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Está no ar, o Data Hackers News !! Os assuntos mais quentes da semana, com as principais notícias da área de Dados, IA e Tecnologia, que você também encontra na nossa Newsletter semanal, agora no Podcast do Data Hackers !! Aperte o play e ouça agora, o Data Hackers News dessa semana ! Para saber tudo sobre o que está acontecendo na área de dados, s…
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Nossos convidados Bárbara Correia Dos Santos, Roberto Frossard e Cadu Mazzei compartilham como o Itaú avançou na utilização de IA ao longo dos últimos anos, e como a tecnologia tem contribuído para a construção de produtos e serviços hiperpersonalizados que atendem as reais necessidades dos clientes. No episódio, você confere como as disciplinas de…
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#BTCJournal #doingnothing #natura #forever21 Conheça a BTC e saiba mais sobre nossos cursos. Inscrições abertas para as turmas de 2025! • General Business Program: • Strategy & Finance Program: • Excel + Business Program: • Pricing Strategy Program:…
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Sponsored by CoHost's analytics. Podcasters need better analytics. Discover where downloads are coming from, how listeners are resonating, and who your audience is with CoHost. Sign up today for a free trial. Evolutions has announced two new keynotes for the event in Chicago IL, USA, from Mar 31 to Apr 3. Hosts of The Fantasy Footballers, Jason Moo…
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A Heritable Agriculture é uma startup incubada na Google X que se dedica ao desenvolvimento de sementes geneticamente modificadas. Através da utilização de AI, a empresa pretende ser capaz de enfrentar os desafios da segurança alimentar global, aumentando a produção de alimentos de forma sustentável.…
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Sponsored by CoHost's analytics. Podcasters need better analytics. Discover where downloads are coming from, how listeners are resonating, and who your audience is with CoHost. Sign up today for a free trial. Law&Crime, a legal and true crime network, has launched a new show - as an exclusive on Wondery+. Luigi will launch on March 24, following th…
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Está no ar, o Data Hackers News !! Os assuntos mais quentes da semana, com as principais notícias da área de Dados, IA e Tecnologia, que você também encontra na nossa Newsletter semanal, agora no Podcast do Data Hackers !! Aperte o play e ouça agora, o Data Hackers News dessa semana ! Para saber tudo sobre o que está acontecendo na área de dados, s…
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#btcnews #natura #ntco3 #turnaround #businessgrowth #businessmodel #strategy #merge #acquisitions Conheça a BTC e saiba mais sobre nossos cursos.Inscrições abertas para as turmas de 2025!• General Business Program:• Strategy & Finance Fast Track:• Excel + Business Program:…
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Sponsored by CoHost's analytics. Podcasters need better analytics. Discover where downloads are coming from, how listeners are resonating, and who your audience is with CoHost. Sign up today for a free trial. YouTube is adding a dedicated “Podcast” tab on the main screen of its Android TV app, thus highlighting more podcast content to YouTube’s big…
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Sponsored by CoHost's analytics. Podcasters need better analytics. Discover where downloads are coming from, how listeners are resonating, and who your audience is with CoHost. Sign up today for a free trial. When trying to take stock of your podcast network’s numbers, it can be irritating logging into multiple platforms across the internet to put …
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Sponsored by CoHost's Tracking Links. Discover what drives podcast downloads with CoHost's Tracking Links, a Chartable SmartLink alternative. Trusted by leading creators, brands, and agencies. Sign up for a free 7-day trial. Michelle Obama and her brother Craig Robinson appeared on-stage yesterday at SXSW to record a live episode of their newly lau…
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#BTCJournal #homeoffice #guerracomercial #tesla Conheça a BTC e saiba mais sobre nossos cursos. Inscrições abertas para as turmas de 2025! • General Business Program: • Strategy & Finance Program: • Excel + Business Program: • Pricing Strategy Program:…
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Sponsored by CoHost's Tracking Links. Discover what drives podcast downloads with CoHost's Tracking Links, a Chartable SmartLink alternative. Trusted by leading creators, brands, and agencies. Sign up for a free 7-day trial. Video or audio podcasts? According to Gen Z podcast fans (13-28 year-olds), video is skibidi and audio is slay - they overwhe…
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A Waterlily é uma startup norte-americana que pretende ajudar pessoas individuais e consultores financeiros a navegar pelas complexas opções de cuidados continuados, modelando custos e estratégias de financiamento. Lançou a sua plataforma publicamente em março de 2024 e, desde então, tem vindo a crescer consistentemente.…
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Sponsored by CoHost's Tracking Links. Discover what drives podcast downloads with CoHost's Tracking Links, a Chartable SmartLink alternative. Trusted by leading creators, brands, and agencies. Sign up for a free 7-day trial. Pocket Casts has opened its web player to everyone. You don’t need an account to listen - here’s our daily podcast to try it …
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Sponsored by CoHost's Tracking Links. Discover what drives podcast downloads with CoHost's Tracking Links, a Chartable SmartLink alternative. Trusted by leading creators, brands, and agencies. Sign up for a free 7-day trial. It’s everyone’s nightmare: a podcast where everyone is talking over one another. It’s one of the most irritating things for l…
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A Woven City é uma cidade protótipo que está a ser construída no Japão pela Toyota, e que pretende funcionar como um laboratório tecnológico vivo. Esta cidade vai servir como um espaço para a empresa e os seus parceiros testarem e desenvolverem novas tecnologias, desde sistemas de transporte inteligentes até soluções de saúde e bem-estar.…
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Sponsored by CoHost's Tracking Links. Discover what drives podcast downloads with CoHost's Tracking Links, a Chartable SmartLink alternative. Trusted by leading creators, brands, and agencies. Sign up for a free 7-day trial. JAR Audio has announced the third edition of the Emerging Women in Podcasting Pilot Competition. The winner gets a profession…
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Sponsored by CoHost. Looking for better podcast analytics? CoHost gives you insight into download sources, audience demographics, episode consumption, and more. Sign up for a free trial today. Miss Me?, the podcast hosted by Lily Allen and Miquita Oliver, performed its first live show yesterday at London’s Hackney Empire - like tonight’s show, it w…
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Sponsored by CoHost. Looking for better podcast analytics? CoHost gives you insight into download sources, audience demographics, episode consumption, and more. Sign up for a free trial today. Exclusive: There’s a new comedy podcast network in town. The launch of the WITZ Podcast Network has been announced by entertainment studio Cineverse and come…
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A Alpha School é uma escola inovadora que usa tecnologia e aprendizagem personalizada para acelerar o domínio académico e desenvolver competências para a vida. Este modelo diferencia-se do ensino tradicional ao romper com o modelo tradicional e oferece uma experiência educativa personalizada e centrada no aluno.…
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Sponsored by CoHost. Looking for better podcast analytics? CoHost gives you insight into download sources, audience demographics, episode consumption, and more. Sign up for a free trial today. How much can you earn by switching your podcast to Spotify’s new video podcast partner program? One company did - and actually lost nearly $1,000 in January …
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Sponsored by CoHost. Looking for better podcast analytics? CoHost gives you insight into download sources, audience demographics, episode consumption, and more. Sign up for a free trial today. How powerful are live podcasts? Goalhanger’s The Rest is Politics and The Rest is Politics: US both ran special live shows after the White House exchange bet…
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O NEO BETA é um robô humanoide de 25 kgs pensado para realizar atividades complexas, integrando-se perfeitamente no ambiente doméstico. Com a sua capacidade de aprender e adaptar-se, este robô pode vir a desempenhar um papel fundamental no nosso dia-a-dia, tornando-se um auxiliar indispensável em diversas áreas da vida.…
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Sponsored by CoHost. Looking for better podcast analytics? CoHost gives you insight into download sources, audience demographics, episode consumption, and more. Sign up for a free trial today. A new online magazine for Canadian Podcasters has launched. It’s called Canadian Podcaster, and it’s free - coming with a podcast, too. The goal of the publi…
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Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast! The average age of CNN viewers is 67, and FOX News v…
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#BTCJournal #diversidade #c6 #prosus Conheça a BTC e saiba mais sobre nossos cursos. Inscrições abertas para as turmas de 2025! • General Business Program: • Strategy & Finance Program: • Excel + Business Program: • Pricing Strategy Program: …
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Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast! YouTube released a new headline data point, suggesti…
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Uma equipa portuguesa conseguiu um feito inédito a nível mundial: a produção de filetes de robalo cultivados em laboratório a partir de bioimpressão 3D. Os próximos passos incluem testes com o Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA), onde especialistas vão avaliar os filetes impressos.
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Está no ar, o Data Hackers News !! Os assuntos mais quentes da semana, com as principais notícias da área de Dados, IA e Tecnologia, que você também encontra na nossa Newsletter semanal, agora no Podcast do Data Hackers !! Aperte o play e ouça agora, o Data Hackers News dessa semana ! Para saber tudo sobre o que está acontecendo na área de dados, s…
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Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast! Heavyweight is to return, as Jonathan Goldstein and …
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Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast! Since launch, Acast has paid over AUD $44.9mn (US $2…
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O Swippitt Hub é um dispositivo que se assemelha a uma torradeira e que pode carregar e armazenar até cinco baterias de smartphones. Atualmente, este sistema é compatível com os iPhone 14, 15 e 16 da Apple, mas a empresa tem planos de estender a compatibilidade a dispositivos Android até ao final de 2025.…
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Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast! Breaking: Subscription-based podcast and audiobook c…
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#BTCJournal #taniabulhoes #microaposentadoria #deepseek Conheça a BTC e saiba mais sobre nossos cursos. Inscrições abertas para as turmas de 2025! • General Business Program: • Strategy & Finance Program: • Excel + Business Program: • Pricing Strategy Program: https://…
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Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast! After last year’s Podnews Report Card highlighted th…
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