Are Video Games, Television, and Movies Really A Waste Of Time?
Manage episode 311306648 series 3104468
Often we attribute in society our own perspective on to T.V., Movies, and
Video Games as well as fiction books, and other forms of art and story. More often than not although we justify the existence of such things in our lives - they are still often viewed as escapism only. People viewing these things as simply for relaxation or"Entertainment." I don't see these things as the waste of time "our parents and maybe teachers" would have us believe nor do I believe these things to be a substitute for really living ones life in this world. I don't really think video games, stories, movies, shows, and the like are as much a waste
of everyones time as people have made them out to be. I explain in this podcast my reasoning for feeling this way and why it's not whether or not these things are wasting your time and zombifying you it's whether or not you are wasting
your time while engaging in these activities and failing to derive their true value or whether or not you are actually "paying attention" and deriving real value from the subject
matter and applying it's experience to your waking life.
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20 episódios