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show episodes
The Bible offers God’s wisdom and genuine hope for our daily lives. On LIVE THE BIBLE, join Dr. Wayne Stiles and discover how to apply the Word of God to your life through the practical teaching and application of the Scriptures. The Bible, its lands, and its culture don't have to be confusing or irrelevant. Whether it's personal discouragement, relief from guilt, finding purpose in life or hope for eternity, you’ll hear words to help you truly live the Bible. www.waynestiles.com/podcast
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show series
How could Solomon have been so wise and yet mess up so badly? In this episode of Live the Bible, we talk about how wisdom isn’t enough. Wisdom requires one more action. Solomon offers a great reminder in our lives to do more than simply read the Bible for knowledge and instruction. We should also read it with a mind to apply it in our lives. Episod…
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What can you do when you are unfairly criticized? In this episode of Live the Bible, we talk about finding a place of shelter when the critics show up in your life. King David’s example in a time of unfair criticism is a model for us in our days of discouragement. If you're in a season of injustice, you can ease the burden of unjust criticism by kn…
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Ever wonder how to make it through the blah days of the week? God gives us a great example. In this episode of Live the Bible, we head to the Elah Valley in Israel, the scene of David's fight with Goliath. It’s much more than an exciting story. Why? It shows us what to do with the blah days. (And it doesn't include throwing rocks.) I love how pract…
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What one thing in your past tends to hinder your future? When life hurts us deeply, it’s easy to settle into a bitter spirit. The book of Ruth gives us a jolt of hope, because Ruth's story is our story. In this episode of Live the Bible, we see God’s grace working in our daily lives for surprisingly good results. Support the show…
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What are you afraid of most? Whatever it is, you’re not alone. In the book of Judges, Gideon wanted to believe what God said, but Gideon’s fear kept him from doing so. God graciously helped him past his fear just like He does us. In this episode of Live the Bible, we tackle one of the most practical issues we struggle with every day—fear. Whatever …
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Do you ever wish you could upgrade your relationship with God? In this episode of Live the Bible, we take a virtual tour to one of the most significant sites in the Holy Land. We’ll hear what Joshua told Israel. His words do more than review history; they give us principles that help us renew our dedication to God. Support the show…
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Ever needed a second chance with God? Yep, me too. In this episode of Live the Bible, we see God’s people needing a second chance hardly before they had begun as a nation! Camped on the edge of the Promised Land, they heard Moses speak encouraging words that would take them across the Jordan River—all the way home. We need to hear those words as we…
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Sometimes the most direct path for God’s will in our lives is the long way. This episode of Live the Bible deals with something we struggle with almost on a daily basis—struggling with a complaining spirit. We often think we know the shortcut to the Promised Land, just like the Hebrews did. Turns out, they struggled with what we struggle with—and t…
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Every time we read the Bible, it reveals how practical it is. But what about the book of Leviticus? This episode of Live the Bible takes us to a book few Christians look at. The book of Leviticus seems irrelevant and out of touch until we look closer at its timeless truths. Suddenly, it opens up a whole world of practical insights for our daily wal…
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You are precious in the sight of God. How do you know that? This episode of Live the Bible takes us to the book of Exodus where we’ll see that God redeemed us. He bought us, just like He did the with Hebrews of old. This has huge implications for our lives, and it is so, so practical. We have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, and we have the …
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If the Bible tells us anything, it tells us that the evil you've experienced in your life—from family, friends, even from your own doing—God can spin that on its head to bring about a wonderful result if you'll just trust Him. This episode of Live the Bible takes us into a new year with a new series where we’ll take one message from each book of th…
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Well, I’ll just go ahead and say it: “Happy New Year!” And Because God’s Word is eternal, the Bible speaks to us about the year ahead of us. Psalm 119 says, "Your Word is like a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path." But how does God's Word shine a light onto our next steps? This week’s episode of Live the Bible tells us. Support the show…
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Christmas—it's the most wonderful time of the year! Or... Maybe it’s more accurate to call it the most stressful time of the year. If you’re struggling this Christmas season, believe me—you’re not alone. Meaning, of course, you’re not the only one who struggles. (I share my story in this episode of Live the Bible.) But you’re also not alone because…
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Most of us are familiar with Charles Dickens,’ A Christmas Carol. It’s the story in which old Ebenezer Scrooge gets a visit from the “Spirit of Christmas Past” as well as two other “spirits.” In this episode of Live the Bible, we look at the HOLY Spirit of Christmas past. Why? The Spirit of God worked in the life of a young couple, and their amazin…
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You want to grow deep in your walk with God. But how? So often when we think about growing, we think about some huge hurdle or goal to achieve. In this episode of Live the Bible, we see the simple formula for true growth in the spiritual life. The book of Proverbs spoon-feeds us with wisdom easy to swallow. Support the show…
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It’s tempting to see your life full of holes—and missing what you need to move forward. In this episode of Live the Bible, we tackle the thinking that our current season of life lacks what we need for fulfillment, love, or whatever else we see ourselves without. We tend to look at yesterday or tomorrow as the ideal—when in reality, the Apostle Paul…
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Sure, the Bible is the Word of God. But how can we know that it is? And how can we explain it to those not convinced? In this episode of Live the Bible, we look at these essential questions. And thankfully, God’s Word (and other evidence) gives us some great answers. Episode Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:14-16 Support the show…
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Have you ever asked, “Is Jesus Really the Only Way to Heaven?" And if He is, what about the person who has never heard of Jesus? Thankfully, we are not left to ourselves to figure out these questions. In this episode of Live the Bible, we look at the Bible’s answer to these questions. Frankly, they have greater application in our lives than any oth…
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Why doesn’t Jesus just hurry up and show up? Great question. In this episode of Live the Bible, we look at what is taking so long in God’s program. (If He came before April 15, that would be really great.) We wait on God for a lot of things, don’t we? Today the Apostle Peter reminds us that, in truth, we are not waiting on God as much as God is wai…
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Memorize these three words: Direction—not speed. We need to remember these words when we get discouraged about how slowly we seem to progress in our spiritual lives. In this episode of Live the Bible, we look at our culture (and ourselves) right in the face. Sometimes looking at bad examples makes us feel better about our lives in comparison, but s…
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It’s the best bad news you'll ever hear. That's because the bad news is only the first step to the good news. And it’s really good! In this episode of Live the Bible, we learn surprising truths from 2 Peter 2 as we look our culture (and ourselves) right in the face. We see what the Bible has to say about three people: the good, the bad, and the Alm…
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How do you usually remind yourself of something important? God reminds us of essential truths He wants us to remember by repeating them—truths we often forget! In this episode of Live the Bible, the Apostle Peter writes in 2 Peter 1 about three reminders that matter. These reminders are critical for our walk with God even today. Support the show…
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Healthy eating and exercise often find their way to our list of goals. But what your about spiritual eating and exercise? In this episode of Live the Bible, we look at 2 Peter 1 and seven qualities the Lord tells us we need in order to succeed. In fact, all 7 are found in one passage. Right now is a wonderful time to re-dedicate our lives to growin…
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There’s a lion out to get you. No, not a large feline. I’m talking about your greatest enemy—a spiritual foe whom the Apostle Peter likes to a ferocious beast who lurks and looks for a chance to lunge. In this episode of Live the Bible, we look in 1 Peter 5 at a subject so few people talk about today—and that includes so few Christians—the subject …
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What’s your motive? That simple question can help reboot our minds each day. Here’s why. In this episode of Live the Bible, we look at 1 Peter 5 as it challenges us to preview our actions through the filter of our motives. This one question, more than any, can help reframe our thinking and set us on a path of success for the day. Support the show…
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You are struggling. In fact, you struggle often, don’t you? Me too. Struggle is baked into our Christian lives. In this episode of Live the Bible, we look at 1 Peter 4 and the best way to struggle. (Hint: Jesus modeled it perfectly.) If we're going to struggle, we might as well do it the best way. Jesus shows us how. Support the show…
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The Bible serves as our portal through time. It not only tells us about the past (which isn’t that hard), but it also tells us about the future—all the way to the end. Even better? It tells us why it matters. In this episode of Live the Bible, we look at 1 Peter 4 where Peter tells us that the end is near—and what we can do before Jesus comes. Supp…
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You want a victorious Christian life. But it ain't easy. In this episode of Live the Bible, we look at the tools God has provided us to have a victorious Christian life. It begins in a very personal place: your mind. The Apostle Peter tells us in 1 Peter 4 how to arm ourselves with a mindset of victory—and then how to use that weapon for victory. S…
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The good life. What is it? The world looks at external stuff like money, fun, and health as the good life. But what about the inside stuff—what about our purpose? In this episode of Live the Bible, we look in 1 Peter 3 about what makes life truly good—in spite of the bad all around us. Mind a spoiler? It’s actually a focus on hope. Support the show…
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When life seems unfair, it’s tough. When marriage seems unfair, it’s unbearable. In this episode of Live the Bible, we see one of the best examples of what to do when trying to live the Bible cuts against the grain of our culture. The Apostle Peter gets close to home (literally) in 1 Peter 3. If your marriage feels unfair, God has not left you alon…
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You have situations this week that feel unfair. You’re not alone. Jesus felt it too. In this episode of Live the Bible, we'll see in 1 Peter 2 the encouraging example of Jesus. How can we deal with unfairness—including bad authority, unfair decisions, and even harsh words and actions? Jesus’ example and Peter’s words give us practical steps for thi…
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Cotton candy compares to most loves these days. Sweet but short. But how wonderful to love what lasts! (And is far sweeter.) In this episode of Live the Bible, we discover the only two things that last forever. The Apostle Peter gives us some practical encouragement in 1 Peter 1–2 to look beyond loving the temporary things—and to love what lasts. B…
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We could sum up most sermons in two words: “Be good.” But why should we be good? In this episode of Live the Bible, we get the good-news answer to that question. The Apostle Peter knew firsthand the struggle of walking faithfully with Christ, and he shares God's strategy to help us to have victory each day. It begins with our why—our motive. Suppor…
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Jesus is looking for fruit. No, not apples and oranges— but fruit in our lives. In fact, He wants to find 3 kinds of fruit in your life. In this episode of Live the Bible, we see the Triumphal Entry of Jesus as He begins the Passion Week. As Christians, bearing fruit for God is essential. Jesus shows us how. Each of these 3 kinds of fruit are relat…
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“Be good.” Those two words could summarize most sermons we hear on Sundays. Imagine if that’s all we heard! That would shorten things up a bit, wouldn’t it? In this week’s episode of Live the Bible, the apostle Paul tells us in Titus 2 not only to “be good,” but also HOW to do it. The secret is the grace of God. Support the show…
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Think of someone you know who inspires you. Got them in mind? Now think of why they do. If you're like me, we get inspired by someone's character more than their accomplishments. You know what? We can be inspiring people too. In this episode of Live the Bible, we start a brand new series on the book of Titus. Paul's letter to Titus opens in chapter…
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How can you keep your mind focused on God? A tough task! The culture around us serves as a serious distraction, and it's too easy forget God in our day-to-day lives. But the Lord gave us help. In this episode of Live the Bible, we're learning from Acts 18 a simple habit to keep our minds focused on truth instead every day. Support the show…
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Trying to open a locked door stops you cold. When we're following God, sometimes those locked doors bounce us in a brand new direction we never considered. In this episode of Live the Bible, we're learning from the apostle Paul in Acts 16 how God uses closed doors to redirect us into where God wants us to go. Support the show…
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What does the Bible say about the Kingdom of God? Ask five people this question, and you'll get six different answers. In this episode of Live the Bible, we're discovering why it's so important to read the Bible—and how to do so—with a filter to see the Kingdom of God throughout Scripture. You'll get perseverance, passion, hope, and a deeper unders…
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Do we have guardian angels? Will we have jobs in Heaven? And are there multiple cities in Heaven? In this special Q&A episode of Live the Bible, we address topics ranging from angels and prodigals to women and the Holy Spirit. These questions may spur others, but I hope they give you comfort and confidence that the Lord knows all and we can glean i…
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As Christians, how do we address this woke generation about sensitive social issues? This is one of the many important questions we discuss in this special Q&A episode of Live the Bible. We're discussing what the Bible urges us to do when bringing the gospel to our world. We'll also address issues like prophecy and even foot-washing. Don't miss it!…
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One event, more than any other, reminds us that personal failure does not remove us from God's plan. In fact, this event shows us that the success of God's plan does not depend on our performance. In this episode of Live the Bible, we look at Mark 15–16 and the essence of what makes Christianity true. Remove this, and we’re just another naive relig…
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How can we live our lives well to the end? Especially when we have been rejected or even betrayed? How did Jesus do it? God's Word shows us how as well. In this episode of Live the Bible, we look at Mark 15 and Jesus’ example of living well to the end. Jesus committed Himself to the Father—even when following His leading was hard. We can do the sam…
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At times, we remember our failures. Something triggers a memory—and wham! We have a flashback of a failure we did years ago. Now what? In this episode of Live the Bible, we look at Peter's failure in Mark 14, and Jesus' reminder that our memories don’t have to haunt us. Instead they can become a memory of something far, far better. This is an episo…
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