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Richard Piet, known to terrestrial radio listeners in Southwest Michigan for years as the genial host of an informative and engaging interview program, brings The Richard Piet Show worldwide with this podcast! A show about "rides, people and smart talk," Richard is a fan of cars and interactive discussion focusing on a range of topics. In 2021, Richard established Livemic Communications, adding opportunities for purposeful exposure through informational, customized podcast series. Businesses ...
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Join tech industry mavericks and thought leaders, Monica Enand & Sejal Pietrzak, as they share insights and tools from their personal playbooks as Founders, Tech CEOs, and Board Chairs. Conversations will explore strategies around leadership, navigating private equity, time boxing, micro and macro trends shaping the business landscape, and game-changing tech trends, such as AI and the need for transparency. Season One features guest Hasan Askari, private equity founder and managing partner o ...
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Laura und Pietro - ON OFF

RTL+ / Laura Maria Rypa, Pietro Lombardi / Audio Alliance

Laura Maria Rypa und Pietro Lombardi haben zusammen gefunden! Nicht nur privat, sondern jetzt auch im Podcast. Und weil sie bald auch zu Dritt sind, haben sie beschlossen genau darüber in diesem Podcast zu sprechen: wie haben sie sich überhaupt kennen gelernt, wie war das erste Date, warum war ihre Beziehung so oft ON/OFF, wie haben sie von der Schwangerschaft erfahren und was denken sie eigentlich darüber? Die ganze Wahrheit hört Ihr ab sofort jeden Donnerstag – die neueste Folge gibt es im ...
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Dj & Producer based in Cologne | Germany Label Owner Beat Circus Records Eisenwaren Music | Beat Circus Records | Bosom Records | Bandaid Records | Distance Music Conatct: info@pietrocau.de
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Ik deel op dit kanaal mijn eigen zoektocht in onze veranderende wereld. Het zoeken en vragen stellen heeft altijd een grote rol in mijn leven gespeeld en leidde me de wereld over. Hoe kunnen we onze kijk op onszelf en ons leven groter maken? Vragen als: Hoe kan ik bewuster worden? Hoe krijg ik meer zelfinzicht? Wie ben ik en wat is echt belangrijk? Ik begon deze Podcast in 2018 toen ik met mijn gezin met drie kinderen op reis ging om ons leven opnieuw uit te vinden. Ik zocht naar 'meer' en n ...
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Pieturzīmes ir pirmais valodas podkāsts Latvijā. Runāsim, diskutēsim un domāsim latviski par latvisko. Pieturzīmes cilvēkos, grāmatās un valodā. Aiga Veckalne ir valodniece un tulkotāja, kurai latviešu valoda ir ne tikai izglītība, bet arī aizraušanās, darbs un hobijs. Ikdienā viņa strādā Ventspils Augstskolā, kur arī studē doktorantūrā, bet brīvajā laikā vada valodas podkāstu “Pieturzīmes” un lietišķās sarakstes un iedarbīgas valodas seminārus. Ja vēlies atbalstīt "Pieturzīmes", to var izda ...
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Piet & Zander finden sich regelmäßig bei Edna in der ruhigen Hafen-Kneipe ein, um über die alltäglichen Geschehnisse Ihres Fischerdaseins zu snaggen und der Mundart zu frönen. Uns ist es gelungen heimlich ein Mikrofon unter Ednas Theke anzubringen und haben so nun endlich die Möglichkeit Ihnen bei Ihrem wohlverdienten Feierabend-Bierchen zu lauschen.
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De microfoon is altijd al mijn grootste vriend. Als een razende reporter interviewde ik in mijn werkzaam leven een ontelbaar hoeveelheid mensen en dit wil ik ook na mijn pensioen blijven doen. De podcast Piet van Dijken is daarom een ideale manier om mijn zo geliefde werk een vervolg te geven.
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Yann Piette

Yann Piette

Intelligence sociale - Développement personnel - Relations - Entrepreneuriat Suivez moi sur Youtube 👍🏻 http://bit.ly/2yannpiette 💯 Pour voir mes Masterclass en vidéo: 🎦 https://socialskills.fr/ 📚 Retrouver tous mes articles (oui on écrit encore): http://yannpiette.com/blog ✅ Me suivre sur Facebook Sur FB: https://www.facebook.com/yannpiettepro 👋🏻 Et sur mon instagram perso https://www.instagram.com/yannpiette
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Siódme Piętro to jedyny podcast w Polsce o takiej nazwie. Dwóch charyzmatycznych prowadzących - Kuba i Janek, rozmawiają na wszelkie tematy, poczynając od tak banalnych rzeczy jak to, co jedli na śniadanie, a kończąc na długich i niezwykle interesujących wywodach o nowinkach technologicznych i niemal filozoficznych dyskusjach o zjawiskach w internecie. Prowadzący mają wieloletnie doświadczenie w branży internetowej, ale także nieobce im są tajniki vlogowania i obracania się w technologicznej ...
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De Ralph & PietCast

Ralph Bunschoten & Pieter Hogenbirk

Ontdek 'De Ralph & PietCast' – een unieke mix van humor, diepgang en interactie! Ralph & Pieter zijn terug om je te vermaken met een mix van persoonlijke verhalen, scherpe politieke analyses, en een frisse kijk op het onderwijs. Nieuws dat niemand interessant vindt, wordt op een vermakelijke manier naar buiten gebracht. Leef mee en laat je betoveren door de gesprekken met interessante gasten, het gehoest van Pieter (dit is normaal) en door grappen over Wendels snor. Volg ons voor een aanbevo ...
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Ces 10 dernières années j'ai coaché des milliers d'hommes sur leurs rencontres et leur vie amoureuse, puis j'ai commencé à utiliser mon expérience pour aider les femmes à atteindre leurs objectifs en organisant des conférences et des coaching. Cette chaine est un espace pour vous les filles, j'y donne des conseils pour mieux comprendre et décrypter le comportement des hommes, vous aider à travailler sur votre pouvoir de séduction ✨ et sur votre relation. Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez ...
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Pietura vecākiem

Centrs ZIN / Georgs Rubenis

“Pietura vecākiem”, kuru veido un vada “Centrs ZIN” vecāku izglītības treneri Inga Oliņa un Georgs Rubenis, ir raidījums, kurā apkopotas viegli saprotamas un pielietojamas idejas visu vecumu bērnu vecāku ikdienas atvieglošanai. Raidījuma mērķis ir palīdzēt klausītājiem pārkāpt pāri mākslīgi izveidotajām domāšanas robežām, ka bērnu audzināšana ir temats, par ko jādomā un jāinteresējas tikai zīdaiņu vecākiem. Tāpēc radio raidījuma “Pietura vecākiem” vadmotīvs ir “Viss par bērnu audzināšanu – n ...
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Produttori ed editori processati, registi in carcere, libri ritirati dal commercio, film tagliati o addirittura distrutti; le accuse: «stampa oscena», «atti a turbare i minori», in qualche caso «concubinaggio». Luca Fontò racconta l’Italia del secolo scorso – spaventata dal cambiamento forse più che dal sesso – attraverso gli eventi che hanno accompagnato persone e personaggi “indecorosi”, da Bernardo Bertolucci a Lupo Alberto.
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Pipes and Piety

Pipes and Piety

Pipes and Piety exists to discuss theology and life in light of the Bible; we do this to strengthen the body of Christ, to glorify God, and to bring reverence to God. All of this will be accomplished by the grace of God, for it is only by him we are able to attain knowledge. Additionally, we seek to emphasize God's grace and that the law has been fulfilled in Christ; therefore, we look to him alone. We do all of the above while enjoying fellowship and a good pipe.
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati Dal 3° seminario di Rocca di Papa (RM) dal 14 al 17 febbraio 2008 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calore all’infinito. La fil ...
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati 8° Seminario dall'8° seminario di Rocca di Papa (RM) dal 30 settembre al 3 ottobre 2010 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calor ...
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati 12° Seminario dal 12° seminario di Rocca di Papa (RM) dal 28 al 30 settembre 2012 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calore all’ ...
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati Dal 14° seminario di Milano dal 27 al 29 settembre 2013 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calore all’infinito. La filosofia del ...
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati Dal 4° seminario di Rocca di Papa (RM) dal 21 al 24 agosto 2008 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calore all’infinito. La filos ...
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LA FORZA DELL'INDIVIDUO in un mondo difficile Con Pietro Archiati CONVEGNO di SCIENZA DELLO SPIRITO di Udine, 7 - 8 - 9 Ottobre 2011 "È innegabile osservare che la situazione mondiale, pur essendo volta allo sviluppo del benessere, non è riuscita a garantire a tutta l'umanità neppure i diritti fondamentali dell'uomo. Essa appare senza sbocco se non verrà riconosciuta l'unicità di ogni individuo e la ricchezza che da essa ne deriva. Togliere alle persone la fiducia e la speranza, far perdere ...
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati Dal 6° seminario di Rocca di Papa (RM) - dall'8 all'11 ottobre 2009 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calore all’infinito. La f ...
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IL SEGRETO DELLA FORZA INTERIORE CONVEGNO di SCIENZA DELLO SPIRITO Relatore Pietro Archiati MILANO, 15 - 16 - 17 Novembre 2013 TEATRO OSCAR - VIA LATTANZIO, 58 Le molte insoddisfazioni della vita presente ci dicono che la nostra psicologia, forse, non basta più per esseri umani inquieti, in cerca di significato, e la cui vita interiore è ogni giorno teatro di battaglie e conflitti. Gioie e dolori non sono che condizioni necessarie per l'anima perché l'uomo rafforzi la sua interiorità, così c ...
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati Dal 5° seminario di Rocca di Papa (RM) - dal 5 all'8 febbraio 2009 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calore all’infinito. La fi ...
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La Filosofia della Libertà di Rudolf Steiner - 1° seminario del secondo ciclo di incontri con Pietro Archiati a Milano, dal 14 al 16 febbraio 2014 - Cap. I - L'AGIRE UMANO COSCIENTE "La filosofia della libertà di Rudolf Steiner è il testo di base per chiunque voglia dare il meglio di sé. Il pensare è la chiave per capire sempre meglio il mondo e per creare modi di essere sempre nuovi. La prima parte è ricca di esercizi mentali che rendono il pensare sempre più vivente e spregiudicato; la sec ...
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IL BENE E IL MALE Che cos'è? Con Pietro Archiati Dal convegno di Torino, dal 26 al 28 Ottobre 2007 "Il bene del corpo è la salute, il suo male è la malattia. Così è anche per gli uomini: stanno bene in salute quando si favoriscono a vicenda come gli organi e le cellule di un organismo; stanno male, soffrono, quando si mettono gli uni contro gli altri, quando ognuno pensa solo a se stesso. Un vecchio adagio dice: "La virtù sta nel mezzo". È vero: ogni forma di male risulta da una qualche unil ...
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show series
The good news? COVID-19 infections in summer 2024 mirrored those of the previous year, meaning there was not a notable increase in the average number of cases. That's the word from the Calhoun County Public Health Department. While updating the local COVID situation, Calhoun County Public Health Officer Eric Pessell takes an opportunity to talk abo…
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We would love to hear from you, send us a text! In this compelling episode, Monica Enand and guest co-host Ned Renzi delve into the dynamic intersection of educational leadership and technology with Dr. Monica Goldson, the retired CEO of Prince George's County Public Schools. Dr. Goldson's journey to becoming one of the pioneering leaders in one of…
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The Veterans Administration Battle Creek health care center is working alongside its counterparts across the country to engage with vets who may be having suicidal thoughts. Amanda Briggs coordinates local engagement efforts prompted by the national COMPACT Act, which passed in 2021 but only began ramping up in fall 2023. She talks to Community Mat…
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Those caregiving for an individual with dementia can attest: Sometimes their behavior is challenging. As we learn in this episode of Creating Dementia Solutions, sometimes that behavior isn't meant to be a problem. In fact, it might be really all about something else. Episode Resources Miles for Memories website Miles for Memories technology Sherii…
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Community Matters has learned that the attorney for the Committee for Marshall - Not the Megasite has filed an application for leave of appeal with the Michigan Supreme Court. Not unexpected, the move is the last potential opportunity for the committee to get a court to see things its way as it relates to a potential referendum about the planned Fo…
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In dieser Episode des Antenne Mainz Sonntagstalks sprechen Simon und Michael über ihre Karrierewege, die Herausforderungen der Selbstständigkeit und ihre gemeinsamen Projekte. Vom Eventmanagement bis hin zu innovativen Veranstaltungsformaten geben sie spannende Einblicke in ihre Arbeit und ihre Motivation, Neues zu schaffen z. B. Weingeküsst: https…
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Following the retirement of longtime Battle Creek City Attorney Jill Steele in 2024, the search was on to find her successor. After some years as an assistant city attorney in Flint, William Kim accepted the same post in Battle Creek. Now, he joins Community Matters to talk about his view of municipal law, the importance of interaction with the cit…
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Ahead of another fall campaign push for charitable giving in Calhoun County, Community Matters host Richard Piet sits down with Chris Sargent, president and CEO of the United Way of South Central Michigan. The discussion centers around how the United Way stretches a dollar, especially when charitable giving has been down in recent years. Episode Re…
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Video surveillance has become much easier to obtain and operate. But, as Roger Ferworn from AE Tech Design tells us in this episode, there are definite considerations to establishing such a system. Will it function the way you expect and need? Will you be able to obtain certain footage easily? How can AI help? Episode Resources AE Tech Design websi…
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We would love to hear from you, send us a text! In this episode, host Monica Enand and co-host Ned Renzi dive into how tech giants like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg are shaking up Silicon Valley with aggressive cost-cutting moves. We discuss Musk's downsizing at Twitter and Meta's pivot, focusing on what these changes mean for the workforce—especi…
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Tryntsje schreef dit jaar boeken voor kinderen (en ouders) gebasseerd op de Human Design geboorteblauwdruk. In deze Podcast een gesprek over ouderschap als weg van bewustwording, gezinsdynamieken, haar eigen ervaringen in het moederschap, haar drijfveren en het schrijfproces. Wij zijn ouders van drie kinderen waarmee we in 2018 op een avontuur ging…
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As students head back to the classroom for the 2024-25 school year, Battle Creek Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Kimberly Carter is echoing the importance of attendance. Carter also reflects more on the effects of the Bearcat Advantage program, which covers tuition for Battle Creek Public Schools graduates. Episode Resources Battle Creek Public S…
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Calhoun County is in good financial health and the latest professional audit and strong credit rating prove it. That's the word from Board of Commissioners Chair Derek King. The county reported a "AA" credit rating as issued by S&P Global Ratings, saying it "affirms the county's financial stability and ongoing commitment to responsible fiscal manag…
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In its first "Drive 4 UR School" test drive event since the COVID-19 pandemic, Lakeview Ford in Battle Creek will connect Lakeview Schools robotics students with cash from Ford. The concept is simple: Show up, test drive a Ford and Lakeview Schools gets either $20 or $70. Why the difference? It depends on which car you test drive. Click to listen f…
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Gray and white with tiger cat features, Chai the Domestic Shorthair seemingly did not have an easy life before she was brought to the Humane Society of South Central Michigan. But, as we learn in this Wiggly Tail update, that's all behind her now - and she's ready to land anew on all four paws. Episode Resources Humane Society of South Central Mich…
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Hier kommt ein Podcast-Tipp für euch. Luxus, Jetset, Glamour und Party. Oder besser gesagt: Robert, Carmen, Shania und Davina! Seit Jahren nehmen sie uns mit nach Monaco, Dubai und Saint Tropez. Zwischen Champagner und Heli hat Familie Geiss ihr Podcast-Equipment startklar gemacht, um für euch die heißesten Stories auszupacken. Es wird glamourös, a…
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Say 3 Hail Holy Queen: Hail Holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness, andour hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve, to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of th…
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It's a question that is asked frequently: Could a person have a genetic predisposition to dementia? In this episode of Creating Dementia Solutions, Miles for Memories Founder Sherii Sherban talks about her own family history with dementia - and what she sees as an alternative to the heredity conversation. Episode Resources Miles for Memories websit…
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For the 13th time, Battle Creek's Community Inclusive Recreation (CIR) is readying for the annual Kickball Classic fundraiser, sponsored by Lakeview Ford Lincoln. Set for September 22, 2024 at Bailey Park, the tournament-style event brings teams formed by local businesses and organizations together with CIR participants. The teams play in front of …
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Construction crews were busy all summer working on building upgrades and other projects at Pennfield Schools buildings. That has saved some money overall on the projects, according to Superintendent Stephanie Lemmer. Lemmer joins Community Matters to offer her viewpoint, just days before students in her district were coming back for the 2024-25 aca…
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Now that Battle Creek City Manager Rebecca Fleury has announced her intention to retire at the end of 2024, city commissioners will undertake a search for her successor in 2025. Commissioners have already gotten some footing on an executive search, having spent the summer of 2024 looking for a new city attorney. Mayor Mark Behnke and Vice-Mayor She…
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We would love to hear from you, send us a text! Get ready for an eye-opening episode as Monica teams up with guest host Ned Renzi to dive into the world of venture capital with Manu Kumar of K9 Ventures. Discover how Manu's unique philosophy of solving his own problems has led to an impressive track record, with seven unicorns emerging from just ov…
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Battle Creek City Manager Rebecca Fleury reached her ten-year anniversary in the position and decided to call it a career. In her first interview since announcing her retirement, Fleury reflects with Community Matters on her tenure, her future along with some perspective on what makes a strong city manager. Episode Resources City of Battle Creek we…
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Robin Bolz, founder of UnSilenced: Battle Creek Anti-Human Trafficking Coalition, has no reservations sharing her story about abuse when she was a child and adolescent. That story includes resilience and the key involvement of one person who helped her turn her life around. Now, she wants to be that person for others - and wants to show the communi…
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In deze Podcast een gesprek met een update over ons leven, maar vooral over thema’s die bij ons actueel zijn. Deze Podcast is de aftrap voor meer podcasts waarin we samen in gesprek gaan.We delen over onze zoektocht en ontdekkingen rondom het onderwijs met onze kinderen op Bali en nieuwe keuzes die we daarin steeds moeten maken en welke rol dit in …
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The Battle Creek Community Foundation is observing its 50th anniversary with a block party outside its offices in downtown Battle Creek. The event is set for August 21, 2024 from 4-6 PM. BCCF President and CEO Mary Muliett and Vice-President Clovis Bordeaux visit Community Matters to invite listeners personally - and talk about the fun planned, as …
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Two more "Services on the Go" events are planned for the summer of 2024 in Battle Creek. The events are meant to provide a chance for residents to engage with city staff about any number of issues or subjects, including such things as code enforcement and community policing. The City of Battle Creek spokespersons Jessica Vanderkolk and Eric McClure…
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It is possible that those around you may recognize some signs of hearing loss before you do. But perhaps you have noticed your own difficulty hearing. In this episode of Oaklawn Health Matters, Audiologist Michael Thompson discusses the typical signs of hearing loss, along with some of the approaches Oaklawn Hospital takes to help folks live succes…
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We would love to hear from you, send us a text! In today's episode of Masterstroke, we dive into the troubling decline in U.S. life expectancy and how society's view of aging affects us all. Hosts Monica and Sejal, along with Dr. Anique Bryan, a leading expert in anti-aging and regenerative medicine, uncover secrets to boosting your longevity and q…
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After pre-pandemic plans for a remodeled downtown hotel fell through, then COVID delays, Battle Creek's iconic downtown hotel is set to begin a new life as a DoubleTree by Hilton. Battle Creek Unlimited Chairperson Erick Stewart and Economic Development Associate Heather Ignash join Community Matters to discuss the new project and how it is affecti…
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Tune up your short game - or show it off - at the Mini Golf for Good event Friday, August 9, 2024 in Battle Creek. The event, to be held at the Hit-Em-Here mini golf course, will support the programs of the Battle Creek Salvation Army. Registration is requested. Click to hear more details. Episode Resources Event Registration site (active prior to …
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The Battle Creek Area Habitat for Humanity returns to Community Matters for an update from Executive Director Michael King - including a shift in focus for the organization locally. King tells Community Matters five new Habitat homes going up in Urbandale are a signal of what's to come in the area - which means a shift in focus. Click to hear the d…
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Americian Songwriter Rock Zu Gast im Sonntagstalk: Markus Frieauff: Markus, ein erfahrener Musiker und leidenschaftlicher Fußballfan, spricht über seine musikalische Reise von der Partyband Online bis zur Gründung seiner neuen Band Southland Station. Er teilt Einblicke in seine Inspirationen und die Herausforderungen, die er als Amateurmusiker erle…
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Im Sonntagstalk spreche ich mit dem jungen Zauberer Tim Silas über seine Leidenschaft für die Magie und seinen Weg von der ersten Zirkusvorstellung als Kind bis hin zu seinen aktuellen Auftritten. Er teilt spannende Geschichten aus seiner Karriere und spricht über seine Zukunftspläne nach dem Abitur. Hören Sie rein und lassen Sie sich verzaubern! h…
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Im Sonntagstalk spricht Marion Masholder über ihren Weg von der Bankkauffrau zur selbstständigen Trainerin und Coach. Sie teilt ihre Erfahrungen aus dem Leistungssport, ihre Leidenschaft für Personalentwicklung und die Bedeutung von Netzwerken. Außerdem stellt sie ihr neues Buchprojekt vor, in dem sie gemeinsam mit 15 Experten wertvolle Tipps für F…
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The first-ever Marshall MotorFest planned for August 23, 2024 in Marshall, Michigan will celebrate classic and muscle cars - and even some new ones. Jim Durian with Choose Marshall talks about the intent behind the MotorFest, what cars they wish to participate, along with all the other plans in downtown Marshall around the event. Episode Resources …
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In this Calhoun County Board of Commissioners update, Chair Derek King discusses another round of road funding agreements for certain counties. Also, the Calhoun County Veterans Affairs office receives a sizable grant. Click to hear the details. Episode Resources Calhoun County Board website Calhoun County Road Department website Calhoun County Vet…
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Among the expansive grounds and red barns of the Gilmore Car Museum on the first Saturday in August is always what's known as the Red Barns Spectacular. For its 43rd year, the RBS expects about 1000 cars to cruise in for the largest car show the museum sees all season. Gary Hawkins is president of the Kalamazoo Antique Auto Restorers Club, organize…
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Are there things caregivers and others should keep in mind that might make communicating with a person living with dementia easier? Miles for Memories volunteer Michelle Lennon with Elara Caring tells us there definitely are. Click to hear what they are. Episode Resources Miles for Memories website Miles for Memories technology Sherii Sherban talks…
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Say 3 Hail Holy Queen: Hail Holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness, andour hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve, to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of th…
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In this episode of Little Blinking Light, AE Tech Design President Roger Ferworn talks about avoiding a rat's nest. A rat's nest of cables, that is. Listen and find out the tech design perspective when it comes to assuring the cabling in your facility is structured. Episode Resources AE Tech Design website Book an Appointment with AE Tech Design AE…
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At a gathering in June 2024 in Oswalt Park, we asked five residents of Vicksburg, Michigan and one visitor to talk about the village. We asked them why they are in Vicksburg, about their observations of the village - past and present - as well as what they love about it. In this Vicksburg Visit, we hear what they said. Episode Resources Vicksburg, …
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We would love to hear from you, send us a text! Unlock the secrets of fostering trust and innovation through the power of Conversational Intelligence (CIQ) with our latest guest, workplace strategist and holistic executive coach, Marla Teyolia. In this episode of MasterStroke Monica and Sejal discuss with Marla the groundbreaking CIQ framework deve…
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It is one of the busiest times of the year at Battle Creek's Charitable Union - the organization which has been helping local people who need it since 1887. One of those efforts is a drive to get kids into some new clothes by the time school starts. Charitable Union says the kids they focus on are from families facing challenges for various reasons…
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The City of Battle Creek is encouraging those interested to apply to be considered for appointment to a new Community Oversight Board. The panel will have seven members and two alternates from the community, with a goal to "reflect a range of the city's demographics for racial and gender identities, ages, skills and lived experiences," according to…
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Calhoun County Clerk/Register Kimberly Hinkley tells Community Matters staff and volunteers are ready for nine days of early voting ahead of the Tuesday, August 6, 2024 primary election. The county has only conducted the early voting a handful of times since voters passed Proposal 22-2. Hinkley discusses the growing confidence she has with putting …
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How do local stakeholders decide what transportation and public transit goals are best for the area? An overseer in that effort locally is BCATS - the Battle Creek Area Transportation Study. BCATS Executive Director Jeff Franklin joins Community Matters to shed light on how the organization works - and helps stakeholders work together. Episode Reso…
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Saffron is the sweetest Siamese cat you will ever meet. She is curious about who is coming to see her - and may very well flop over for a belly rub and some loves right away. So why, after being adopted not long ago, is she back at the Humane Society of South Central Michigan? In this Wiggly Tail update, HSSCM Executive Director Jessica Gilbert hel…
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