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Welcome to the I Love Sarees Podcast, hosted by I Love Sarees - a Sustainable Fashion Brand in India! Dive into a captivating series of episodes showcasing remarkable women from across India. Discover their career triumphs, personal tales, challenges, and growth journeys, unlocking valuable insights for women everywhere that can reshape your outlook on life.
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Een Vlaamse zakenman wordt om het leven gebracht in Mexico. Achille Van Ingelgem en Luc Haekens duiken met hulp van de familie Sarens in hun tragische verhaal, van Steenhuffel tot Acapulco.
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Di podcast ini gue akan ngobrolin tentang hal-hal yang mungkin agak gak lumrah kalau di bahas di Video atau postingan social media, mulai dari Issue, tips and trick, bahkan hal-hal yang agak berbau “sex” dan semua di bahas tentunya sesuai dari prospective gue.
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Want to hear someone you relate with speak? Someone refreshing? Are you into fashion and music? A parent? African American? Female? In your 20’s? I’m pretty sure I’m here to bring that to you with 7 minutes!
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As someone who teaches women how to manage their time, energy, and money, blogger and budget coach Sareeta Lopez brings her caring, open, and honest voice to conversations on everyday topics like money, stress, and the like. She also tackles tough topics like mental health, sexual assault, racism, and feminism.
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صارت معي | Saret Ma3i

أخبار الآن - Akhbar Al Aan

بودكاست قصصي حواري اجتماعي نقدم من خلاله تجارب وأحداث ومواقف يرويها من مروا بها بأنفسهم دون قيود أو شروط ، نطرح فيها مواضيع منوعة وحساسة في بعض الأحيان وعبر تفاصيله وطريقة معالجة القصة التي يتميز بها راديو الآن ننقل ثقافة المجتمعات والبيئات المختلفة في عالمنا العربي.
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Podcast on South Asian Politics, Patriarchy and Pop Culture. Hosted by two queer brown feminists. New episodes every other Friday. Visit for show notes and additional content.
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Welcome to Big Business Energy. This podcast is for the woman who is ready to build a big business, leave a big legacy and create big money, all while being tapped into the effortless feminine frequency. Your host is Milana Sarenac, a wife, a mum of 2 and a former corporate lawyer turned multiple 6-figure online entrepreneur. Each week you can tune in to be a part of higher-level conversations around self-leadership, money mindset, energetic work, and the real strategies for growing and hold ...
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گاهی بايد لحظه­‌ای از همه­ چيز دست بكشيم و اندكی بيانديشيم. تأمّل كنيم. ببينيم در كجای جاده­ زندگي­مان ايستاده­‌ايم، و تهِ اين جاده به كجا می‌­رسد؟ گاهی بايد داستانِ زندگي­مان را ورق بزنيم، ببينيم كجای ماجراييم ... آن وقت است كه شايد دريابيم كه بايد بر اين داستان نقطه‌­ای بگذاريم و برويم سر خط؛ تا بتوانيم از نو شروع كنيم. نقطه ­سرخط مجالی است براي همين تأمّل كوتاه. نقطه‌سرخط برنامه‌ایست از نوید توکلی.
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The Soulful House Sessions With Sarena Tyler

The Soulful House Sessions With Sarena Tyler

The Soulful House Sessions with Sarena Tyler features the latest in Soulful House, Soulful Afro House, and Deep Soulful House music. The Soulful House Sessions features mixes entitled "Another Soulful House Sessions" which are uplifting Soulful Vocal House mixes, Classic Soul taking my listeners back in time with soulful remakes while "Sunrise-Beyond Reality" features DEEP SOULFUL HOUSE, Soulful CHILL, grooves, lounge, and cafe House music, as well as very Deep and Soulful South African Hous ...
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show series
Gure saioaren 15. denboraldiaren lehenengo atalean azken berrikuntza teknologiko eta albiste nabarmenei buruz hitz egingo dugu. Applek iPhone 16 eta iPhone 16 Pro aurkeztu zituen A18 Pro txiparekin, 48 MPko kamerekin eta 4K 120 FPS bideo grabaketarekin, baita Apple Watch Series 10 eta AirPods 4 ere, osasunean eta soinuan hobekuntzak eginez. MasOran…
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Send us a text I Love Sarees Podcast Episode -2 🎙 Join us as we chat with the amazing Ms. Kuppulakshmi Krishnamoorthy, Head of Startup Initiatives at Zoho Corporations. She shares her inspiring journey starting from high school. Tune in to her podcast on your favorite platforms and gain valuable insights just might resonate with your own life. A hu…
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Sarean Zehar saioaren denboraldi honetako azken atala berezia da, Gaizka Gaming Roomekoa bideojokoez hitz egitera gonbidatzen dugulako. Ez dugu bideojokoez hitz egingo, ordu osoa eman baitugu aurtengo berriak errepasatzen eta adimen artifizialaren aurrerapenak komentatzen. Hori bai, programa erdi aldera jakingo duzue irailean itzuliko garen ala ez.…
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Aste honetako saioan, Apple Intelligence, iOS 18, iPadOS 18, macOS Sequoia eta Sirin integratutako Apple adimen artifizialeko ekosistema iraultzailea merkaturatzean zentratzen gara. WWDCren urteko konferentzian aurkeztua, Apple Intelligence pribatutasunean duen ikuspegiagatik bereizten da, gailuan datuak prozesatuta eta sistemaren segurtasuna egiaz…
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Ekainean murgilduta, eta denboraldi amaierari begira, Microsoft Build 2024an aurkeztutakoaz ari gara, Microsoft Recall ezaugarriaren aurkezpena eta Cortana eta WordPad erretiratzea barne. Erretiradez ari garela, Spotifyk bere Car Thing-a bertan behera uzten duela komentatu dugu, abenduan funtzionatzeari utziko diona. Alexaren bertsio berria ere aip…
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Send us a text Hey there! Welcome to the First Episode of the I Love Sarees Podcast. 🎙️✨ Join us for Episode 1, where we dive into Padmini Janaki's fascinating journey from a Radio Jockey to the CEO and Founder of Mind and Mom. She shares valuable insights on entrepreneurship and life balance. Get ready to be inspired! Padmini also opens up about t…
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Sarean Zehar programa honetan batez ere Google IO dugu hizpide, adimen artifizialaren ezaugarri ugarirekin aste teknologikoan protagonista izan dena. Horrekin batera, GPTren bertsio berriaz ere hitz egiten dugu, 4o. Adimen artifizialei buruz ari garela, konturatzen gara oraindik ez digutela eskaini nahi duguna. IAz gain, Europar Batasunak Meta enpr…
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Saioaren lehenengo zatian, Europak ikertzen ari dituen kontuei buruz hitz egingo dugu. Zehazki, TikToken aurka, Lite zerbitzuaren puntu irabazteko programari buruz. Datuak Babesteko Europako Batzordeak ere bere iritzia eman du ‘Ordaindu edo onartu’ mezuei buruz, plataformek hirugarren bide bat eskaini beharko luketela esanez. Google buruz ere hitz …
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Aste honetako saioan, luze eta zabal hitz egingo dugu Auzitegi Nazionalaren epaiari buruz. Epai horren arabera, langileek ez dute mugikor pertsonal bat erabili behar beren enpresen sistemetan bi urratsetan egiaztatzeko. Epai honek zenbaterainoko zentzua duen eta bi urratsetan egiaztatzeko zer bitarteko informatiko behar diren aztertuko dugu. Humane…
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Programa honetan Pedraz epaileak Telegrami egin nahi izan dion blokeoa nola gertatu den kontatuko dugu, eman den pauso bakoitza aztertuz. Sakon aztertuko dugu, beste kasu batzuk ere barne hartzen dituen analisi batean. Adimen artifizialerako onartu den lege-esparruaz ere hitz egingo dugu, eta TituLOL txiki bat izango dugu.…
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So this type of content is the type of content that always makes me the most sales and gets my highest ticket clients to sign up with me .... and in this episode I'm going to share with you exactly what it is and how you can implement it for your business. P.S. The Wildfire Content pre-sale is now OPEN - the pre-sale pricing will expire on Tuesday …
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Saio honetan asko hitz egingo dugu Auzitegi Nazionalaz, Nagore Laffageren hiltzaileari ahazteko eskubidea ukatu zaiola esateko. Auzitegi Nazionalak ere isuna jarri dio Movistarri, SIM Swapping kasuetan datuak babesteko legea hausteagatik. Epaitegiez ari gara, halaber, merkataritza-epaitegi bat piraten futbol-igorleak identifikatzeko eskatzen ari de…
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