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Practical issues - using other peoples items with out permission? Halacha Le Ma'aseh.
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Why did the Torah need to teach Lo Tignov if it can be learned from ribbit and Ona'ah?
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Learning "Lo Tignov" from "Ona'ah" and what is considered gneiva.
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This shiur addresses the apparent superfluous inclusion of Gezel in the Torah highlighted in the sugya through the understanding of Tosfot.
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This shiur addresses the apparent superfluous inclusion of Gezel in the Torah highlighted in the sugya through the understanding of the Rambam.
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In the Episode, Rabbi Yossi progresses further throguh the Gemara on 61a. It is discussed whether Ribbit can be "forgiven" citing the opinions of the Geonim and Rishonim.
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Ribbit - Bava Metzia 61a Further Aspects
Mais Tarde
Mais Tarde
In the Episode, Rabbi Yossi delves into a chiddush brought by Tosfot, and, other Rishonim and Acharonim to determine whether there is Ribbit min ha Torah on land and on values less than a pruta.
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This episode continues to go through the Gemara, rishonim and acharonim.
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In this shiur, the Mishna and first Sugya is discussed.
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Definitions of Ribbit - Torah & Rabbinical
Mais Tarde
Mais Tarde
In this Episode, Rabbi Yossi defines Ribbit from the Torah, Rabbinical restrictions and the mechanics of "Iska" and "Heter Iska". The first Mishna of the Perek is also read.
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In this series, Rabbi Yossi David from London will provide insights on the laws of Ribbit learned out from the 5th chapter of Tractate Bava Metzia. This episode is an introduction to Ribbit, drawing together sources in the Torah and commentaries from the Rishonim and Acharonim.
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