At MedCentral, we understand that the practice of medicine is complex. Physicians and healthcare providers face increasing demands to provide routine care while managing chronic, severe, and comorbid conditions. At the same time, ever-changing regulations are forcing physicians to innovate at a rapid pace and burnout is taking its toll. Our goal is to meet physicians where they are — providing news they can trust, perspectives they can relate to, and resources they need — so they can treat t ...
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A New Vision for Family Medicine With AAFP President Jennifer Brull, MD Dr. Brull wants to change the culture, improve systems, and help physicians “get to that place where we all want to be.” Can she get it all done? 15 minutes, October 2024
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MedCentral: Drs. Ivan Oransky and Sandeep Jauhar
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MedCentral: Drs. Ivan Oransky and Sandeep Jauhar provide personal and professional perspectives on the practice of medicine December 2023 (16 minutes)
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