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Crime Capsule

Evergreen Podcasts | Killer Podcasts

From DNA testing to the Dixie Mafia, Crime Capsule brings you new stories of true crime in American history. Join writer and host Benjamin Morris for exclusive interviews with authors from Arcadia Publishing, writing the hottest books on the most chilling stories of our country’s past. Crime Capsule: history so interesting it’s criminal.
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My Time Capsule

Cast Off Productions

A podcast that asks guests, such as Stephen Fry, David Mitchell, Caroline Quentin, Ross Noble, Lee Mack, Arabella Weir & Rob Brydon, for five things which they’d like to put in a Time Capsule. They can choose anything from an item, to a memory, a film or even a country. Four of them are things they want to preserve but one has to be something they’re happy to bury and never have to think about again. Hosted by Michael Fenton Stevens. Podcast of the Week in The Times, The Guardian and The Rad ...
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Clinical Capsules

TRC Healthcare

On Clinical Capsules we bring you the same evidence-based insights you trust from TRC Healthcare, now in podcast form. We’re thrilled to launch this new series as we celebrate 40 years of keeping healthcare professionals ahead of critical medication updates and guidelines. Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday, our expert editors from Pharmacist’s Letter, Prescriber Insights, and Pharmacy Technician’s Letter will break down the most impactful clinical developments - giving you clear, actionable takeaway ...
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Vision Capsules

People of Vision International

To share the unadulterated Word of God in Love and in the demonstration of power. As you listen to the seasoned words from the Leader and Pastor of the house - Pastor Simon Nii Tagoe, we believe your sense of urgency pertaining to your divine assignment would be immensely quickened.
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listen to Omar the pharmacist's official online podcast from Welltopia, where he talks about compounding pharmacy, function medicine, drugs and supplements in general, and much more, here he'll talk about anything and everything that is considered a pharmacy product and can help the patients health and wellbeing! You'll get to learn about Omar's top recommendations that don't have to be clinical at all and much more stuff.
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A l’aide de reportages et d’interviews avec des spécialistes, ce magazine propose une information concrète et vivante sur les grands thèmes de santé. Présenté par Carole Assignon, ce magazine aborde notamment les maladies qui affectent les régions d’Afrique subsaharienne. À l’écoute des préoccupations des auditrices et auditeurs, il essaie de donner une information pratique dans tous les domaines de la santé, avec un accent sur l’éducation aux soins de santé, l’hygiène et la prévention. Une ...
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Jermaine Ferrell

A Podcast that focuses on exposing and correcting current Christian/Church dogmas, teachings, misconceptions, and scripture interpretations; while using the Bible as the correcting tool.
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Capsule le Podcast

Capsule, votre dose quotidienne de subjectivité. Un espace, un sujet, une voix. Un(e) anonyme partage son histoire et son expérience à propos d’une simple question: Le sexe c’est quoi ?
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皆さんこんにちは! Welcome to the Capsules podcast. These capsules are meant to be taken with coffee, water, or alcohol! No other beverages allowed! Julien, the digital director of Nemesis based in Tokyo, will be your guide. Don’t be scared. Everything will be okay. だいじょうぶだよ! Let’s start this journey. Sit back in your chair or make yourself comfortable wherever you are. よろしくお願いします。
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Time Capsule: The Silver Chain

Diversity Hire Ltd | CYSA

In the early 1990s, a cache of abandoned newsletters found its way from a safety deposit box in Minneapolis, Minnesota to the state’s historical society, where they were left to gather dust. The newsletters detailed the inner workings of a secret 1970s swingers society: The Silver Chain Social Club. Fifty years later, TV writer and host Paul Ditty tracks down the club’s surviving members to uncover the group’s mysterious history and the ties that connected its members long after the swingers ...
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この番組は、現在の各界で活躍するレジェンド達から未来への贈り物として彼らの中にある言語化されていない領域の「裏エッセンス」をインタビュアーの河本真が抽出し、コッソリ未来へ届ける番組です。果たして今を生きるレジェンド達は未来へ何を残すのでしょうか?巷の書籍やインタビューなどでは決して語られない彼らすらも気づいていない無意識に迫ります。インタビューだからこそ「彼らの意識」していることではなく彼らの意識していないいない無意識の領域を多々掘り出していきますのでお楽しみに! #河本真 #ポッドキャスト #潜在意識 #心理学 #音声学習 #ビジネス #成功者 河本真(かわもとしん) The Legendary Roots 88 Inc CEO 1988年生まれ。大学在学中に起業をし、 得意とするニッチビジネスを元に、 電磁波シールドパンツや、マイルをお得に 使った旅行術を教えるオンラインスクール、 メンズ性教育スクール、通わない小顔サロン、 などの多岐に渡る分野で「働かないけどお客様に 最大限に貢献する仕組み」を構築。 1日3時間しか働かないことをモットーに 家族で世界中を旅する人生をエン ...
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What if the world was ending? What if you had one hour to put together a time capsule just for movies? In each episode a filmmaker or movie lover will reveal the movies they think are worth saving. GET TO DA CAPSULE!!!
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Official podcast from lifestyle brand The Capsule by Natalie Anderson. With honest chats, expert advice and real insight, Natalie talks all aspects of women’s wellbeing & mental health with weekly special guests. This podcast brings you inspirational conversations that will help you build your own wellbeing tool kit. For more wellbeing and lifestyle content from The Capsule visit
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Capsule Photos

Capsule Photos

Learn to manage a lifetime of photos for posterity. Capsule Photos is a photo organizing business that offers local and remote services to those who are looking to tidy up their photo collection. Episodes will offer short tutorials and interviews about organizing simply using the tools you already own.
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Time Capsule

Adam Pasi

Sometimes a comedian writes a joke about a current event, falls in love with that joke, but has to leave it aside when the event becomes not-so-current. "Time Capsule" is where Adam Pasi and his friends unearth those jokes and reunite them with their comedians for a night of love, laughs, and nostalgia.
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Join us as we delve into key trends, insights, and strategies specifically tailored for financial advisors. Whether you’re seeking to better serve NextGen clients or build impactful portfolios, Capsule has you covered. We’ll feature expert guests, thought-provoking discussions, and practical advice, Capsule equips you with the knowledge and tools to meet the growing demand for impact investing solutions.
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Embarquez à bord de la Capsule de l'Espace à la découverte des missions spatiales les plus emblématiques et ambitieuses de l'histoire. Découvrez l’ensemble des chroniques, des épisodes et des articles sur le Twitter :@JulienRullier Instagram : @lacapsuledelespace
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生活胶囊馆,收藏这一刻的小时光。 哈咯盆友你好,我是菜菜,一个总在反思生活和自己的 INFJ cum T-LBL。 这是一个关于「生活」和「自己」的个人日志podcast。 在这里,菜菜会从生活角度出发,和你聊聊生活里那些关于自我成长、理想生活和人际情感的小故事。再通过故事,一起深入探讨自己的感受、想法、行为和灵光乍现的启发。 如果你还没有入睡,就一起在周五晚九点听菜菜碎碎念吧! For 最佳收听体验,请戴上耳机收听内容噢。 更多生活胶囊馆的信息 ▶ Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Time Capsule Tales

Chase Allbright

"Time Capsule Tales" is a podcast hosted by Chase Allbright that unearths hidden stories from history. With each episode, Chase brings to life fascinating stories from different eras, covering a wide range of topics including forgotten battles, remarkable individuals, and important inventions. Whether you're a history buff or just curious about the past, "Time Capsule Tales" provides bite-sized glimpses into intriguing stories, giving you a new perspective on the world around us.
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The Audio Time Capsule is a podcast where the guest comes on and leaves 15-20 questions, then a year later comes back on and answers them. It's then edited together so they're talking to their past self... Launching in Sept 2017. Please join up for exclusive guest information and more. Created by Simon Caine. The Audio Time Capsule is a Fruit That Got In Gravity's Way production for the internet.
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Capsule Computers Gaming Podcast

Capsule Computers Crew

Capsule Computers Gaming Podcast. If you love your game as much as we do, this is the place to be to find out what's happening in the world of video games on every console with latest news, reviews, interviews and give-aways. We also touch on Gadgets / Technology and even Anime.
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When 25-year-old Frankie rediscovered her teenage diaries, her first thought wasn’t, ‘I should share these with my younger brother!’. But, here we are. Frankie and Joe are siblings from Yorkshire and while they might be close, they’re total opposites. Each episode, Frankie will be reading entries from her brutally cringe teenage diaries (spanning 2008-2012), while Joe... rips his sister to shreds. Naturally. As well as diary extracts, the pair will be reading some anonymous teen stories from ...
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The House of Excellence Ministries presents Word Capsule with Rev Dr. Listowel Mensah. Word Capsule is designed to dispense the living word for your understanding. Please stay tuned for the unadulterated word of God. A word that brings focus to your life and helps you navigate the challenges that come your way.
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Capsule Sonore

G A M I N E _ Studio

CAPSULE SONORE est le snack podcast 🍔 du MARKETING & BRANDING pour tous ceux qui veulent comprendre les enjeux du marketing moderne et créer des marques fortes et durables. 👉 Au programme : des tendances marketing incontournables, des outils pratiques pour booster vos idées, des analyses de campagnes et de stratégies percutantes. Que vous soyez entrepreneur ou salarié, ce podcast vous offre des clés concrètes pour développer une identité de marque cohérente et vous démarquer sur un marché to ...
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Your Choice Capsules Con Ashley Martinez

Your Choice Capsules Con Ashley Martinez

YOUR CHOICE (TU ESCOJES) ​​Programa Radial Juvenil en capsulas de 5 minutos, en Ingles y Español dirigido por Ashley Martinez con mensajes de la palabra de Dios dirigidos a la juventud de hoy y que te llevan a pensar y escojer la mejor decision en tu vida Espiritual. Leer mas en
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This podcast series is a time capsule left for the people of 2100 to dissect and find with it what they want. Host Jason Peters is fascinated with the idea of time and the possibilities that come with time and new technologies. In this series Jason discusses the future of many subjects in hopes of becoming the most popular podcast of 2100.
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Welcome to There’s Been Growth, the Capsule Podcast! I’m Roderick, and this podcast is a journey into intentional mental health practices and personal growth. Join me as I explore vulnerability, resilience, and transformative experiences that have shaped my perspective as I approach turning 30. Through candid reflections and insights gained from therapy, I aim to share lessons learned and foster meaningful conversations about life's challenges and joys. Remember, I’m not a mental health prof ...
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show series
Dane Buckley is the world’s only Irish, Indian, gay comedian… probably. An award-winning comedian and writer, he delivers his comedy effortlessly with cheeky charm and camp mischief. Dane burst onto the comedy circuit in 2022, making a name for himself by winning Gong Shows and was a finalist in LGBTQ+ New Comedian of the Year (2022), British Comed…
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One candy heiress, two bullets and three suspects. The small Southern California island of Coronado rarely makes news for violent crime. But in the spring of 1975, World War II widow and retired librarian Ruth Quinn was murdered, execution-style, in her cottage. Her death sent a shock wave through the community. The granddaughter of Jujubes and Juj…
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Le sommeil… il s'agit de la forme la plus aboutie du repos. Le sommeil permet à l'organisme de récupérer sur le plan physique mais aussi mental, et on en parle dans ce magazine avec le Dr Isabelle Poirot, Psychiatre, Spécialiste des troubles du sommeil au Centre Hospitalier universitaire de Lille en France et Vice-Présidente de l’INSV, l'Institut…
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Omar The Pharmacist, today's guest on Earl's Show, highlights the importance of soaking up 15 to 20 minutes of sunlight daily to boost our vitamin D levels, as we explore the connection between sunlight and mental health. Our discussion also covers pain tolerance and the ways our brain and nerves process pain. When it comes to over-the-counter pain…
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In this episode, TRC Healthcare editor, Sara Klockars, PharmD, BCPS, discusses a new drug for COPD, ensifentrine (Ohtuvayre). This is an excerpt from our September 2024 Pharmacy Essential Updates continuing education webinar series. The clinical resources mentioned during the podcast are part of a subscription to Pharmacist’s Letter, Pharmacy Techn…
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The winner of 2015 ‘America’s Got Talent’, Paul Zerdin is a comedian, magician and ventriloquist of international repute. Paul has appeared all over the world with his puppets Sam, Albert and Baby. Paul is arguably the UK’s number one ventriloquist and made his TV debut in 1993 as the host of GMTV’s ‘Rise and Shine’. He then went on to win ITV’s Th…
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Omar The Pharmacist appears on the Earl Ingram show to discuss gut health and the significance of good bacteria. While some people may have a negative perception of probiotics, they are essential for maintaining a balanced gut. These helpful bacteria aid in digestion and bolster immune function, thereby positively impacting overall health. Fermente…
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Omar is excited to join Earl ingram show for a lively discussion on health topics. Omar the pharmacist shares valuable insights on the essential precautions we should adopt to bolster our immune systems, emphasizing the importance of supplements and the necessity of flu and COVID vaccines to safeguard our well-being. RPH Omar discusses an innovativ…
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Pippa Evans is an award-winning musical performer, improviser, author, writer and dramaturg who specialises in improvisation and musical theatre. Pippa is a regular on BBC Radio 4 with credits including: The Now Show, Just a Minute and The Unbelievable Truth and she has toured theatres nationwide as a member of the official I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Cl…
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One candy heiress, two bullets and three suspects. The small Southern California island of Coronado rarely makes news for violent crime. But in the spring of 1975, World War II widow and retired librarian Ruth Quinn was murdered, execution-style, in her cottage. Her death sent a shock wave through the community. The granddaughter of Jujubes and Juj…
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L'avortement quand il n'est pas pratiqué dans les bonnes conditions peut entraîner des problèmes de santé voir le décès. En dépit de ces risques, de nombreuses femmes pour diverses raisons prennent la décision d'avorter clandestinement.Illustration en Centrafrique.Dans la seconde partie de ce magazine, il sera question des difficultés liées à la lu…
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John H Stracey is one of Britain's greatest World Boxing Champions of all time. He achieved the ultimate in December of 1975, when he became the undisputed Welterweight Champion of the World in Mexico City. He also famously boxed in Las Vegas on the Muhammad Ali bill. Before he reached the age of 18, John won no less than five National Championship…
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Are you ready to experience a deeper walk with Jesus? At People of Vision International, we are dedicated to the life-changing power of His limitless grace. Our mission is to cultivate a space where you can grow in faith, discover your unique identity in Christ, and deepen your connection with the Holy Spirit. Together, we strive to share the love …
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Ruth Bratt became a permanent member of the world famous Comedy Store Players in 2024, the first new permanent member for nearly 30 years. She played the recurring character of Roche in the comedy show People Just Do Nothing. Ruth is a founder member of Showstopper: The Improvised Musical. The show had its own series for Radio 4 and can be seen liv…
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Join us as we chat with Jim, author of "The Last Lynching in Northern Virginia," about the hidden histories of racial violence and love in the South. This episode uncovers the silences that have long overshadowed these stories. In 1932, a black man was found hanging on Rattlesnake Mountain in Fauquier County. A mob set fire to his body. Officials i…
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Marsha Thomason is a British actress now living in LA who is known for playing Sara Evers in Disney's The Haunted Mansion opposite Eddie Murphy, Naomi Dorrit on the ABC series Lost, FBI agent Diana Berrigan on the USA Network series White Collar, Francine Bridge on Sky's Cobra and DS Jenn Townsend in ITV crime series The Bay. Series 5 of The Bay is…
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Are you ready to experience a deeper walk with Jesus? At People of Vision International, we are dedicated to the life-changing power of His limitless grace. Our mission is to cultivate a space where you can grow in faith, discover your unique identity in Christ, and deepen your connection with the Holy Spirit. Together, we strive to share the love …
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Alister Kingsley is a Melbourne Australia-based comedian, performer, and writer, blending musical comedy with sharp observational humour. Alister has been compared by many people to a young Tim Minchin! He will be performing at The Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2025. Mike came across Alister’s comedy on Instagram and liked him so much, he…
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Join us as we chat with Jim, author of "The Last Lynching in Northern Virginia," about the hidden histories of racial violence and love in the South. This episode uncovers the silences that have long overshadowed these stories. In 1932, a black man was found hanging on Rattlesnake Mountain in Fauquier County. A mob set fire to his body. Officials i…
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In this episode, TRC Healthcare editor, Stephen Small, PharmD, BCPS, BCPPS, BCCCP, CNSC, discusses the management of diabetes meds around surgery. This is an excerpt from our November 2024 Pharmacy Essential Updates continuing education webinar series. The clinical resources mentioned during the podcast are part of a subscription to Pharmacist’s Le…
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Les maladies sexuellement transmissibles, c'est le sujet sur lequel nous nous penchons cette semaine dans ce numéro de Capsule santé.Alors que ces maladies touchent dans une grande majorité les jeunes, nous irons au Cameroun pour avoir leurs avis sur la question mais il sera aussi question des moyens de prévention.…
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Anton Du Beke is best known for being a professional dancer and a judge on Strictly Come Dancing. Anton has been in every series of Strictly since it started in 2004. His latest project is a podcast: Putt & Strut with Anton Du Beke and Sarah Stirk. A golf podcast that looks at the lighter side of the game, focussing on the funny stories from the gr…
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Are you prepared to deepen your experience with Jesus? At People of Vision International, we are committed to the transformative power of His boundless grace. Our goal is to foster an environment where you can strengthen your faith, uncover your distinct identity in Christ, and enhance your relationship with the Holy Spirit. United, we aim to sprea…
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Jena Friedman is an Academy Award-nominated writer and comedian. She is the creator of SOFT FOCUS on Adult Swim and TRUE CRIME STORY: INDEFENSIBLE on AMC+. Her writing credits include BORAT 2: Subsequent Movie Film, THE CONNERS on ABC and THE LATE SHOW WITH DAVID LETTERMAN. She was also a field producer on THE DAILY SHOW WITH JON STEWART from 2012 …
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In 1938, the administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt created a small agency called Fannie Mae. Intended to make home loans more accessible, the agency was born of the Great Depression and a government desperate to revive housing construction. It was a minor detail of the New Deal, barely recorded by the newspapers of the day. Over the next seve…
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Steve Nallon is a writer and actor best known for voicing Spitting Image’s most iconic characters, including Margaret Thatcher, Alan Bennett and The Queen Mum. Steve's acting work now ranges from theatre, film and television, to video games, radio drama and audio books. As a playwright and comedy writer, Steve has a considerable body of credits to …
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Are you prepared to deepen your experience with Jesus? At People of Vision International, we are committed to the transformative power of His boundless grace. Our goal is to foster an environment where you can strengthen your faith, uncover your distinct identity in Christ, and enhance your relationship with the Holy Spirit. United, we aim to sprea…
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