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The Pomp Podcast

Anthony Pompliano

Host Anthony “Pomp” Pompliano talks to the most interesting people in business, finance, and Bitcoin. From billionaires to cultural icons, Pomp helps you get smarter every day.
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Calvary Chapel Pomona Valley

Calvary Chapel Pomona Valley

Calvary Chapel Pomona Valley has been formed as a fellowship of believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire is to know Christ and be conformed into His image by the Power of the Holy Spirit.
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The Joe Pomp Show

Joe Pompliano

Host Joe Pompliano breaks down the most interesting topics in sports business. From athlete investments to media rights deals, you'll leave each episode more informed about the business and money behind sports. Join hundreds of thousands of others and start listening today!
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Škola pomáhá - podcast NPI ČR

NPI ČR (Národní pedagogický institut)

Podcast je součástí kampaně Škola pomáhá. Deset rozhovorů s deseti osobnostmi české vzdělávací krajiny moderuje Tomáš Machalík z Národního pedagogického Institutu České republiky. Tento podcast je financován z fondu EU Next generation.
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Anthony De Santis

Taking a look at the Italian Canadian culture and its many ethnic slang phrases, mispronounced English words, but most of all the Italian superstitions
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Pomona Rocks

Pomona Rocks

Discover the coolest new music from the hottest bands, artists and labels on the planet. Featuring a range of podcasts hosted by music industry veterans The Real Rob Taylor and Tom Featherstone, Pomona Rocks showcases the best new indie, alternative, hard rock, heavy metal and extreme metal releases and talks to the people who make the music. Whether you're a seasoned music fan or exploring new sounds, Pomona Rocks is the ultimate resource for discovering your new favorite bands. Check in to ...
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Le Pompon

Théo Robache

Le Pompon est le podcast destiné à te faire découvrir des profils inspirants du Sud Ouest. Entrepreneur.e.s, artistes ou sportifs.ves, ils et elles avancent, créent, poursuivent leurs rêves et nous partagent aujourd’hui leurs histoires. Ces parcours atypiques sont parfois le déclic qu’il te faut, qui te donne l’envie d’entreprendre d’une manière ou d’une autre et de mener la vie qui t'inspire. Alors dès maintenant, éclate-toi dans la vie que tu choisis ! Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/f ...
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Podcast o inovacích, podnikání a startupech Co znamená být influencer? Zaměstnávají bezpečnostní firmy hackry? Odpad jako zdroj - utopie, nebo realita? A proč je budoucnost v hlasu?! Sledujte sérii MeltingPOTcast s inspirativními řečníky George stage, scény diskusního fóra Meltingpot 2019. Ve StartUPcast, první sérii podcastu produkovaného Českou spořitelnou, vás do světa podnikání a startupů zve Dan Tržil.
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Los Pomarola

Los Pomarola

"Un grupo de primos alejados por diferentes circunstancias, se juntan a conversar y pasar un buen rato, resolviendo las dudas existenciales de la humanidad y compartiendo diferentes puntos de vista. risas, peleas, bromas y sabiduría son algunas de las situaciones que encontraras en este gran podcast."
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Brisa na Pomar

Brisa na Pomar

Brisa na Pomar é uma parceira da produtora de música Pomar com o pesquisador musical Gabriel Gutierrez, que comanda o canal "Na Brisa do Som". Vamos entrevistar artistas do selo, e parceiros da Pomar, para falar sobre o processo criativo de seus lançamentos, do single ao álbum. A entrevista acontece via live, no Instagram da Produtora Pomar, e se desmembra nesse Podcast. Siga as redes: @produtorapomar @gabriel.gutierrez34 #TeAjudamosANãoPerderORitmo
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Polska pomoc - Polish Aid

Free Range Productions

Polska pomoc to marka polskiej współpracy rozwojowej realizowanej przez MSZ we współpracy z polskimi instytucjami publicznymi, organizacjami pozarządowymi i lokalnymi podmiotami w krajach partnerskich. Za pomocą podcastów będziemy informować o zaangażowaniu Polski w pomoc humanitarną i rozwojową będącą częścią polityki zagranicznej kraju. // Polish Aid is a brand of Polish development cooperation carried out by the MFA in cooperation with Polish public institutions, non-governmental organiza ...
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Pomorze Zachodnie otwarte na biznes

Pomorze Zachodnie otwarte na biznes

Jak dziś wygląda zachodniopomorska gospodarka, biznesowe trendy, kim są ludzie rozwijający Pomorze Zachodnie i jakie mają rady dla początkujących przedsiębiorców? „Pomorze Zachodnie otwarte na biznes” to cykl rozmów o regionalnej gospodarce. Rozmowy ekonomiczne prowadzi duet Jacek Wójcikowski (Dyrektor Centrum Inicjatyw Gospodarczych Pomorza Zachodniego) i Rafał Zahorski (pełnomocnik marszałka ds. gospodarki morskiej i żeglugi śródlądowej).
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Welcome to the official podcast of the Bible Quizzing program of the Pentecostals of Marshall. This podcast is a resource for our Bible Quizzers and Bible Quiz families with the goal of producing knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of the scriptures that are being memorized. I hope it is a blessing to you!
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This is the Pomp and Unpopular podcast! Here we challenge the status quo and popular paradigms in an effort to empower the collective ascension through self-actualization. We talk about all aspects of life from many vantage points often venturing into the philosophical, taboo, and esoteric. This is your trigger warning: Life is triggering; the only safe space is the one we create within.
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Tag and Pompeii TrickStar Academy

Tag & Pompeii TrickStar Academy

Where to GO for ALL your: Trick Dog Stunt Dog Animal Acting Canine Conditioning Frisbee Nosework Tag - Pompeii Do More With Your Dog! SUPER EPIC AWESOME in the KNOW — RIGHT HERE ❤️ www.facebook@boxer.kelliann.com https://www.tagpompeiitrickstarvidogruffer.com/ www.domorewithyourdog.com
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ALFC Pomona Launch Team

ALFC Pomona Launch Team

We are so excited to execute our vision of Seek the Lost, Teach the Found, and Send the Disciples in the city of Pomona! Here you can listen to our launch team meetings to stay current on the important information that is shared as we make progress for our upcoming launch! If you have any questions, please email us at pomona@alfconline.com.
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This is the Pomona Area Podcast, where we grow for the roots up! This podcast will be used to give you the inside scoop on community events, stories, and happening in the Pomona articulation area. We are excited to bring you this information right from the Pomona area pipeline schools themselves. We will share interviews with students and staff in and out of the Pomona pipeline. Please be sure to subscribe to the Pomona Area podcast so you are up to date with what is going on! Support this p ...
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The PoMo Witch is for all of us. In a culture constantly struggling to dampen or restrict our full beings and stifle those who are other, we all need the tools and hacks we can find to be our best selves and to fight for the better world. The Post Modern Witch is about showing you those tools without dogma. Queer/Intersectional/Sex +/Poetry Forward. Let me show the way: the resources you already don't realize you have, the heart that can hold infinite love for yourself and even for a conflic ...
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Pomcast is Pom Pom's knitty and witty podcast, now twice monthly! Lydia and Sophie talk to all sorts of interesting fibre folk, as well as indulging in knit-chat and plenty of giggles. Remember you can keep in touch with us and other Pomcast listeners via our Ravelry forum, and you can send us your musings via email at podcast@pompommag.com. To be kept informed with all the latest updates, delightful titbits, and treats, we recommend signing up to our weekly newsletter! pompommag.com Hosted ...
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Carmen Brablec | Image-Sells Podcast Media

POMA #Sichtbarkeit - Das Podcast Magazin für Sichtbarkeit mit Umsatzabsicht Herzlich Willkommen im ersten Podcast Magazin für den Themenbereich Sichtbarkeit. Dieses Magazin ist für Personen und Unternehmen gedacht, die sich in ihrer Branche den Ruf als Experte sichern oder noch aufbauen wollen. Im Podcast Magazin liebevoll auch POMA genannt, wirst Du Spezialisten lauschen, die dir dabei behilflich sind, deine Expertise so zu präsentieren, das sie dein bestes Verkaufsargument wird. Ob Du als ...
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La fine, la scoperta, la rinascita: il racconto di uno dei luoghi più affascinanti al mondo.Dall'eruzione del Vesuvio che nel 79 dopo Cristo fece scomparire una città intera all'influenza che gli scavi archeologici hanno avuto sulla cultura e sull'arte degli ultimi tre secoli, fino al successo di Pompei tra le mete più richieste del turismo internazionale. In sei episodi incroceremo antico e moderno, mito e cronaca, Virgilio e Robert Harris, con la partecipazione di accademici, archeologi, s ...
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Welcome to Cal Poly Pomona’s Cultural Centers 25th Anniversary Podcast, where we explore how far we’ve come, and how far we have to go. The purpose of this podcast is to illuminate the legacy of the Cal Poly Pomona Cultural Centers. The podcast is a collaborative project led by the Office of Student Life & Cultural Center staff and student staff at Cal Poly Pomona. However, all views expressed in this podcast are solely those of the speaker and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the ...
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show series
Ideálna rozhlasová pieseň je vraj svižná a má okolo troch minút. A čo s hudbou ktorá je lepšia len pomalšia, zavše dlhšia a navyše často prakticky neznáma? S takouto hudbou do programu Pomalá hudba. Ospalosť, lenivosť a neošúchanosť ako koncept? A prečo nie? To najlepšie z najpomalšieho, bez žánrových či vekových limitov s Danielom Balážom. Prebúdz…
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Jordi Visser is a macro investor with over 30 years of Wall Street experience. He also writes a Substack called “VisserLabs” and puts out investing YouTube videos. In this conversation we talk about what is going on with tariffs, how it’s impacting the economy, how to think about the bitcoin strategic reserve, and what investors are currently think…
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Today’s podcast discusses TKO and Dana White teaming up with Saudi Arabia to launch a new boxing league. I break down all of the details that we know so far about this announcement, including how much TKO is getting paid to operate the new league, how the league will be structured, Dana White’s goals for the league, and more. I also talk about one …
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Michael Cagney is the co-founder and CEO of Figure Technologies, a member of the founding team of Provenance Blockchain and the co-founder and former CEO of SoFi. This conversation was recorded at Bitcoin Investor Week in New York. In this conversation we talk about using bitcoin as collateral for a home, why bitcoin is pristine collateral, stablec…
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Hour 1 with Joe Starkey: It's NHL trade deadline day. What will Kyle Dubas do to improve the Penguins? Joe gives Dubas a failing grade running the franchise. Joe isn't impressed by the addition of center Tommy Novak. What is keeping Erik Karlsson in Pittsburgh? It doesn't make sense why he wants to stay here and hasn't been approached to waive his …
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Hour 2 with Joe Starkey: Ray Fittipaldo would bet on Justin Fields returning on a two-year deal around $30-35 million. Is there a team in the NFL that would guarantee Justin Fields pull position in camp? John Kosko thinks Jaxson Dart is a good option in the draft and is his QB2 this year. John Glennon of the Nashville Post thinks Tommy Novak is a s…
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Hour 3 with Joe Starkey: Sean Gentille likes the Penguins getting a second-round pick for Anthony Beauvillier after Beauvillier was traded for a 5th last year. Sean would trade Erik Karlsson and it's currently a MAJOR sellers market. Why did the Steelers pass on Christian Kirk after being interested in trading for him at the deadline last season? T…
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Hour 4 with Joe Starkey: David DeCastro joined the show yesterday and talked about how Al Villanueva started a fruit farm! Poni is reporting the Justin Fields deal is being held up by Fields wanting the Steelers to commit to him as their starting QB. The Penguins need to keep making moves to help them in the future. That includes trading Rickard Ra…
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Why did the Steelers pass on Christian Kirk after being interested in trading for him at the deadline last season? The Seahawks reportedly want a first and third rounder for DK Metcalf. Penguins trade Luke Schenn to the Jets for a second and fourth-round pick. Myles Garrett is prepared to miss games if the Cleveland Browns don't trade him and owner…
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Ray believes the Steelers know which quarterback they're going to bring back and might be just trying to finalize a contract. Ray would bet on Justin Fields returning on a two-year deal around $30-35 million. Is there a team in the NFL that would guarantee Justin Fields pull position in camp? Ray is intrigued by Darius Slayton as a free agent.…
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To investors, President Trump signed an Executive Order last night in the Oval Office to establish a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve. This is a monumental milestone for bitcoin — the nation states have officially arrived. There have been a few countries like El Salvador and Bhutan that previously embraced the digital currency, but America is the big dog …
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Vivek Ramaswamy is the Co-Founder of Strive Asset Management, entrepreneur, author, and running to be the governor of Ohio. This conversation was recorded at Bitcoin Investor Week in New York. In this conversation we talk about how bitcoin is a new era for the United States, how bitcoin and leadership can drive excellence, Vivek’s plan for Ohio, DO…
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Hour 1 with Bob Pompeani, Joe Starkey, and Tyler Kennedy: The Penguins traded Michael Bunting to the Nashville for defenseman Luke Schenn and forward Tommy Novak. TK got into a huge fight with Schenn and described what it was like throwing punches on the ice with a guy as tough as Schenn. Will the Penguins trade Erik Karlsson? TK wants Wayne Gretzk…
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Hour 2 with Bob Pompeani and Joe Starkey Former Steelers guard David DeCastro joined the show and is opening a medical marijuana business on McKnight Road. David shares his favorite memories with the Steelers and friendship with Al Villanueva. Joey Bart worked with Barry Bonds in San Francisco and Bonds' ability to process information and previous …
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Hour 3 with Bob Pompeani and Joe Starkey: The LA Chargers cut edge rusher Joey Bosa and has missed a ton of time due to injury. Do you think the Steelers should sign Nick Chubb? Charles Davis has Jaxson Dart going third to the Giants in his latest mock draft. Spencer Horwitz and Tommy Pham need to have good years, plus Henry Davis needs to have a b…
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Hour 4 with Bob Pompeani, Joe Starkey, and Jeff Hathhorn: Jeff thinks the Penguins need to be blown away to deal Rickard Rakell at the deadline. Jeff could pick Tyler Warren if he's available but would not take Boise State RB Ashton Jeanty. The Pirates need a big bat in their lineup. Jeff Hathhorn likes what Henry Davis has done but pitchers are go…
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Jeff believes the Penguins need to do whatever is best for the team to improve the roster. Draft experts like Jaxson Dart as a riser in the draft, but we still have questions. Jeff could pick Tyler Warren if he's available but would not take Boise State RB Ashton Jeanty. Jeff compares Ohio State WR Emeka Egbuka to Hines Ward and would be happy if t…
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Joe and Bob are rooting for Spencer Horwitz and like him as a person. Joey Bart joined The PM Team and explained he worked with Barry Bonds in San Francisco and Bonds' ability to process information and previous at-bats is very impressive. Bart was in awe of Bonds and cool to work with him.
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David DeCastro is opening a medical marijuana business on McKnight Road. David was referred to medical marijuana by Maurkice Pouncey and thinks a lot of the NFL uses it as pain relief and can help people. We look back on DeCastro's career. Al Villanueva is running a fruit farm and David was impressed by his new business.…
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The trade for Erik Karlsson could have been a bit frustrating for Kris Letang. Do you want to see Alex Ovechkin score the NHL's all-time leading goal in Pittsburgh during the final game of the regular season? TK doesn't want Ovechkin to do it against the Penguins, especially on an empty net. He's concerned Ovechkin won't be around to grow the game …
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The Penguins traded Michael Bunting to the Nashville Predators for defenseman Luke Schenn and forward Tommy Novak. TK got into a huge fight with Schenn and described what it was like throwing punches on the ice with a guy as tough as Schenn. What will the Penguins do with Karlsson?
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Today’s podcast is a deep dive into Formula 1’s record-setting 2024 financial results. I break down where F1’s stock performance, revenue, viewership, and other business metrics stand. I also look at how Formula 1’s parent company, Liberty Media, has transformed the racing series, and assess F1’s future growth prospects. Enjoy!…
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Adam Haynes is the Founder & CEO of Simple Mining. In this conversation we talk about hash rate, how that affects bitcoin miners, what Simple Mining is, how they built the business, and geopolitical environment around bitcoin. ======================= This episode is brought to you by Bitdeer (NASDAQ: BTDR), a global leader in Bitcoin mining and hig…
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Hour 1 with Bob Pompeani and Joe Starkey: Rickard Rakell scored his 29th goal and Joe wants the Penguins to trade him before Friday's deadline. There is no guarantee Rakell will stay healthy this year or next for a trade. George Michalowski describes Pitt's issues. Jeff Patton of Baseball Card Castle has a Cooper Flagg card for Starkey's Card of th…
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Hour 2 with Bob Pompeani and Joe Starkey: Jay makes the case why the Penguins wouldn't trade Rickard Rakell because he has three years remaining at $5 million per season. At the same time, Rakell's value has never been higher. One mock draft has Tyler Warren 18th and Ashton Jeanty in the same range. Would you trade up for one of those players? Woul…
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Hour 4 with Bob Pompeani and Joe Starkey: Rich Rod said Pitt is WVU's most important game and critical for the program. He called the 13-9 loss the worst day of his professional career. Warren Sharp of Sharp Football thinks the Steelers are making the wrong decision with bringing back Fields. Dan Burt complimented Joe on his ability to shoot, espec…
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Our best sound bytes of the week. Rich Rod said Pitt is WVU's most important game and critical for the program. He called the 13-9 loss the worst day of his professional career. Warren Sharp of Sharp Football thinks the Steelers are making the wrong decision with bringing back Fields. Dan Burt complimented Joe on his ability to shoot, especially at…
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Mark would not pick Jaxson Dart in the first round and think there are too many holes on the Steelers. Justin Fields is the Steelers preference, but that doesn't mean he will be the guy and Fields wants to be here. Mark thinks the Steelers will spend a decent amount of money on free agents on Monday.…
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