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Real Life Radio show is about testimonies of people with real problems who found answers in a Real God! You will hear from a variety of people who never believed in Jesus Christ, but how they found Real answers and encounters with a Real God. You will hear from former atheists,prostitutes, drug dealers, and many more; and how they all experienced powerful solutions in coming in relationship and faith in Jesus Christ. Maybe Faith really does work. Listen in...Real Life Starts now....
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Xuất Nhập Khẩu LÊ ÁNH

Hoàng Thị Lệ Huyền

Xuất Nhập Khẩu Lê Ánh, thành lập năm 2012 và thuộc Trung tâm Đào tạo Thực hành Lê Ánh, là một trung tâm đào tạo xuất nhập khẩu uy tín với giấy phép từ nhà nước. Trung tâm có 10 cơ sở tại Hà Nội và TPHCM, nổi bật với chương trình đào tạo thực tế, được các chuyên gia kinh nghiệm thẩm định. Đã đào tạo hơn 10.000 nhân sự, trung tâm có đội ngũ giảng viên chuyên nghiệp với trên 10 năm kinh nghiệm. Chương trình đào tạo, được Tiến sĩ Lê Ánh và các chuyên gia xuất nhập khẩu, Logistics phát triển, nhậ ...
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Khóa học kế toán Tổng Hợp Thực Hành Lê Ánh

Khóa học kế toán Tổng Hợp Thực Hành

Khóa học kế toán tổng hợp thực hành là khóa học đào tạo nhân sự vị trí kế toán tổng hợp thông qua việc thực hành công việc của người kế toán tổng hợp trên chứng từ thực tế và phần mềm kế toán. Kế toán Lê Ánh hoạt động với phương châm "Minh bạch - Chất lượng - Vì người học - Để người học đánh giá".
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show series
Today we are going to talk about what the fact that thought Christianity is growing in India, it isn't growing as much compared to Hinduism, or other religions like Islam. But what happens when a Hindu does become a Christian? And why would a Hindu want to become a Christian? Today, we will have Ganesh Venkataramanan share with us how he grew up in…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about reasons why people become Atheists. And there are a lot of reasons why people become atheists, from people believing there is a lack of evidence of their being a God, to believing that science has answers to everything. But today, we are going to laser in and talk about one of the main reasons people …
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Hi This is Evangelist Anh Le, welcome to the Real Life Radio Show, and we are going to talk to Real People, who had real problems, but found answers in a Real God. today we will be talking about the likeliness that a child will start into drug use and addiction earlier if they see their parents doing the same thing. Here is the truth, when parents …
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In today's testimony we will be talking about the fact that many muslims are encountering Jesus through dreams, near death experiences, and visions, and many of them as a result, are becoming devout Christians. Now, just in case you didn't know, it is against the Islamic moral code for a Muslim to ever become another religion, especially a Christia…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about whether drugs and drug addiction is genetic, or simply life choices. Some wonder, was I born a drug addict? And others label drug addicts as like a subtype of people, looking at them in a way, and saying, Oh, those types of people. But what type of people get addicted to drugs? and it is genetic, or i…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about how muslims deal with depression, anxiety, and mental health, and we will have someone who was formerly muslim spill the beans how she was told to deal with the depression and anxiety she had through the lens of Islam. Did you know that muslim Americans have higher rates of depression and anxiety than…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about whether or not a marxist Atheist can receive Christ as their Savior or not. Why would it be hard for a marxist to accept Jesus? Well, a marxist is raised and groomed to believe that Religion is the opium of the people. What is Karl Marx saying when he says that? As we know, Opium is a drug, and help t…
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Listener Discretion is advised, as we will be talking about mature subjects that have content that have a sexual nature, and are intended for a mature audience only. In today's testimony we are going to talk about the fact that many in the sex industry, from strippers to prostitutes, deal with greater mental health issues. Why is that? Is there a s…
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In today's testimony, we are going to talk about agnosticism and how agnostics deal with tough mental issues such as depression and anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts. First of all, what is agnosticism? An agnostic is a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality such as God is unknown, or most likely unknowable. So it is a person who is n…
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Today we are going to talk about what is the truth of when someone is living a hypocritical life. Now, Christians are heavily advised in scriptures to not live double lives, and not to live like hypocrites. Sadly, some do, and even those in leadership. But is that really an amazing way to do life? Well, Jason Kim is going to join us today to tell u…
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In today's testimony, we are going to talk about how faith plays a positive role in marriages, and families. Did you know it is a well known fact that strong good religious values help married couples to overcome mental health issues, conflict, and increases faithfulness. But misapplied values can lead to a decrease in marriages and family unity. T…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about human trafficking in America. Today on our show we have our guest Kristina Glackin who has experienced the horrible reality of what human trafficking does to an individual, and will share some of the emotional scars she enduredPor Anh Le
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In today's testimony we will be talking about addictive personalities, and if there is any hope for someone with an addictive personality. What is an addictive personality? It is someone who is more prone to addictions of all sorts, from illegal drugs, to video games, these are people who are more likely to fall into some type of craving that drive…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about the belief of reincarnation that exists in many of the world religions. Reincarnation is the belief that the souls of human, animals, and plants, are eternal, and are ever cycling, or being recycled, where life after death is being reborn back into this world in another body. This idea sounds pretty i…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about whether or not faith can impact healing from traumatic experiences a person can go through. Now, did you know that 70% of adults have gone through some type of traumatic experience in their lifetime? And when someone goes through something traumatic, there is a need for emotional and mental healing. B…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about some of the self hatred that transsexual individuals go through, and if there is any hope for this population through Jesus? Did you know that 80% of transgender people suffer from self hatred? The suicide rate for transgenders is considerably higher, up to 32-50%, compared to 1.3%. Is there is hope f…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about the reality of faith and helping with issues such as depression and anxiety. Does faith in Christ really help those struggling with Depression? According to National Institutes of Health, faith based spiritual intervention is considered effective in reducing symptoms of depression. But is this for rea…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about the increase cases of Methamphetamine burn cases, and crystal meth use increasing all over the world. What is it that is behind this craze of this drug that is spreading all across the world? Did you know that many Crystal meth makers though getting so severely burnt, still suffer with great addiction…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about whether or not it is dangerous for someone to live and die as an atheist. Most atheists feel quite comfortable living as an atheist, and claim that atheism is clearly safer compared to those who believe in religion. Some atheists claim that religion is like a disease to the world, causing religious wa…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about whether or not Jesus can help someone stop a heavy addiction to cocaine and other drugs. 75% of drug users can overcome drug addiction with the proper treatment and care, but can faith in God change anything for someone. Apparently, 73% of rehab programs have a spiritual element that help people to ov…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about why people get involved with psychics, and look for supernatural power through the form of witchcraft. Witchcraft is on the rise all around the world, and it is becoming popular in western culture. But what is it exactly? Witchcraft historically has always meant the use of magic or supernatural powers…
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In today's testimony, we are going to talk about the dangerous reality of Radical Muslims converting to Christianity. Did you know Baylor University institute established in 2015 that 10.2 million muslims were converting to Christianity? But in countries with radical muslims, and with Sharia Law, it is against the law for a muslim to convert to any…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about the party lifestyle in college, fraternities, what it is like for a young man to live it up, have quote unquote, innocent fun, and we are asking the question, is the party lifestyle that fulfilling? Many older men are always raving about their old party days, and are dreaming of the past. Young high s…
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In today's testimony, we are going to discover the truth about what it is like inside of Yemen, which has a 90-99% Muslim population. The country is comprised of mostly Sunni muslims, and the rest are Shia Muslims and Zaydi muslims. The nation has little to no Jews or Christians. Is there a reason for that? Well, today we will have John Ghanim join…
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In today's testimony, we are going to talk about runaway children, and the adverse dangers they face to a world that is ready to harm them. Why do children runaway? Many children runaway due to experiencing abuse, bullying of some sort, mental health difficulties, and several other issues that can occur in the home. Did you know that 7% of youth in…
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In today's testimony we are going to be talking about a very uncomfortable subject, we are going to talk about and expose how 2% of women experience sexual abuse from their own biological fathers. Listener discretion is advised, as the contents you are about to hear are disturbing and intended for a very mature audience. Yes, it is a small percenta…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about whether or not someone who is very selfish and destructive can ever change their ways. Many feel like once someone is a selfish person, that they will always be that way. In the American Psychological Association Dictionary, selfishness is listed as the tendency to act excessively or solely in a manne…
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In today's testimony we will be talking about what percentage of Christian kids leave their parents faith, and change to becoming either an atheist, or a person of a different religion. According to a study done interviewing Harvard College students, apparently only 42% stayed with the same denominational Christian faith as their parents had. But o…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about the fact that many students are having a decline in religion, but a huge increase in spirituality, specifically Liberal New Age Beliefs. In US colleges and university, you can see that those who prescribe to a religion declines from Freshman to Senior year, but an increasing incline to spiritual quest…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about Bulimia Nervosa, a condition which mostly affects 1.3 % of females, and 0.5% of males, but it is a condition where someone binge eats, and then purges (vomits) up all their food so as not to gain weight. The causes of Bulimia are unknown to scientists, but they know that it can run in families. Why wo…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about the reality and temptation to get mad at God, and we are going to discover some of the base roots that accompany that emotion and frustration one can feel. Did you know that 1/3 to 2/3rd's of Americans admitted to sometime in their lives feeling angry at God? When certain unfortunate changes in life h…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about why some men need multiple partners in their lives, and why some men become womanizers. It really is terrible when you hear a women discover that her man is also the man for other women. How her heart breaks, and how she feels about that can be something shocking and really destabilizing for a girl. B…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about living a shallow life that craves attention, money, power, influence, and wealth, and that the pursuit of happiness can lead to even less happiness. Why is that? Seeking happiness is the American dream, yet so many Americans are so unhappy, living off of anti-depressants and prozac. How is this possib…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about what happens when someone dies. I am 100% sure you have pondered this question, and have wondered what happens REALLY, when someone dies. I am sure you have thought about these thoughts for yourself. So far, there is no scientific proof of what happens to a person when they die, but the scientiific co…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about Famous Rap Stars lifestyles, and if what they are rapping about is just entertainment? Or are they rapping about something they are really experiencing in their lives. Rap music originated in the Southern Bronx of New York in 1973, and today, it is a genre of music that one of the most popular genres …
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about how easy it is to grow up to hate God due to extreme horrible situations that happen in life. All of us can live through very difficult situations, and when our eyes see horrible things, it can be tempting to not believe in the existence of God. I mean, how can a loving God allow for bad things to hap…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about the drug problem in New York City, where cocaine traffickers are moving tons of kg of cocaine throughout NY, and it is a very big business with so much money in it. There are Columbian, Dominican, and Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations or DTO's operating in NY, and much of the drugs coming through…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about how most people in this world are seeking confidence, and even Forbes magazine talks about confidence as if it were a superpower. Is Confidence the most valuable asset someone can attain in life? And what happens when someone becomes too self confident? Today we will have Josh Hitt, who is a young man…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about parapsychology, which is where people get into the study of esoteric things, and its all part of studying psychics and paranormal activity. You know, many people are getting into new age, and practicing acts like Lucid dreaming, seances, astroprojection, which are all things that are mentioned in scri…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about how drugs like crystal meth can be so destructive to a person's life, that it completely changes someone from the inside out. Did you know there is quite a popularity with Crystal Methamphetamine's and it is known as the clubbing drug. meaning young and old people take this when they go to the clubs, …
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Hi this is Evangelist Anh Le, welcome to the Real Life Radio Show, In today's testimony we are going to talk to Real People, who had real problems, but found answers in a Real God. Today we are going talking about how some transgenders feel when transitioning to becoming a person of the opposite sex. By the way, listener discretion is advised, as t…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about the idea of atheists becoming Christians, and does it ever really happen. The short answer is, yes, and did you know that conversions are beginning to increase over those who are forsaking their faith? We are going to hear from Ronald Dabdoub (dabdoo) how he forsook his childhood faith and became an a…
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In today's testimony we will be talking about the epidemic of the addiction to prescription level opioids, and what it is doing in our society, and what it does to an individual life. Now, you wouldn't think a pain killer would be anything dangerous, but painkillers now are being used in an illegal way in society because of the power of this drug t…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about the age old tale of making a deal with the devil. Have you ever heard of the idea of someone selling their soul to the devil, in order to get some type of special favor? Apparently this is an ancient practice, in where many people since the beginning of time, have invoked the devil or demons to give t…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about how the pathway to drugs will always lead a person to a dangerous place that they never thought they would ever be. In the famous story of Pinocchio, we see a wooden boy wanting to be accepted into the world and following the world's doctrine of unlimited pleasure. And I think that movie really relate…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about how male to male same sex attraction works, and to see if people are born that way or not. Listener discretion is advised, as we are about to discuss things of a sexual nature, intended for a mature audience only. Science has not been able to prove it, and so far there is no proof of a genetic link th…
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In today's testimony, we will be talking about the story of the prodigal son in the bible, and asking, what did this lifestyle really look like. The bible says that man had wild living, but how wild can it get? How about in modern times today in the United Kingdom? Well, Today we will have Barry Jon share with us how he grew up with drug addiction …
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In today's testimony we will be talking about the reality of the height of being famous, and whether or not that pursuit will really make someone happy or not. Now, we all have dreams and aspirations to do something amazing in our lives. It may goals to become a doctor one day, or to be a famous astronaut, or even a famous musician. But once you ge…
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In today's testimony we are going to talk about cocaine addiction and crack cocaine addiction, and how some use it in order to fuel themselves with more energy to complete life's goals and responsibilities, but how it always spirals out of control, always. Crack Cocaine is processed from Cocaine hydrochloride, and is extremely addictive, where a pe…
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In today's testimony we will be talking about the power that psychics possess, and where that power comes from. Sometimes when you are driving around, you might notice a sign that says, psychic, and you might wonder, why do people pay money to go see these people? Or, maybe you have experience with a psychic, and you felt like it was a powerful tim…
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