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Willkommen zu #diegeilstestundedestages - dein Lieblingspodcast Rund um's Thema CrossFit in Deutschland. Ich bin Felix, CrossFit Level 3 Trainer, Affiliate Owner von CrossFit Aschaffenburg und leidenschaftlicher Athlet. Hier teile ich meine Erfahrungen aus über 10 Jahren CrossFit Training & Coaching. Neben spannenden Solo-Folgen erwarten dich auch Interviews mit Top-Athleten und Trainern aus der ganzen Welt.
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This podcast is about spreading the message that movement is medicine! As a young married couple who opened our own CrossFit Box, we share the ins and outs of our business and our mission to spread positivity and health to all! :)
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The Breathe CrossFit podcast is your source for information about improving fitness and health. Once a week, host Toni Roy of Breathe CrossFit debunks fitness myths, shares relatable stories, gives tips on how to improve your fitness and health, & more! The Breathe CrossFit Podcast is perfect for men and women, coaches and trainers, small business entrepreneurs, and anyone who wants to learn more about getting healthy and enjoying life!
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Girls Who CrossFit, brought to you by CrossFit Contessa, is focused on the improvement & empowerment of women (and some dudes!) from all walks of life. Our goal with this podcast is to educate and entertain listeners to understand and hopefully implement tips and tools to help them in and outside of the gym. We intend on having a guest join us regularly to help shed light on different topics around women's health, CrossFit and much, much more! We hope you love listening as much as we enjoy m ...
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The Blues City CrossFit Show

Taylor & Matt Dettmann, Teddy Williams, and James Richart

A show about the sport of CrossFit for aspiring athletes and fans. Hosted by individual Games athlete, Taylor Dettmann, Masters Games athlete, Matt Dettmann & the head of media at Blues City CrossFit, Teddy Williams. Produced by James Richart.
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Grapevine CrossFit

Grapevine CrossFit

As a 12 year CrossFit affiliate, we know how to get things done. Join us for discussions on our gym, training, nutrition, mindset, and all around health. Find us on social: @grapevinecrossfit & /grapevinecrossfit
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Somos un estilo de vida. A través de los podcast podrás descubrir nuestra forma de trabajo, conoce un poco más de nosotros, hablaremos sobre CrossFit, Hábitos de vida saludable y todas las complejidades que no ves en la vida real. Transmite nuestro mensaje al mundo. Somos el inicio de un nuevo camino #BeCourage
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CrossFit Oconee and Oconee Nutrition are a health and nutrition facility located in Watkinsville Georgia with the sole purpose of helping people reach their health and nutrition goals through proper nutrition and exercise. Together we help those that want to live healthier lives achieve their goals
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CrossFit Conjugate

CrossFit Conjugate

We stand out because of our community and our world class coaches. Our members create a training atmosphere where hi-fives and a good sweat combine. We all share the same goals- increased fitness and health and performance gains.
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The CrossFit Auburndale Podcast

The CrossFit Auburndale Podcast

We talk about everything related to CrossFit Auburndale! We are a gym located in Central Florida and our mission is to transform as many lives as possible through health and wellness. Topics include but aren’t limited to: mindset, nutrition, training, events, and even the daily antics that go on during off hours.
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CrossFit Radio

CrossFit Journal

CrossFit Radio is a free service of the CrossFit Journal. The shows are live interviews and discussions about all things CrossFit. The show's hosts interview a wide variety of guests, including community members, trainers, HQ staff and even opponents of CrossFit. The topics cover the full spectrum of the CrossFit world. Interviewees speak of their experiences, insights, strategies, approaches around all aspects of functional movement and elite fitness. The shows vary in length and scope, but ...
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Don't just exist. Flourish! Weekly episodes discussing what's been happening within our gym and where things are headed. General fitness and wellness info for our members and locals of Jimboomba, Beaudesert, Yarrabilba and surrounds. We talk programming, training, nutrition, lifestyle and interview guests on a range of topics of interest to our local CrossFit community.
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show series
Die CrossFit Open 2025 sind vorbei. Grund genug für ein kurzes Fazit und meine 3 größten Learnings. Danke an unsere Sponsoren & Partner: ⁠⁠⁠WHOOP⁠⁠⁠: Ein Monat gratis testen. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Velites⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠: Jetzt 10% auf deinen Einkauf sparen mit dem code "cfab" ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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This week client Nicole comes on and chats about her Open 2025 experience. The main focus of this episode is Nicole sharing her story of starting CrossFit POST ACL injury from playing high level soccer. She talks about how she overcame her injury and has built incredible strength thanks to her dedication and commitment to CrossFit! Sign up for your…
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On this episode of the Breathe CrossFit Podcast, Dr. Jeremy Meschino, owner of Movement Pro PT, shares his journey from personal trainer to physical therapist, why most people wait too long to address injuries, and how to stay injury-free in CrossFit. We also talk dry needling, strength training, recovery techniques, and the biggest mistakes people…
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Episode 139 is here, and we’re talking with Coach, former Ohio State gymnast, and rising CrossFit competitor Kali Schierl! From growing up in a powerhouse family of six siblings, fit parents, and three national-level wrestling brothers to making her mark in CrossFit competition, Kali shares her incredible journey. You won’t want to miss this one! T…
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In dieser Folge spreche ich mit Felix Hutt, Journalist, Autor und leidenschaftlicher Sportler, über sein Buch „Ein Mann, ein Jahr, kein Alkohol“. Felix hat vor 2 Jahren das Experiment gestartet, ein Jahr lang komplett auf Alkohol zu verzichten. 🔍 Das erwartet dich in dieser Episode: ✔️ Was war Felix’ persönliche Motivation, ein Jahr lang auf Alkoho…
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In dieser Folge gebe ich Tipps & Tricks zum zweiten Open Workout des Jahres. Neben dem Ablauf und Movement Standards gebe ich auch Strategieimpulse. 🔗 Links & Ressourcen: ⁠⁠Hier⁠⁠ geht's zur Scorecard. Und ⁠⁠hier⁠⁠ zum Rulebook. Danke an unsere Sponsoren & Partner: ⁠⁠⁠WHOOP⁠⁠⁠: Ein Monat gratis testen. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Velites⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠: Jetzt 10% a…
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This is a feel good episode where we chat about some of our fav moments of the podcast over the last 100 episodes. We also talk a little recap of Open workout 25.2. Hopefully the episode leaves you full of smiles and excited for the next 100 episodes to come! Sign up for your SEMI SWEAT INTRO here: Join our growing family: BUY US…
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In this episode of the Breathe CrossFit Podcast, Toni sits down with Anthony Marrone, a dedicated 19-year-old athlete who recently moved from Florida to New Hampshire. He shares why he left the sunshine for the snow, his experience starting CrossFit, how he’s built strength and endurance over the past five months, and his biggest fitness challenges…
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In this episode, I talk to Matías Hernandez, the Founder and CEO of Velites. 🔍 Topics we cover: ✔️ The Velites story ✔️ What makes the products so special ✔️ The future of the brand 🔗 Links & Ressources: 👉 Velites: ⁠⁠Website⁠⁠ | ⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠ Danke an unsere Sponsoren & Partner: ⁠⁠WHOOP⁠⁠: Ein Monat gratis testen. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Velites⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠: J…
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This week on the CrossFit Grandview Podcast, we sit down with our newest full-time coach, Jordan Reichert! From his time as an Army Ranger to discovering CrossFit and training throughout his military career, Jordan shares his journey, his passion for coaching, and his pursuit of becoming an elite CrossFit Games athlete.Don’t miss this chance to get…
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In dieser Folge gebe ich Tipps & Tricks zum zweiten Open Workout des Jahres. Neben dem Ablauf und Movement Standards gebe ich auch Strategieimpulse. 🔗 Links & Ressourcen: ⁠Hier⁠ geht's zur Scorecard. Und ⁠hier⁠ zum Rulebook. Danke an unsere Sponsoren & Partner: ⁠⁠WHOOP⁠⁠: Ein Monat gratis testen. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Velites⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠: Jetzt 10% auf deine…
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Little 25.1 Recap followed by a nice deep chat about Brandon's life growing up as an overweight kid. What lead him to being overweight as well as how he overcame it, and what motivated and inspired him to help others do the same! Sign up for your SEMI SWEAT INTRO here: Join our growing family: BUY US A PROTEIN SHAKE: https://www.…
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Curious about CrossFit? In this episode of the Breathe CrossFit Podcast, Toni breaks down exactly what CrossFit is, what a typical class looks like, and how CrossFit’s constantly varied, functional workouts help you get stronger, fitter, and ready for anything life throws at you. Plus, she shares CrossFit’s 100 Words of Fitness, the core philosophy…
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CrossFit ist evidenzbasiert. Man kann Workouts & Fitness anhand von Zahlen gut messbar machen. Trotzdem machen sich nur die wenigsten CrossFitter über wirklich wissenschaftliche Themen Gedanken. Doch zum Glück gibt es Henning Langer von WOD-Science. Zusammen mit seinem Kollegen Gommar D'Hulst bilden sie die Brücke zwischen Sportwissenschaften und C…
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This week, we catch up with Pete Merkle—a CrossFit Grandview OG who’s been training with us since 2012! Pete is a familiar face in All-Levels CrossFit and Power Hour, but he’s also had a huge impact behind the scenes, helping us secure our locations (and quite literally saving the gym during COVID). We dive into behind the scenes real estate, his t…
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In dieser Folge gebe ich Tipps & Tricks zum ersten Open Workout des Jahres. Neben dem Ablauf und Movement Standards gebe ich auch Strategieimpulse. 🔗 Links & Ressourcen: Hier geht's zur Scorecard. Und hier zum Rulebook. Danke an unsere Sponsoren & Partner: ⁠WHOOP⁠: Ein Monat gratis testen. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Velites⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠: Jetzt 10% auf deinen Einkauf…
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This week the moms take over the podcast, and we chat about managing to keep fit while trying to get pregnant, being pregnant and then postpartum. This episode is a light and fun girly chat to help moms feel like where there's a will there's a way! Sign up for your SEMI SWEAT INTRO here: Join our growing family: BUY US A PROTEIN …
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Feeling stuck in a cycle of losing and gaining the same pounds? In this episode of the Breathe CrossFit Podcast, Toni Roy shares insights on why this happens and how basic lifestyle guidelines—like sleep, stress management, movement, and nutrition—can help break the cycle. Plus, she opens up about her pregnancy fitness journey, how she's adapting h…
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Frauen haben im Sport ganz eigene physiologische Herausforderungen – vom Hormonhaushalt über den Menstruationszyklus bis hin zum Muskelaufbau. In dieser Folge spreche ich mit Ernährungs-Coach Laura Zimmermann. Wir klären, worauf Frauen im CrossFit besonders achten sollten, wie der Zyklus die Leistungsfähigkeit beeinflusst und warum viele Angst vor …
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Today, we sit down with longtime members Missy & Stephen Bedell. After 11 years of CrossFit and navigating different seasons of life, they share their insights on training, staying motivated, and finding balance for the long haul. Don’t miss this one! #CrossFitGrandview #GrandviewPodcast #LongevityInFitness #TrainingForLife…
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Viele verbinden CrossFit mit einem hohen Verletzungsrisiko. Doch ist das wirklich so? Warum treten bestimmte Schmerzen immer wieder auf, und wie kann man langfristig schmerzfrei trainieren? In dieser Episode spreche ich mit Dr. Christoph Kaminski. Er ist nicht nur Gründer, sondern auch Schlüsselfigur der Schwerpunktpraxis für Human Movement. Mit se…
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This week we recap our trip to Australia, and we talk about staying healthy and fit while on holiday. We give some super practical tips on how to keep uo your workouts while you travel and what to focus on to keep the gains! We also emphasize the importance of balance and enjoying the fun in traveling. Sign up for your SEMI SWEAT INTRO here: Join o…
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After a night of Super Bowl snacks and late-night indulgences, it’s easy to feel sluggish and want to “make up for it” by restricting calories. But that’s not the way to long-term success! In this episode of the Breathe CrossFit Podcast, Toni Roy breaks down the key principles of sustainable fat loss—why extreme calorie deficits don’t work, the imp…
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In dieser Folge quatsche ich mit Turnlegende und Olympiasieger Fabian Hambüchen über die häufigsten Fehler, die CrossFitter bei turnerischen Übungen machen. Fabian ist nämlich nicht nur ehemaliger Profi-Turner, sondern selbst CrossFiter und Gymnastics Coach bei Power Monkey Fitness. ⁠Hier⁠⁠⁠ klicken und einen Monat WHOOP Abo geschenkt bekommen. Dan…
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Balancing Training, Pregnancy & Life! This week’s CrossFit Grandview Podcast features Leah Paliotto—mom, athlete, and longtime member—sharing her journey from Ohio University to CrossFit, starting in her 20s and now training at 36 with baby #2 on the way! Hear how she makes it work with All-Levels, Power Hour, and Rev, proving fitness can evolve wi…
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In dieser Folge habe ich unseren CrossFit Country Manager Gregor Schregle zu Gast. Gemeinsam quatschen wir darüber, wie man die CrossFit Open in seiner eigenen Box umsetzen kann. Gregor ist selbst Box Owner von 3 Boxen (Rhein-Neckar, Heidelberg & Mannheim) und kann aus mittlerweile fast 15 Jahren Erfahrung berichten. ⁠Hier⁠⁠ klicken und einen Monat…
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This episode we chat about EFFORT, arguably the most important aspect of coaching and training. We dive into a discussion as to why we value effort so much and what that looks like from a coaches perspective. Sign up for your SEMI SWEAT INTRO here: Join our growing family: BUY US A PROTEIN SHAKE:…
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In this episode of the Breathe CrossFit Podcast, we sit down with our February Member of the Month, Trinity Collette. Trinity joined Breathe in late September after realizing she needed to break out of her cubicle routine and get back to moving. In just a few months, she has gained over 5 lbs of muscle, lost almost 10 lbs of fat, and improved her m…
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🎙️ This week on the CrossFit Grandview Podcast, Brandon, Kate, and Dave dive into the 2025 CrossFit Open—why they’re in, why you should be too, and how pushing hard in competition benefits your fitness! It’s a fun, lighthearted convo on training, upcoming events like Summer Shred & the Spring Social, plus a deep dive into programming. If you're a C…
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What does it take to build a true competitor? In this episode, I sit down with Rich Froning, 4x CrossFit Games Individual Champion and 6x Team Champion, to explore the key elements of assessing and training elite athletes. We discuss what separates good athletes from the best, how to identify strengths and weaknesses, and the mindset needed to comp…
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In this episode, Dr. Gommaar D’Hulst, founder of WOD-Science and researcher at ETH Zurich and I dive into the fascinating world of sports science and functional fitness. Join us as we explore key topics that will elevate both your training and coaching. From energy systems to lactate testing, and from polarized training to nutrition strategies, thi…
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This episode Susie and Sacha sit down for a girly chat about her life, fitness and of course her CrossFit journey! We talk about how and why she loves CrossFit so much! Sign up for your SEMI SWEAT INTRO here: Join our growing family: BUY US A PROTEIN SHAKE:…
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In this episode of the Breathe CrossFit Podcast, Toni Roy dives into competition season at Breathe CrossFit. From the recent Box Brawl to the upcoming Intramural Open, Toni shares workout highlights, strategies, and the fun, supportive atmosphere that makes these events unforgettable. Plus, a surprise announcement you won’t want to miss! Whether yo…
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Eine eigene CrossFit-Box eröffnen – klingt nach einem Traum, oder? Doch wie sieht die Realität aus? Wie viel Startkapital braucht man? Welche Fehler sollte man unbedingt vermeiden? Und was macht man, wenn die Türen offen sind, aber keiner kommt? In dieser Folge spreche ich genau darüber: die wichtigsten Learnings, Herausforderungen und Must-Dos, we…
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From strength specialist in his 20's to all-around machine in his 40's—this week, we sit down with Justin Bird on the CrossFit Grandview Podcast! We talk about his transformation, rehabbing major injuries, training 6-7 days a week while still hitting the ski slopes, and his deep dive into real estate from his early 20s. Tune in for a great mix of f…
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Mehr Training ist nicht immer besser – manchmal ist weniger der Schlüssel zu mehr Fortschritt. In dieser Episode spreche ich über die fünf häufigsten Warnsignale für Übertraining und erkläre, warum sie entstehen und was du dagegen tun kannst. ✅ Leistungsabfall trotz hartem Training – Warum dein Körper stagniert, wenn die Erholung fehlt ✅ Chronische…
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This week Brandon chats with special guest Coach Vanessa! The dive into her life as a teacher and mama and how she started CrossFit. Then how she went from client to coach and what all of that has meant to her along the way! So many good nuggets about the importance of prioritizing your health!! Sign up for your SEMI SWEAT INTRO here: Join our grow…
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On this episode of the Breathe CrossFit Podcast, Toni Roy shares her experience at a local Wellness Fair, where she had the opportunity to introduce CrossFit to a new audience. From setting up a pop-up booth to realizing that not everyone loves exercise, she reflects on why strength training is essential—especially for those who don’t enjoy working…
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In dieser Folge teile ich meine Erfahrungswerte der letzten 4 Wochen, in denen ich mich strikt an unser neues Box Programming gehalten habe. Vom Warmup über Skill- und Krafteile bis hin zu den Workouts habe ich nichts ausgelassen, um einen möglichst guten Einblick geben zu können. Wichtig: Diese Folge ist keine Bewertung des Programmings an sich, s…
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In dieser Folge habe ich Michelle Calios, die Gründerin der Food Brand KORO zu Gast. Gemeinsam sprechen wir über die spannende Entstehungsgeschichte der Company, über die Lebensmittelbranche und viele weitere spannende Themen. Mein Gast: Website LinkedIn KORO ⁠Hier⁠⁠ klicken und einen Monat WHOOP Abo geschenkt bekommen. Danke an unsere Sponsoren & …
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