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Divine Mercy Radio

Divine Mercy Radio

Divine Mercy Radio is a lay apostolate dedicated to sharing the truth and beauty, and the love and joy of the Catholic faith primarily through radio. Our mission is to strengthen Catholics in their faith, to invite fallen-away Catholics back to the faith, and to inform non-Catholics of the gospel of Jesus through programming which proclaims His message of truth, mercy, and love.
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Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy: 365 Days with Saint Faustina. Reflections and prayers inspired by the Diary of Divine Mercy. The Diary of Saint Faustina is a spiritual treasure given to the Church by Jesus Himself through the humble instrumentality of a cloistered nun. It consists of Saint Faustina’s six handwritten notebooks revealing her faith and her daily encounters with our Lord. These short reflections were written to help you discover the spiritual wisdom revealed by Saint Faustina ...
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Divine Mercy

Greg Keuter

Divine Mercy is a gift that Jesus Christ Himself gives to us and all we have to do is ask for it. Please join me in discussing the treasure that is Divine Mercy and remember always, the more we need His Mercy, the more He wants to grant it to us.
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Divine Mercy in My Soul

The Station of the Cross

Fr. Jacek Mazur, pastor of Divine Mercy Catholic Church in Niagara Falls, NY, and Rick Paolini, Business Manager for The Station of the Cross, discuss aspects of the message of Divine Mercy as revealed by Jesus to St. Maria Faustina. To contact the program: rickp@thestationofthecross.com
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Pearls of Divine Mercy

Dr. Bryan Thatcher, MD

Each week, Dr. Bryan Thatcher, MD, delves into the Divine Mercy message and devotion, exploring topics such as living a sacramental life, forgiveness of others and self, trust in God in all situations, suffering, how to carry our crosses, being icons of mercy through deeds done out of love of God and neighbor, and more. May this podcast bring you to a deeper understanding of how much God loves you.
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Divine Mercy 2024

Marian Press

Join us as we revisit the powerful speeches delivered by renowned speakers Jim Wahlberg, Ben Steele, Elvis Grbac, and Fr. Don Calloway during the Divine Mercy Sunday gathering of 2024 in Stockbridge, MA. Each episode offers a profound glimpse into the themes of redemption, forgiveness, and grace, echoing the timeless message of Divine Mercy that resonates with hearts across the world. Tune in and experience the transformative power of faith and mercy in these captivating talks. Check out the ...
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show series
Many people carry very heavy burdens within their souls. On the surface, they may radiate with joy and peace. But within their souls, they may also have great pain. These two experiences of our interior and exterior are not in contradiction when we follow Christ. Often times Jesus allows us to feel a certain interior suffering while, at the same ti…
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Send us a text Join Nicole Swannack as she shares with you the importance of biblical study and learn more about St. Jerome. Kids! Your challenge for this week is - Read from your family or children's Bible this week. Can you read from the Bible at least three days this week? Would you like your child to receive our Divine Mercy Kids Kit for FREE? …
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Wouldn’t it be nice if you could do the Will of God always? If you could simply make the choice to perfectly say “Yes” to God in all things and in every situation? The truth is that you can. The only thing hindering you from this absolute choice is your own stubborn will (See Diary #374). It’s hard to admit that we are stubborn and full of self-wil…
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Imagine a large block of ice. Now imagine that there is a precious coin in the middle of that block. In order to obtain that coin, the block must melt away. So it can be with our hearts. Some hearts have become so hardened over time that there seems little chance of melting them away so as to bring forth the true value and dignity of that person. B…
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One of the greatest gifts we can give to our Divine Lord is our willfulness. We often want what we want, when we want it. Our will can become stubborn and obstinate and this can easily dominate our whole being. As a result of this sinful tendency toward willfulness, one thing that delights our Lord greatly, and produces an abundance of grace in our…
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It is impossible for us to love and adore Christ deeply enough as He is present in the Most Holy Eucharist. When we are before Him, present in the Most Holy Eucharist, we should see the Almighty God present in veiled form. He is: Mercy, Eternal Life, The Eternal God, The Savior of Sinners, The Living Water, The Fire of Pure Love, The Medicine for A…
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Send us a text Join Ellen as she talks with Teresa Tomeo who is back to take us on a journey through the Catholic treasures of Italy with her latest book, Italy’s Shrines and Wonders. Teresa Tomeo is an author, syndicated Catholic talk show host, and motivational speaker with more than 40 years of experience in TV, radio, and newspaper, 20 of which…
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Praying “always” may seem like an impossible task. Is it really possible to do so? Does God even expect this of us? It most certainly is and He most certainly does. No, we will not be called to spend all day, every day, at church in prayer. Not even those called to the cloistered monastic life do as such. But praying always is a must. It simply mea…
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Send us a text Join Brittany Makely as she chats with Joel Robinson and discovers all about his remarkable journey to the Catholic Faith. A complete stranger in a foreign land - invited him to a mass - started his journey to Catholicism. Catch other Episodes of Come to Me: Encounters with the Eucharist on Divine Mercy Radio. https://www.divinemercy…
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There are many things in life we can become attached to. Sometimes we can even become attached to things that are good. Most often, what we become attached to is our own stubborn will. We want what we want when we want it. One key to authentic holiness is to strive to be detached from everything but God and His holy Will. This requires much “lettin…
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Imagine a dictator of a country who has absolute power and is also a very angry, malicious and vengeful man. This is not someone you would want to upset. Now imagine the opposite. Imagine one who has absolute power and is also blessed with a heart of pure Mercy. This is our God. And in addition to our God having these qualities, He passes them on t…
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If you have prayed the “Hail Mary” prayer, then you have prayed for your last hour in this world: “Pray for us now and at the hour of our death.” Death is frightening to many people, and the hour of our death is not usually something we want to think about. But the “hour of our death” is a moment we should all look forward to with the utmost joy an…
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Mother Mary endured so much in life. She endured suspicion and ridicule at the miraculous conception of her Savior. She watched with a perfect motherly love as her Divine Son was rejected and misunderstood. And she stood by Him in His agony and death. And through it all, her motherly love was perfect and powerful. She stands by us, also, in all tha…
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Send us a text Join Nicole Swannack as she shares with you the virtue of self-control and learn more about St. Ignatius. Kids! Your challenge for this week is - Practice self-control by choosing something to give up. This is a great practice especially during the season of Lent. Would you like your child to receive our Divine Mercy Kids Kit for FRE…
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The most basic desire we have is for happiness. Everything we do, in some way, is done so as to help us achieve this goal. Even sin is committed with an erroneous sense that it will lead us to happiness. But there is one source of human fulfillment and one source of authentic happiness. That one source is God. Seek our Divine Lord as the fulfillmen…
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It is most certain that our Divine Lord knows all things. He is aware of every thought we have and every need we carry far more than we will ever realize. At times, as we come to realize His perfect knowledge, we may expect Him to answer all our needs even if we do not acknowledge them. But our Lord often wants us to ask. He sees great value in us …
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Send us a text Join Ellen as she talks with Father Paul Scalia as they discuss How Should Catholics Respond to Same-Sex Attraction? Our culture has no shortage of opinions about love and identity, but as Catholics, we’re called to love as Christ loves. How do we do that when it comes to same-sex attraction and the broader LGBT community? Father Sca…
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Perhaps everyone has experienced an unjust accusation by another. It may be because another is honestly mistaken about the facts or about our motivation for what we do. Or, it may be more malicious and cruel. Being falsely accused can be quite painful and will most likely tempt us to react in anger and defensiveness. But what is the proper response…
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The Blessed Sacrament is truly sacred. It is revered and treated with the greatest respect. We would never throw our Lord away or discard Him on the floor or in some irreverent place. And yet we often fail to treat others with the same respect we show Jesus present in the Sacred Host (See Diary #285). Do you realize that each person is a tabernacle…
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Is there a difference between “sympathy” and “compassion?” If so, what is the difference? And which is more desirable? Sympathy simply means that we feel bad for another. It means, in a sense, that we pity them. But compassion goes much further. It means that we enter into their sufferings and carry their burden with them. It means we suffer with t…
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The more we come to know Jesus, the more we desire Him. And the more we desire Him, the more we come to know Him. This is a beautiful cyclical experience of knowing and desiring, desiring and knowing (See Diary #273). Do you desire to know your precious Lord? Do you long for Him in a burning way? Reflect upon this desire in your soul and if it is l…
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When God enters your soul, He acts in such a way that you will never fully comprehend His workings. His grace and Mercy are such that they remain a mystery deeper than the oceans and more vast than the upper limits of the Universe. Understanding the incomprehensible nature of God’s grace is, in fact, the first step to wisdom. It’s the first step to…
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Send us a text Join Nicole Swannack as she shares with you the virtue of forgiveness and learn more about St. Rita Kids! Your challenge for this week is - Ask God who YOU need to forgive and offer that forgiveness in the name of Jesus. Would you like your child to receive our Divine Mercy Kids Kit for FREE? sign up for the quarterly kit at https://…
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It is a grace from God to see ourselves as we are. And what will we see if we see ourselves this way? We will see our misery and nothingness. At first, this may not be all that desirable. It may even seem contrary to the dignity we have in Christ. But that’s the key. Our dignity is “in Christ.” Without Him, we are nothing. We are misery and nothing…
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Which image of Christ are you more comfortable with? Which image do you more easily identify with? The image of Christ glorified as King of all? Or the image of the beaten and suffering Christ? In the end, we will fix our eyes on the Lord in glory and majesty and this will be our delight for eternity. However, while we are pilgrims in this earthly …
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