Paul A Drockton M.A. is one of the World's best known Scriptorians, Scholars and Historians. Let him help you to worship Jesus Christ in Truth and Simplicity!
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How To Recognize True Path in Religion and what is prophethood and subordinate prophet and other topics.
How to recognize the true path in religion? Jihad is not the killing of innocents. What is the Ahmadiyya position on Jihad in Urdu language. دین میں صراط مستقیم کو کیسے پہچانا جائے؟ دین میں سچے راستے کو کیسے پہچانا جائے اور نبوت اور ماتحت نبی کیا ہے اور دیگر موضوعات۔۔ اردو زبان میں احمدیہ موقف کیا ہے۔مقرر عارف سعید
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Flavius Josephus chronicled the entire Jewish history leading up to Jerusalems destruction.
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Early Christians and the Temple at Jerusalem.
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10:21The Temple at Jerusalem was built to minister in the Laws of Moses, which were replaced by Christ's Sacrifice.
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Paul teaches that the Law of Moses condemns all mankind. Only Christ can make man alive
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The Original Organization of Christ's Church
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10:16How Jesus Christ organized His Church
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1 Corinthians and Our Resurrected Bodies
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10:11Paul explains the different glories of our physical resurrection.
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Paul explains God's grace.
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Knowing the Truth about the Past, Present and Future
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Hold fast to the Iron Rod!
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Who will be taken? Who will be left? Where will they go?
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Don't be deceived. Man shall not live by Bread alone.
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The parable of the Sower explained.
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2024 Resolutions and the Fall of Babylon
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10:02The Illusions of Wealth and Money will be taken away in 2024.
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What about the vast majority that never learned of Jesus?
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Saved by Grace. Becoming Sons and Daughters of God.
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Our Choices in this Life will result in our Kingdom in the Next.
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Our True Nature is Godly
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Faith of a Mustard Seed and the signs that follow.
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The truth about seeking after signs.
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Why Jesus was baptized as an adult.
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How Jesus Christ is One with the Father.
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The Immaculate Conception and Jesus Christ
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9:32Why was Jesus called the second Adam by Paul the Apostle?
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Luke was a Gentile converted by Paul that was meticulous in his interviews with those that knew Jesus Christ.
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How Jesus Christ was both God and Man.
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Is It ever to late to Repent and seek Peace with God?
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John Calvin originated the concept of Equality and Republican form of govt.
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The concepts of Stoicism and Epicureanism in Christianity.
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Philo tried to merge Judaism with Greek Philosophy. He was rebuked in Hebrews and other New Testament works but he had a major impact on Judeo-Christianity.
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All unlawful pleasure brings pain and misery.
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A comparison between the gods of Deism and Science and the Holy Scriptures.
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Observation vs Inspiration
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Plato sought truth through the mind. God reveals truth to the Pure in Heart.
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Perfection only exists in the Kingdom of Heaven
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You will only find your true self if it's revealed to you from Heaven.
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Plato was a believer that all of us were familiar with "The Perfect" in a former existence.
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All intelligence ultimately submits to that God that gave it life.
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Another Man of God that pushed forward the Gospel of Christ.
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If not you are worshiping false gods..
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There are two Churches only. The Church of Jesus Christ and the Church of the Devil. You choose!
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What's your balance in your Eternal Bank Account? Prepare to be shocked!
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God requires all men to be born of water and the Spirit.
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God has a perfection of attributes. Made possible by His own mortal experience and His Physical Body.
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What comes next?
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Our journey through Eternity.
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And why did 1/3 of God's Spirit Children follow him?
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How do we qualify for the influence of the Holy Ghost? How do we recognize its influence?
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Jesus Christ stated "I do nothing save My Father before Me". This is the greatest truth you never knew!
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"And this is Eternal Life. To know God the Father and Jesus Christ whom He has sent"
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"To know God and Jesus Christ whom He has Sent"
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Allah alone is sufficient for us, and He is the best Disposer of affairs .
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Revelation 17: Mystery Babylon Exposed!
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13:58Paul A Drockton M.A. Exposes the Secrets of Babylon written about by John in the Book of Revelation. Visit Hemptonics USA for the most Powerful Immune Support on the Planet!
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