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The Ditch the Diet Podcast

The Ditch the Diet Podcast

Host Rachael Watson talks about her Walk the Talk anti-diet campaign, weight loss, nutrition, health, lifestyle and CrossFit as well as her personal journey to health. We welcome guests for interviews on all different types of nutrition and weight loss topics. Be inspired to change your body and change your life with this podcast!
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Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder

Shari Broder: Weight Loss Coach for Foodies: Certified Life Coach: End Emot

Are you ready to shed your excess weight AND your struggle with food and eating without diets and deprivation? Listen to the Weight Loss for Foodies podcast and learn how to dump the diet mindset and have a peaceful relationship with food and eating while losing weight. You'll learn how to eat consciously and end emotional eating so you can enjoy the foods you love while permanently losing your desire to overeat along with any excess weight. Ditch the diet and join Shari Broder on what can b ...
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show series
How do Italians eat pasta every day and not gain weight? Why do they have the lowest obesity rate in Western Europe? Why they don’t gain weight as easily as Americans do? In October, I was really fortunate to spend two weeks in northern Italy. I visited Venice, Verona, Florence, and Tuscany, specifically the medieval walled hill towns of San Gimign…
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How many times have you heard this saying? “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” So many people get stuck and have difficulty reaching their weight goals (and any other goal for that matter) because they get caught in a repetitive pattern of doing the same thing that doesn’t work, or that makes thin…
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Do you eat foods you don’t like very much because they’re low in calories or carbs, then feel unsatisfied afterwards and still crave something tastier? There’s a scientific reason behind that! I have something exciting and NEW to share with you about mindset and eating. Surprising evidence supports the role of mindset in weight management in a tota…
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Do you have family members who make comments about your weight, other people’s weight, their own weight, or what you should and shouldn’t eat? Do you have friends or family who are always talking about their latest diet? It’s summer vacation, which for many of us means eating meals with family members we don’t see all the time. For some of us, that…
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When was the last time you felt physically hungry? Do you eat in response to your body’s hunger signals? Or do you eat for all kinds of other reasons that have nothing to do with your body’s need for food? One of the most important tenets of the Weight Loss for Foodies approach is to only eat when you’re physically hungry, and stop eating when you’…
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If you want to lose weight, how you THINK about food is even more important than what you eat. You see, your mindset about food and eating, especially if it’s a diet mindset, could be the single biggest thing standing between you and weight loss success. The good news is all you have to do to change that is change how you think! And that’s one of t…
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Do you have a lot of rules about what you can and can’t eat? Some people have lists of food rules that are almost as long as the United States tax code. No sugar. No carbs. No refined flour. Only eat fruit before noon. No fried foods. No dairy. No gluten. Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Drink apple cider vinegar before every meal…
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Eat what you love and increase your metabolism? That’s entirely possible, and there’s even science to back it up. Eating mindfully and savoring food away from the distractions of your smartphone, the television or other distractions, can actually help you lose weight. I was surprised to learn this, too, but a study done a few years ago at North Car…
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You’ve decided you’re going to finally do what you need to do to lose those extra pounds. Starting today, you’ve resolved to eat better. You’re going to eat only when you’re hungry. You make a yummy salad and bring it to work for lunch. You vow to eat fewer sweets and exercise for an hour three times a week. Then you stop in the grocery store, and …
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Do you get derailed from your efforts to lose weight because you lose your inspiration? How do you stay on track long enough to get results? So often, people ask me how to stay inspired to eat right and lose weight. Many people believe that inspiration is what you need to be successful, but that’s a fallacy. Sure, inspiration is great! It feels goo…
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Is exercising easier for you than managing your eating, but it isn’t producing the results you want? Do you exercise like crazy to make up for overeating? Do you hate exercise and avoid it like the plague? Unless you’re training for a half-marathon or something else intense, exercise alone isn’t going to get you to your weight goals. Are you surpri…
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I think women spend way too much time and energy trying to meet some societal standard for how we should look, and this confirms patriarchal ideas that what women look like is the most important thing about us. In this episode, I’m talking about how we unknowingly do things that perpetuate this problem and what you can do to change that. I’m not bl…
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Are you curious about whether those ads claiming you can miraculously lose weight effortlessly by boosting your metabolism are true? You’ve probably seen some of the ads that say things like this: Lose 30 pounds in 30 days (or fewer days). Boost your metabolism and lose weight while eating all the food you want! To lose weight permanently, all you …
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Does your brain make lots of excuses for you to eat when you aren’t hungry, undermining your weight loss efforts? Excuses like: “I had a hard day and deserve this,” or, “I’ve been so good all day.” We talk about thoughts a lot in this podcast. Some thoughts are happy and some aren’t. Some are helpful, and some aren’t. But the fact is that they’re j…
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Do you often get the urge to eat when you aren’t hungry? Do you find yourself regularly having cravings for certain foods? The inability to manage cravings can be the downfall of the best efforts of many who want to lose weight. But why is it such a problem? And what can you do about it so you don’t routinely overeat and gain weight? Before you jud…
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Does the idea of loving yourself and your body while you’re working to lose weight seem counterintuitive to you? Why would you want to change your body if you already loved it? Your body does so much for you. It allows you to experience life on earth! It carries you around, lets you feel and express love, hug people, and so many more things that it…
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Do you eat to avoid feeling shame? Do you feel shame because your body doesn’t conform to societal ideas of what it should look like? Do you feel shame about your food choices or how much you eat? Were you ever told that you were somehow inadequate because of your body size? Or because you chose to wear certain clothing that revealed too much of a …
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How many times have you heard this saying? “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” That’s how I think about dieting. Even if you try different diets, you’re still restricting what foods you eat, not listening to your body, and trying to lose weight by doing something unsustainable. Diets are designed …
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Do you have a voice in your head that says things like: “I shouldn’t eat that!” “Stay away from that food! It’s SINFUL!” “I can’t control myself around that food!” “I can’t keep that in the house, or I’d eat the whole thing in one sitting.” “I’m too fat to eat that,” or, “I’ll never lose weight if I eat that” Do you feel guilty because you ate an i…
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Happy New Year! Ready to start AND end 2022 on the correct foot? Here are four positive things you can do to change your relationship with food, eating and your weight so you can lose the weight for good while enjoying your life, including the foods you love! It’s been a tough couple of years for many of us. In this episode I want to help you make …
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How many times a day, on average, do you think you make decisions about eating food and drinking beverages? Years ago, a Cornell University researcher asked that question to 139 people. They estimated 15 times a day. But the researcher concluded that it was more like 226! I’m not sure how he figured that, but if we have 60,000 thoughts every day, s…
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Are you wondering why following all of those diet rules about what to eat, what not to eat, and how much to eat haven’t helped you lose weight and keep it off? Wouldn’t you love a simpler, more relaxed solution that actually does work? Today’s topic will sound familiar if you’re a regular listener, but it is so important that I thought I was overdu…
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Do you think it’s unfair that you keep gaining weight even though you think you don't eat more than your slimmer friends? When I was about 50 pounds heavier, that’s what I thought. But I was wrong, and you may be, too. When I was in weight-gaining mode, I didn’t realize it, but I overate often. That’s why my weight kept going up. That’s why most pe…
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How often does that voice in your head tell you you’re going to fail before you even start? Then when you prove yourself right, your inner mean girl tells you how much you suck, and why are you even trying to lose weight when you simply can’t do it? Here’s the problem with that negative thinking that you can’t do what you need to do to reach your g…
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Do you focus on what’s wrong with your body, rather than what’s right with it? Do you focus on what your body can’t do, rather than what it can and does do? Have you been critical of how your body looks throughout your life, even when you weren’t overweight? I’m revisiting one of the most popular Weight Loss for Foodies podcast episodes, updated an…
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Do you gain weight over the holidays every year? Do you eat your favorite holiday foods like it’s the last opportunity of your life? We’re now entering the holiday season. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus or whatever, you’re likely to celebrate with a wide array of delicious food. Maybe the holidays are the only time of …
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How old were you when you went on your first diet? How did your upbringing influence your ideas about food, eating and how your body “should” look? In today’s episode, I talk with podcast listener Brooke Streufert. Brooke spent most of her life hopping from one diet to the next, until she started listening to the Weight Loss for Foodies podcast two…
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One of the reasons why so many people weigh more than they’d like, and keep gaining weight, is because they use food to meet needs that it can’t meet. You’re lonely and want connection, so you eat. You’re fearful, so you eat. You feel misunderstood, so you eat. But what’s wrong with those examples? Food can’t meet any of those needs. It can’t be yo…
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Do you find yourself constantly thinking about food? Are you stuck on a weight loss plateau? When you set certain reasonable limits on your eating, does it feel like restriction? I recently received these questions from listeners, and am excited to answer them on this week’s episode. If you believe you think about food too often, we’ll explore the …
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Are you afraid of being hungry, even though there is no shortage of food in your life? Do you get anxious if you feel hunger pangs? Do you eat when you aren’t hungry because you’re afraid to feel hunger? Hunger is a natural feeling. You’re supposed to feel hungry. Just like how your brilliant body tells you when you have to urinate, it tells you wh…
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Do you eat because you're bored? The kind of bored where you have lots to do but don’t want to do it? Or that kind of boredom that feels like something is missing in your life? I recently asked my fantastic Facebook group, Ditch the Diet Tribe, which emotions caused them to want to eat when they weren’t hungry. Two out of three responses were BORED…
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Do you think you really want to lose weight, but when it comes to actually doing what it takes to get results, it's hard to stay on track? The reason why most people who are unsuccessful with weight loss don’t reach their goals isn’t because they can’t do it. It isn’t because you don’t have self-control or willpower. What you may lack is commitment…
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When you embark on an effort to lose weight, do you start thinking about how much weight you should be losing each week, and how long it will take you to reach your goals? When I was a dieter, I used to do that. I’d plan out how quickly the weight should come off. If I lose X number of pounds a week, by Y date, I will weigh Z. How exciting and moti…
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I think about emotions a lot. Not just because I teach people how to kick the emotional eating habit so they can fix what’s causing them to overeat. I think about them for other reasons, too. One is because I’m an emotional person. I wasn’t taught to suppress my feelings, and I don’t have trouble expressing them. I have trouble NOT expressing them.…
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Do you wonder what you “should” weigh? Where did that “should” come from anyway? Who or what determines whether someone is a healthy weight, overweight or obese? Is BMI legit? How do you know when you’re at a healthy weight for you? All bodies are different. Every body has its own naturally healthy weight range. I can’t tell you what that is, but I…
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Do you know why people gain weight? Overeating. Yep. There’s no escaping that fact! What I mean by the word "overeating" is when you give your body more food than it needs to support your natural, healthy weight. There are two ways you can overeat: 1. Keep eating until you're overly full or stuffed, or 2. Start eating when you aren't hungry. Both a…
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You’re not imagining it. Stress makes people want to eat. If you’re an emotional eater, when you’re stressed out, you’re more likely to feel the urge to eat. That’s because when your body feels stress, it produces certain stress hormones which cause you to crave comfort foods. Sometimes, stress might kill your appetite because the stress hormone ad…
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You know the feeling. You feel a strong urge to eat, but you aren’t hungry. It’s undermining your weight loss efforts, but you find it so hard to not give in whenever it arises! Maybe you just ate lunch an hour ago and you’re working on a tough project. Or maybe the kids and the pets are driving you nuts and you either can’t get anything done or ev…
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Do you obsess about what you should and shouldn’t eat? Are you always looking for the next miracle diet that promises results but doesn’t deliver? Do you feel guilty enjoying the foods you love? It pains me to hear so many women talk about being afraid to allow themselves to enjoy food, hearing them obsess about it, and waste so much of their preci…
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Are you waiting until you lose weight to put on a swimsuit? Go to your high school reunion? Attend parties or weddings? Go hiking? Or do anything else you really want to do? Why are you holding back? You’re missing out on the fun! You only get this one precious life, so what’s the point of not living fully just because your body doesn’t look the wa…
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Do you find yourself drawn to articles and ads about the latest superfood or that special miracle coffee that will help you burn pounds of fat effortlessly? Do you worry that you’re missing out if you haven’t tried the latest product that claims it will help you feel better, sleep better, have more energy and flatten your tummy? Do you think you ne…
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Are you someone who is like the juggler trying to keep too many balls in the air? Is one of the balls that you keep dropping your goal to change your eating habits and lose weight? How often do you get to that point where you think, “ I don't care! I want to eat! It's okay just this one time." Or you think that “what the F” thought as you start cho…
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As a coach, I can give you some really great tools to use to change your eating habits and establish new habits that will help you lose weight without dieting. But that is not enough. You have to be willing to do the work. If you really want to change, whether it is your eating habits, what kind of shape you’re in, or how you think, it’s up to you …
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Imagine if childhood stories and behavior science teamed up to teach us how to change our habits. It can actually be FUN! That’s exactly what today’s guest, author and wellness coach Sarah Hays Coomer, discusses with me in this episode. You’ll learn how the Habit Loop works, and how to establish habits that stick. You’ll get some great tools to kee…
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You’ve heard many times that diets don’t work. Do you disagree? You’ve tried a bunch of diets, and maybe you lost some weight on at least one of them. But then what happened? I’m guessing that you gained the weight back. Am I right? When I say that diets don’t work, I mean diets don’t produce permanent weight loss. Sure, you can go on whatever the …
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Do you ever feel like you’re sucked back emotionally to a time when something painful happened to you? All of those same painful feelings start flooding you again, like it was just yesterday? Or perhaps there is someone in your life who drives you nuts with their insensitive behavior or comments, and every time you see them, you feel these familiar…
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Do you eat to escape from uncomfortable feelings? Dan Emmons wisely said, “What most needs attention is the part of us that we seek to avoid feeling. When we attend to that, we change and the world changes with us.” When you think about it, emotional eating is avoiding feeling. Avoiding YOUR feelings. Your feelings are your body’s way of telling yo…
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Do you sneak food? Have you ever thought about why you do it? I was a sneaky eater for much of my life. As a kid, I’d sneak sweets from the snack drawer and hide in my room to eat them. When I was old enough to drive, I’d buy food while I was out and munch it down in the car on my way home, then pull into a gas station to throw away the wrappers. M…
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How often do you find yourself upset because of something someone else did? Something over which you have no control? Do some people really trigger you--a coworker, neighbor, a sibling or in-law--causing you to not show up the way you want to with them, or just making life unpleasant? Are there people in your life who seem to need to put you or oth…
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How often do you feel guilty? Do you think of guilt as a negative emotion? I don’t think of emotions as negative or positive. They’re all important and have something to tell us. On the other hand, there are pleasant and unpleasant feelings. I think most people will agree that feeling guilty isn’t fun. But that is not a reason to avoid feeling it! …
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