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Sabedoria Judaica em 5 minutos - Divrei Torah Podcast Jewish Torah Wisdom in 5 Minutes

David Dahis - Sabedoria Judaica da Torah em 5 minutos - Jewish Torah Wisdom 5min

Divrei Torá, semanais do David Dahis. Ensinamentos da Torah e dos sábios, de acordo com o ponto de vista do judaísmo, ajudando você a perceber sua vida de forma mais alegre e equilibrada. A shared David Dahis's weekly Divrei;s Torah. Teachings of wisdom, according to the point of view of Judaism, helping you to perceive your life in a more joyful and balanced way.
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WAIT (Why Am I Talking?) is your quick and lighthearted podcast about technology in everyday life! In just 2 minutes, discover how innovation and artificial intelligence are transforming the way we learn, work, and live—at school, at home, at work, and even on the street. All of this with scripts written by me, Angela Rocha, and narrated by the charismatic voice of AI Jenny.
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Empowered Living is the only way to lead a meaningful life of purpose and fulfillment because it revolves around the principle that everyone is free to lead their most authentic lives. The focus is on empowering individuals to overcome personal insecurities. Stephanie helps busy parents and professionals stress less about work so that they have more time and energy to enjoy life without guilt. Download my FREE 5-Step Productivity Blueprint for parents and entrepreneurs: https://www.schangram ...
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Paul Jam

Deep House & Tech House

Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music. Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age. At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years old, and had another invitation to be the DJ resident of a discotheque in Lisbon. Due professional reasons years late, he left his career of Re ...
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show series
No episódio de hoje, o ALEGNA FALA traz uma reflexão sobre identidade e cultura com Black-ish. A série mistura comédia e questões profundas ao explorar a vida de Dre, um pai que está prestes a ser promovido, mas se preocupa com a desconexão dos filhos com sua herança cultural. Ao lado de sua esposa Rainbow, eles embarcam em uma jornada de risadas, …
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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No episódio de hoje, o ALEGNA FALA apresenta Best Lover, um dorama que transforma contratos em histórias de amor. Com Zhou Mi e Da-hae Lee no elenco, essa trama cheia de romance, clichês e superações se passa no glamouroso mundo do entretenimento coreano. Prepare-se para conhecer Hee Sung, um ator marcado por um amor do passado, e Choi Hwan Yeong, …
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In today’s episode, ALEGNA FALA celebrates the quiet strength of introverts. While extroversion is often praised as a gift, introversion is a unique ability to observe, analyze, and contribute meaningfully. Introverts don’t speak just to be heard — they speak when they have something valuable to add. Research shows that 30% to 50% of the population…
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In today’s episode, ALEGNA FALA explores whether technology can truly bridge the gaps in education or if it risks creating new divides. According to UNESCO’s 2023 Global Education Monitoring Report, while technology promises to expand access to learning, digital inequalities persist — and are even growing. During the pandemic, nearly a third of stu…
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No episódio de hoje, o ALEGNA FALA mergulha na emocionante segunda temporada de Hello, My Twenties! (Age of Youth). A casa Belle Epoque está de volta, com novas fases, desafios e personagens que nos fazem rir, chorar e refletir. Entre traumas, superações e aquele romance que aquece o coração, essa temporada equilibra emoção e diversão como ninguém.…
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No episódio de hoje, o ALEGNA FALA sobre os desafios e promessas da tecnologia na educação. De acordo com o relatório da UNESCO, enquanto a tecnologia facilita o acesso ao ensino, as divisões digitais ainda ampliam desigualdades. Durante a pandemia, quase um terço dos alunos ficou sem acesso ao ensino remoto, e apenas 40% das escolas primárias no m…
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No episódio de hoje, o ALEGNA FALA apresenta Paixão Imprevista (Accidentally in Love), um dorama chinês que mistura romance, comédia e reflexões sobre amizade e identidade. Chen Qing Qing, uma jovem rica, foge de um casamento arranjado e acaba cruzando o caminho de Si Tu Feng, um cantor famoso. Entre encontros inesperados e muitos conflitos diverti…
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No episódio de hoje, o ALEGNA FALA sobre como a tecnologia está transformando o agronegócio em um cenário de inovação e eficiência. Com a Internet das Coisas (IoT) movimentando bilhões de dólares até 2025, o campo se tornou um laboratório de soluções inteligentes. Descubra como o Brasil lidera essa revolução, com aumento de produção, redução de cus…
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Nǐ hǎo, dorameiros! No episódio de hoje, o ALEGNA FALA mergulha no universo de Meteor Garden (ou Jardim de Meteoros), uma adaptação chinesa do clássico mangá Hana Yori Dango. Angela Rocha compartilha sua visão sobre o F4, os conflitos emocionantes e as reviravoltas dessa história que mistura amor, drama e polêmicas. Já odiou e amou um casal ao mesm…
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O ALEGNA FALA mergulha no universo de Hello, My Twenties!, um #dorama que mistura risadas, dramas e lições de vida na convivência de cinco universitárias. Prepare-se para rir, chorar e, quem sabe, soltar um "saudades, Belle Epoque" ao se apaixonar por essas histórias cativantes. Ah, e já corre, porque a 2ª temporada está disponível! Este episódio f…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Como o Yom kipur impacta sua vida? Você consegue fazer mais um pouco do que o ano que passou? Que diferença faz para Hashem se você jejua ou não? Como o que eu faço, tem reflexo no mundo? Qual a “coincidência” que ocorre neste ano, que é diferente dos outros anos? Shabat Shalom!!! E um Jejum fácil. Beba e coma mais hoje que ajuda kkkkk 😘…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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