Welcome to Dontisha James, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Matt Power on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@thisispower
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To break it down of what tithes and offering means with God’s Word. We can’t short change God and think we will reap a harvest. God is all about order and if you can’t put Him first you can’t receive your blessings
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Why don’t we accept ourselves they way God accepts us!
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9:21So many people don’t love who they’re, let guilt or mistakes keep them stuck but God wants us to accept ourselves they way He has created to be and know He paid the price for sin and He love is unconditionally
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The Bible teach us what we should fear and what we shouldn’t fear. I’ll explain the difference between healthy fear and harmful fear God has given us the choice
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Learning about divine healing and how Jesus Christ in His ministry healed the sick and how He told His 12 disciples to do the same heal the sick and preached the gospel.
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Holy Spirit is our helper as believers in Christ, let us lean on Him to be our helper, comforter and strength when we our weak
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How the Holy Spirit is working in Christ life and how the Old Testament was prophecy and the New Testament was fulfill God’s purpose and still working and the believers life and church too
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Don’t let the devil keep you depressed, worry or stress. Jesus Christ has won victory over the devil and you’ll have to accept Christ as your Savior and He will help you defeat the devil with His Word’s by faith.
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God’s Glory and Purpose for His children’s
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16:32To know the purpose that God has for His children’s is always for God’s Glory we don’t have to run away or hide of what God has elect us to be, we let God do His purpose through us as His children’s for His glory and always remember it will work out for the good of this who love Him
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So many Christians try to hide they light but as believers we shouldn’t hide our lights that’s one of the reason why God send His begotten Son Jesus Christ to bring His light in our life and this lost world
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So many believers get so busy of doing all kinds of stuff but one problem is that we don’t know who we’re in the body of Christ. We should learn who we’re in Christ then go, with the help of the Holy Spirit fulfilled the Lord’s purpose
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This episode is talking about honor our parents regardless of the situation. The Bible tells us to honor our parents and honor can give us blessings a children’s of God but disrespect our parents will cause curses. And to know God works in order we honor our parents we can honor God!
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Do you know 97.1 millions of American is without dads? But God is always there for us in that gap when we don’t have a natural dad. I’ve wanted to let father’s know how important it is to be apart of your children’s life.
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Living in this world as a believer of Christ Jesus can and will be persecution, rejected, laughed at because we’re loyalty to Christ. But believers don’t stress or worry Christ has overcome the world and He give us peace, joy and His victory.
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As we face trails and struggle we have to know how to Fight Back and win victory over the enemy
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Pain is not fun to go through but if we build a relationship with Christ we will see our pain turn into victory through Jesus
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The enemy thought that he won but how many of you’ll know by now the devil is a liar! Jesus Christ won victory over Satan!
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As believers we can get so caught up with our own issues when Christ wants to put our issues upon Him and help others and the best way we can do that is serving and praying.
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The Lord has blessed all of us with a powerful tool and that’s our mind but the question is will we waste it and be carnal or will we learn and be over comers
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We are more than conquerors by the blood of Jesus Christ, there’s nothing to big that He cannot handle, Trust His process
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As believers we have to know that we have favor with God. I’m talking about Joseph having favor and the trails he had to go through but God still favor him
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Are you ready for Christ return? And have you prepared yourself for His coming? In Luke 21:36 Christ is coming for His faithful will enable them to escape the future hour of trail that will come upon the world
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Prayer is our weapon that send unto our Heavenly Father. Involved the Lord in your daily life and know that He is the one that can help us overcome obstacles
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The power of our tongue is powerful are you speaking life or death
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Bad attitude don’t get you anywhere but a good attitude will open doors for you!
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Hope should be in Christ Jesus not in our money, not in our material stuff, not in our job
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The devil is defeated in the name of Jesus Christ!
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3:38Let your words be powerful, God’s Word is sharpen then a two edge sword and we as believers need to apply His Words to our life
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We’re loved unconditional no matter our circumstances, sin, mistakes or failures the Lord love us unconditional
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