving God with all our heart looks like putting our affections towards Him and loving God with all our life looks like putting our eternal life in His hands...what does it mean to love the Lord with all our strength or might? Maybe it’s about His strength and might. (Here are the scriptures I referenced: 2 Peter 1:5, Joshua 1:9, Isaiah 12:2, Ps…
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Though our lives may flow from our hearts, our souls can be lost and even killed. So how can our souls live... rather how can we keep our souls? There are many paradoxes we find when we seek to follow Jesus... this is no different. To save our souls, we must lose our lives. {Here are the scriptures I reference: Psalm 107:5 and 9, Jeremiah 31:25, Ps…
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What happens in our hearts is the most unpredictable and most important part of us to guard because everything we do flows out of it. How do we love God with ALL our ever changing heart? This episode is just the tip of the iceberg. Here are the scriptures I reference: Deuteronomy 30:6, Psalms 57:7, Proverbs 15:14, Proverbs 23:15, Psalms 73:36, 1 Ko…
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Beginning with Deuteronomy 6:4, I attempt to unpack what it means to LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD... Here are all the scripture references I use in the episode: John 14:15, Deuteronomy 11:13, Joshua 22:55, Deuteronomy 13:3, 1 John 4:8 (9-10), Romans 5:8, John 3:16, 1 Corinthians 13, John 15:13, Philippians 2:8 (3:8), Matthew 16:24-25, Colossians 3:3, Eph…
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I just love how I’ve become a pivot-er! My journey from faithfulness to transformation by love has led to a deep study of what it means to love God and others. Journey with me this season as we seek to understand the greatest commandments and thus seek to fulfill the law of Christ! (Tall order, I know! I’m excited).…
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Welcome back to the “laundry room” for The Laundry Hour with Jaime Williams. Whether you’re a SAHM, working mom, woman, or dad, we are glad to have you! I’m starting of Season 3 with yet another talk about Goals, Resolutions, and 2019 (as if you haven’t already been bombarded with enough lol). I hope this adds to your intentional prayer and plan to…
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1 Timothy 6:12 days Fight the good fight of FAITH. In light of surrendering, what does fighting for faith really look like? As we end 2018 and gear up for 2019, my prayer is this episode shapes how you “fight your battles”. ♥️ MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEARS, my sweet fellow SAHMS (and everyone else who listens and loves The Laundry Hour)!…
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And I am so serious about it, too! It may be something you’ve never heard before. But it’s possible that it’ll seem like a hyped up something that was already known to you. But what takes us from valuing something to prioritize it is HARD work. I truly believe if we work hard at these four things, we will experience the transformative life God has …
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If you haven’t been with us from the beginning, The Laundry Hour was birthed from the idea of being faithful and a good steward with what God has given me. I’ve been trying to pursue faithfulness all of 2018. And since I’m known for pivots, it was about time to make one and share it. I’m learning that it’s okay when you realize you’re off course...…
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What is the ideal woman? Proverbs 31, perhaps? Beautiful Girlhood walks through ideals such as ambition, dreams, and purpose after building godly character. Girlhood is a time of preparing so it only makes sense that once a girl builds her character, she begins to build herself into the ideal woman by what she pursues. What is your purpose? What ar…
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Have ever thought of what it means to be a girl? Do you sit and think about your childhood and wish to redeem parts of it and reminisce with others? Journey with me as I read another book that’s like a continuation of my womanhood journey. I’m excited about how this will prepare me as a girl mom, and also you as we think about how to faithfully be …
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I think it is SO cool how God works. He’s orchestrating, guiding, and working ALL things out for our good... we just have to seek Him out and walk in the paths He’s clearly set for us. Today’s podcast is all about a podcast I listen to called “More To Be” by Elisa Pulliam. This past week, the More To Be Podcast had two episodes focused on becoming …
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I can’t believe I just finished a book during motherhood! Yay, me!!! (You can do it too!). But I’m so grateful for the exhortations to biblical marriage that finish Elizabeth Elliot’s “Let Me Be A Woman”. Have you ever actually defined marriage? What it looks like? How it works well? And what your job is to continue making it grow and thrive? Journ…
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During our Homes of Grace Series, I was totally convicted by Danielle Richardson’s charge to love our husbands FIRST. That way our love for our children becomes the overflow. Elizabeth Elliot continues with a series of statements about whom your marry. I hope this episode will remind us of things we learned when we were preparing for marriage... ma…
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