Contender’s Radio with Pastor Kevin Inman is the podcast show of Kevin Inman Ministries, where we strive to proclaim the glory of the one true God and contend earnestly for the faith (Jude 3). Pastor Kevin has a passion to help Christians learn to discern. His creative, challenging and honest approach encourages a variety of individuals and groups in various ministry settings each week in Southeast Texas and beyond.
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CR55-The All-Sufficient Word of God. In a world filled with conflicting voices, shifting opinions, and temporary comforts, where can we find unwavering truth? Join us today for another episode of Contenders Radio with Pastor Kevin Inman, as we dive into second Timothy, chapter 3 verses 16 and 17 there we will see that “all scripture is inspired by …
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CR54 DMDs…We are talking about the DMV and the DMDs today. What’s a DMD? A DMD is a Disciple Making Disciple. We are called to be disciples who make disciples. We are called to embrace the truth and then pass it on, entrusting the truth to others. So… how are we doing in this endeavor?? Can we do better? You bet!…
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CR53 TELEIOS! Complete in Christ! This episode of Contenders Radio with Pastor Kevin Inman picks up from the last episode in discussing our desire to “present every man complete in Christ”. How can we do that? What does that look like today? We look at this along with Mark 1:17. Knowing Growing and Going forth for Jesus.…
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CR52 Laboring for the Gospel.Today we dive into the book of Colossians to begin to tackle the high calling of presenting every person complete in Christ. This episode serves as a necessary introduction to the topic. Pastor Kevin looks to the reason for Paul’s letter, the false ideas that predicate the writing of his letter, and more. If the gospel …
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CR51 Generational Curses. Part 2.This is the 51st Episode of the new and improved version of Contenders Radio with Pastor Kevin Inman. This episode tackles the problematic teaching of generational curses. What is a generational curse? Is the popular teaching of generational curses actually biblical? What does the Bible actually say…in context about…
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CR50 Generational Curses.This is the 50th Episode of Contenders Radio with Pastor Kevin Inman. This episode tackles the problematic teaching of generational curses.What is a generational curse?Is the popular teaching of generational curses actually biblical?What does the Bible actually say…in context about generational curses?…
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CR49 The Dangers of Psychology, Part 3
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31:14Today Pastor Kevin Inman tackles more of the dangers of psychology. Be warned! There is nothing biblical about psychology. Psychology was invented by god-hating atheists. Psychology is not a science, but a religion that is based upon humanistic evolution principles. As Christians, we can be equipped to counsel others without the necessity of degree…
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CR48 The Dangers of Psychology, Part 2
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42:24CR48 The Dangers of Psychology, Part 2.Today Pastor Kevin Inman tackles 5 more of the presuppositions of psychology. Be warned! There is nothing biblical about psychology. Psychology was invented by god-hating atheists. Psychology is not a science, but a religion that is based upon humanistic evolution principles. This is part 2.…
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Por Kevin Inman
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Por Kevin Inman
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CR45 The Danger of Mysticism part 3Mysticism is dangerous for the Christian and the church. We must heed the warnings of scripture.This episode looks at 3 convictions believers must have in dealing with mysticism. Then, we begin to address the question of how can we be certain we are hearing from God if He does indeed speak to us apart from His Wor…
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CR44 The Danger of Mysticism, part 2We need a fresh reformation in the church today. Pagan spirituality has infiltrated the church. People are seeking mystical experience instead of studying and affirming the Word of God as given to us in Scripture. What are the three fundamental characteristics of mysticism? Why is mysticism so popular today among…
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CR43 The Danger of Mysticism.We need a fresh reformation in the church today. Plan spirituality has infiltrated the church. People are seeking mystical experience instead of studying and affirming the Word of God as given to us in Scripture.What does the Bible tell us about using our minds? Are we supposed to check our brains out at the door when d…
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CR42 Godly Separation Pastor Kevin Inman reads from Psalm 142 in this episode of Contenders Radio and discusses the first 4 verses.This is a prayer of lament from David. The occasion is unknown, but the content is brilliant.David wants to be heard, so he asks the Lord to make him ready.May we be quick to pray the same way. May we each and every one…
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CR41 He Must Increase!John 3:30 is the starting point. Is Christ increasing in my life?Am I decreasing?Next, we look at the life of the apostle Paul in 3 brief segments to see how he decreased as Christ increased in his life.Por Kevin Inman
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CR40 What’s My Motivation Here?This is part 2 of What I Can and Cannot Control.We need to evaluate and take RESPONSIBILITY for how we are responding to people and the outcome of situations around us. We cannot control other people. We cannot control situations. But we can exercise self-control.Por Kevin Inman
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CR39 What I Can and Cannot Control.This episode of Contenders Radio takes a big picture look at the things we are not in control of and the things we are in control of.It helps us understand how our choices are determined by the motives of our hearts, not the people or circumstances we encounter.Control is the power to influence or direct people's …
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CR38 History is His. A new episode will be coming, but enjoy this older episode about God's sovereignty over all things... including presidential elections.Por Kevin Inman
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Why do we fight so much?How can we address the issue of our own heart?How can we fight better?Fighting… conflict… quarrels… the point is not to win. The point should be to resolve. How can we do this?There are 10 practical helps that we discuss.Por Kevin Inman
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This episode of Contenders Radio picks up on the false teachings of paganism. Pastor Kevin Inman will examine the Four Fatal Lies of Paganism as found in Genesis chapter 3.Por Kevin Inman
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CR35 Paganism and the Mess We Find Ourselves In
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34:09What has happened in the world?Why is such chaos abounding?Today on Contenders Radio, Pastor Kevin Inman talks about paganism and the many ways that it transforms itself throughout the world. We will discuss Peter Jones’ book, “The Other Worldview”, and what he describes as Oneism and Twoism. Romans 1 gives us a good working definition of paganism…
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CR34 Can Christians be Possessed by Demons
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40:34Can Christian’s be possessed by demons? Can Christians be oppressed by demons? These are the main topics in this episode of Contenders Radio with Pastor Kevin Inman. But wait…. There’s more! Can Christian’s bind satan? Are we commanded to fight demons? What did Walter Martin say about a demon knocking on the door and trying to sneak inside? Lots of…
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Who were the Nephilim???? Giants? Offspring of fallen angels and human women? Who were the “sons of God? The three primary views on the identity of the sons of God are 1) they were fallen angels, 2) they were powerful human rulers, or 3) they were godly descendants of Seth intermarrying with wicked descendants of Cain. Find out on this episode of C…
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CR32 The Doctrine of Election Part 2. There are a lot of wrong ideas concerning the doctrine of election. This episode continues to unpack this divisive doctrine.Por Kevin Inman
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CR31 The Doctrine of Election Part 1. There are a lot of wrong ideas concerning the doctrine of election. This episode begins in Ephesians 1:3 to unpack this divisive doctrine.Por Kevin Inman
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CR30 The Riches of His Grace Part 4. Too many Christians live their lives on empty without ever realizing the wealth of the riches that belong to us in Christ. Tune in today for part 4 of a look at the Riches of His Grace.Por Kevin Inman
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CR29 How to Have Peace. Christian, do you know true peace in your life? Peace is available for all those who belong to Jesus.Por Kevin Inman
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CR28 The Riches of His Grace Part 3. Too many Christians live their lives on empty without ever realizing the wealth of the riches that belong to us in Christ. Tune in today for part 3 of a look at the Riches of His Grace.Por Kevin Inman
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CR27 The Riches of His Grace Part 2. Too many Christians live their lives on empty without ever realizing the wealth of the riches that belong to us in Christ. Tune in today for part 2 of a look at the Riches of His Grace.Por Kevin Inman
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CR26 The Riches of His Grace Part 1. Too many Christians live their lives on empty without ever realizing the wealth of the riches that belong to us in Christ. Tune in today for part one of a look at the Riches of His Grace.Por Kevin Inman
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CR25 A Word Driven Church. Every church is driven by something... perhaps by a habit, a tradition, or a personality. What drives your church? Tune in and discover what it means to be a Word-driven church.Por Kevin Inman
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CR24 When Sharing the Gospel. The decision is costly, the decision is urgent, and the decision is worth it.Por Kevin Inman
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CR23 What To Do With Guilt. When we fall short and sin, what do we do with our guilt? The Bible has the answer.Por Kevin Inman
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CR22 What is Love? I love ice-cream! I love my kids! I love my wife! We use that word in various ways. Jesus demonstrates true love for us.Por Kevin Inman
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CR21 No More Stinking Thinking Part 2. As a man thinks in his heart so he is. We need to change our thinking. Our minds need to be renewed. No more stinking' thinking'!Por Kevin Inman
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CR20 No More Stinking Thinking. As a man thinks in his heart so he is. We need to change our thinking. Our minds need to be renewed. No more stinking' thinking'!Por Kevin Inman
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CR19 What To Do With Habitual Sin Part 2
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32:18CR19 What To Do With Habitual Sin. Struggling with Sin? Learn the Put Off, Be Renewed in your mind, & Put On principle. Ephesians 4:22-24 is our text.Por Kevin Inman
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CR18 What To Do With Habitual Sin. Struggling with Sin? Learn the Put Off, Be Renewed in your mind, & Put On principle. Ephesians 4:22-24 is our text.Por Kevin Inman
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CR 17 Bringing Glory to God. Psalm 96:4-9. Our God is great! He is the One True God. How can you and I live in such a way as to bring glory to God?Por Kevin Inman
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CR16 God's Glory Our Purpose Part 2. Christian, are living for the glory of God? If not, why not? Your life is not your own.Por Kevin Inman
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CR15 God's Glory, Our Purpose. The glory of God is our goal as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Today we discuss how to live for the glory of God.Por Kevin Inman
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CR14 Contending for the Faith, Part 2. All Christians must earnestly contend for the faith that was once and for all handed down to the saints.Por Kevin Inman
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CR13 Contending for the Faith. The theme verse for this ministry! Jude 1:3. Contending for the Faith is the duty of all christians. Find out how and why on this episode of Contenders Radio with Pastor Kevin Inman.Por Kevin Inman
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CR12 How to Have Peace. Need a little in your life? The apostle Paul gives us the prescription for peace in Philippians 4.Por Kevin Inman
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CR11 How Long O Lord? Psalm 13. How long, O LORD? Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me? How long shall I take counsel in my soul, Having sorrow in my heart all the day?Por Kevin Inman
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CR10 History is His. All history belongs to God. He, and He alone raises up and removes leaders and nations.Por Kevin Inman
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CR09 Doing the Greater Works Part 2. What are the "greater works" that Jesus promised His followers would be able to do?Por Kevin Inman
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CR08 Doing the Greater Works Part 1. What are the "greater works" that Jesus promised His followers would be able to do?Por Kevin Inman
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CR07 The State of the Church in America Part 2
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28:28CR07 The State of the Church in America. What do Americans believe about God, the Bible, and salvation? Ligonier Ministries’ State of Theology survey provides eye-opening insights.Por Kevin Inman
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CR06 Ghosts departed humans or something else
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28:46CR06 Ghosts departed humans or something else. Are ghosts real? What are ghosts? Departed humans or something more concerning?Por Kevin Inman
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