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'My Arab Identity' is an award-winning podcast that explores what it feels like to belong in two places, and nowhere, at the same time. Season two delves into the personal journeys of Arab-Australian migrants, who are dealing with the complexities of their sense of belonging and intercultural identities. - بودكاست الهوية الحائز على جوائز عدة يشارك معكم في موسمه الثاني قصصاً واقعية تعكس تحديات الانتماء التي يواجهها الشباب من أصول عربية في أستراليا، وكيف شكلت تجاربُهم ملامح هوياتهم الدينية وال ...
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G’day Australia! If you are a recent migrant to the land Down Under, this podcast series in Arabic is for you. It will help you understand the quirky habits that embody the Aussie way of life. - غوداي أستراليا! هذه هي التحية الشائعة في أستراليا بلاد الداون أندر. إذا هاجرت حديثاً إلى أستراليا وترغب باستكشاف أسرار الحياة هنا وكيف يعيش السكان المحليون، استمع لبودكاست "مرحبا أستراليا" وستعرف ماذا يعني أن تكون أسترالياً حقيقيا!
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show series
Listen in to this episode of Australia Explained, as new migrants discuss how they navigate the 'best' educational future for their children, whether in the private or public systems, while trying to shake off their expectations from the Arab world. - أين الكتب؟ ولماذا ليس هناك واجبات منزلية؟ استمع إلى تجارب المهاجرين العرب الجدد في محاولة إيجاد "أ…
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Australia's public healthcare system can be difficult to navigate, especially for those new to the country. This episode of Australia Explained explores the intricacies of the system through the perspective of migrants, covering everything from what a GP actually is to why the wait for a specialist appointment can take so long. - على الرغم من قوة ن…
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Securing a suitable job after arriving in Australia can often be difficult for new migrants, but there are a number of advantages of finally doing so. In this episode, we hear from skilled migrants on the difficulties in securing their first job in Australia, and the differences in workplace culture compared to the Arab countries they’ve come from.…
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The world of property rental is one that can pose a number of challenges for new migrants looking for a place to live in Australia. But, the headaches don't stop after finding a place and receiving the keys, as new arrivals must then navigate around town using a public transport system they are unfamiliar with, or while learning to drive on the lef…
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Ever been asked to "bring your own food" to a lunch or dinner occasion? Or been kissed on the cheek by a person of the opposite sex during a greeting? Learn more about some of the social traditions that can often puzzle Arab migrants in this episode of Australia Explained. - هل طُلب منك "إحضار طبق" إلى دعوة غداء أو عشاء؟ أو هل حاول رجل أو امرأة "تق…
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The first episode of Australia Explained season two explores the various challenges that Australian slang poses to newly arrived migrants. Hear some of the words and phrases that leave many people confused, and the embarrassing encounters they have had with native English speakers. - تستعرض الحلقة الأولى من بودكاست أستراليا بالعربي، الموسم الثاني، …
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The Australia Explained podcast is back for a second season, taking you along the settlement journey of Arab migrants who share some of the most common cultural shocks they experience upon their arrival Down Under. - بودكاست أستراليا بالعربي يعود مجدداً بموسمه الثاني ليأخذكم في رحلة استقرار بعض المهاجرين العرب، ويشارككم بأبرز الصدمات الثقافية التي …
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In this episode of the 'My Arab Identity' podcast, Jeanine Hourani shares her family's story of asylum in Australia, which she says happened by chance, after living the first years of her life stateless. We learn about the challenges she faced as a refugee, which prompted her to conceal her identity in order to feel accepted. - في هذه الحلقة من بود…
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This episode of ‘My Arab Identity’ looks at the challenges faced by Kareem, a general practitioner in Sydney, who embarked on a journey of spirituality and identity which re-shaped his view of religion. - ضيفنا في هذه الحلقة من بودكاست "الهوية" طبيب للصحة العامة. سيشاركنا برحلته الخاصة في البحث عن هويته الدينية والروحانية والإنسانية. وسيفصح عن التح…
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In this episode of the 'My Arab Identity' podcast, journalist Farid Farid details the reasons that led him to carry out what he calls an “opposite migration journey” from Australia to Egypt, at a time when most people sought to emigrate Down Under, and to other Western countries, from the Arab world. - في هذه الحلقة من بودكاست "الهوية"، يحكي الصحفي…
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In this episode of ‘My Arab Identity’ podcast, Palestinian-Australian provisional psychologist Tareq Ahmed shares his story with mental illness. He had a challenging childhood and tried to please family and society but ignored his own needs. His lack of mental health awareness and the social stigma attached to it led his family to think he was poss…
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In this episode of ‘My Arab Identity’, Alissar Gazal talks about the reasons that led her, as an Arab girl living with her family in Australia, to wait for the first opportunity to leave their home. She explains why she challenged some Arab customs and traditions that she says restrict girls’ freedom and control their desires and ambitions from chi…
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In the first episode of ‘My Arab Identity’ season two, journalist Elias Jahshan shares the challenges he faced as a child after losing his hearing, and as a teenager who hid his Arab identity. He also talks about how coming out as a gay man challenged culturally-imposed stigmas which threatened to derail the relationship with his family. - في هذه ا…
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The My Arab Identity podcast is back for a second season, following on from the award-winning first season. The second instalment of this podcast highlights some of the challenges that second-generation Arab migrants face due to their mixed and intercultural identities in Australia and the things they did to overcome them. - بودكاست الهوية الحائز ع…
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One of the first things you'll notice after arriving in Australia is how passionate Aussies are about taking part in, or watching sport. Regardless of the season or the state you reside in, a sport that suits your preferences is always easily accessible. In this final episode of 'Australia Explained', we look at two of the country's most popular sp…
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You may have a favourite beach to swim, ride waves or just dip your feet in the water. But Australia's vast coastline could mean that a new favourite spot is just waiting to be discovered. The country is home to over 10,000 beaches, and if you tried to visit a new one every day, it would take you nearly 27 years to see them all. In this episode of …
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In this episode of Australia Explained, we decode uniquely Australian humour which has bewildered visitors and new migrants for generations. We share some of the quirkiest jokes you might hear in Australia and take you on a tour around popular culture icons, art, music, and fashion. - لماذا يستخدم الأستراليون السخرية في كلامهم مع الآخرين؟ مرحبًا بك…
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Have you visited a pub in Australia? For many, a pub is not only a place to get a drink, but also a place to spend time with family and friends. In this episode of Australia Explained, we learn why pubs are so well-loved, and why many people rate Australian pubs better than English pubs. We also reveal the experiences of Arab migrants who visited t…
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Have you ever tried kangaroo or witchetty grub meat? What’s your favourite Aussie treat? In the second instalment of Australia Explained, we discuss some of the country's most iconic dishes and equip you with easy-to-prepare recipes and also unfold the stories of their origin … and much more with Australian-Lebanese chef, Hoda Kobeissi. - هل سبق لك…
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Brekkie. Biccy. Barby. These are all classic Aussie slang words that leave some people scratching their heads in confusion. Know what an ‘arvo’ is? Don’t worry, we’ll explain. Learn about some of the best known (or not known) Australian slang words, as well as why different parts of the country have their own accents. - اتقانك للغة الإنجليزية لا يع…
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Tune in to Australia Explained, SBS Arabic24's latest podcast, which offers a beginner's guide to all things Aussie, including need-to-know slang, foods, music, sports, comedy, and much more. - كل ما تحتاج معرفته عن الثقافة الأسترالية ونمط الحياة في أستراليا. ابتداءً من اللهجة العامية الإنجليزية والطعام الى الموسيقى والرياضة وحس الفكاهة الأسترالي ض…
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Sara El Sayed dreamed of becoming part of the aerobics team at school when she was 12 years old. But the challenges she faced were greater than just getting accepted into auditions. She wanted to be just a simple, normal, and acceptable part of the broader school community, especially among her classmates. - سارة السيد كانت تحلم بأن تصبح جزءا من فر…
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Mohammad Awad hated his name not because of its meaning or its descent, but because of the obstacles it forced him to face. He felt isolated and developed mental health issues to a point where he contemplated suicide. Now, he suffers from ”police-anxiety” which he developed after many traumatic experiences with law enforcement officers. - محمد عوض …
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Rama* rebelled against what her community considered indispensable social constants. She struggled growing up between two worlds and wanted her life free of any restrictions, especially those imposed by her parents, culture, and traditions. - تمردت راما* على ما يعتبره مجتمعها ثوابت دينية واجتماعية. تواجه صراعاً دائماً بين حمل هويتين ثقافيتين مختلفت…
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Miran Hosny is proud of her Egyptian heritage. But you won't know she has Egyptian heritage if you hear her Arabic dialect, simply because she cannot associate herself with belonging to Egypt only. She was born and lived all her life in Australia, in a neighbourhood full of migrants who come from different countries and cultures that influenced her…
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Abdulrahman Hammoud went to an Islamic school where he found solidarity to fast during Ramadan, celebrate Eid, and saw his friends’ mothers wearing hijabs. He did not feel different and never questioned himself for holding the Arab Muslim identity. But this world, which is ideal for some migrants, disappeared when he first set foot in university, a…
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Ruby Hamad refused to reveal her Arabic identity and her ability to speak the language outside of her home. It broke her father's heart. She explains how some second-generation Arab-Australians are “avoiding racism” and attempting to fit in, from a young age. - روبي حمد كانت ترفض الكشف عن هويتها العربية ومقدرتها على تحدث اللغة خارج المنزل، وهذا كما…
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Ryan Al-Natour is a young man who lived most of his life in western Sydney, within a very multicultural space. He never thought how his cultural identity and appearance would impact on his settlement and acceptance one day in Rockhampton, North Queensland. He often had to stand up and defend the good people in his community; “They are not all terro…
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Amani Haydar is a young woman of Lebanese descent. She had a restricted social life as a child and was deprived of her mother in horrible circumstances. Her experience with her parents' migration to Australia revolved around a thin line between the expectations that migrants imposed on their children, and their cruelty in forcing their children to …
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Sara Saleh speaks about a dilemma that may face some migrants – where to be buried after death. How can an Arab-Australian woman with a migrant background, mixed between Egyptian and Lebanese-Palestinian, decide in which country her body would be buried? How can she choose? - سارة صالح تشاركنا بتجربتها الشخصية حول معضلة تواجه الكثير من المهاجرين وا…
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This podcast explores what it feels like to belong in two places, and nowhere at the same time. Hear from Arab-Australian migrants on how they’re dealing with the complexities of a mixed identity. - سلسلة حلقات تسلط الضوء على التحديات التي يواجهها المهاجرون العرب وابناؤهم بسبب هويتهم المختلطة في أستراليا مثل القناعات الدينية، التمييز العنصري، العنف…
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