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Bauer Media og Kristian Hope

Podden som gjør deg litt mindre dum i huet! Kristian Hope inviterer eksperter inn i studio for å dekode store og små spørsmål. DEKODET kan du også følge her: Tiktok, YouTube .
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De Dekkingsgraad is het tweewekelijkse nieuwsoverzicht van Pensioen Pro. Om de andere woensdag lichten redacteuren van Pensioen Pro in een kwartier de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen in de Nederlandse pensioen- en beleggingssector toe.
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Nowa Dekada

Michał Dobrzański Marcin Koziej Piotr Rosół

Audycja publicystyczna o różnorodnej tematyce, przyprawiona szczyptą filozofii. Jesteśmy trzema filozofami. Każdy włos dzielimy na czworo. Nie boimy się trudnych tematów i złożonych problemów. Witajcie w Nowej Dekadzie. Prowadzący: Michał Dobrzański, Marcin Koziej, Piotr Rosół Patronat medialny: portal i czasopismo „Filozofuj!".
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Dekonstrukcja Podcast

Krótkie rozmowy z muzykami 🗣️ w których dekonstruujemy jedną piosenkę z ich twórczości 🎤 Proces twórczy 💭 Songwriting ✍️ Muzyka 🎶 Produkcja 🎛️
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Dekryptert er en teknologipodkast fra Accenture. Sammen med eksperter forenkler og utforsker vi mulighetene teknologi gir norske virksomheter. Vertene er Maria Høier Sandvik og Truls Brubak.
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Secara garis besar, Podcast dekat-dekat adalah podcast yang akan membahas segala sesuatu hal yang dekat-dekat dengan kehidupan gw. Yang gw rasa, orang lain juga merasakan apa yang gw rasakan. Support this podcast:
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Javier Domínguez

DEKA es el podcast de Dekazeta, donde Javier Domínguez (@dekuwa) comenta de forma distendida diferentes aspectos de la actualidad tecnológica en general y la de los videojuegos en particular (o no). Más info: Twitter: Mastodon: Instagram: Threads: Grupo de Telegram:
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Wir leben in einer Welt fester Struktur und Ordnung - Schule, Uni, Arbeit Wir lernen mit diesen umzugehen - Regeln, Autorität, Gesellschaft Wir sollten erfolgreich und glücklich sein. Doch die Realität zeigt des Öfteren was anderes. Vielleicht sind nur die Menschen 'erfolgreich' und 'glücklich', die in ihrer eigenen Welt und ihre eigene Struktur leben. Komm mit mir auf die Berufungsreise: Mache dir ein Bild von unterschiedlichste Menschen, die Antworten leben. Tauche tief in deine Welt ein. ...
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deko und dachschaden

Ulrike und Stephan Becker

„deko & dachschaden“ bringt mit einem Augenzwinkern gnadenlos alles auf den Tisch, was gerade bei Bauherren und Interiorliebhabern Thema ist. Neueste Trends, Herangehensweisen bei der Planung und Einrichtung, Hintergründe und häufig gestellte Fragen. Gepaart mit einer Prise Persönlichem. Denn hier unterhalte ich - Ulli vom Studio unserplanb - mich mit Stephan - meinem Mann und Partner in crime. Jede zweite Woche wird es vordergründig um ein gewisses Thema gehen, manchmal werden Experten hinz ...
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NEW Website Office 563 999 3020 Welcome to the NFI Radio Gospel Network, Raleigh N.C.we are a International Christian station, located in Raleigh NC since February 3, 2014 we are concern about man and woman Soul and Spirit that we may compel them to come to Christ. this is a 12 hour station that starts at 8:00am til 8:00pm Monday-Sunday, Quartet and Contemporary music, & the Word of God On Monday at 9:30am til 10:00am LIVE it's Reverend Robert E. Ellison, Fort Washington MD with ...
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I was always a better coach than player…and I was a pretty good player, in baseball that is. My skills and drive took me through my undergraduate studies at San Diego State University, but my higher call moved me to study psychology and theology at the graduate level, to pursue a life of ministry in counseling and teaching. I always enjoyed preaching and teaching better than psychotherapy, and loved working with folks that had potential to do something significant with their life. Now, don’t ...
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show series
Thursday December 26 2024 LIVE 11:00am til 2:00pm it's NFI Radio Host The Anointed One with the best in Contemporaryand Quartet music, playing the Old and New music. And later this afternoon from 12:30pm til 1:00pm LIVE it's 30 Minute Power of Prayer request hotline with NFI Intercessory Prayer Warrior Reverend Frances Goode Holloway, join uer ever…
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Thursday December 26, 2024 8:00am til 11:00am it's NFI Radio Host The CCB Country Boy with the very best in Quartet music, playing the Old and New music. And at 9:30am til 10:00am it's General Overseer William Eli Ratcliff, Pastor of Lincoln Park Holiness Church 13 Heath St. Raleigh NC. True Vine Time radio broadcast, followed by more gospel music.…
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Tuesday December 24, 2024 LIVE 8:00am til 11:00am it's NFI Radio Host the CCB Country Boy with the best in Quartet music, playing the Old and New music. Also this morning from 9:30am til 10:00am LIVE it's Pastor Gladys Smith and Apostle Barbara Watkins of the Christian Life Church 6762 Hi-Way 56 West Franklinton North Carolina, radio broadcast. Fol…
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Monday December 23, 2024 Now 24 hour 7 days a week. LIVE 11:00am til 2:00pm it's NFI Radio Host The Anointed One with the very best inQuartet and Contemporary Gospel music, playing the Old and New music. And later this afternoon from 12:30pm til 1:00pm LIVE it's 30 Minute Power of Prayer request hotline with NFI Intercessory Prayer Warrior Apostle …
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Monday December 23, 2024 LIVE 8:00am til 11:00am it's NFI Radio Host The CCB Country Boy with the very best in Quartet music, playing the Old and New music. Also this morning from 9:30am til 10:15am LIVE it's Reverend Robert Ellison from Forth Washington Maryland with Approaching the Finish Line radio broadcast. Followed by more gospel music, and l…
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Sunday December 22, 2024 LIVE 11:30am til 2:30pm it's one of NFI Radio Host with the very best in Quartet and Contemporary Gospel music, playing the Old and New artist around the world. And at 11:30am til 12:00 Noon it's General Overseer William Eli Ratcliff, Pastor of Lincoln Park Holiness Church 13 Heath St. Raleigh North Carolina radio broadcast…
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Det utgår just nu direktiv i samtliga statliga och statsunderstödda medier att du måste sluta kalla Dig woke. Du måste inte sluta vara woke för Guds skull! Det ska bara kallas för något annat. Vad är lite oklart just nu. Du får vänta på nya direktiv helt enkelt. Se video på: STÖTTA DEKONSTRUKTIV KRITIK Swish: 0046768943…
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Thursday December 19, 2024 LIVE 11:00am til 2:00pm it's NFI Radio Host Tim Jackson, with the very best in Contemporary and Quartet music, with various recording artist around the world. Playing the Old and New music. Also later this afternoon from 12:30pm til 1:00pm LIVE it's 30 Minute Power of Prayer request hotline with NFI Intercessory Prayer Wa…
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Wednesday December 18, 2024 LIVE 8:00am til 11:00am it's NFI Radio Host The Anointed One with 3 hour of the very best in Contemporary and Quartet music, with various recording artist around the world. Also later this afternoon from 12:30pm til 1:00pm LIVE it's 30 Minute Power of Prayer request hotline with NFI Intercessory Prayer Warrior Pastor Leo…
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Tuesday December 17, 2024 LIVE 11:00am til 2:00pm it's NFI Radio Host The Anointed One with the very best inQuartet and Contemporary Gospel music, playing the Old and New music. Also later this afternoon from 12:30pm til 1:00pm LIVE it's 30 Minute Power of Prayer request hotline with NFI Intercessory Prayer Warrior Frank and Linda Armstrong, every …
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Tuesday December 17, 2024 LIVE 8:00am til 11:00am it's NFI Radio Host The CCB Country Boy, with the very best in Quartet music, playing theOnd and New music. And at 9:30am til 10:00am LIVE it's Pastor Gladys Smith and Apostle Barbara Watkins of the Christian Life Church 6762 Hi-Way 56 West Franklinton North Carolina, radio broadcast. Followed by mo…
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Monday December 16, 2024 LIVE 11:00am til 2:00pm it's NFI Radio Host Patricia Woods with the very best in Quartet and Contemporary Gospel music. And later from 12:30pm til 1:00pm it's 30 Minute Power of Prayer request hotline with NFI Intercessory Prayer Warrior Apostle Janet Wooten, every Monday as she Intercede for you and this nation. To listen …
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Monday December 16, 2024 LIVE 8:00am til 11:00am it's NFI Radio Host The Anointed One with the very best in Contemporary and Quartet music, playing the Old and New music. And later this morning from 9:30am til 10:15am LIVE it's Reverend Robert E. Ellison from Forth Washington Maryland, with Approaching the Finish Line radio broadcast,. Followed by …
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Sunday December 15 2024 LIVE 10:00am til 1:00pm it's NFI Radio Host The Anointed One with the very best in Quartet and Contemporary Gospel music, with various recording artist around the world, also later this morning from 11:30am til 12:00 Noon LIVE it's General Overseer William Eli Ratcliff, Pastor of Lincoln Park Holiness Church 13 Heath St. Ral…
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Det finns inga moderata islamister. Det finns inga progressiva jihadister. Om du tror det är det du som är dum. Se video på: STÖTTA DEKONSTRUKTIV KRITIK Swish: 0046768943737 Patreon: Bitcoin: 3EPQMEMVh6MtG3bTbGc71Yz8NrMAMF4kSH Edited by Marcus Tigerdraake, Sil…
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Morten Thoresen er gjest i ukas episode. Han er i verdenstoppen i bryting med en gullmedalje fra EM i Roma 2020. Nå er målet medalje i VM 2025. I denne episoden dekoder vi bryting – en av verdens hardeste idretter. Takk til Vegard Børsum for ny logo! Sjekk ut hjemmesiden hans hvis du trenger hjelp til noe grafisk: 👉 Denne podcasten …
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Thursday December 12, 2024 LIVE 11:00am til 2:00pm it's NFI Radio Host The Anointed One with the very best in Contemporary and Quartet music, with various recording artist around the world. And later this afternoon from 12:30pm til 1:00pm LIVE it's 30 Minute Power of Prayer request hotline with NFI Intercessory Prayer Warrior Reverend Frances Goode…
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WednesdayDecember 11, 2024 LIVE 11:00am til 2:00pm it's NFI Radio Host The Anointed One, with the very best in Contemporary and Quartet music, playing the Old and New music, With various recording artist around the world. And from 12:30pm til 1:00pm LIVE it's 30 Minute Power of Prayer request hotline with one of NFI Intercessory Prayer Warrior. Joi…
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De Dekkingsgraad is de tweewekelijkse nieuwspodcast van Pensioen Pro. Daarin lichten redacteuren van Pensioen Pro in een klein half uur het belangrijkste pensioennieuws van de afgelopen periode toe. In deze aflevering: Het beroepspensioenfonds voor huisartsen stapt van een brede aandelenindex over op een geconcentreerde aandelenportefeuille met ong…
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Tuesday December 10, 2024 LIVE 8:00am til 11:00am it's NFI Radio Host The CCB Country Boy with the very best in Quartet music, with various recording artist around the world. Also this morning from 9:30am til 10:00am LIVE it's Pastor Gladys Smith and Apostle Barbara Watkins of the Christian Life Church 6762 Hi-Way 56 West Franklinton North Carolina…
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Monday December 9, 2024 LIVE 8:00am til 11:00am it's NFI Radio Host The Anointed One with the very best in Contemporary and Quartet music, with various recording artist around he world. In HD2 sound with tight acoustic bass, and at 9:30am til 10:15am LIVE it's Reverend Robert E. Ellison from Forth Washington Maryland, with Approaching the Finish Li…
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Vänsterpartiet kallar sig för antirasister. Och antirasismen är en ideologi som bygger på en teori om rasism. Det är en marxistisk teori. Detta avsnitt är en fortsättning på gårdagens avsnitt. Se video på: STÖTTA DEKONSTRUKTIV KRITIK Swish: 0046768943737 Patreon: Bitcoin: 3EPQ…
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Sunday December 8, 2024 LIVE 10:00am til 2:00pm it's NFI Radio Host the Anointed One with the very best in Quartet and Contemporary Gospel music. Also this morning from 11:30am til 12:00 Noon LIVE it's General Overseer William Eli Ratcliff, Pastor of Lincoln Park Holiness Church 13 Heath St. Raleigh North Carolina, True Vine Time radio broadcast, f…
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Det här avsnittet handlar om antisemitism. Det är väl ett antisemitism-deluxe-avsnitt? Ett best-of-antisemitism från de senaste veckorna? Och det kan verka lite spretigt men om du hänger med hela vägen till slutet så lovar jag att det är värt det. För alla er antisemitism-fans därute. Det här är dessutom bara del 1 av 2. Fortsättning följer imorgon…
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I denne episoden snakker vi om hvorfor Atle Grønn slutter som sjakk-kommentator i NRK, fenomenet Simen Agdestein, sjakken før internett, vi snakker om hvordan Atle sitt forhold til Russland har endret seg etter invasjonen av Ukraina, og så er vi innom litt språkteori på slutten. Atle Grønn er internasjonal mester i sjakk, forfatter, sjakkspaltist o…
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W 60 odcinku “Nowej Dekady” będziemy rozmawiać o postaci Jamesa Vance’a, wiceprezydenta Stanów Zjednoczonych. Abstrahując, na tyle na ile to możliwe, od teraźniejszego politycznego kontekstu, będziemy dyskutować na temat filozoficznych wymiarów książki jego autorstwa: “Elegia dla bidoków” (Wydawnictwo Marginesy, przekład Tomasz S. Gałązka). Sięgnie…
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Friday December 6, 2024 LIVE 8:00am til 11:00am it's NFI Radio Host The CCB Country Boy with the very best in Quartet music, playing the Old and New music. And from 11:00am til 2:00pm LIVE it's NFI Radio Host The Anointed One with the best in Contemporary and Quartet fmusic. And from 2:00pm til 5:00pm LIVE it's NFI Radio Host Sister Lisa Brown with…
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EN DIRECT DE NOTRE FORTERESSE ! ** S02E01 : Vortex **Dans cet épiZOD , on vous parle de l’épisode Vortex de Smallville !! Nos notes :Kalel : 3 / 5Lex : 3 / 5Et vous ?? Bonne écoute !Maintenant disponible sur notre PATREON ici : et bientôt sur notre feed régulier 🙂#smallville #clarkkent #superman #dccomics #b…
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Wednesday December 4, 2024 LIVE 11:00am til 2:00pm it's NFI Radio Host The Anointed One, playing the Old and New music. And later this afternoon it's 30 Minute Power of Prayer request hotline with NFI Intercessory Prayer Warrior Pastor Leon Harris every Wednesday as he Intercede for you and this nation. Website and by phone call 563 99…
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Wednesday December 4, 2024 LIVE 8:00am til 11:00am it's NFI Radio Host The CCB Country Boy with the bery best in Quartet music, with various recording artist around the world. And later from 12:30pm til 1:00pm LIVE it's 30 Minute Power of Prayer request hotline with NFI Intercessory Prayer Warrior Pastor Leon Harris, every Thursday as he Intercede …
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Tuesday December 3, 2024 LIVE 8:00am til 11:00am it's NFI Radio Host The CCB Country Boy with the very best in Quartet music, with various recording artist around the world. Playing the Old and New music, also this morning from 9:30am til 10:00am LIVE it's Pastor Gladys Smith and Apostle Barbara Watkins of the Christian LifeChurch 6762 Hi-Way 56 We…
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Monday December 2, 2024 LIVE 11:00am til 2:00pm it's NFI Radio Host The Anointed One with the very best in Quartet and Contemporary Gospel music, playing the Old and New music. Also later this afternoon from 12:30pm til 1:00pm LIVE it's 30 Minute Power of Prayer request hotline with NFI Intercessory Prayer Warrior Apostle Janet Wooten every Monday …
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Monday December 2, 2024 LIVE 8:00am til 11:00am it's NFI Radio Host The CCB Country Boy with the very best in Quartet music, playing the Old and New music. Also this morning from 9:30am til 10:00am LIVE it's Reverend Robert E. Ellison from Forth Washington Maryland, with Approaching the Finish Line radio broadcast. Followed by more gospel music, an…
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Sunday December 1, 2024 LIVE 11:00am til 2:00pm it's NFI Radio Host The Anointed One with the very best inQuartet and Contemporary Gospel music, playing the Old and New music. And at 11:30am til 12:00 Noon LIVE it's General Overseer William Eli Ratcliff, Pastor of Lincoln Park Holiness Church 13 Heath St. Raleigh North Carolina, True Vine Time radi…
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Sunday December 1, 2024 LIVE 8:00am til 11:00am it's NFI Radio Host The CCB Country Boy with the very best in Quartet music, playing the Old and New music, with various recording artist around the world. And later this morning at 11:30am til 12:00 Noon LIVE it's General Overseer William Eli Ratcliff, Pastor of Lincoln Park Holiness Church 13 Heath …
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Rutger Brattström har varit i Argentina för att studera de reformer landet genomgår under Javier Milei. Se video på: STÖTTA DEKONSTRUKTIV KRITIK Swish: 0046768943737 Patreon: Bitcoin: 3EPQMEMVh6MtG3bTbGc71Yz8NrMAMF4kSH Edited by Marcus Tigerdraake, Silverdrake…
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Lars Svendsen jobber som filosof i tenketanken Civita, og som professor i filosofi ved Universitetet i Bergen. Han har nylig gitt ut boka Dumhet, idioti og dumme idioter - hvorfor du bør tenke selv – og sammen med andre. Boka er utgansgpunktet for denne samtalen. Dumhet og idioti er overskriften og vi er innom hardcore konspirasjonsteoretikere, fei…
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