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Cape Cod Church Podcast

Cape Cod Church Podcast

Inspiring people to live fully for God! We believe that God has an incredible plan for your life, and that he wants you to discover fullness in relationship with him. Tune in for messages that make faith fun and practical.
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show series
We’re almost done with the valley series, and we want to end with a reminder of how beautiful valleys can be. This may sound impossible or even offensive, depending on how deep your current valley is. But it’s true: as painful as the valley can be, it’s also a place of beauty. We often recognize this in hindsight. However, you don’t have to wait. Y…
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We've been in the valley, the ‘Valley of Vision.’ Now, we're discovering a paradox: it's in the hard, hemmed-in places that we gain a clear view of how God works. But how do we hone our vision? In this sermon, we explore how to clearly discern God in the valley and find peace. It’s a path of paradox, but it’s a path accessible to both you and me. F…
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Remember when you were little? Do you recall what you were afraid of? When did that change? When did you exchange one set of fears for another? Oh yes, that’s what we did—we exchanged old ones for new ones. Our point is that old fears lost their power over us. They may even seem silly now. Valley Vision is a new way of looking at valleys, and it’s …
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How do you handle valleys? You know what we mean: how do you deal with hard times and hurt? How is it working for you? We don't mean strategically, like "Are you winning?" How is your soul, your joy, in the valley? A surprising amount of the Bible is devoted to addressing anxiety and how to overcome it. This reflects an ancient yet modern problem: …
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Each of us comes out of the womb trying to make sense of the world around us. The sights, sounds, and sensations—what do they mean, and what do we do with that information? To whom or where do we go to receive guidance? And when our role is to be the guide, how do we encourage another person to develop an 'ear to hear' what the LORD is saying? This…
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Nothing beats a good recommendation from a local. Best Mother’s Day brunch? Favorite ice cream stand, top hike with your dog? The hidden gem that most people aren’t aware of, but should be? (This last one is a personal favorite.) This is how good news spreads... and it’s also how the story of Jesus has been shared around the world. I know there may…
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I’ve been a pastor for over 30 years now, so it won’t surprise you that I’ve heard a few stinging criticisms of Christianity. You know why they’re stinging... because they're true, at least to some extent. That's the part that really hurts. What do we do with the baggage of Christianity, the stuff done in the name of Jesus throughout history, and y…
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“Jesus is a well-loved teacher,” that’s hardly a controversial statement. “Jesus is “The Only Way” - these are outrageous words. In a pluralistic and even secular society, exclusive claims are the most egregious. You may even cringe when you hear it said aloud. As we continue with the series ‘Jesus Among the Gods’, we’ll explore how the exclusive c…
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According to ChatGTP, Jesus is the most famous person in the world. But He’s also the most controversial. We may agree that He’s a big deal, but exactly what His deal is… not so much. As we kick off our series, we’ll look at Jesus among the gods: How does Jesus compare to other religious icons, and is he an exclusive kind of guy? We’ll talk about t…
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The Secret Life of Confident People… a finale! Paul has made his case, laid out a theology, encouraged us with strong and memorable promises, and filled us with lasting security. That seems to be part of the goal—an enduring confidence not shaken by circumstances, not subject to the whims of our emotions, grounded in the most unshakable truth of al…
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How do we follow Easter? We do so by celebrating faith and the story of Jesus at work in people’s lives, and we call it baptism—this is going to be good! As we continue the series, “Secret Life of Confident People,” we will be back in Romans 8, answering the question, “How do we stand tall when it seems like the people around us have rocks?” You se…
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As we celebrate Easter, we remember the most discussed moment in all of human history, and we will do it with a few thousand of our friends and neighbors on Cape Cod. In fact, over 2 billion people worldwide will join the celebration! Why? Well, to start with, it’s true, it happened. And… it’s for you… and it changes destinies. That’s worth celebra…
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Holy Week begins here... Palm Sunday. We have matched our journey through Romans 8 with this moment in mind. There is a lesson here in the lead-up: a lesson about waiting, a lesson about crying, and an unexpected source of comfort. Sometimes, perhaps many times, pain is so complex and so deep that we don’t know the way out we want or what to ask fo…
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“I thought when I became a Christian, life would get better.” “I’ve tried to pray, but I get nothing.” “Where is God? Why me?” Life is hard. Sometimes, it feels unexpectedly hard or even unfair. So, what’s the point of being a Christian? As we continue our series, “Secret Life of Confident People,” we explore the topic of faltering confidence. Thos…
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And that's a wrap for the Thrive Conference 2024! It was a weekend we'll never forget! People from 40 churches and groups all across Cape Cod came together to listen, learn, and see what good things God might want us to do next. We had a lot of fun and learned a lot about how to make our churches and communities better. With the help of the Holy Sp…
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The peace and confidence you’re looking for is right in Romans 8. But let’s not fool ourselves–it’s also elusive. It’s not easy to develop something invisible. Mental fortitude, the presence of the Spirit, a deep inner peace—we see their effects, so we know they’re powerful. But how to get them? Sometimes, it can feel like grasping at a vapor! As w…
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What would a confident life look like for you? A bit less anxiousness? A new way of talking? Some swagger or maybe just a calm smile? Confidence doesn’t come in just one size, but we all long for a bit of it. The central chapter of what some call Paul’s most significant book, Romans 8, is the story of the secret life of confident people. This is no…
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Regardless of our diverse backgrounds and the unique paths we’ve walked, there’s one universal truth: we all have a story. Our narratives differ from the movies we watch or the books we read. Unlike those scripted tales, our stories unfold in the middle pages, where our choices shape the direction they take. The Bible speaks directly to those who i…
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Rest...why is it so hard? Rest isn’t physical. It’s not physical first. It’s spiritual, then emotional, then maybe physical. But you knew that or have at least experienced it. Since the beginning, we were made for rest, so why is it so hard? As we wrap up our series, “Since the Beginning,” we celebrate rest and explore a road map to restoration and…
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Since the beginning… that’s where we find answers. We don’t need anyone to tell us it’s bad out there. We get that it’s painfully obvious. What we want and what we need is a guide to find beauty, and we want to know that beauty wins. The first pages of the Bible introduce us to the bad, and they remind us how we crave justice...and then? As we cont…
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Sexuality, Marriage, and Friendship. Since the beginning, these have been God’s good gifts to us—gifts for our flourishing, to help us live full lives. As we continue our series, “Since the Beginning,” we will go back to the beginning to unfold God’s beauty and design in these gifts. And we will finish with Jesus and His invitation to you, to me, t…
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A newborn baby’s smile… an untouched landscape or a clear night sky… even that new car smell. Each reminds us of something new and unspoiled—the way it was meant to be. If we want to know who we are and are meant to be, we will need to go back to the beginning. That’s where we’ll find the story of our identity, insight into our potential, and maybe…
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It began 30 years ago with a question...“If you were looking for a church, what would you look for?” Here’s one thing I would look for… a church I could invest in. No one wants to spin their wheels or waste their time. We want to make a difference in the world. As we continue our “Church Home” series, we explore God’s vision for the church—a commun…
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“If you were looking for a church, what would you look for?” This is one of the very first questions our launch survey asked our neighbors 31 years ago, at the outset of Cape Cod Church. We got lots of answers, and they all helped us know people better. As we continue our series, “Church Home,” we’ll flip the script and talk about the four things t…
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“Church.” It’s a loaded word, isn’t it? One that may bring warm thoughts to some, ‘meh’ thoughts to others, and even angry thoughts to a few. But what, exactly, is church for? What’s its purpose? And why is it so important? As we kick off a new series, “Church Home,” we’ll explore those questions together because I guess you come to church for a fe…
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It's Christmas—a time to gather together and remember the moment the world changed. As we continue our series, "The Big Reveal," we light a candle in the midst of darkness as a reminder of all that Jesus means. We sing songs that celebrate a moment as true today as it was then and read the story upon which all our hopes hang. First time listening t…
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A lowly manger: the centerpiece of Christmas tradition and the picture of humility. Right? Well, yes. But perhaps there’s more than meets the eye. As we continue our series, “The Big Reveal,” we look at a curious detail in the Christmas story: a feeding trough for a bassinet. Why does it feature so prominently in tradition? The answer may surprise …
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It’s a “Family Christmas Weekend” at Cape Cod Church, and we’re bringing the whole family together! In the middle of all the ice skating, hot chocolate, and elf waffles, we’re going to share the Christmas Story as told by some of our kids. And we’re going to discuss two questions you can ask your family this coming Christmas that may help us all di…
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It's that time of year—break out the Christmas lights, untangle, hang, and plug them in. Then, step back; there's something beautiful about this scene. The Christmas story is described as the "Big Reveal," like light shining in the dark. There's a lot of darkness in our world, making the light of Christmas more welcoming than ever. As we kick off a…
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Humans have a keen ability to read other human beings. Because of this skill, we often find ourselves at the crossroads of connection and segregation. Jesus showed us a different path, one of inclusivity and love. His message transcended political, social, and religious boundaries, inviting us to embrace unity. In the afterglow of Thanksgiving, we …
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Are you ready to give, serve, and love? As part of our Be Full Missions month, we have hosted a volunteer fair. Representatives from several of our local partners share how they serve and care for our neighbors and encourage volunteers like you to join them. This is the work we're called to as a church—to show and tell our neighbors how much God lo…
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God loves us so much that He gave everything for us to have life. If this is the heart of God for people and our world, how can we not love others the same way and share what we have so they can experience a full life, too? As we kick off our new series, "Be Full," we celebrate a season of generosity and dedicate a whole month to serving others and…
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What does a full life look like? Good question, right? Here’s a hint: It’s more than a bucket list of locations and luxuries. We’re talking about soul-level joy, the kind of fullness that satisfies and answers our biggest questions. We wrap up our series, “This Is My Story,” with a story from a couple who resemble many of you. They’re asking, “What…
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Some stories are sad. In fact, every story will have sad chapters. How do we live through the sad chapters? Can we even live fully for a week in sad seasons? The goodness of God can call us like a mirage—shiny and welcoming but always on the horizon. As we continue our series, “This Is My Story,” we hear a story with some sadness and even more hope…
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Here’s the truth: You want to be a part of a good story. We want our story to be a good one and to have a good ending. We can endure a bit of bumpiness as long as we feel the journey is worthwhile. It’s how we were made. There is one story that helps make sense of our story. That story sets us free from the pressure of performing, the confusion of …
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I like to be alone…sometimes. But loneliness is crushing. It’s not surprising that the best part of our stories involves people we love and who love us. It’s also unsurprising that our most painful stories involve people, rejection, and loneliness. As we continue our series, “This Is My Story,” we look at the story of someone finding family, and we…
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We all want to be part of a story — a good story. That sense where our lives have purpose and a destination. Of course, your life story doesn’t come with a table of contents, neatly arranged and predictable. If it did, I bet there are some chapters you would have skipped, maybe even the one you’re in right now. As we start a new series, “This Is My…
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Let’s have a practical look at dating, marriage, and getting along. This one hits where we live...literally. It’s a question that can make a difference today! Even our best relationships, the best marriages, and the most perfect match of man and woman encounter the brokenness of conflict. Sometimes, that conflict takes hold and becomes more powerfu…
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Why so judgy? Why so easily offended? These two seem to go together. But why do we struggle with them? And most importantly, is there a better way? Jesus thought so. And one simple question might point the way. We won’t pretend we can try harder or guilt our way to a better you. As we continue our series, “Four Questions for a Better You,” Pastor B…
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Life comes with hard decisions. And the hardest ones almost always involve people. Conflict, tension, disappointment, rejection, and betrayal all leave us asking, “What do I do?” The tension between going along to get along, playing nice, and being kind or being honest, helpful, and truthful. It’s no wonder sometimes we just walk away. As we contin…
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Most of us learn better from questions than from lessons. There’s a game people play… “What would it take to make you happy?” Usually, the question comes with a dollar amount… don’t fall for it! Here’s a hint: “How much” never equals “happy.” So, where do we find enduring happiness? As we kick off a new series, “Four Questions for a Better You,” Pa…
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It’s Labor Day Weekend, and we’re throwing a party – a launch party! At the start of this new season, we are launching the new album, “This is my story.” As we continue our series, “This Is The Way,” Pastor Ben Feldott shares a fresh look at our vision for Cape Cod Church. We’ll explore how God forms us and calls us to be a community of love, hope,…
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This is the way we follow Jesus. The journey from being a skeptic, outsider, questioner to becoming His follower provides a window into the way we follow Jesus. And a perfect picture of how Cape Cod Church wants to help people everywhere find a full life with God. Continuing the series “This Is The Way,” Pastor Ben Feldott turns a story about one o…
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C. S. Lewis described the Trinity as a dance. Let’s explore how that unfolds as we continue with our “This is the Way” series. The Trinity matters because we are made in the image of God, carrying all the implications that this holds for us. This also means we have a deep longing (to dance) that comes from God. This won’t be a dusty theology lesson…
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For the past few weeks, we have been running, kicking, and shooting in our Live Fully Sports camps. Nearly 200 kids registered, and a few dozen volunteers from our church and community took part. Live Fully Sports camps are one way we serve our community—offering free sports camp experiences to all. And this Sunday, we finish it all off with a cele…
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Paul’s much-loved letter has given us so many gifts in the past months, and now he has finished with two more. The closing words of this letter tell the story of two gifts. They can be connected, but they are different—contentment and people who care for you. In both, we receive something we need, and we learn to see the world and people around us …
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The “Full Life” you were meant for isn’t far away. But it can feel far whether it’s interpersonal conflict with people we care about or anxiety in our lives—fullness can feel far away or impossible to find. As we continue our “Beyond Happy” series, we’ll explore the closing words of Philippians, which are some of our favorite words of encouragement…
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What are you chasing? Good questions help us make better decisions. They bring clarity when things feel foggy. They help us set our trajectory in the right direction. Ultimately, they help get us to where we want to go. As we continue our “Beyond Happy” series on Philippians, we’ll ask one important question and one equally important follow-up: Wha…
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We have another fun 'Lyrics' feature! Here’s a hint: If you've seen the most recent Guardians of the Galaxy movie, you might recognize this one. As we continue our “Beyond Happy” series, we talk about stamina: how do you find the strength to keep going, when the going gets tough? The key to a successful 'race' might not be what you think, and we'll…
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What if the path to a life beyond happiness meant leaving something behind? What if that something was oddly attractive? Philippians chapter 3 starts with a path to joy, directing us “This way, not that way.” “That” way was pretty popular 2000 years ago. And it’s odd that it still is... But we’re now on a new path together, and it’s good. As we con…
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