An unsympathetic victim, a prosecutor's conviction playbook, a missing mother of two and a tale of lie after lie after lie. Across four seasons, Murder on the Space Coast has explored each of these heartbreaking true-crime stories based in Central Florida.
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Bonus episode: FLORIDA TODAY's John A. Torres explains a bit of the backstory of our journey to telling you about the Gayden case.Por Gannett
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Episode 5: Dr. Gayden uses his opiate-induced influence on underage girls.Por Gannett
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Episode 6: A federal judge lays into the man who prescribed more opiates in six months than the state of California, calling him a “monster.”Por Gannett
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Episode 2: A pill mill doctor’s office is so busy that a hot dog stand is set up to accommodate all the people waiting to get their pain pills.Por Gannett
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S6 E4 - “Police begin connecting the dots”
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23:40Episode 4: As more and more people die from Oxycodone overdoses, police begin connecting the deaths to one doctor in the area.Por Gannett
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Episode 3: A Melbourne teenager falls deeper into addiction thanks to Dr. John Gayden.Por Gannett
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Episode 1: Years after a notorious pill mill doctor is put out of business, violence and addiction wash over a once idyllic beachfront community.Por Gannett
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Based in the small beachside community of Indialantic, Florida, the long-awaited sixth season of the award-winning true crime podcast Murder on the Space Coast is nearly ready to drop. Listen to all our previous episodes before we dive into our next story: Monster on the Beach.Por Gannett
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Murder on the Space Coast season 6 is currently in production. While you wait for it to drop, check out The Last Ride - a series produced by our friends here in the USA Today Network of Florida.Por Gannett
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S5 E13 - Crosley Green's fight for freedom moves to the U.S. Supreme Court
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13:46With the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals reversing Crosley Green’s previous victory of a new trial, his lawyers are hoping to get his case in front of the highest court in the land – The U.S. Supreme Court.Por Gannett
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After 32 years in prison, Crosley Green was released – pending the outcome of the state’s appeal. He talks prison, family, his lawyers and ice cream with host John A. Torres.Por Gannett
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Mini Season Episode Three: A Dark Place
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24:17A potential deal between Crutchley and the prosecutor’s office falls apart. Other suspects emerge in Tammy’s disappearance and can being obsessed with murder save your life?Por Gannett
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Mini Season Episode One: The Vampire and The Beauty Queen
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22:54Nearly 40 years after she went missing, local beauty queen Tammy Lynn Leppert’s disappearance continues to baffle. Could there be a simple explanation? Could she have been one of the first victims in Brevard County for John Crutchley, the notorious ‘Vampire Rapist’?Por Gannett
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Mini Season Episode Two: One Step Ahead
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29:40John Crutchley, the ‘Vampire Rapist,’ seems one step ahead of police at all times as they struggle to prove he was a serial killer responsible for killing numerous local women. And why are we, as a society, obsessed with murder?Por Gannett
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S1 E9 - Season 1 Update: Bennett's Best Shot at Freedom
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14:02Having already spent 36 years in prison for a murder many doubt he committed, Gary Bennett finally gets some good news in the form of a top law firm taking his case.Por Gannett
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S5 E10 - 10: The Long Arc of the Universe
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21:24Crosley Green dreams of freedom while his attorneys prepare for a worst-case scenario.Por Gannett
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A Federal Court rules that Crosley Green should get a new trial.Por Gannett
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Could troubling DNA results derail convicted killer Crosley Green’s fight for freedom?Por Gannett
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A private eye succeeds in getting Crosley Green’s story national media coverage.Por Gannett
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While Crosley sits on death row, a Chicago private eye investigates his case ten years after conviction.Por Gannett
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Already facing a stacked deck, Crosley Green’s murder trial seems hopeless when his own sister testifies against him.Por Gannett
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Almost immediately the police hone in on Crosley Green. Using a tainted photo lineup and suggestive language, investigators get Kim Hallock to identify Green as the killer, though he does not match her earlier description of the killer being big and muscular with Jheri curls.Por Gannett
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Twenty-year-old Chip Flynn slowly bleeds to death alone in an orange grove after being shot and left to die. His final words to police could reveal the answer to the mystery of what really happened that night all those years ago.Por Gannett
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A late-night romantic drive turns into a nightmare as a young Titusville couple are kidnapped at gunpoint and driven to a deserted orange grove in the middle of the might where gunshots change three lives forever.Por Gannett
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Attorneys for convicted killer Crosley Green battle for their client’s freedom in federal court in what is likely the final climax in a 31-year saga filled with controversy, withheld evidence and accusations of prosecutorial misconduct.Por Gannett
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