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A crooked king, a wicked queen, and a foreign god. You know this is going to be a great story. That’s because in literature (and storytelling), evil is more entertaining than good. We can predict a good person’s actions–they will be honest, kind, generous, and always choose what is right. The villains, however, are full of surprises. And they typic…
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This week a nearby church hosted a Vacation Bible School My fourteen-year-old granddaughter, Adrianna, volunteered to help out - on Friday, a friend sent me a video that she filmed the day before • when I watched it, there was Adrianna on a stage in front of a crowd of kids • she had a Bible in her hand, and from it she read a couple verses from th…
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In this final chapter we come to the end of the vision To me, it feels like waking up from a dream - just before I woke up yesterday morning, I was enjoying a pleasant dream • I heard someone call me, and I was immediately awake ◦ the house was completely silent ◦ I then realized it was my dad’s voice in the dream that called my name • for me, this…
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Once again, John begins to describe an event with “I saw” We are reminded that this entire book is a mystical vision and uses the strange language of images and symbols - however, we could be tempted to read last two chapters differently, • as if John were describing events in a literal future • but when, once again, he says “I saw,” we know this i…
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When Jesus told the parable of the Prodigal Son, He did not expect anyone to come to him afterward and say, - “Lord, I’d like to visit that family. Where do where they live?” • it was just a story – a made-up story meant to make a point • if all the crowd heard was a heart-warming story, they missed the point - here in Revelation 19, John describes…
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I’m going to begin with a quote by St. Augustine In The City of God he traces two cities through world history Augustine, “Accordingly, two cities have been formed by two loves: the earthly [city] by the love of self, even to the contempt of God; the heavenly [city] by the love of God, even to the contempt of self. The former, in a word, glories in…
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A few years ago, Barry Liesch, a professor at Biola-Talbot University, - wrote an article on worship in the book of Revelation • he suggested that by using its examples of form, content, and splendor, ◦ we might enjoy a more meaningful, intense, and richer worship experience • worship here on earth is already a participation in heaven’s worship ◦ o…
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I think most anyone reading Revelation sees that it takes a turn in chapter 13 What stays the same: the dragon (Satan) is still here - at least at the start – and he’s continuing his fight against God What changes: the dragon, after being defeated three times in the previous chapter - now scores a significant victory - also, prior to this, his batt…
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Yesterday Barb asked me, “Are you still in Revelation?” In answered with a weary, “Yes” She said, “Oh.” then added, “You’ll probably be in Revelation till the end of the world” One of the challenges of this mystical book is distraction - the shifting scenes, outrageous creatures, and sudden surprises pull my thoughts in different directions • if I …
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We have arrived at the heart of Revelation Not only the middle of the book, but its central message - I’m going to take you backstage and show you my work room • the Bible is many books and among them, different writing styles ◦ there are books of history (written more or less like storytelling), poetry, legal codes, prophetic writings, wise saying…
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Story of El Sal Prison There's something life giving when we choose to be a loving presence. Especially to those who have been out-casted. I’m addicted to it… but I’m not perfect at it. I have a sneaky suspicion that after I share about this, I’ll be reminded of how great it is to be a loving presence and then I’ll get into my truck outside and sta…
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I get the feeling that when we read the book of Revelation, We tend to watch each scene unfold from a safe distance - I don’t think it was meant to read this way, • we’re supposed to feel a threatening closeness • we’re drawn into the dream – it’s our collective nightmare - John was certainly more than a spectator • characters approach him, convers…
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When my children were small, I’d read to them every night First from a book of fairytales, then from a Bible storybook - we would pray, say goodnight, and turn off the lights • we were careful about the last thing that entered their minds before bed • I doubt we can prevent our kids from having nightmares ◦ but we can do things to help them sleep w…
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They came on the first day of week, first thing in morning They knew what spices and ointments to bring, - and knew what they were doing – they had done this before • what they did not know, was that overnight their world had changed • so what they found at the tomb was not what they expected - I love the lines: Why do you seek the living among the…
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How did Palm Sunday become recognized as a holy day? I don’t mean, how did it get put on the Church calendar, - but why do we celebrate it? • Palm Sunday is not like Christmas, Good Friday, or Easter ◦ these were the major events in Jesus’ life and ministry • but Palm Sunday is not noteworthy in the same way ◦ in fact, if you’ll excuse the expressi…
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Revelation is not a normal book – in fact, it’s a conundrum We enter a mystical world of symbols without a map or compass - as I understand it, the Revelation is meant to open our eyes to a reality beyond our knowing or experiencing • there is no way for us to go straight into it with our rational minds - I’ll share something with you that helps me…
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You may not have noticed, but something is missing The action that began prior to this chapter involved a magic scroll secured with seven seals - six of those seals have been opened (chapter 6) • but now in chapter 7, there’s no mention of the seventh seal • instead, we have come to an interlude before returning to the seventh seal - this will happ…
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A long time ago, I became interested in Douglas Coupland’s works of fiction One novel he wrote as if it were the journal of a young man traumatized as a child - his character had lived on a military base that came under a nuclear threat, and everyone was rushed into a shelter • this had left a lasting and foreboding impression on him • an entire ch…
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Among Jeremiah’s prophecies, we find one that is different from the rest. The difference is that this one brings a positive message regarding Israel’s future - after receiving the prophecy, Jeremiah says, At this I awoke and looked, and my sleep was pleasant to me (Jer. 31:26) • when I wake up from a pleasant dream, I want to go back to sleep and c…
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One day, a few years ago, I was visiting my oldest daughter Her oldest daughter, came to me and said, “I dreamed you last night” - she had told my daughter, “I dreamed grandpa” • Jennifer asked her, “Which grandpa?” she said, “The bald one.” • fortunately I have another dream story - in 1992, my life had been shattered by divorce • that summer a ni…
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Chapters 2 and 3 may be the most well known section of Revelation At least two of our favorite quotations are found here - what’s the theme of these chapters? Answer: “Church Repairs” • in chapter 1 Jesus appears in a form not found in the Gospels • in his right hand he held seven stars–which represented the angels of the seven churches ◦ in script…
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Revelation gives us a unique picture of the inner life of our Christian experience It is much different from Paul’s carefully structured teaching - with his separation of the new self from the old self • and his contrast of having the mind of the Spirit versus the mind of the “flesh” • Revelation reaches into our inner lives through symbols and biz…
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You may wonder, Why the book of Revelation? I admit, it is the most confusing and frustrating book in the Bible - it’s not an easy read – some images are very strange • they seem fairytale or mythical, except but even weirder ◦ for instance, we find, not just a beast with ten horns, ◦ but it has seven heads (?) and ten crowns on its horns • there’s…
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Today’s story is challenging and difficult to understand It turns everything we think we know about Jesus on its head - it involves a foreigner in a different region of the map • the setting for the life of Jesus is mostly in Israel ◦ he passes through Samaria, and briefly sets foot in Gadara ◦ but in this story he goes north – the one and only tim…
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The stories we hear today will serve as an illustration They illuminate a line from the prayer Jesus taught us - you know it and you’ve prayed it–maybe many times • it is one-third of a petition “hallowed [revered] be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Mt. 6:9-10) • it is that last line I hear in these tw…
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I decided to continue in Jeremiah for another week There are two stories we will consider that I’ve always enjoyed - one reason they appeal to me is because they’re interesting • another reason is that they are meaningful • although the main character in each story is connected to Jeremiah, ◦ they have nothing else in common - both stories have two…
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The two chapters of Haggai are about putting God first Israel had been driven from the land of Judah for seventy years - on returning to their homeland, one of their priorities was to rebuild the temple, • but there was a lot of work to be done, few workers, and limited resources ◦ they also had to construct homes for themselves • after awhile, a f…
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Even in infancy, people discerned that Jesus was extraordinary Simeon, a righteous and devout man, was led by God’s Spirit into temple - there he encountered Mary and Joseph and their baby • taking Jesus into his arms, he prophesied over him - then the elderly widow, Anna–who was herself a prophet, • she also encountered the holy family in the temp…
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Morning Talk: Jim Calhoun Luke 2:8-19, King James Version This is how I first heard the Christmas story. King James original from Linus van Pelt (from the Peanuts comic strip). I can’t say it makes me sad. It was a fine way to be introduced to Christmas. Later, when I was 11 or 12, I found our family Bible, my grandmother’s Bible and read it for my…
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The Christmas story is compressed into a few pages in New Testament For instance, no sooner do the birth announcements arrive than the babies are born - first John and then Jesus • in Luke chapter 2 Jesus is born, and by end of the chapter he’s already twelve years old ◦ though the magi are often pictured alongside the shepherds at the stable, ◦ wh…
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A few months ago, my grandson Calum began telling me what he wanted for Christmas Do you remember when it took forever for Christmas to get here? - now it’s like, “Is it that time again already?” • I used to be amused by people who left Christmas lights up all year • now I get it – they’re not lazy, they’re just old - we’re about to complete anothe…
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Chapter is not what we’ve come to expect from Jeremiah It is a short piece of autobiography, a personal episode in the life of the prophet Background King Zedekiah was the end of the line for the kings of Israel and Judah And he was in the last full year of his reign Jerusalem, the capital city of Judah, was under siege the army of Babylon was at t…
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Two weeks ago, I pointed out a shift in Jeremiah’s prophecies Until now, his message was a reminder to Israel of all their failures - they had turned from their God and were rushing downhill • so Jeremiah delivered a message of condemnation, rejection, of doom and gloom • but now a light breaks through the dark passages ◦ there is hope for Israel a…
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A god who never surprises us nor could ever surprise us, a god we could know perfectly well, whose every move we could predict, who has no secrets, so there’s no mystery, no confusion, no missing pieces, is not the God of the Scriptures For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are h…
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One thing we cannot say about prophecies of Jeremiah We cannot say God was silent –he did not sit back and watch passively, - as his people destroyed their religion, their nation and themselves • Jeremiah says God rose early to send all his prophets (Jer. 25:4) ◦ in the Old Testament, to rise early signifies eagerness, a compelling energy • God eag…
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One of the challenges I’ve wrestled with in Jeremiah, Is that it is so distant and unpleasant that it seems irrelevant or offensive - distant, because we are out of sync with that period of time and culture • we don’t share their norms, values, or kinship structures ◦ their geopolitical context was nothing like ours today ◦ their hardships are not …
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We’re going to make two trips to the Pottery Shack this morning The messages God had for his people required illustration - there’s an interesting angle to using pottery to reveal a truth • archaeologists depend on clay pots for vital information regarding ancient cultures ◦ even broken pieces of clay vessels have stories to tell • excavations dig …
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My senior year in high school, my best friend surprised me He said, “I don’t think I can justify bringing a child into this world” - that was something I was still looking forward to enjoying, • getting married and some day having children ◦ I knew about war and poverty and race riots and assassinations and environmental pollution • but my outlook …
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The purpose of Yom Kippur was to resolve a problem Israel was the community of God’s people living in a world of impurities – some impurities resulted from contact with natural sources (not sinful) • others resulted from violations of God’s religious and social laws • these impurities affected the entire community, even God’s sanctuary and its furn…
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To fully appreciate what’s here, we need perspective If we take an aerial view and rise high enough, – we’ll discover in Jeremiah themes and sayings from Deuteronomy • both use the metaphors of a circumcised heart and an iron furnace • both lay great emphasis on God’s covenant with Israel The LORD our God made a covenant with us in Horeb. Not with …
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There were two times in the gospels when Jesus identified precisely what had to be done in the moment - once, when he told a wealthy man, “you lack one thing” (the man had to liquidate all his assets and follow Jesus) - another time he explained to Martha, “one thing is necessary” • then he defended the one thing Mary had chosen to do - it can be a…
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The first time I visited Shiloh in Israel, I loved it Finally I felt something extraordinary in Israel--like an energy vibrating up through the soil - that was on the path, before we had even reached the site • one strong appeal that Shiloh that appealed to me was that there was nothing there but bare hillsides • but for that same reason, Shiloh wa…
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In 1989 Bob Dylan released the song “Everything Is Broken” - it’s a bluesy song that I love listening to when I feel down but not out • when something that is important to you falls apart, ◦ or a lot of unpleasant things line up in your day, this song fits your mood ◦ lots of people, in different situations can connect with these lyrics • it someti…
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Every year, my dad directed a summer camp in Williams, Arizona So that was our typical family vacation - one year, when all the campers were assembled in the chapel, • Dad began, “There was a murder in the forest last night ◦ he paused to let that sink in • then holding up a carving knife, he said, “This was the weapon” ◦ and “Here is the victim” –…
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I always been enchanted with the way this chapter opens If you look at the text, God’s speech is arranged in a poetic format - Hebrew poems do not look or sound like English poems • Hebrew poetry has a different structure and rules ◦ in chapter 1, Jeremiah had expressed his thoughts in prose (the ordinary written form of essays, etc.) ◦ but God’s m…
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There are several words in the Bible we don’t understand They pose a problem for us, because they’re common words, - and we assume we know what they mean • that is why we get confused when we come to them ◦ for instance: "name," "fear" ("Am I supposed to be afraid of God?"), "holy," and "sons of" • biblical Hebrew has a small vocabulary ◦ so it has…
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