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「現代人該如何在高速變動的未來世界中找到自己的定位?」 在新創產業打工多年的 Manny 與 Angela 每天都在資訊爆炸當中面對種種不安,但同時也發現世界正往更好的方向前進。本節目中我們將透過輕鬆、明快的對談,分析當代重要且有趣的科技及商業趨勢,並提供獨到的觀點。 更多深度分析,歡迎至: 商業合作,請來信: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Manny Talks

Manny De La Cruz

From college through mid-career. Let's discuss how to make the most out of your time. Listen to others who have been there and learn from their experiences. From time to time getting off-topic is very valuable.
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Based on the mediocre lives of two friends, Nick and Manny's Infinite Podcast provides an inside look into their week no one asked for. Did they play a game? Watch a movie? Maybe get a new job? Will it be anything you care about? Probably not, but you will find it all here.
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Welcome to the Manny podcast, where we go on epic adventures and compare notes on what it looks like to seek first the Kingdom of God. Go read our blog over at Feel free to email us your feedback at Support this podcast:
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My name is Manny and I like to play video games in my free time. I write a whole bunch on my blog, which is located at You have stumbled upon the place where I host my hot new Podcast, which is aptly named Game Time With Manny. Every two weeks my friend Matt and I get together to talk about the latest gaming news, and the games we've been playing. For the second half of the podcast we normally chat about a specific topic at length.
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Kent & Janet

Janet, a widowed mom of nine, hired small business owner Kent to be her "Manny." Through trial/error & a desire to do what is best, life is improving for everyone!
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Starring Jameela Jamil and Manny Jacinto! After crash-landing on a mysterious planet with no memory and a sentient AI implant in his brain keeping him alive, a soldier searches for answers about his past. There are only four things Lucan knows with certainty: his name, his rank, that the droll AI implant speaking to him inside his mind is named Ven, and finally, that she is the only thing keeping him from dying. With no other memories or connection to their pasts, Lucan and Ven must navigate ...
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Midday With Manny

Midday with Manny

A podcast showcasing local talent and artistry otherwise dismissed because we live in a world where no one wants to see someone win unless they too are winning. Support this podcast:
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Ask My Man Manny!

Manny Henson, CFP & Dr. Abbey Durkin

Looking for advice on all things Money related? Look no further than "Ask My Man Manny," the newest podcast show that you won't want to miss. Hosted by the charming and engaging Manny, and the insightful Dr. Abbey Durkin, they will offer practical advice and unique perspectives on the challenges that come with money and relationships. Manny draws from his personal experiences and vast knowledge of money topics to provide insightful commentary, lively discussions, and passionate debates along ...
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Welcome everyone to my channel, full disclaimer I will be having shows in Spanish and English and plan to have a show every week or every other week. In this show I will talk about just about anything with many different people and sometines just myself. We will see where this goes. THANKS FOR LISTENING! Support this podcast:
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Mighty Manny was born at 23 weeks and two days. Faced with tremendous medical issues, doctors did not believe Emmanuel would ever make it home. God is using Emmanuel's life to put to foolishness the wisdom of men and we believe he wants to do the same in the life of your little one. Feel free to play these prayers in your home, car, and study the referenced scriptures to build your faith. 1 Corinthians 1:27, Romans 10:17 Follow: @MannysVillage (Instagram) Give: ...
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Mind of Manny

Mind of Manny

I've heard it once said that when you speak to someone always assume that they have something to teach you that you need. With that in mind, I wanted to create a space where I can have honest conversations with people who agree or even disagree with the way I see the world. The Mind of Manny podcast will take you deeper into what it means to not only love the people in this world, but to learn to love yourself even more.
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This is a podcast that will address many topics. From politics to simple colloquial every day stuff that just gets on my nerves. Once in a while an important topic might be discussed. I'm not an expert by any means... This is just for fun and should not be taken seriously. Enjoy Support this podcast:
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show series
Phil and Terrel continue their discussion of Ch. 9 of The Divine Conspiracy. They begin talking about the spiritual disciplines as means to disrupt our bad habits. These disciplines help our entire self to begin to transform into whole and holy people. You don't want to miss this one!--- Support this podcast:…
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Episode Overview: In this episode of Manny Talks, we dive into the complexities of discussing politics at work. With today’s polarized climate, political conversations seem inevitable, but in a professional setting, they come with challenges. When is it appropriate to talk politics, and when is it best to steer clear? Join us as we explore when and…
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本集節目由【ZENLET 掛繩二刀流】贊助 你是不是常覺得手機和識別證總是不好收納?Zenlet 掛繩二刀流,幫你一次搞定!這款結合手機掛繩與識別證夾的創新神器,讓行動派的你隨時隨地輕鬆切換工作與休閒模式,效率加倍,空間解放! 掛繩二刀流特色: 📱 單手俐落:德國專利磁吸扣件,單手裝/拆手機 📏 隨心調節:拉一下變斜背,滑一下回頸掛 🔬 衛生舒適:圓繩添加抗菌銀離子,防止細菌孳生 🖇 模組化證件夾:橫直式自由切換,還能升級鈔票名片夾 ⏳ 限時 95 折優惠進行中,快透過專屬網址了解更多: -- (00:00) AI 解決不了的鳥事 (12:45) 前言與致謝 (16:42) 糖尿病與 CG…
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Phil and Terrel continue their discussion of Ch. 9 of The Divine Conspiracy. Bodily habits and the social context can have a momentum for evil in your life if you do not invite Jesus into it. Learning to live your life WITH Him is the only way to inherit eternal life, today. Religion won't help. You need HIS power to be applied to your bodily habit…
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It's been a long time coming, folks. After four years, Nick and Manny FINALLY met in person on a recent trip to Los Angeles. We go over our time together on this trip in detail, including discussing Universal Studios, NFL RedZone, Wangers Karaoke and The Academy Museum. It was an absolute blast finally meeting and we can't wait to do it again. Than…
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Phil and Terrel continue their discussion of chapter 9 of The Divine Conspiracy. The discussion has arrived to the place where we must deal with the habitual patterns of wrongdoing and sin in our lives. Discipleship to Jesus means nothing if His power isn't applied to the 'sin in our members.' You don't want to miss this one!!--- Support this podca…
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本集節目由【SpeakAI】贊助 我曾自信英文不錯,但發現日常用英語生活其實超有挑戰。用了 SpeakAI 後,覺得真是一款適合 I 人、可以隨時隨地練口語的好產品。 除了可以自訂 AI 角色、針對自己想加強的情境來練習,每句話還都有即時的建議,甚至能根據建議內容生成後續的客製化課程,逐步練習重點句型及用詞。 🗣 I 人專屬:隨時開始、隨時結束 🗣 無限對話:自訂主題、無限練習 🗣 AI 建議:精準回饋、自我提升 🗣 客製課程:循序漸進、對症下藥 🔎 現在下載 Speak app,App新註冊會員享七天免費試用: -- (00:00) I 人的學英文神器 (03:05) T1 五冠爽啦!(瘋狂情緒輸出) (22:10) 為什麼要聊 Chi…
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Happy Halloween! Nick brought Arcadio back one more time to round out the David Gordon Green Halloween trilogy with its final entry, Halloween Ends! We had a more fun time with this one than Halloween Kills, all due of course to our good pal Corey Cunningham. We hope you have a safe spooky day and we hope you enjoy watching this one along with us! …
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Spooky season continues! Nick brought Arcadio back to continue the new Halloween trilogy with its less-than-stellar middle chapter, Halloween Kills! Neither of us like this movie much, but we still had a lot of fun watching this one together with a couple drinks. Look out for another commentary on October 31st as we complete this trilogy! Find Us H…
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本集節目由【跨界業務思維|教你掌握市場、聰明應對、取得好機會】贊助 我經常在心中更新一份「導師清單」,像是「○○○這件事就該像他一樣」。認識七、八年來,講到「業務」,我第一時間就會想到 Yuki;講到「面對挫折」,我也是第一時間就會想到 Yuki。 所以,很高興 Yuki 在邁入自己的「第二人生」之後,也把他在第一人生階段的業務經驗凝聚成一堂 6 小時的線上課程。我一直以為「業務力」是教不來的,但 Yuki 說其實很簡單,只要把握好幾個做人的原則,搭配各種情境來練習,人人都能養成業務力。總之,我一定會上這堂課,也邀請有興趣的人參考看看。 👉 #1201前 #募資低於4折 👉 結帳輸入專屬優惠碼「mannypod」可以再折 $300元 🔎 課程介紹:…
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We return with a wildly barebones news week. While we do discuss the disbanding of the studio behind Prince of Persia the lost crown I fill the rest of the time letting you know how I feel about my Alarmo.As for what we have been playing I finished Metaphor and Good Boy Galaxy while diving back into Hades II. Matt finished Saint's Row 2 and moved o…
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It's spooky month! With that in mind, it's time for some spookies. Last year, Nick enlisted Arcadio from 4th & Infinity, the spookiest spooky fan he knows, to watch the original Halloween film. This month, they're watching its OFFICIAL sequels, beginning with the 2018 film, ALSO called Halloween. It gets complicated, huh? We hope you enjoy this com…
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In this episode of Manny Talks, we dive deep into the world of performance reviews—an often nerve-wracking but essential part of professional life. We explore how to make the most of your review process, from setting clear, SMART goals to proactively seeking feedback and documenting your achievements. We also discuss the importance of understanding…
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本集節目由【財經 M 平方】贊助 M 平方課程的週年慶來囉!聯準會降息週期、台積電影響整個半導體循環、AI 就是 2000 年的智慧型手機,長線生產力才正要開始,這些都和你的投資有關。 如果你不是一秒幾十萬上下的短線交易員,可以來學學景氣循環投資法,財經 M 平方的總經知識節,就是一年一度的課程週年慶,裡面有 10 堂高含金量的課程讓你選擇,當然還有許多投資實戰或大家喜愛的 ETF 主題經典課。 限時 10/4~28 期間,所有主題課程最低 42 折起。更重要的是!輸入曼報聽眾專屬優惠碼【MYH200】, 不限課程可再折 $200。 ❗❗立刻把握最後一週: -- (00:00) Hi, Vincent. (05:51) 三種分析切入點 (12:04)…
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We're continuing our Transformers commentary series with the second (and HOPEFULLY the worst) Michael Bay entry, Revenge Of The Fallen! This may be the least either of us has enjoyed a commentary, but we hope you enjoy hearing us react to this movie some 15 years after its release. Also, editor's note: We had to make a few edits due to tech issues …
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**Episode Title: Corporate America's DEI Dilemma After the Supreme Court's Ruling** In this episode of *Manny Talks*, we dive into the shifting landscape of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in corporate America, following the recent Supreme Court ruling that has sparked new debates. I explore the challenges companies face as they navigate the…
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本集節目由【HafH】贊助 HafH 金赫秋!好友邀請禮遇 翻倍再現✨ 來自日本,HafH 赫夫™ 是世界最大的訂閱制旅宿服務 ✧ 嚴選世界 2000 間優質的旅宿,給你更穩定且合理的價格 ✧ 10/25 前使用邀請連結完成訂閱, 將可以享有翻倍的邀請禮遇, 等同於首月會籍代幣買一送一, 可立即兌換雙人入住星野集團 OMO7 大阪一晚! 不要等到要出門才訂閱, 現在開始訂閱三個月後即可讓每筆預約都享有 95 折, 聰明的你記得把握難得的翻倍禮遇: -- 《挑戰引力:我如何改革NASA、開啟太空新時代》Kobo 75 折優惠碼 優惠碼:manny1014 使用期限:10/14-10/20 購書連結:h…
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It's been a wild two weeks since the last podcast. Nintendo announced an alarm clock, Ubisoft is in for a potential buyout and the original Red Dead is coming to PC finally.Despite the fact that I had COVID for a week I still managed to play a bit of Zelda, start and stop Victory Heat Rally when I lost my save data, and binge Metaphor: Refantazio f…
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Philip and Terrel discuss what Dallas Willard refers to as the acid test for ALL theology. What does your theology produce? Whether you're on the left or the right only ONE thing matters... Do you love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength? You don't want to miss this one!!--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotif…
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本集節目由【泓德能源】贊助 上禮拜在泓德能源(6873)的邀請下,生平首次踏進了台灣國際智慧能源週,也首次瞭解什麼叫「智慧能源業」。運氣實在不錯,第一次就讓泓德的七位專家花了兩個多小時,帶我們完整的認識發電、儲電、充電與賣電這整條歷程。更讓我們印象深刻的是泓德能源「全包」了: ⚡電廠建置 ⚡維運管理 ⚡綠電轉供 ⚡虛擬電廠(VPP) ⚡充電營運 👉歡迎到泓德能源的官網了解更多: -- 訂閱《曼報》電子報,與 29,000+ 人一起探索商業創新: -- (00:00) 超強的泓德能源 (12:52) 從產地到餐桌 (16:21) 蜂蜜市場概論 (23:45) 紐西蘭與 Manuka 蜂蜜 (35:…
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In this episode, I share the personal story of how I got to where I am today, from growing up as the middle child in a Latino immigrant family to working my way through multiple jobs, going back to school in my mid-twenties, and eventually building a career in engineering. Along the way, I talk about the influence my parents had on me, the challeng…
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We're finally doing commentaries again! In honor of the recent release of Transformers One, we decided to take a look back at the Transformers movies of our childhood, beginning with Michael Bay's first film in the franchise from 2007. Most people probably consider this the best of Michael Bay's contributions to the series, and we see how it holds …
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In this episode of *Manny Talks*, we dive deep into the ongoing controversy surrounding automation and its impact on jobs. Using the recent strike by dockworkers from the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) as a case study, we explore both sides of the debate—how automation increases efficiency but also threatens job security. We’ll disc…
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本集節目由【Zenlet 3 行動錢包】贊助 如果你想展現獨特的品味與生活態度,我推薦 Zenlet 3 這個酷東西。帥氣且流暢的一秒展卡機構,用了一個月我還是覺得很帥;新的靜音設計讓零錢不會發出聲音,全日保持優雅。更重要的是雙面磁吸面板可以放感應卡片,不論是拿來刷捷運或是刷門禁都超方便。3 代機不僅升級成鋼製軸心,還把連結上下蓋的零件,優化為與上蓋一體成型,整體而言更耐用。 ✦ 一指展卡:最多 7 張卡片自動展開,15 度向上傾角方便拿取。 ✦ 靜音收納:獨家靜音設計,物品不會發出噪音,保持優雅。 ✦ 雙面感應:前後磁吸面板設計,支援放入可感應的卡片。 👉透過專屬連結,結帳就折 NT$100! -- 《心理摩擦力:為…
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We took an extra week off because I was in San Francisco for vacation! Now that I've returned we go over a lot of news like the very pricey PS5 Pro, TGS announcements, PalWorld being sued by Nintendo, and Assassin's Creed Shadows being delayed.I played SO many new games like the Plucky Squire, Balatro, UFO 50, and Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. Matt has …
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In this episode of *Manny Talks*, we unpack the ongoing challenges of plastic recycling, diving into recent *CNN* articles that shed light on the topic. We explore *Ella Nilsen’s* September 2024 piece on California’s lawsuit against ExxonMobil, which alleges misleading claims about plastic recyclability, as well as *Rachel Ramirez’s* May 2024 artic…
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Terrel and Phil continue their discussion of Ch.9 of The Divine Conspiracy. This week the dudes discuss how to love what is lovely. They talk about how to fix your mind on God and His reality. What are some of the things that get in our way? You won't want to miss this one!--- Support this podcast:…
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本集節目由【動態特效網頁設計全攻略】贊助 就算不是接到業配合作,我也會想跟大家推薦這堂課程。 一直覺得做個好網頁很重要,但卻總是掌握不到訣竅。後來發現真正的問題是我根本不具備一個系統性的概念,包括:視覺動線、基本的美感、什麼叫動態,以及怎麼部署動態。詳細資訊推薦大家到下方網站上看更完整的介紹,我自己也會上這堂。 ✨0 基礎、0 程式也可以做出動態網頁!升級個人職場硬技能✨ ◼️ 大師親自教學|全台動態網頁先驅親自傳授 10 年網站設計經驗 ◼️ 即學即用|新手也能無痛跟練做出七大作品,馬上應用! ◼️ 網頁成效提升|學會應用超過 10 組的動態特效,網頁吸睛度加倍! ◼️ 職能價值翻倍|跟上最新網站趨勢,大幅提升自我技能、接案價碼再翻倍! ◼️ 獨家心法大公開|獨家 400 組吸睛網頁 #設…
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We're back with a lot to discuss! Astro Bot just released on PS5 and we both beat the game. We discuss if it's worth the hype and what it means for the state of gaming in general. Manny also finally started a game he's been putting off for years. The boys discuss Alien: Romulus in detail and Nick reviews a few smaller films in Sing Sing and Didi. A…
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本集節目由【zZSLEEPER 忘憂枕】贊助 隨著 podcast 節目內容越做越深,我越來越重視睡眠品質,而【zZSLEEPER 忘憂枕】就是一個我實際睡了兩個月後,覺得相當舒服的產品。它除了設計上符合人體工學,更重要的是躺感很不錯,而且又透氣。推薦給缺一顆好枕頭的你。 💤超好躺|根據人體肌肉及骨骼設計製作 💤超舒適|專利材料兼具透氣、柔軟及支撐 💤超安全|通過歐盟最高安全檢驗標準 💤超優惠|升級為原價 790 元頂級天絲枕套 👉期間限定專屬價格,現省 NT$1,000! 👉曼報特別賣場: -- 訂閱《曼報》電子報,與 29,000+ 人一起探索商業創新: -- (00:00) 初心與動機 (11:16…
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Phil and Terrel continue their discussion of Ch. 9 of The Divine Conspiracy. They talk about what it means to believe. Disciples of Jesus are not yet perfect. They will receive ever increasing amounts of Grace that will cause them to be people who hear and do what He says is best. This takes time! What should be our primary objectives for creating …
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Send us a text Can we really redefine success for young adults beyond the age of 18? Join us as Dr. Abby Durkin and financial advisor Manny Henson tackle this critical question alongside us. Together, we explore the emotional and financial struggles families face when young adults transition to college or the workforce. With rising tuition costs an…
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本集節目由【MOFT 靈感磁吸手帳】贊助 你可能看過 MOFT 的磁吸支架產品,但你一定沒想過這款產品還能進化成一本隨身手帳。它不僅延續 MOFT 經典設計理念 - 「磁吸 x 隱形 x 輕薄」,還透過超級精巧的設計,讓它一秒翻開變成可隨時寫下靈感與待辦事項的完美手帳。 🗒三合一|整合 筆記 x 支架 x 卡片收納 🗒酷設計|首創隱形折疊筆 書寫超便利 🗒極輕薄|僅 7.5 mm / 68 g 無痛好攜帶 🗒超穩固|極強磁吸力,穩定不易滑落 🗒好手感|絕美質感皮革,防刮又耐磨 👉超早鳥預購現省 NT$500! 👉產品介紹: -- 訂閱《曼報》電子報,與 29,000+ 人一起探索商業創新: -- (00:00…
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Phil and Terrel discuss the state of the union for discipleship to Jesus. Where are we at, and how did we get here? Willard brilliantly point out the disconnect between faith and obedience in the lives of those who profess to follow Jesus. You don't want to miss this one!--- Support this podcast:…
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本集節目由【現代人的學以致用全指南】贊助 我很常被問以下問題:「怎麼利用碎片化時間學習」、「吸收很多卻不知道怎麼內化」、「不確定自己是否真的學會」。以前我都不知道該怎麼回答,現在我會直接請對方參考「現代人的學以致用全指南」這堂課。 三大章節預計 6+ 小時高含金量課程: 📌知識輸出:利用輸出發現自己的學習盲點 📌定期覆盤:萃取思維模型進而建立專屬 AI 指令 📌學以致用:拆解目標更有效達成學習目的 超過 20+ 模板/工具;老師獨家 AI 指令大公開;還有 21 天學習計畫 👉預購低於 37 折 👉結帳輸入專屬優惠碼【MANNY300】可以再折$300 🔎課程介紹: -- (00:00) 免責聲明 (10:48) 一切的起源:巫…
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My desktop decided that it didn't want to work today so I quickly pivoted to recording on my desktop. There were no issues there until Matt started to talk about the film Anaconda. Coincidence? I'll let you be the juge.Gamescom happened and we talk about that and some of the news surrounding it. I didn't really play much to save myself for the comi…
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本集節目由【洪震宇的精準提問術】贊助 之前節目聊過如何好好說話,而當中欠缺的一塊拼圖就是這堂課程的重點:「問問題」。我認為問問題是比說話更高階的技巧,但只要透過洪震宇老師的知識框架,都可以很快掌握到要訣。 ✅建立問題意識|看清問題本質,有效找出關鍵解方 ✅3項提問原則|每次都能清晰表達、問到重點與答案 ✅4大提問技巧|有效達成提問目的,避免無效溝通 ✅6大場域實例|職場/教學/主持...即學即用的提問策略 ✨提問力=職場工作者最重要的必修技能✨ 💥提出有價值的問題,才能掌握職場優勢、提升市場價值 💥GQ、天下雜誌前副總編,知名企業培訓顧問傳授 👉#0915前 #預購低於4折 👉結帳輸入專屬優惠碼 曼報99 可以再折$350 🔎課程介紹: --…
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It's been three years of Nick And Manny's Infinite Podcast! We celebrated the occasion with a lot of fun conversations- Nick caught up on The Bear, WWE SummerSlam happened and we both saw M. Night Shyamalan's TRAP! Thank you all for being with us for three years, and we're looking forward to continuing this thing! Time Codes: The Bear (SPOILERS FOR…
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本集節目由【UX 價值實現課|六階段實踐 UX 思維,創造商業解方】贊助 相信每個人都希望自家的產品(不論是 App 或網站)能帶來好的 UX,也聽過好 UX 會帶來很多好處。但到底該怎麼做?Lydia(郭藺瑩)曾任 Yahoo 全球媒體產品設計資深主管,帶領近 30 人跨國團隊,負責定義亞太、東南亞、歐洲等 28 個國家的產品設計方向。我相信他的課程將解答我大部分的疑惑。 市場需求到產品策略落地,放大商業價值 ✅ UX 工具百科 |洞察需求到設計策略 ✅ 業界案例分析|拆解成敗核心決策點 ✅ 資源獲取方法|缺乏資源零成本作法 ✅ 職涯晉升攻略|跨國公司求職升遷術 ✅ 四場線上直播|客座講師不藏私分享 即日起至 9/01,限時優惠低於 45 折,越早買越划算! 👉輸入優惠碼「mannyli3…
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Video game news always seems to be depressing now. We get upset about some layoffs and then go into detail about the shutdown of Industry staple Game Informer.As for what we played I have continued Octopath Traveler 2, but got into the 2KXO beta and share my thoughts on that. Matt continues to go ham and beat Army of Two, and began playing the firs…
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Send us a text What if everyday decisions made by Japanese housewives could influence global financial markets? Join us as Manny Henson and Dr. Abby Durkin uncover the astonishing impact of these unsung financial strategists during the late 1990s. You'll learn how these women, traditionally responsible for managing household budgets, masterfully na…
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本集節目由【烏克蘭 Enjoy the Wood-3D 木質世界地圖】贊助 去年曾經介紹過的木質世界地圖回來了!來自烏克蘭,木質世界地圖的第一品牌,全球已累積超過 50,000 人支持,掛在家中真的非常美,每天看了心情都好。3D 版真的推,不同顏色的木頭板塊交錯起來很美,替整個房間增添了不一樣的氣息。實在很難用言語描述,可以直接點下方連結去看看。 ✈ 3D 經典款:精準雷射切割的木塊錯落有致,質感與玩心兼具 ✈ 3D 航海款:畫框式裝幀,搭配擬真的海面質感背景 ✈ 個性化佈置:用百國國旗或紙飛機圖釘來標記旅途記憶 ⭐️ 曼報專屬賣場: ⭐️ 限時限量優惠:台灣本島免運以外再折 $300(優惠共計 $500) -- (00:00) 律師事務所到底是門怎…
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“You have the audacity to come knocking on my door, you better get off my property before I shoot you” The words were not copied word to word from a Hollywood movie. They’re the actual words Joni Wolfswinkel had to face from a man in Texas because she knocked his house which was about to be auctioned. Watch FULL YOUTUBE INTERVIEW HERE Yes there had…
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