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"Berlin Code" ist der Politik-Podcast aus dem ARD-Hauptstadtstudio. Linda Zervakis schaut mit den ARD-Korrespondentinnen und -korrespondenten jede Woche hinter die Kulissen der Bundespolitik. Zusammen entschlüsseln sie Reden, Texte, Vorgänge und Entscheidungen, analysieren die bedeutenden Themen und greifen das auf, was im Nachrichten-Alltag manchmal zu kurz kommt. "Berlin Code" gibt es jeden Freitagnachmittag und wann immer etwas Besonderes passiert in der ARD-Audiothek und in allen Podcast ...
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1 med Urban Lindstedt

Historiska Media | Acast

Historia Nu är podcasten om människor och händelser som förändrade världen. Programledare är Urban Lindstedt, journalist och en stor historienörd. Varje onsdag släpper vi nya avsnitt, där Urban samtalar med kunniga och intressanta gäster. Det handlar om allt från bödlar på 1600-talet till brittiska imperiets uppgång och fall. Det blir djupdykningar i myterna kring vikingar eller kalla krigets värsta spionaffärer. Spännande historier om soldater som offrat sina liv, eller makthavare som fatta ...
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Kreckman & Lindahl

Kroenke Sports and Entertainment

They'll make you think, make you laugh, and entertain you on your drive home - They're Nate Kreckman and Andy Lindahl, Denver's Longest-Running afternoon sports talk show, weekdays 3pm-6pm.
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This podcast is created with the intention of giving you a time of resting and learning to hear the voice of the Lord while allowing Him to speak into your life through 10 to 25 minute messages and teaching insights. Mary Lindow serves thorough mentoring, traveling as a teacher and voice of encouragement. Mary also ministers as a vocalist and is a Pastoral Counselor. Visit for information and fresh inspiration.
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Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes is an organization committed to helping children and adults learn to read and comprehend to their potential. Lindamood-Bell Radio explores a wide range of topics revolving around learning, literacy, and education. Hear from public school leaders, parents of children with learning difficulties, literacy coaches, teachers, researchers and even an inspiring college football player who is passionate about getting kids in his community reading. Lindamood-Bell's f ...
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Join Christopher as he navigates the diverse intersection of business, technology, and the human experience. And, to be clear, the purpose isn’t just to explore technologies but to unravel the profound ways these tech advancements are reshaping our lives, work, and interactions. We dive into the heart of digital transformation, the human side of tech evolution, and the synchronization that drives innovation and business success. Also, be sure to check out my Substack for weekly, digestible r ...
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The Entirely Unconventional Podcast brings you into the author’s living room where she shares funny stories, brings words of encouragement and shows you your value in Christ. Hosted by Lindsay Roberts, this podcast will make you laugh, cry, relate and find purpose as Lindsay shares her unconventional experience in ministry and shows many examples of God using imperfect people for His perfect plan.
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"The Coach Linda Show is part of (Coach Linda Charity Inc.) which is a comprehensive support organization dedicated to empowering individuals and families in need. Our mission is to provide a holistic approach to assistance, addressing the most basic and critical needs in our community. We also held a morning devotional study. We also focus on educating and elevating others.
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Coffee Convos is hosted by Kail Lowry of MTV's Teen Mom and Lindsie Chrisley of USA Network's Chrisley Knows Best. These two reality stars come from totally different worlds, but have become close through their shared experiences as mothers, reality stars, and women. They share who they really are and talk about the issues they face every day. They don't always agree, but they love to have lively discussions about motherhood, friendship, television, family, and life in the public eye. Coffee ...
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Whether you’re bendy with all the benefits or hurting in all the wrong places, you’ve come to the right place for all things hypermobility. Connective tissue disorders like Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (EDS) are often dismissed or overlooked by healthcare providers as a cause of chronic pain. But if you or someone you care about struggles with the life-altering symptoms of hypermobility, you should know YOU ARE NOT ALONE! At the Bendy Bodies Podcast, we understand. Each week, join Dr. Linda Blues ...
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🔹 è una testata giornalistica che non riceve alcun contributo pubblico né ospita alcuna pubblicità, quindi si sostiene esclusivamente grazie agli abbonati e alle donazioni dei lettori. Non abbiamo né vogliamo avere alcun legame con grandi aziende, multinazionali e partiti politici. E sarà sempre così perché questa è l’unica possibilità, secondo noi, per fare giornalismo libero e imparziale. Un’informazione – finalmente – senza padroni.
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Wer die Augen nicht verschließt und mit klarem Geist und offenem Herzen die Zeichen dieser Zeit wahrnimmt, spürt: Dieses Jahrzehnt wird entscheidend sein für die Zukunft der Menschheit. Wir stehen an der Schwelle eines radikalen Umbruchs – sozial, politisch, technologisch, ökologisch und spirituell. Inmitten dieser Ungewissheit lockt die Versuchung, sich in dystopische Visionen zu verlieren. Doch wir sagen: Nein. Wir machen da nicht mit. Wir glauben an eine Richtung der Evolution, eine im Ch ...
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Love, Lindsay


Welcome to Love, Lindsay—where mental health, self-care, and self-improvement meet raw honesty, past lessons, and the psychology behind what actually makes us feel whole. This is your soft place to land—a deep dive into the truths we all think about but don’t always say out loud. From wild nights and juicy stories (Playboy Mansion parties, getting arrested on a first date) to rewriting my life at 40, healing my mind, and manifesting the future I actually want—Love, Lindsay is where chaos mee ...
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Get ready to leave the mundane behind. Jump in Linda’s backpack and join her on adventures around the globe. She seeks out the wild beauty of our planet, taking you from Alaska to Patagonia on the southern tip of Chile, on Big Blend Radio’s podcast, ”Lost Angel Travel Adventures with Linda Ballou.”
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This podcast is for the spiritual junkie interested in taking that 18-inch journey from the head to the heart to learn how to tune into your authentic power to co-create your life with your Guides from the other side. Join me each week to learn how to combine both consciousness and spirituality to create a truly guided life!
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Herzensmomente mit Linda Roth-Spielmann

über Selbstliebe und ein erfülltes Leben

Herzensmomente – Dein Podcast für Selbstliebe und ein erfülltes Leben! Lass dich inspirieren dein authentisches Selbst zu entdecken. Es erwarten dich kraftvolle Impulse, die dir helfen, dich selbst tiefer zu kennenzulernen und anzunehmen. Hier findest du Ermutigung, deinem Herzen zu folgen und dein Leben nach deinen eigenen Vorstellungen zu gestalten – voller Liebe, Balance und Erfüllung. Themen die dich erwarten: Selbstliebe, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Spiritualität, Lebensqualität & mehr ...
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Storytelling is the fabric of our society. It is how we are able to gain perspective on someone else’s life without ever having walked in their shoes. This podcast is intended to bring people together by showing the nuances of the world. It aims to highlight the gray areas as well as the commonalities we all share. The more we discuss the lens in which we operate from, the more understanding we gain of one another, and the better chance we have at bridging the gaps between us. It’s time to b ...
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Lindsey Moore has spent the last 15 years growing, advising and empowering small businesses. These conversations aim to provide inspiration, motivation and energy to those looking to start, scale or pivot their business, by hearing the stories of others who have been brave, followed their heart, kept their nerve and grown something quite remarkable.Lindsey speaks with her favourite small businesses and acclaimed entrepreneurs and asks them about their highs, their lows, their wish-I'd known' ...
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Join Linda Fisler as we talk about writing, art, and creativity! Linda will have guests from time to time to talk about their creative process and milestones. Check out her YouTube Art Chat TV page too! Buy Linda a coffee and support Art Chat TV podcast and Youtube Channel. Without your support, we wouldn't be sharing the things we love.
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Welcome - I'm Lindsay :) Are you ready to step up and live the life of your dreams? I'm so glad you said YES because you're in the right place. 🥳 I help moms shed the limiting beliefs, societal expectations, fears, and thought patterns that have been holding them back so they can trust the inner wisdom that's guiding them toward their true purpose. Through guest interviews and sharing my own hard-earned wisdom, we discuss what it takes to courageously follow your dreams. Let's remove those s ...
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Welcome home to The Lindsay Marten Ellis Experience. This is your virtual sanctuary where we keep it light while going deep, and ground spirituality into the reality of what it means to be human. We explore consciousness, evolution, alternative health, all things truth, taboo, and beyond. There are no boxes or rules here. Tune in each week where myself and raw and real guests will be sharing our lived experience through a multi-faceted lens to support you no matter where you’re at on your jo ...
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The Next Gen Trucking Association is a membership-based advocacy group solely dedicated to advancing the trucking industry as a career choice for the next generation through nationwide education and awareness initiatives. As a leading national nonprofit trade association, Next Gen Trucking Association (NGT) inspires, educates, and provides resources for young people and schools and promotes opportunities within the trucking industry. This podcast is all about steering the next generation tow ...
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Inspired Conversations with Linda Joy

iOM Radio Network - OMTimes

Get ready for intimate, soulful conversations with women that will inspire you on your path to intentional living. Mindset Mojo™ Mentor and Intentional Living Guide, Linda Joy, publisher of the beloved Aspire Magazine since 2006 and founder of Inspired Living Publishing™ is one of the premier voices in women’s inspirational print and multimedia publishing. Listen in as she brings you intimate, authentic conversations with today’s leading visionary women in personal and spiritual development, ...
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Welcome to Linda's Corner: Inspiration for a Better Life Are you seeking inspiration and transformation in your life? Look no further! At Linda's Corner we tackle everyday challenges like relationships, parenting, weight loss, health, and finances, and we also dive deep into heavier topics like depression, anxiety, addiction, abuse, grief, and childhood trauma. Listen to stories of real people overcoming real challenges, just like yours. With the wisdom of experts and the courage of overcome ...
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show series
Another week, another wave of breakthroughs, controversies, and questions that demand deeper thinking. From Google's latest play in humanoid robotics to Meta's new wearables, there's no shortage of things to unpack. But it's not just about the tech, leadership (or the lack of it) is once again at the center of the conversation. With that, let’s bre…
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Nan épisode sa nou tap pale de lanmò Cherline Lafortune kise se nyès mwen kote lanmò a te fèt nan gonaives sans mêt mòh la ki se Job funérailles pt bay link ni dèlko pou vèy ak antèman , mwen pat kontan e m te adresse ak kèl moun nan fanmi an ki te antèt se te yon dezòd total … Map mande pou moun maròt tande podcast epi konn ak ki moun yo anafè.…
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► Hier findest du alle Infos zur Life Trust Guide Ausbildung: Herzlich willkommen zu einer neuen Episode meines Podcasts Human Future Movement. Heute lade ich dich zu einer tiefen Reflexion über die Herausforderungen und Chancen unserer Zeit ein. Der Titel: Das Ende der alten Ordnung – und die verborgene Mel…
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Kennst du das Gefühl, wenn das Leben einfach schwer wirkt? Wenn du dich erschöpft, überfordert oder unsicher fühlst? In dieser Folge sprechen wir darüber, wie du auch in solchen Phasen liebevoll mit dir selbst umgehen kannst. Ich teile mit dir 5 wertvolle Impulse, die dir helfen können: ✨ Akzeptanz – Erkenne deine Gefühle an, ohne sie zu bewerten. …
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00:00 Adam Nigon joins the show to discuss CSU's win over Memphis in the NCAA Tournament. 14:10 Avalanche beat the Senators. 30:40 More on CSU's win. 35:10 Nique Clifford, CSU's leading scorer, joins the show fresh off of the win over Memphis.Por Kroenke Sports and Entertainment
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When a child has autism and faces challenges with reading comprehension and language processing, finding the right support can feel overwhelming. In this episode, a Lindamood-Bell parent shares their family's journey—navigating their son’s receptive and expressive language delays, reading struggles, and autism diagnosis. Hear how Lindamood-Bell’s e…
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Annalena Baerbock in New York und hunderte Milliarden für die Menschen in Deutschland: Die Noch-Außenministerin will einen Posten bei den Vereinten Nationen haben. Das erhitzt die Gemüter. Linda Zervakis spricht darüber mit den beiden ARD-Hauptstadtkorrespondenten Lissy Kaufmann und Jannik Pentz. Außerdem geht es um das Finanzpaket, dass nun beschl…
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Van and Rachel recap Jess Hilarious's airing out of 'Breakfast Club' grievances online and on air (7:32), before reacting to the erasure of Jackie Robinson and other military heroes in the name of getting rid of DEI (27:41). Plus, Van has a Kanye West theory (1:11:14) and gives his top five Black cities (1:21:21). Hosts: Van Lathan and Rachel Linds…
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I’m excited to bring you this conversation with Taylor Roe, who recently won the 2025 USATF Half Marathon Championships with an impressive time of 67 minutes and 22 seconds on a tough course in Atlanta. This victory was a personal best for Taylor, improving her time by over a minute. What makes this win even more remarkable is that it came as a sur…
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Navigating "Blended Families" with Dr. Patricia Papernow Blending families can be both rewarding and challenging. In this insightful episode, we welcome Dr. Patricia Papernow, one of the world’s foremost experts on blended families, to discuss the unique dynamics and strategies for success in stepfamily relationships. Dr. Papernow is the author of …
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Ep 127: Mar 19, 2025 - Does Human Consciousness Survive In Afterlife? LIVE CHAT with Dan Drasin! Linda is back LIVE this week and will be joined by Dan Drasin for a LIVE CHAT! Join us for a fascinating broadcast. Note: We had some audio problems with this episode. Daily Mail report: “Secret Pentagon study hints at reincarnation being real after fin…
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In this episode of the Bendy Bodies Podcast, Dr. Linda Bluestein welcomes Dr. Petra Klinge, a renowned neurosurgeon specializing in tethered cord syndrome (TCS), Chiari malformation, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) disorders. They dive deep into occult tethered cord syndrome, a condition where MRI scans appear normal, yet patients still experience ne…
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CC404: After Lindsie finds a story about a drunk driver causing an accident in Georgia, Kail shares some crazy stories from her childhood regarding her mom's drunk driving. A reddit AITA post about a woman being angry that her boyfriend couldn't cook dinner because dishes weren't washed has Lindsie asking how everyone loads their own dishwasher. A …
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What are you not seeing? There’s a link between physical pain and sensations in your body and your thoughts, emotions, and even the energetic field around you. Rebeccah and I get into the fun topic of quantum biofeedback and hypnotherapy, talking about the intangibles that directly affect us even though we can’t see them. More about Rebeccah Steele…
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När Skåne blev svenskt genom freden i Roskilde år 1658 inleddes en period av omvälvningar för Lund. Den tidigare Metropolis Daniae blev nu en del av den svenska stormakten. Försvenskningen av Skåne kom att genomföras genom både militära och kulturella insatser, där Lund spelade en central roll. Under denna tid grundades Lunds universitet, slaget vi…
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Celebrate Women's History Month with this episode of Big Blend Radio's "Lost Angel Travel Adventures with Linda Ballou" Podcast. Linda talks about seven formidable women in history that she admires, with two being inspirations behind her books "Wai-Nani" and "Embrace of the Wild." Hear about author Simone de Beauvoir, Ka’ahumanu who was the favorit…
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Curava i pazienti con gravi complicazioni abbandonati dal medico di base al protocollo “Tachipirina e vigile attesa”, inoltre non era vaccinato e per tale motivo è stato segnalato da un collega all’Ordine. Ha persino dovuto affrontare un processo per esercizio abusivo della professione, ma dopo tre anni è stato assolto: è la storia del dott. Fabio …
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What if the key to your happiness has been with you all along—buried in the simple joys of your childhood? In this magical, psychology-backed episode of Love, Lindsay, we dive into the Inner Child Trend—why adults everywhere are reclaiming play, nostalgia, and creativity as forms of self-care. With insights from Vogue, ELLE, and cutting-edge psycho…
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Lund grundades omkring år 990 av den danske kungen. Staden etablerades som ett strategiskt maktcentrum för att stärka den danska centralmakten och kristendomen i regionen. Under de följande århundradena växte Lund till ett religiöst och administrativt nav i det danska riket, och 1103 blev staden ärkebiskopssäte för hela Norden. Här utvecklades en a…
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Air Date - 18 March 2025 Soaking in the higher frequencies empowers us to attract and manifest our highest good. Empaths often absorb and feel the negative, or uncomfortable energy of others. This can leave us overwhelmed and confused. Sherrie offers insight into the different levels of consciousness. Through this awareness we can choose the energy…
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Joel Bein is the founder of Human Liberation LLC and the host of The Joel Bein Show. Joel is also the Founder and Conductor of the New Orleans Chamber Players and a Socratic Guide at Acton Academy. You can reach Joel at his website Special offer: Joel is offering a resource to find and clear limiting beliefs called "Th…
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Van and Rachel give a review of Playboi Carti’s latest album, ‘Music’ (7:19), before reacting to Kanye West and Kim Kardashian butting heads over a new song featuring Diddy and their daughter (17:22), and Anthony Mackie’s backlash for comments on masculinity (38:45). Then, Congress and Trump avoid shutting down the government (56:10), and Rachel ad…
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Dr. Tessier, of Life After Mold, is an environmental medicine expert, specializing in treating mold related illness and associated complex chronic illness conditions such as EDS, ASD, Lyme, EBV, MCAs, MCS and more. She is a writer, speaker and international educator on the topic, and has been an executive board member of The International Society f…
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