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Podcasten der handler om, hvordan nervesystemet ubevidst er blevet programmeret til at styre menneskets adfærd og alt, hvad vi gør. Nervesystemet fungerer som et orkester, hvor alt fra psyke, underbevidsthed, følelser og tanker til bevægelse, hjertet der slår og metabolismen er forskellige instrumenter, der igennem opvæksten lærer at spille sammen. Når der sker fejlprogrammeringer svarer det til at orkestret spiller gysermusik til en romantisk komedie. Ubalancer i nervesystemet som stress, a ...
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Nervennahrung Neurologie Podcast

Nervennahrung Neurologie Podcast

Der “Nervennahrung” Podcast berichtet medizinisch-wissenschaftlich über die gesamte Bandbreite der Neuroscience. Abwechselnd gehen die Gastgeber Prof. Mathias Mäurer, Universitätsklinikum Würzburg, und Prof. Sven Meuth, Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf, mit ihren Gästen in die Diskussion. Medizinisch unterhaltsam auf dem Laufenden bleiben? Kein Problem mit diesem Format - von Neurologen für Neurologen. Der Podcast “Nervennahrung” ist eine Initiative der Roche Pharma AG. Impressum Alle Angaben ...
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The Nerve to Heal


The Nerve to Heal is hosted by two certified Sexological Bodyworkers who dive into the rich and often misunderstood connection between the mind, body, and nervous system. Together, they explore how emotional and physical pain are deeply intertwined—and how lasting healing requires more than just symptom relief. With science-backed insights, personal stories, and candid conversations, this podcast unpacks the role of embodiment, trauma, nervous system regulation, and conscious intimacy in rea ...
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She's Got Nerve

Martha Piper and Indira Samarasekera

"She’s Got Nerve" was created to assist women in leadership positions and those who aspire to lead in the future. The podcast explores themes first examined in the hosts’, Martha Piper and Indira Samarasekera, book titled “Nerve: Lessons on leadership from two women who went first.” The topics explored in this podcast include differences between the leadership styles of women and men, leading with grit and grace and how to achieve balance (if there even is such a thing!) This podcast aims to ...
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Lord Blood-Rah, host of the syndicated TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of old time radio horror. Set in the theatre of the mind on the stage of your imagination, Lord Blood-Rah presents tales of terror, awe and the uncanny. Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Auditorium is made possible by the generous supporters of ...
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Moderne Media

Tone Sabro er en sjeldent åpen, direkte og ærlig stemme i podcastverdenen. I sin podcast NERVE deler hun av sine erfaringer fra sitt liv med psykisk sykdom, både oppturer og nedturer. Hennes evne til å sette ord på tanker og følelser gjør at fagpersoner stopper opp og lytter, samtidig som hun er en sterk stemme for andre med sammenfallende opplevelser. Ikke minst skaper hun et vindu inn i en verden uten fordommer og tabuer som er fremmed for mange, og på den måten bidrar hun til å skape fors ...
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Season 5 of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke’s Building Up the Nerve podcast helps you strengthen your science communication skills with tools and advice to use throughout your career. We know that navigating your career can be daunting, but we're here to help—it's our job!
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This is The Nerve! Hosted by GCamz & Razor Ralf. Where we talk about anything and everything that comes to mind. Our own views on hot button topics in society and culture with our own comedic twist.
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You've Got Nerve

Integra LifeSciences

Welcome to "You've Got Nerve," brought to you by Integra Life Sciences, a podcast dedicated to exploring peripheral nerve injuries and the medical professionals dedicated to treating them. On this podcast, we'll delve into the evolution of peripheral nerve treatments, discussing how these advancements have positively impacted the patient experience. We'll also explore the latest breakthroughs in treatments that promise to further enhance patients lives. This podcast will be an informal conve ...
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Twitch of the Death Nerve

Charles Perks and Samm Deighan

Twitch of the Death Nerve is a cult movie podcast from Charles Perks and Samm Deighan. Each episode presents a deep dive into a different film with wide-ranging discussions touching on culture, genre, and the history of psychotronic cinema.
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Each episode of 'The Wandering Nerve' will aim to serve as a reminder that humanity is only limited by the acceptance of the notion that we have limitations. After all, imagine where we would be in the world today if everyone in history allowed The Peanut Gallery to dictate humanity’s progress.
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Welcome to Getting On My Nerves Podcast! Sophie Ward and Angie Sudduth Walsh co-host a chronic illness podcast dedicated to talking about topics that most won’t discuss while living with a chronic illness. Sophie and Angie have both been sick half of their lives with Lyme Disease. Getting On My Nerves is a part of Nerve Of Mind that is a non profit dedicated to raising awareness and funds to grant directly to chronic illness sufferers worldwide. Sophie and Angie are passionate about helping ...
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Nun sind alle drei Staffeln der erfolgreichen Comedy-Serie mit Bastian Pastewka online! Ob mit 9 oder 11 oder 13 Jahren - in jeder Staffel konfrontiert Greta ihren Vater mit Statements aus der prekären Kevin-Welt, die voller Ressentiments und Vorurteile sind. Papa muss sich dagegen natürlich aufs Schärfste abgrenzen. Zu dumm nur, dass es Greta immer wieder gelingt, den eigenen Vater durch ihr beharrliches Nachfragen in die Widersprüche seines eigenen Weltbildes zu verwickeln. Von Regine Ahre ...
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Hello. This is the podcast of our first three hour practice show for the Nerve* FM broadcast. If you want to hear more from us, tune in to 87.7 if you're in the Bournemouth area (if not you can listen live here: from 7-10am Monday to Friday from the 19th of until the 30th of March.
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Spine & Nerve

Brian Joves, M.D.

We are physicians who practice pain management and physical medicine and rehabilitation, and believe that the main goal of practice is to improve the quality of life of our patients and communities. We will dive deep into the world of modern pain management to help healthcare providers and consumers understand various diagnoses, treatment options, and the changing landscape of pain management. This podcast is meant for educational and entertainment purposes only, and is not medical advice.
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Welcome to the Soul, Heart, Nerve, & Sinew (SHNS) podcast, hosted by Kirk. SHNS is a podcast focused on building SHNS as a lifestyle brand. The SHNS lifestyle represents cultivating awareness of direction and calling (Soul), building emotional clarity and regulation (Heart), developing a reflective and adaptive mindset (Nerve), and deepening relationships with the self and others (Sinew). Episodes entail sharing info from recently completed books, and giving the best advice I learned from th ...
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Hello Guys, This is KaviKumar Sumit's Official podcast. Here You will be listening various interesting episodes which will flow many feelings, So I'll be trying to tell you with my deep research with many type of people. You will laugh or fortunately i may motivate you. Hahaha, meet me at my episodes. Bye bye...😃💐😜 website : mail me your story : OR instagram: facebook: ...
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Conversations about culture between international professionals. Each episode one Lithuanian expert sits down for a virtual talk with an expert from a foreign country to share their thoughts on what matters most in culture. This podcast is created by LRT RADIO together with the network of Lithuania‘s culture attaches. Aktualūs kultūros pasaulio klausimai, nepaisantys valstybių sienų ribų. Kiekviename epizode Lietuvos ekspertė/as virtualiam pokalbiui susitinka su panašios srities profesionalu ...
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Der Podcast über Embodiment, das Nervensystem und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung von und mit Britta Kimpel, Diplom-Psychologin & Expertin für NeuroEmbodiment®. Lass dich jeden Dienstag von den verschiedenen Episoden inspirieren und erhalte Tipps & Anregungen dazu, wie du die Beziehung zu dir selbst wieder stärken kannst. Denn nur wenn du wirklich mit dir und deinem Körper verbunden bist, kannst du ein authentisches und erfülltes Leben (und Business) erschaffen. Übrigens: In den letzten Jahren wu ...
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My Last Nerve Podcast Show

LaShune and Chason Edmond

MY LAST NERVE is a podcast about two thirty something’s journey on navigating through life as a married couple with children. Host LaShune and Chason Edmond are passionate about family, music, and the changing social climate around them. The view of the podcast is to shed light on some taboo topics, learn interesting things, and leave listeners with a thought provoking message. The show will cover topics such as relationship dynamics, parenting, alternatives to the 9-5, sustainability, activ ...
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The Raw Nerve Show

The Raw Nerve Show

The Raw Nerve Show began in August 2010 and is currently hosted by two “Jersey Guys”, Jay and Dom, who have been friends for over 20 years. They leave no stone left unturned when dishing out their aggressive, RAW views on all topics happening around the world. Broadcasting worldwide (via and LIVE Saturday's at 9pmET, rounding out about an hour to an hour and a half per episode, they discuss the trending news topics, personal funny life stories, and m ...
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show series
We delve into the complex experience of numbness—both emotional and physical. Together, we explore how numbness affects our bodies, our emotions, and our sexual lives, and offer insights into how to reclaim sensation and reconnect with our bodies. They discuss common causes of numbness, such as trauma, societal conditioning, and chronic stress, and…
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This private detective never bargained for a case like this. From X Minus One comes the tale "The Embassy." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of old time radio …
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In this episode, Martha and Indira speak candidly with Mary Wells, a Canadian materials engineer who is highly regarded for her research advances in the processing of advanced metallic alloys. She currently serves as Dean of Engineering at the University of Waterloos, the second woman to assume this position. Prior to her appointment at Waterloos, …
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Denne plan er til dig, der er udfordret af stress og gerne vil tilbage til at fungere optimalt på din arbejdsplads. Planen virker for alle, uanset hvem du er. De indivduelle forskelle handler om, at folk laver sit eget spin på planen, hvilket kun gør, at den virker langsommere og mindre effektivt. Vi kan være meget overbeviste om, at vi følger plan…
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We delve into the complex experience of numbness—both emotional and physical. Together, we explore how numbness affects our bodies, our emotions, and our sexual lives, and offer insights into how to reclaim sensation and reconnect with our bodies. They discuss common causes of numbness, such as trauma, societal conditioning, and chronic stress, and…
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Herbert Temmes (Bundesgeschäftsführer DMSG) und Prof. Sven Meuth sprechen in dieser Episode über die Arbeit der DMSG (Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft). Von der Gründungsgeschichte bis zu den Zukunftsplänen – Wie prägt die DMSG die MS-Landschaft und welche entscheidende Rolle spielt sie für die Patient:innen? | Der Nervennahrung Podcast (044…
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For at skabe en indre ild, hvor det kreative produkt bliver skabt af sig selv, går vi igennem 5 skridt: Reducerer følestemmens påvirkning af vores tanker. Lærer at bruge følelser som energi til at skabe. Finder de kreative byggeklodser. Sætter byggeklodser sammen med skaberkræft. Skaber retning og et produkt. I denne episode kigger vi på hvert enke…
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Stress er mere sympatisk end parasympatisk aktivering i nervesystemet over tid. Vi kan derfor gøre tre ting ved stress - det vil sige reducere det sympatiske og/ eller forøge det parasympatiske respons i nervesystemet: Håndtere triggers - det vil sige fjerne triggerne eller fjerne os selv fra triggerne af det sympatiske respons. Regulere det sympat…
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Vi fortsætter med at følge Karen i hendes udvikling med særligt fokus på at arbejde med børn. Hvordan hun hjælper og er der for dem, støtter og skubber på barnets udvikling - uanset hvor udfordrede de er. Modellen, vi arbejder med, passer ikke til en bestemt type eller diagnose, barnet har. Det er unordnet om barnet er velfungerende, har ADHD eller…
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Human exploration is constantly pushing outward. What happens when we explore inward? From Dark Fantasy comes the tale "Men Call Me Mad." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunte…
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Spørgsmål der bliver besvaret i 3. episode af NSP-Livet Hvordan træner man at skabe ubegrænset og være kreativ på kommando? Hvordan arbejder man med sin indre modstand som en del af den kreative proces? Hvordan tænder man ilden, så man slet ikke kan lade være med at skabe? Hvordan kan det at skabe hjælpe med at omprogrammere traumetriggers? Der bli…
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Forældet definition af stress, der ikke fokuserer på selve årsagen (nervesystemet). Brug af strategier, der virker i nuet, men ikke løser problemet på langt sigt og potentielt gør det værre. Det handler ikke om viden og sygdom, men at skabe mening. 1. FORÆLDET DEFINITION --------------------------------------- Stress er kun én ting: Mere sympatisk …
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Some salesmen have a knack for good timing. This one was perfect. From Lights Out comes the tale "The Coffin in Studio B." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of …
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MS: Neue McDonald Kriterien: Prof. Clemens Warnke und Prof. Mathias Mäurer | Der Nervennahrung Podcast (043) Folgende Themen werden im Verlauf des Gesprächs zwischen Prof. Warnke und Prof. Mäurer angesprochen:(00:00) Start und Intro(01:12) Vorstellung Prof. Dr. med. Clemens Warnke(02:23) Was ist die wichtigste Neuerung aus Sicht von Prof. Warnke?(0…
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Det er nu anden del af Idas historie. Rejsen i USA fortsætter hvor volden eskalerer, en Mærsk bil bliver tegnet til at komme videre og hjem til Danmark. Det er tid for Ida at blive forælder til sig selv, stoppe med at leve på held og selv tage ansvar for sit helbred. Hun kommer hjem og går ind i en træningsproces, der minder enormt meget om NSP-Træ…
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NSP-Teori Nervesystemet kan sammenlignes med computerens kredsløb. Uden strøm er computeren ubrugelig. Uden signaler i nervesystemet er mennesket ubrugeligt. Der er ingen funktioner i mennesket, der ikke først starter med et signal i nervesystemet. Følelser, tanker, bevægelse og de 5 sanser er funktioner i nervesystemet. Det betyder at al adfærd st…
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Live coaching med NSP-Træning af Karen om at håndtere, opdrage og hjælpe børn som plejeforælder og mor. Serien er målrettet forældre, plejeforældre, lærere, pædagoger, terapeuter og alle med interesse i at arbejde med børn, der har alle slags udgangspunkter fra ADHD til hjerneskader og aggeressiv adfærd. Emner: Hvordan træner man at holde 100% foku…
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In this episode, Martha and Indira speak candidly with Susan Hockfield, an American neuroscientist and the first woman to serve as president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from 2004 to 2012. Prior to becoming president, Dr. Hockfield served as Dean of Yale’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Yale’s Provost. As the first l…
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I de to første episoder af NSP-Livet, fortæller Ida sin medrivende historie om at føle sig som en medicinsk forsøgskanin, voldtægt og livet i USA, med det jeg opfatter som at bo med djævlen selv, hvordan Maersk reddede hende, og den efterfølgende healingrejse. NSP-Livet er en forlængelse af den rejse, og nu er missionen for Ida at få barndommens dr…
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Velkommen til NSP-Træningspodcasten - stedet hvor jeg alene, sammen med min kæreste og klienter vil dykke ned i en proces, de fleste ikke ved, de rent faktisk kan ændre på - nervesystemets programmering. NSP står for nervesystemsprogrammering Det hedder træning fordi processen, hvormed nervesystemet bliver programmeret for at skabe adfærdsændring o…
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A classic from the mind of Edgar Allan Poe. From Suspense comes the tale "The Pit and the Pendulum." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of old time radio horror.…
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Verden er dyster for tiden, men her går det faktisk ganske bra. Jeg har overgått mine egne forventninger i det siste, hus er solgt og dagene blir sakte men sikkert lysere og lysere.. Jeg nyter det så lenge det varer. Ny gaming kanal på YouTube: Abefaler: Bok - “Mitt Liv; mitt fag - Tung Psykiatri” av Randi Rosenqvi…
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PD Pawlitzki und Prof. Meuth sprechen in dieser Ausgabe über die sektorenübergreifende Patientenversorgung. Folgende Themen werden im Verlauf des Gesprächs zwischen PD Pawlitzki und Prof. Meuth angesprochen: (00:00) Start und Intro(00:35) Vorstellung PD Dr. Marc Pawlitzki(02:45) Entwicklung der Neurologie: Diagnostik UND ambulante Therapie(05:14) R…
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Grown to a terrifying size, it had the power to mesmerize and kill. From The Hall of Fantasy comes the tale "The Crawling Thing." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landsc…
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In this episode, Martha and Indira speak candidly with Rt. Hon. Kim Campbell, who served as the 19th prime minister of Canada – the first and only female prime minister of Canada. She was the first young woman president of her high school student council, the first woman president of UBC’s freshman class, the first woman to serve as minister of jus…
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This SPECIAL ENCORE looks at the horrors and the futility of hate. From The Witch's Tale comes the story "The Altar of Hate." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape …
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Digitale Betreuung bei Myasthenia Gravis: Dr. Sophie Lehnerer, Dr. Lea Gerischer und Prof. Mathias Mäurer | Der Nervennahrung Podcast (041) Folgende Themen werden im Verlauf des Gesprächs zwischen Dr. Lehnerer, Dr. Gerischer und Prof. Mäurer angesprochen:(00:00) Start und Intro(00:36) Vorstellung Dr. Sophie Lehnerer & Dr. Lena Gerischer(01:59) Wie …
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Captured by alien soldiers in time of war, one man rises to the occasion. From X Minus One comes the tale "The C-Chute." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of ol…
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In this episode, Martha and Indira speak candidly with Elizabeth Cannon, a leading geomatics engineer, served as the eighth president and vice-chancellor of the University of Calgary from 2010 to 2018. Prior to her appointment as president, she was dean of the Schulich School of Engineering at the University of Calgary. Appointed as an Officer of t…
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The house was beautiful, but the curse was deadly. From The Witch's Tale comes the tale "The House of the Bridegroom." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of old …
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She wanted the excitement of Paris. What she found was very different. From Lights Out comes the tale "It Happened." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of old ti…
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In this episode, Martha and Indira speak candidly with Drew Faust, an American historian who was the first woman to serve as president of Harvard University from 2007 to 2018. She received her bachelor’s degree with honors in history from Bryn Mawr College and her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in history from the University of Pennsylvania. As a scholar s…
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The voice came from nowhere. He should have listened From Dark Fantasy comes the tale "Dead Hands Reaching." (This episode, produced in 1942, contains stereotypical and arguably offensive racial depictions.) Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Sc…
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Entwicklungen & Ethik klinischer Studien: Prof. Heiner Fangerau und Prof. Sven Meuth | Der Nervennahrung Podcast (040) Folgende Themen werden im Verlauf des Gesprächs zwischen Prof. Fangerau und Prof. Meuth angesprochen: (00:00) Start und Intro(01:06) Vorstellung Prof. Dr. Heiner Fangerau(01:47) Seit wann sprechen wir von klinischen Studien?(04:04)…
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An old familiar classic to bring in the New Year. From Nightfall comes the story "The Tell-Tale Heart." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of old time radio horr…
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In the fifth Season of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke’s Building Up the Nerve podcast, we help you strengthen your science communication skills with tools and advice to use throughout your career. We know that navigating your career can be daunting, but we're here to help—it's our job! In the eighth episode of the seaso…
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We here at Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Auditorium wish you all a very Happy New Year. We will return with all new thrills and chills next week. Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the va…
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Die Jahreshighlights 2024: Die Hosts Prof. Sven Meuth & Prof. Mathias Mäurer sprechen über ihre Höhepunkte in 2024 und haben noch eine wichtige Ankündigung für 2025 | Der Nervennahrung Podcast (039) Folgende Themen werden im Verlauf des Gesprächs zwischen Prof. Mäurer und Prof. Meuth angesprochen: (00:00) Start und Intro(00:53) Neue Diagnosekriteri…
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A harried husband has a lethal Christmas surprise for his wife, and receives a surprising gift. From Suspense comes the story "Back for Christmas" starring Peter Lorre. Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns hi…
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In the fifth Season of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke’s Building Up the Nerve podcast, we help you strengthen your science communication skills with tools and advice to use throughout your career. We know that navigating your career can be daunting, but we're here to help—it's our job! In the seventh episode of the seas…
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Morbus Wilson: PD Dr. med. Christian Hartmann und Prof. Sven Meuth | Der Nervennahrung Podcast (038) Folgende Themen werden im Verlauf des Gesprächs zwischen PD Hartmann und Prof. Meuth angesprochen: (00:00) Start und Intro(01:02) Vorstellung PD Dr. med. Christian Hartmann (01:24) Einführung in die Erkrankung Morbus Wilson(03:42) Welche für die Neu…
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