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show episodes
Normal Gossip delivers juicy, strange, funny, and utterly banal gossip about people you’ll never know and never meet. Host Kelsey McKinney discusses reader-submitted comedic gossip with guests, diving into the lives and decisions of complete strangers. The second-hand truth really is stranger than fiction. Produced by Alex Sujong Laughlin. Show art by Tara Jacoby.
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Artwork はグラフィックスプログラミングやウェブ開発をテーマにしたポッドキャストです。 Twitter のハッシュタグは #normalizeFM です。 ご意見、ご質問、感想など、聞いたよ~っていうだけでも気軽に共有してもらえたら嬉しいです。
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Rozmowy o Warszawie, kultura, sport, nauka, #SAMESZTOSY! Ciekawe pomysły, zajawkowicze, młodzi działacze, artyści - to wszystko do usłyszenia od 15 do 17 w Radiu Kampus. Chcemy, byście z nami odpoczywali i dowiedzieli się czegoś więcej o świecie!
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Our country’s problems will never be solved by a bunch of fancy people in nice suits talking big words on CNN and Fox, but by An Army of Normal Folks just deciding “hey, I can help.” Hosted by Coach Bill Courtney from the Oscar-winning Undefeated, this podcast is building the Army and celebrating its extraordinary members. New episodes are released every Tuesday.
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Normal World

Blaze Podcast Network

Comedians Dave Landau and 1/4 Black Garrett are reinventing late night with whimsical satire, only a hair away from the absurdities of modern life. Tune in for topical sketches, comedic discussions on political and social news, independent musical guests, and... important conversations.
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I denne podkasten ledet av André Nilsen, styreleder for Normal Norge, snakker vi om cannabis, rusreform, menneskerettigheter og skadereduksjon - med spennende og engasjerte mennesker
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Die Neue Norm

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Muss man drei "Behinderten" zuhören? Muss man nicht, man sollte. Karina Sturm, Jonas Karpa und Raúl Krauthausen brechen die Norm des Normalen auf und sprechen über Vielfalt, Inklusion und das Leben von Menschen mit Behinderung.
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Úplně normální podcast o úplně normálním vztahu, ve kterém se dozvíš, jak procházíme naším společným životem, co nám pomáhá překonávat překážky a jak hledáme spokojený a vyvážený vztah. 🔥 Bonusové díly najdeš na Herohero nebo na Spotify 🔥
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Normally is the podcast for normal people, by normal people. We’re going to limit the hysteria, tone down the crazy, and talk about what really matters. Mary Katharine Ham and Karol Markowicz have been in the political commentary world a long time. Both are known for being funny, and a bit irreverent, but also serious and thoughtful about the issues that are important to the country. On Normally, you’ll get a
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Antifaschistischer Kampfpodcast. Hinnerk Köhn ist Comedian und Max Scharff ist DJ. Beide können davon natürlich nicht leben. Aber wer kann heutzutage noch von irgendwas leben? Zwei Trinker reden übers Rauchen.
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The podcast that speaks your language. News and views from beyond the bubble with Telegraph columnists, Allison Pearson and Liam Halligan, every Thursday. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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My first podcast introduction My Sunday evening weekly contents will be on various topics such as relationship spiritual growth self healing inspiring motivating and empowering my audience to become a better version of themselves Cover art photo provided by Jon Tyson on Unsplash:
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Warum komme ich nicht? Macht Porno süchtig? Und was ist guter Sex? Die Ärztin und Sexualtherapeutin Melanie Büttner und der Wissenschaftsjournalist Sven Stockrahm klären auf – über Mythen, Ängste und Fragen rund um Sex, Partnerschaft und Liebe. Hier geht’s um Fakten, nicht um Anekdoten. Überraschend, wissenschaftlich fundiert und mit spannenden Gäst:innen. Immer montags, alle zwei Wochen. Feedback per Sprachnachricht oder Mail an Falls Sie uns nicht nur hören, sondern a ...
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Is This Normal?

Erin Ingle & Alyssa Yeoman

Is This Normal? with Erin Ingle & Alyssa Yeoman is a weekly podcast where the two comedians dissect anonymous real people's quirks and queries. They decide if the submission is normal or something completely different!
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A weekly Podcast that revisits events and stories of Alberto Vallejo an ex member of the Latin Kings in Milwaukee. Hear his stories of being a member of the Latin Kings as well as his time spent in prison.
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The Normal Show

Clamor, HansumFella, and Audioboom Studios

We’ve finally done it, we’ve finally made a normal podcast. It took a couch, a giant green screen and some very fast ethernet internet connection, but we finally got it done. Join Twitch streamer Hansumfella as he tells stories, gives advice, and follows hundreds, if not thousands, of bizarre internet tangents every week on The Normal Show.
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Norman Chad is “Gambling Mad.” One part Jim Cramer from “Mad Money” and one part Howard Beale from “Network,” Chad maniacally and masterfully surveys gambling, sports and America, and personal crises. Support our pod: Buzzsprout:
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Coole und normale Sachen

Meral & Lisa / bildundtonfabrik

Lisa (Internet-Star, Sozialarbeiterin, Spezialistin für Allgemeines) und Meral (Autorin, Moderatorin, Kunstwissenschaftlerin) besprechen coole und normale Sachen. Wissenschaftler*innen haben herausgefunden, dass im Durchschnitt nur 10 % coole Sachen passieren und 90 % normale Sachen – höchste Zeit also, das Coole im Alltäglichen und das Alltägliche im Coolen zu suchen. Aber was finden wir überhaupt normal? Was cool? Und warum eigentlich? Während Lisa und Meral versuchen, den Zauber des Allta ...
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Passing for Normal

Colleen and Jared English

Jared and Colleen will be sharing stories from their unusual life as expats that are also sorting through grief after the passing of their daughter Claire, who live with Rett Syndrome for 15 years.
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Eric Van Allen and Kenneth Shepard come together for a multi-part video game retrospective podcast. Normandy FM does episodic analysis of video games, starting with Bioware's Mass Effect series, going on to discuss other genres and studios. Tune in to the discussion and join in by playing along with us! Mass Effect | 51 Eps. Dragon Age | 47 Eps. Jade Empire | 5 Eps. The Last of Us | 16 Eps. Final Fantasy X | 23 Eps. Cyberpunk 2077 | 15 Eps. Nier | Ongoing Twitter: Normandy FM: @normandyfmsho ...
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I want to have an open, honest, dialog. About humanity and what makes all of us part of something greater, Our future, Our past and then Now. A podcast about hope, about friends, and a life lived OUTSIDE of NORMAL.
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Welkom bij Normale mensen bestaan niet, de podcast over psychologie waarin wij vieren dat geen mens gelijk is. Wij zijn Lennard Toma en Thijs Launspach, psychologie-nerds, schrijvers én goede vrienden. In deze podcast behandelen we de onderwerpen uit de psychologie waarvan we denken dat je ze moet weten. Alles dat je wilde weten over je hoe je in elkaar zit dus, en nog véél meer waarvan je niet wist dat je het wilde weten. Want zeg nou eerlijk: heb je wel eens een normaal mens ontmoet? En, b ...
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Woran erkennt man eine toxische Beziehung? - Kann man dem "Bauchgefühl" wirklich trauen? - Wie geht man mit der eigenen Wut um? Stefanie Stahl ist Psychologin und Autorin von Bestsellern wie „Das Kind in dir muss Heimat finden“ und „Jeder ist beziehungsfähig“. In diesem Podcast beantwortet sie gemeinsam mit dem Psychologen und Moderator Lukas Klaschinski eure Fragen zu Beziehung, Selbstwertgefühl und vielen anderen psychologischen Themen. Steffi und Lukas erklären zum Beispiel, warum wir uns ...
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Join experienced gestational surrogate, surrogacy industry veteran and award-winning former surrogacy agency owner Carey Flamer-Powell, Founder and CEO of, as she aims to normalize surrogacy. Joined by her co-host, 3 time gestational surrogate Marielle Schuberth, they aim to spread awareness by educating and sharing personal stories about gestational surrogacy from experienced surrogates, medical and legal professionals, parents via surrogacy and others whose lives have b ...
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So much of what we consider normal in terms of our relationship to our body and food is NOT. Join us for bold, unapologetic conversations about the many ways disordered eating has seeped into our lives and how you can finally make shifts to break away from that way of being and thinking into freedom and joy.
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show series
Sagt man jetzt Autist*in oder Person mit Autismus? Wie lebt es sich als Autist in einer neurotypischen Gesellschaft? Und wie sieht denn der stereotype Autist aus? Mit dabei Manuel Stark. Sagt man jetzt Autist*in oder Person mit Autismus? Wie lebt es sich als Autist in einer neurotypischen Gesellschaft? Und wie sieht denn der stereotype Autist aus? …
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Happy New Year fellow nerds!! This week we are breaking away from our usual format. Join us as we talk about our best and worst games, movies and tv series from 2024. Did anything from our list make your list? Comment below with your top 3's (or worst 3's). Please continue to follow us as we venture into 2025 with more film and game reviews! Have a…
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In this episode, Mary Katharine Ham and Karol Markowicz engage in a lively AMA session, discussing holiday traditions, favorite gifts, concert experiences, and the complexities of political engagement, particularly regarding Zionism. They also explore the challenges of living in blue states, the dynamics of conservative gatherings, and strategies f…
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America is one of the most generous countries in the world and yet many of our worst problems aren't getting any better. One of the greatest reasons why is the lack of return on investment analysis that is expected in the business world, but is pervasively absent in philanthropy. Slingshot has conducted this analysis for 55 Memphis nonprofits, whic…
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America is one of the most generous countries in the world and yet many of our worst problems aren't getting any better. One of the greatest reasons why is the lack of return on investment analysis that is expected in the business world, but is pervasively absent in philanthropy. Slingshot has conducted this analysis for 55 Memphis nonprofits, whic…
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Es ist Zeit für die letzte Folge Normale Möwe 2024 - was wäre besser, als DER Gast überhaupt? Marc Huth verabschiedet euch und gibt sein wertvolles Knowledge weiter an euch Möwis! Schulgeschichten, Entzüge, überraschende Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten! Am Ende treffen sich eure Helden für einen letzten Umtrunk - und er lohnt sich…
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On today's show, Newell broadcasts LIVE from Caesars New Orleans!Newell speaks with:Samir Mowad, General Manager of Caesars New Orleans, Jeff Hundley, CEO of Sugar Bowl,Lt. Governor Billy Nungesser,Jeff Nowak, WWL Saints Sideline Reporter & Digital Content Producer,Jane Cooper, French Quarter Management District,Debbie Bresler, Crescent City Countd…
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Newell broadcasts LIVE from Caesars New Orleans!This hour, Newell speaks with Miles Tully, Vice President of Hospitality at Caesars New Orleans, Samantha Hithe Washington, Vice President of Human Resources Recruitment at Caesars New Orleans, and Kennedy Smith, Vice President of Marketing at Caesars New Orleans.…
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Odpalamy kineskopowy telewizor i podchodzimy bliżej, niż kiedykolwiek, do podcastu true crime. Bartosza odwiedził młody pisarz Jacek Paśnik, autor książek "Dzieci" i nowej "Tak szybko się nie umiera". Dwaj urodzeni w latach dziewięćdziesiątych szukają inspiracji w filmie o latach siedemdziesiątych - nakręconym pod koniec osiemdziesiątych. Trochę mr…
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