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Ex libris

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Seznamte se s knihami, které doporučují známé osobnosti. Všechny díly podcastu Ex libris můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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La domenica dei libri è la trasmissione di libri e cultura di Radio Popolare. Ogni settimana, interviste agli autori, approfondimenti, le novità del dibattito culturale, soprattutto la passione della lettura e delle idee. Condotta da Roberto Festa
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Libri per il successo si presenta come un podcast dove si propone all’ascoltatore un libro che possa fornire spunti per migliorare la sfera personale e professionale. Ogni due settimana un libro- un argomento, una pillola pratica, se mettiamo insieme podcast dopo podcast nell’arco di un periodo ci troviamo ad assimilare una serie di strumenti che di danno una marcia in più. Ovviamente i libri vanno letti e questo programma è pieno di opinioni e aneddoti personali del suo autore, non intende ...
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Ingredienti: consigli, liste di cose belle, film, musica, libri, fumetti, amici nerd, serie tv, videogiochi, luoghi e tutto quello che passa per le teste qui riunite da Claudio Garioni. Special Guest: CARLO LUCARELLI, ANDREA DELOGU, LUCA RAVENNA, PAOLA BARBATO, MAX COLLINI (Offlaga Disco Pax), GIULIO PRANNO, GIACOMO KEISON BEVILACQUA, GIANLUCA MOROZZI, WALTER LEONARDI, BARONCIANI, SANTAMATITA, CARLO CORALLO, LEONARDO PATRIGNANI, STANLIO KUBRICK (I 400 calci), MEGANOIDI, FRANCESCO DIMITRI, LU ...
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Incipit di libri

Due Minuti Un Libro

Gli incipit di Due Minuti Un Libro. Il piacere della lettura ad alta voce. Che sia un thriller, un romanzo, un manuale, un libro per bambini o ragazzi, di poesie, un distopico, un autobiografico, uno spirituale a noi piace leggerli. Buon ascolto!
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Un’inviata virtuale in libreria per scoprire le ultime novità del mercato editoriale. In ogni puntata due interviste dal vivo a scrittrici e scrittori, italiani e stranieri, per parlare dei romanzi: dai personaggi ai temi, dalle trame ai retroscena della scrittura. Con uno stile informale Alessandra Tedesco racconta i romanzi e talvolta anche gli aspetti inediti degli autori. Un modo per orientarsi nella vasta produzione editoriale e scegliere il libro adatto a sé.
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Hörspiele lassen fantastische Welten in unseren Köpfen entstehen: das nebelverhangene London, ein Piratenschiff im Sturm, die Weiten des Weltraums – alles wird vor unserem inneren Auge lebendig und das nur durch die Kraft von Stimmen, Geräuschen und Musik. Beim Theater ex libris kann man Hörspiel sehen - live auf der Bühne. Mit Live-Musik, einer aufwändigen Bildpräsentation und stimmungsvollen Lichteffekten verwandelt das Ensemble Literaturklassiker und eigene Geschichten in spannende Live-H ...
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Benvenuti amanti dei libri! Questo podcast nasce con l'obiettivo di diventare una grande libreria comune dove potrete trovare, ogni settimana, nuovi suggerimenti di lettura.
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NFO Radio

È finalmente arrivato il momento di partire per un viaggio che ci catapulterà nel mondo dei libri e dei brividi di amore, dolore, piacere, stupore, follia che riescono a fare vivere nei nostri corpi… vera LIBRIDINE. Un programma di Radio NFO realizzato da Elena Piazza, Andrea Firrincieli e Giorgio Grasso.
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A Libri Magazin podcast-csatornája íróportrékkal, könyvajánlókkal és tematikus műsorokkal várja a könyvrajongókat. Kövesse csatornánkat a Spotify-on vagy a Google és az Apple podcast-alkalmazásaiban, és kerüljön képbe a legfrissebb könyves újdonságokkal!
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Ex Libris LIVE!

Oxford Games Ltd

Listen to some of the UK’s wittiest wordsmiths cross pens as they bluff and counter bluff in Ex Libris LIVE! the entertaining panel show adaptation of Ex Libris, the game of first lines and last words. Be prepared for a good deal of bluffing, entertaining chit-chat and outright literary sneakiness! While panelists set about writing fake but plausible opening or closing sentences to genuine books, the Ex Libris LIVE! host, broadcaster David Freeman, will interview, in turn, each contender dis ...
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Dr. William J. Librizzi, PsyD

Dr. William J. Librizzi, PsyD

William Librizzi is the founder and director of The Wellspring Counseling Center and the Wellspring Communications Group in Manasquan, New Jersey. He, along with his team of Christian counselors, assist individuals in the areas of emotional and spiritual growth. They work with their clients integrating the word of God with sound, psychological principals. Reverend Librizzi is a Licensed Professional Counselor within the state of New Jersey and an ordained minister. Prior to counseling full t ...
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I romanzi di Ferrante saranno la cartina di tornasole per guardare ai libri scritti dalle donne, al femminismo per come lo intende Ferrante e soprattutto alle italiane che sono le vere protagoniste dell’opera monumentale dell’autrice invisibile. Io sono Viviana Scarinci ho scritto fino a oggi alcuni libri su Elena Ferrante pubblicati in Italia e in Germania.
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Book Review - Ladra di Libri

Ladra di Libri podcast

Mi chiamo Mariana, sono una ladra compulsiva, ossessiva e ripetitiva. E sono una ladra di libri. Ogni lunedì on line con le #bookreviews della settimana, interviste e tutte le news dal mondo dell'editoria e dei libri.
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Zona Lettura è un podcast di recensioni letterarie ideato per avvicinare alla lettura, per stimolare alla riflessione, per approfondire temi di interesse letterario, e per consigliare nuovi titoli a chi è in cerca di novità.
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Mille Libri per Sognare

Eliana Matania Ruggiero

Autrice di romance, thriller e fantasy MM e LGBTQ, ma anche lettrice compulsiva e book-blogger. Amo leggere e scrivere per poter condividere, con chi ama la lettura, quelle che sono le mie sensazioni, emozioni, pensieri vissuti quando leggo un libro, e per dare visibilità a quegli scrittori esordienti, schiacciati dai big, ma che meritano di essere letti. Con questi podcast proseguo una rubrica già intrapresa su Facebook, Instagram e YouTube di lettura di incipit, prologo, primo capitolo o e ...
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Kitabu Teuhid - Libri i Teuhidit

Lulzim Perçuku

Shpjeguar nga Hoxhë Lulzim Perçuku. Pesë librat prej ku është marrë komenti i librit: 1. Fet’hul Mexhid – Abdurrahman Ibn Hasen (nipi i shejhut), Allahu e mëshiroftë 2. Tejsirul Azizil Hamid – Sulejman Ibn Abdilah (nipi i shejhut), Allahu e mëshiroftë 3. Temhid – Shejh Salih alu Shejh, Allahu e ruajtë 4. Ianetul Mustefid – Shejh Feuzani, Allahu e ruajtë 5. El Kaulu el-Mufid – Shejh Uthejmini, Allahu e mëshiroftë ©Të gjitha të drejtat i përkasin shoqatës "Qendra Udhëzimi". Menaxheri i këtij p ...
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Questo podcast si intitola "Libri che raccontano idee" perché bisogna sempre farsi ispirare dalle idee che circolano per non rimanere mai indietro. Io mi chiamo Luigi Serra e sono un consulente di Marketing e le idee di questi libri sono dedicate ai piccoli imprenditori, a quelli che devono fare tutto da soli per promuovere una azienda e a quelli che cercano nuove strade. In "Libri che raccontano idee" parlerò di marketing, di comunicazione, di business e di digitale.
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I libri di PaperFIRST

Il Fatto quotidiano

Un libro, un podcast. Le conversazioni dei nostri autori con il direttore editoriale della nostra casa editrice, Marco Lillo. Arricchite, talvolta, da uno o più commentatori autorevoli che partecipano al dialogo. Il primo episodio è dedicato a Contro! di Alessandro Di Battista. Seguiranno L’Uomo nero e le stragi di Giovanni Vignali con la partecipazione di Carlo Lucarelli e Antonella Beccaria, Le Banane della Repubblica di Pino Corrias, Il caso Khashoggi di Marco Lillo e Valeria Pacelli, Io ...
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show series
Menù del giorno: - 3 profili Instagram da seguire (Marcus Veltri, Letterboxd fuori contesto, Brandon James Scott) - I FANTASTICI QUATTRO - GLI INIZI e le prossime uscite firmate Marvel (con Francesco Mucci) 2' 00'' - Il ritorno di BUFFY L'AMMAZZAVAMPIRI (con Max Church) 19' 08'' - Lista dell'attesa n°91 (Dogma 2, il nuovo romanzo di Stephen King e …
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Vann Nath (Battambang 1946/ Phnon Penh 2011), artista e attivista per i diritti umani cambogiano, è stato uno dei pochissimi sopravvissuti all'inferno del regime di Pol Pot in Cambogia. Salvatosi grazie al suo talento di pittore, Vann Nath è stato il più autorevole testimone della spietata ferocia del regime dei Khmer Rossi guidato da Pol Pot, che …
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In questo episodio usciamo dalla nostra comfort zone e parliamo di SAGGI, visti spesso come tomi difficili e noiosi, sono invece utili per scoprire cose nuove o ampliare il proprio bagaglio di conoscenze. Ecco il LISTONE! Il Piccolo libro dello stoicismo - Jonas Salzgeber Vivere mille vite - Lorenzo Fantoni Pensieri lenti pensieri veloci - Daniel K…
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EPISODIO 95- THE ONLY SKILL THAT MATTERS - JONATHAN LEVI 7 COLPI DI MACHETE SITO: COACHING: TRASCRIZIONE DEL PODCAST Oggi si può creare un video con immagini, testi una voce, solo usando dei sistemi automatici, prima dovev…
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LibriVox recording of Our Air Force: The Keystone of National Defense by William Lendrum Mitchell. Read in English by Ted Lienhart. William (Billy) Mitchell was a U.S. Army officer who, during World War I, came to command all U.S.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Arch…
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LibriVox recording of The Something-Different Dish by Marion Harris Neil. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Author of many traditional books on cooking and recipe collections, Marion Harris Neil presents a slightly off-beat collection of recipes covering the usual categories of soup, fish, mea.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of Vom fernen Ufer by Elisabeth Braunhoff. Read in German by lorda. Sonette über die Liebe, vor dem Hintergrund des Krieges. Vom ersten Verliebtsein, über stärkere Gefühle, bis zur Eifersucht und schmerzlicher Trennung werden alle Stationen durchlebt.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the follow…
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LibriVox recording of Brazil. Stray notes from Bahia by James Wetherell. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Observations and reflections from James Wetherell who was Britain's Vice-Consul of Bahia and prior, Vice-Consul of Paraiba, during a period of about 15 years.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the follo…
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LibriVox recording of Sunday Stories by Catharine Shaw. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Adaptations of bible stories for younger readers. - Summary by ShrimpPhish For further information, including links to online text, reader information, RSS feeds, CD cover or other formats (if available),.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of Rich Crooks by Gordon Young. Read in English by Ben Tucker. "Seated in a restaurant in New York City, Don Everhard suddenly finds himself involved in an insidious plot, the entanglements of which are stretched half-way across the continent and implicate the destinies of many pr.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of Is Sex Necessary? or Why You Feel The Way You Do by James Thurber; E. B. White. Read in English by Zach Hoyt. From the Foreword: “During the past year, two factors in our civilization have been greatly overemphasized.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps …
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LibriVox recording of Breaking the Outer Ring: Marine Landings in the Marshall Islands by John C. Chapin. Read in English by Aaron Bennett. By the beginning of 1944, United States Marine forces had already made a dramatic start on the conquest of areas overrun by the Japanese early in World War II.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This…
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LibriVox recording of Raymond Lull: First Missionary to the Moslems by Samuel Zwemer. Read in English by AletheiaCharis. With his vast knowledge in a wide range of subjects, Raymond Lull was a Renaissance man before the time of the Renaissance.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64…
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O studené válce zdánlivě víme vše – ale opravdu jen zdánlivě. Historie je kromě toho z velké části o tom, jak ji interpretujeme. A v obou těchto měřítkách, v přinášení nových faktů i v interpretaci minulých dějů, vyniká kniha Sergeje Radčenka, původem ruského historika, který dlouhodobě působí v zahraničí. Jeho kniha To Run the World: The Kremlin's…
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LibriVox recording of Weird Tales Double Feature: The Haunter in the Dark and The Thing on the Door-Step by H. P. Lovecraft. Read in English by Ben Tucker. In this thrilling and horrific installment of the Weird Tales Double Feature, we have the final two novelettes published within the Cthulhu myth.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of The Black Cat Vol. 04 No. 10 July 1899 by Various. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. The Black Cat (1895-1922) was a monthly literary magazine, publishing original short stories, often about uncanny or fantastical topics.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP…
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LibriVox recording of Devotional Hours with the Bible, Vol 2 by James Russell Miller. Read in English by MaryAnn. One way of studying the Bible is to get from it practical lessons from our daily life. This is the purpose that is in mind in this book.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps M…
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LibriVox volunteers bring you 16 recordings of Talk by Stephen Vincent Benét. This was the Weekly Poetry project for February 2, 2025. Stephen Vincent Benét was an American poet, short story writer, and novelist.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, Dj…
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LibriVox recording of David Copperfield, Band 09 by Charles Dickens. (Translated by Julius Seybt.) Read in German by josvanaken. David Copperfield von Charles Dickens ist ein viktorianischer Bildungsroman, der die Lebensgeschichte des Protagonisten David Copperfield erzählt.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the f…
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LibriVox recording of Amor y Llanto by Maria del Pilar Sinués. Read in Spanish by LibriVox Volunteers. Confidencias de reyes, reinas, sus séquitos y sus cortes. Conjunto de novelas monárquicas con altos tonos de historia, ambientados en varias zonas de la península ibérica.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the fo…
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LibriVox recording of The Diary of a Russian Lady by Barbara Doukhovsky. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. This book was not intended to be published, and it is to accident that we owe its appearance.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, DjVuTXT,…
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LibriVox recording of Letters on Different Subjects in Natural Philosophy, Volume 1 (Letters to a German Princess) by Leonhard Euler. (Translated by Henry Hunter.) Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, Item Tile, …
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LibriVox recording of London's Lamentation for Her Sins by William Crashaw. Read in English by InTheDesert. London's lamentation for her sins and complaint to the Lord her God out of which may be picked a prayer for private families, for the time of this fearful infection and may serve for a help to.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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Un romanzo doloroso e potente sulle relazioni familiari. Una famiglia in cui la scena è monopolizzata dal padre, un uomo che esercita potere e violenza, soprattutto psicologica talvolta anche fisica, ma lo sguardo del figlio (l'io narrante) è tutto sulla madre, sul suo essere invisibile, sul suo esistere solo in funzione del marito, sul suo sottrar…
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LibriVox recording of The Purple Sapphire, and Other Posthumous Papers: Complete Edition by Christopher Blayre. Read in English by Ben Tucker. This collection features a creepy and mysterious array of weird fiction, compiled under the fictional guise of being collegiate papers deposited in the archi.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of Orion Clemens by Fred W. Lorch. Read in English by John Greenman. Orion Clemens (July 17, 1825 – December 11, 1897) was the first and only Secretary of the Nevada Territory. His younger brother Samuel Langhorne Clemens became an author under the pen name Mark Twain.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has f…
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LibriVox recording of Someone to Watch Over Me by H. L. Gold; Floyd C. Gale. Read in English by Ben Tucker. In the awfulness of hyperspace, everything was the nightmare opposite of itself... and here was where Len Mattern found his goal! - Summary by Galaxy Science Fiction, October 1959 For further .... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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Listen to LibriVox Community Podcast #154 – I Can’t Wait To Record This. Hosted by jpercival. Duration: 14:16 With contributions from Jpercival, ShrimpPhish, LightCrystal, Piotrek, and KevinS. 0:00 – Introduction 0:23 – My Heart has Known Its Winter by Arna Bontemps from the Short Poetry Collection 260 1:20 – News Highlight: Project Status Table, S…
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LibriVox recording of God's Terrible Voice in the City by Thomas Vincent. Read in English by InTheDesert. Wherein you have: I. The sound of the voice, in the narration of the two late dreadfull judgments of plague and fire, inflicted by the Lord upon the city of London, the former in the year, 1665,.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of On the Good of Marriage by Saint Augustine of Hippo. (Translated by Charles Lewis Cornish.) Read in English by InTheDesert. This treatise, and the following, were written against somewhat that still remained of the heresy of Jovinian.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128…
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LibriVox recording of Multilingual Short Works Collection 037 - Poetry & Prose by Various. Read in Multilingual by LibriVox Volunteers. This is our 37h collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages (except standard English) as listed below.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This ite…
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LibriVox recording of 長生殿 (The Palace of Eternal Life) by Sheng 昇 Hong 洪. Read in Chinese by Let’s Classics. 描述中國唐朝皇帝唐玄宗(又稱唐明皇)與寵妃楊貴妃淒慘的愛情故事。這個取材自歷史的故事,中國文學中有好幾部取材自這個故事的作.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, Item Tile, Metadata, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR …
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LibriVox recording of Hercules by Georg Friedrich Händel; Thomas Broughton. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Hercules is an English Oratorio composed by Georg Friedrich Händel to a libretto by the Reverend Thomas Broughton.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Arch…
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LibriVox recording of The Rover Boys at Big Bear Lake by Arthur M. Winfield. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. This is the seventh book in “The Second Rover Boys Series for Young Americans,” there having been twenty books in the first series.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3…
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Pro mnohé z nás je hudba srdeční záležitost, pro kanadsko-amerického neurologa Daniela Levitina je to hra tonopických map, neuronových spojů a synapsí. Sám je ovšem také hudebník, takže se velmi dobře vyzná ve struktuře hudby. V knize Mozek a hudba zkoumá například hudební paměť, absolutní sluch a vztah mezi rytmem a pohybem, který zajišťuje malý, …
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LibriVox recording of We by Charles Lindbergh. Read in English by Jim Locke. "We" is comprised of two parts. The first ten chapters (sections) where he traces his steady and remarkable genius for flying are written by Charles Lindbergh.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3…
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LibriVox recording of Love Songs by Elizabeth Barrett Browning; Robert Browning. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning shared one of the great literary and romantic marriages of the 19th century, eloping to Italy to escape the objections of her family.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item h…
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LibriVox recording of The Monster and Magician: or, The Fate of Frankenstein by John Kerr. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. In 1826, French playwrights Jean-Toussaint Merle and Antony Béraud cowrote the play Le monstre et le magicien as a stage adaptation of British author Mary Shelley's 18.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This…
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LibriVox recording of The Hardy Boys: The Secret of the Caves by Franklin W. Dixon. Read in English by James R. Hedrick. The Hardy boys were sons of a celebrated American detective and from their father learned the particulars of a number of unusual crimes.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 12…
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LibriVox recording of Short Ghost and Horror Collection 077 by Various. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. A collection of twenty stories featuring ghoulies, ghosties, four-legged beasts and things that go bump in the night.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archi…
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LibriVox recording of The Poems of Madison Cawein Vol. 2: New World Idylls and Poems of Love by Madison Cawein. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. This is volume 2 of 5 in the series of poems by Madison Cawein.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent,…
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