I am the artist known as DFYANT. This podcast is me publishing my twice weekly 15 minute freestyles. Two Rap and two stand up comedy. So enjoy and listen to the constant improvement week to week. No BS nothing written, truly free freestyles (commercial free). LOVE! I am doing this podcast for two reasons. 1, to show you that freestyling is possible and that you can achieve your goals with practice and growth. 2, to get back to where I used to be with freestyling and surpass where I was even ...
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Lama lama lamaPor DFYANT
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Album roughPor DFYANT
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rough draftPor DFYANT
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rough draftPor DFYANT
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draftyPor DFYANT
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For AlbumPor DFYANT
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draftPor DFYANT
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draftPor DFYANT
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rough draftPor DFYANT
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rough draftPor DFYANT
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Here shortly so I can memorize lyricsPor DFYANT
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Last one for 2023!!! Alright.. See you next YEAR.Por DFYANT
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Yo, Just talkin, so if you like listening….Enjoy!!Por DFYANT
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At it again! ENJOY!Por DFYANT
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Merry Christmas Eve!!! Love YA!! enjoy and believe!Por DFYANT
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Merry Christmas Eve!! Enjoy, here’s an early Christmas gift… PEACEPor DFYANT
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Enjoy Much LoVe!!!Por DFYANT
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Here it goes 15 more minutes, HAVE FuNPor DFYANT
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Hey ya’ll I’ll never stop dropping my four a week, so keep coming back and witness IMPROVEMENTS!! LOVE Ya! peace (back again Wednesday)Por DFYANT
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Alright I got the latest style that’s free, so smile graciously. Delete all reports, then listen my cohorts. Enjoy & Peace for eternity!!Por DFYANT
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Lookout 12-12…. Is the world over yet(2023)? HAHA hope not,LOVEYa!Por DFYANT
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Freestyle to make you Smile #40 $$$ 12/12/2023
Mais Tarde
Mais Tarde
15:30Got this little diddy, cooked up in my studio! Enjoy Ya’ll- Let’s keep these comments Positive (that’s the Vibe)Por DFYANT
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Having too much fun! Back again on Tuesday!! LOVE Ya!Por DFYANT
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That’s right, back at it, unstoppable, already 39 fifteen minute freestyles more than all of them! ENJOY..peacePor DFYANT
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Felt real good and in the zone on this one. There was dog and cat stories, walking to Elementary school back in the day, etc. So sit back, kick it, and enjoy.. LOVE Ya!!Por DFYANT
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Simple Drums, bass, and a banjo.. accompanied with my freestyle of course.. ENJOY! peacePor DFYANT
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Today I try to find the funny in what’s not funny, fun anyway. LOVE YA!!! Back again mañana..Por DFYANT
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Feelin fresh to death this morning! Woke up, got in some yoga and morning sun. A basic snare and kick, with piano, bass, and guitar clips mixed in. So check it out, felt awesome! AMAZE!Por DFYANT
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Shake it after you pee, warning labels on coolant, etc. Love to rant! LOVE All Ya’LL! Back again tomorrow morning!Por DFYANT
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Some days it’s difficult but you just have to push through, prevail, and be all the better for it. ;)Por DFYANT
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Eye exam, misgendered on telephone. Alright enjoy the latest rating and ravings of this evil mind of mine! LOVE Ya! Back again next Sat, Sun, Mon.Por DFYANT
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Back at it, finally no one else was home so I could be as loud as I wanted. Felt good!! ENJOY!! PeacePor DFYANT
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A Happy Thanksgiving Day to all!!! Be back again with something fresh on Saturday! LOVE YA!!Por DFYANT
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Happy Thanksgiving, wishing you all a happy harvest! Peace Out..ENJOYPor DFYANT
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USC vs UCLA, who wins? Love YA!! ENJOY, peace.Por DFYANT
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Rocky start, but give it time to grow. You never know…Peace! enjoyPor DFYANT
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This got a little Thanksgiving, Boy Scouting, etc…Enjoy, be back again on Saturday!! Love YA!!Por DFYANT
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I’m back at it, ready to start some static! D F Y A N T… BelievePor DFYANT
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Hey Hey! What is up ya’ll? Let me put a smile on that face of yours..Enjoy. LOVE YA!!Por DFYANT
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Happy Armistice Day! Make a wish! If it was another freestyle to listen to, here it is!! You’re Welcome.. PEACE!Por DFYANT
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Let’s laugh in the name of DFYANT’s and never at it…. LOVE Ya’LL!Por DFYANT
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What up Ya’ll? I got your FiX right here! You’re welcome.. PEACE!Por DFYANT
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I hate Daylight Savings Time! Be back again on Wednesday.. LOVE YA!!Por DFYANT
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Groovy beat, slower still bustin the freestyles. Had a little difficulty with vocals lagging while I was freestyling, but I pushed through and this is what I got.. So ENJOY!!Por DFYANT
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Halloween Hilarity! The Hallows Eve Episode. Wishing you the darkest of day.. Love YA!!Por DFYANT
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The Halloween freestyle 2023! ENJOY! Peace..Por DFYANT
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Wow twenty already, time is flying. I’ll be back again on Tuesday (Halloween)! Love YA!!Por DFYANT
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Yo yo nothing is more fun or satisfying than a good freestyle. Enjoy!!Por DFYANT
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Took some good advice, and reminded myself to have fun while I do this. So Enjoy!Por DFYANT
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The newest comedy freestyle, enjoy. And Love Ya!!!Por DFYANT
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