"Ordinary teens become extraordinary in this thrilling tale of good versus evil...Skillfully written, this novel will captivate teens, including reluctant readers." -- Publishers Weekly. The Demon Queen and The Locksmith is a 2010 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Semifinalist. Kevin panicked when his ears began to buzz. He couldn't be a Hearer. The Hearers were the town freaks. Worse, his dad was one of them, and Kevin's greatest fear was that one day he might turn into his father. In Turquoi ...
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Kevin's return to school, and Lou's return to the world.
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Kevin goes past the locked door.
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A secret chamber under the mountain.
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The remains of a battle underneath Turquoise Mountain.
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Deeper and deeper underground they go.
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Lou Sweeney and the world's largest ant trap.
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The Demon Queen is born.
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Arrival at Lou Sweeney's global headquarters.
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A manic phone call from a familiar voice.
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Kevin attempts to crack open his mother's safe.
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In rural Mississippi, Lou Sweeney researches the legend of The Demon Queen, and a young girl named Gretchen Brinkley becomes fascinated with the work of Peter Gerrard.
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Kevin, Jackie, and Joseph sneak inside Cassandra's mountain home.
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Jackie calls Kevin with some startling news.
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Memories of a schoolyard fight, and dreams of a barbershop.
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Kevin returns home to find the Hearers in his living room.
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A sink that turns itself on, a flying bottle of aspirin, and an afternoon game of basketball.
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A butterfly chase to Turquoise Mountain.
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Kevin Brown's unusual first day of high school.
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