Journey to the Underhill Gates is the first book in the Seeking Daylight episodic fantasy series, written for the young and the young at heart. You’ll meet with some rather odd folks, visit some peculiar places, and get a glimpse into a world that could be found right under your nose, if you happened to know where to look for it. It is a story of adventure, of friendship, and of loss. But most of all, it’s the story of three very different classmates who rise to meet the awesome challenges t ...
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CHAPTER X - Louis, Owen and Sophie learn that they are not alone in this strange underground...far from it. One man has taken a particular interest in them. Will he help them to get home, or simply drive them deeper into the underground to leave them lost and alone for good?
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CHAPTER IX - The children attempt to climb their way from the darkness and towards an ominous green light. But it takes them far longer than they imagined and they find themselves in more trouble than they can handle alone.
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CHAPTER VIII - Tucked away in an otherwise very normal suburban town is an odd little house, and within it lives an odd little man. Thomas introduces Grandpa Andy, and all of us, to Morgo. A deviant trickster, or a genuine friend? You will have to listen on to find out.
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CHAPTER VII - Will Louis, Sophie and Owen figure out the riddle...if so, where will the answer take them? Last time we were with the three friends, they were left with a riddle and an odd object carved into the cavern wall. In this chapter we learn if they can decipher the code and unlock any mystery that may be attached to the answer.…
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CHAPTER VI - Where has Louis' father, Thomas Witherspoon, been for all of those years? What has become of him? In this chapter, Grandpa Andy reemerges to find those answers, along with some others, for himself.
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CHAPTER V - Louis, Sophie and Owen have to make a split-second decision that leads them to some important answers, but raises even more questions. A riddle stumps the three friends, and appears as the key to their escape.
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CHAPTER IV - The friends are thrust into an amazing new world they might have found right under their noses, if they had known where to look for it. Along the way they stumble across a peculiar place where they decide to rest up before setting out on trying to get themselves back home.
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CHAPTER III - Owen, Sophie and Louis take it upon themselves to investigate Grandpa Andy's map, and in the process, find more than they had bargained for. The adventure is underway, whether they want it to be or not.
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CHAPTER II - What is with that map of Grandpa Andy's? What does it have to do with Louis? Louis will learn about his estranged Father, be given some odd items from his past, and part ways with his beloved Grandpa…maybe for good.
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CHAPTER I - Meet Louis Witherspoon. He has little idea just how important he is. After all, at Hinsdale Academy he is known by his classmates as little more than the scrawny kid who was only accepted to the prestigious school because he is the grandson of the janitor…that is, if he’s noticed at all.
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