The show stars Louise Palanker and Laura Swisher, two bright, funny, articulate young lady stand-up comedians. Each show features intriguing guest stars, funny hilarity, fascinating chatter and loads of non-stop witty banter.
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Weezy and The Swish 2008 Reunion Extravaganza On a very special Weezy and The Swish 2008 Reunion Extravaganza, guest Wyatt Cenac shares stories from The Daily Show, Laura picks on Wyatt, Wyatt picks on Laura and Weezy encourages the madcap, passive aggressive shenanigans. Join us for fun and funny!Por Weezy & The Swish
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Weezy and The Swish podcast 91 The legendary Gary Owens is our special guest on Podcast 91. With him comes bountiful bundles of wonderful show biz lore. Do not miss this podcast. Also, Fritz Coleman stops by to chat with his idol, Gary Owens. Ian Broyles was our photographer. Click, enjoy and bring a sandwich. This one is big and beefy. by Matt Har…
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