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Podcasting, comedia, critica social,sitcom, humor, la doña, español, tatiano, tiliches, relatos, anecdotas, improvisacion, improv, skits, historias, habladas, platicas, escritura, entretenimiento, comunidad, monologos, actualidad, trending, tendencias, topics, temas de interes,
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Samuel And Manuel Movie Podcast

Samuel And Manuel Movie Podcast

Sam and Manny go through each year and review the 5 Best Picture nominees, the Razzie winner for Worst Picture and a few other culturally significant films from that year and then wrap it all up with a year in review episode.
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La découverte et l'actualité des mers et de l’océan, des « Mériens » et des « Mériennes », de l'économie maritime et des territoires ultras marins. Les chroniques littorales larguent les amarres tous les jours... Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Hosted by CEO and entrepreneur, Manuel Amezcua, At The Podium features conversations with high-performance people in sports, business, and life who have done the work most won't do to experience life in a way most never will. We recognize their unique sacrifices lessons and stories, all of which we celebrate with them At The Podium.
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Manuel, the creative force behind The Manuel Fontes Show, delves into wide array of topics, covering everything from news and current events to the latest movies, captivating comic books, the thrilling world of sports, and the ever-evolving landscape of video games. I make an effort to inject humor into show and strive to provide commentary, I must admit that the research might not always be as rigorous as I would like it to be, but I offer a raw and authentic reaction and opinion to what's ...
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K.E.C.K. Der Podcast für ein selbst-bewussteres Leben! Anregende Impulse, Mut machende Geschichten und sofort umsetzbare Praxistipps. Damit Du Dein Leben glücklich, erfolgreich und selbstbestimmt gestalten kannst. Manuela Klasen begleitet mit ihrem Kraftvollen Energie Coaching, seit vielen Jahren Menschen dabei, mutiger und selbstbewusster zu werden, ihren eigenen Erfolgsweg zu finden und auch zu gehen. Persönliche und berufliche Wünsche und Ziele sollen kein Traum bleiben. Als Persönlichkei ...
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Emprende con Juan Manuel

Juan Manuel Gareli Fabrizi

¡Bienvenido/a! Llegaste al lugar donde en cualquier situación, el auto, la calle, o en la calma de tu habitación, vas a APRENDER a emprender. Ven a aprender sobre : Marketing, Ventas, Publicidad, SEO, Neurociencias, Meta ADS, Google ADS, TikTok ADS y descubrir algunos secretos para hacer crecer tu negocio... Juan Manuel lleva invertido más de €1,4M en anuncios y ha ayudado a grandes empresas a escalar su facturación gracias a la optimización basada en análisis matemático.
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Hey beautiful you! Welcome to BRIGHTSPOTSRADIO. I am your host Sandra Laura Manuela. It is my passion to guide, support & inspire women worldwide to a life that feels fulfilled, self expressed & simply amazing. This podcast helps you to rise above your insecurities and become the Self- Expressed woman you are meant to be. In this space you will learn how you can mesmerise the room with your unique Magic & Magnetism. Each episode I offer you tiny pockets filled with endless Brightspots. In my ...
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Prasanna Diana Manuela

Prasanna Diana Manuela

Prasanna is an International Speaker, Feminine Prosperity Creatrix and International Bestselling Author of Elemental Woman™. I work with conscious and creative women entrepreneurs globally, who want to Awaken their Heart’s Calling and powerfully bring that into every detail of their life and business.
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Keeping up With Manuel

Manuel Angel Garcia

How i went from a totally happy life, to a shitty spiral downfall. See (listen) how I attempt to turn my life around, and how i’m living life up to date. social media twitter - daddyyymanuel instagram - daddyymanuel snapchat - the_fuckface
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show series
In this episode of At the Podium with Manuel Amezcua, we're sitting down with 4 x NBA Champion Draymond Green. Draymond has become a legend on the court, but his legacy off the court is growing swiftly. He has a major goal of becoming a billionaire one day, and in this conversation, we touch on how exactly he plans to get to that point, and what ot…
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We start with a rant about the Podcast Industry and set the record straight. We then discuss California's inflation, Corporate Greed, and then we stumble upon a Cartel Death Camp....A truly Random episode. Discovery of secret crematoriums at a ranch in Mexico stirs fears of a cover-up contact:…
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apoyame escuchando episodios en canal y sus videos son para personas de 13 años y mayores , seguro para el trabajo. #humor #shorts #monos #idea #guion #voces #animacion2d #manuelfm #audiovisual #animación #parodia #comedia #memes #elpersonajedelasemana #cinematic teletubbies español,teletubbi…
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In this episode current events are tackled, and Barbie and Ubisoft unveil some new stuff. Articles: Mattel Unveils Mix-and-Match Barbie Dolls at Toy Fair - The Toy Book New ‘Assassin’s Creed’ Releases To Strong Reviews—But Sparks Anti-’Woke’ Backlash And Roils Japanese Government Ubisoft Has Reportedly Prepared Lawyers & Anti-Harassment Plan for ‘A…
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Harry Sisson is being accused of exploiting 11 women and I can't wait for the fallout. Ice cream company Ben And Jerry sue Unilever for breach of contract. Chuck Schumer goes on The View and talks crazy. Tim Walz hates Tesla. sources: Sarah Fields on X: "Carlee, one of Harry’s victims, has described the situation in the most detail. Summary of her …
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De zanger en artiest Rob De Nijs heeft velen beroerd door zijn stem, charisma en muziek. Sandra Laura Manuela (Sandra Deakin) is nog even in haar radio archief gedoken en vond nog een heel bijzonder interview terug met Rob De Nijs over het leven , de dood, de liefde en zijn muziek. PS : meer info over de nieuwe online reeks ‘The Mystery & Magic of …
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durée : 00:04:17 - Chroniques littorales - par : Jose Manuel Lamarque - Les Trophées Innovation Océan, un concours national porté depuis 2020 par le Crédit Maritime Grand Ouest, met à l’honneur des entreprises, des centres de recherche, des collectivités qui développent des projets innovants en adéquation avec la préservation des océans et la crois…
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France asks for the Statue of Liberty to be returned to them, and I say come get it!!! Then we hop into the time machine and travel back to 2010 and find politician after politician talking about getting rid of waste and fraud in Medicare. and then we have a boy named harry... Articles: From France comes a call for Trump's America to return Lady Li…
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In dieser Episode, möchte ich dich über eine Impulsgeschichte einladen, wieder mit deiner inneren Stimme und Intuition in Kontakt zu gehen, wenn du eine Veränderung anstrebst oder ein Ziel erreichen willst. Manchmal muss man um die Ecke denken, ins Vertrauen gehen oder die Perspektive wechseln, um Lösungen zu finden. So wie der Strom, der die Wahl …
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Music is hard and George Clinton is suing to get his music back. Spotify pays out billions of dollars to record labels and only the bottom of that barrel is paid to the performers. Nicholas Cage has a pain in the ass kid and the California AB1333 is put on hold in the legislator. Articles George Clinton Files $100M Lawsuit In Fight For Ownership Of…
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I did not know that Nissan and Honda are trying to merge, or the Brooklyn DA is actively trying to make crime go up or that some Moron is in trouble for stealing millions from a meal fund in Minnesota. Articles Nissan Replaces CEO After Failed Honda Merger DA Darcel Clark is the root cause of crime in the Bronx Feeding Our Future leader Aimee Bock …
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durée : 00:04:16 - Chroniques littorales - par : Jose Manuel Lamarque - Ce sont des hommes, des femmes pour leurs actions innovantes ayant un impact positif sur l’Océan ou des innovations directement inspirées par l’Océan, récompensés par la Fondation de la mer. Alexandre Iaschine, son Directeur Général les présente.…
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In this episode, I discuss the decline in egg prices (indeed!); some X posts, and a fetish known as Financial Domination, commonly referred to as Findom, where an individual is termed a paypig. How unusual is this phenomenon? let me know your story with Findom in the comments of the platform you're listening to this podcast on. Email: manuel@fontes…
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durée : 00:04:14 - Chroniques littorales - par : Jose Manuel Lamarque - San Francisco, une ville chère au matelot Jack London qui deviendra l’écrivain que l’on connaît, la ville de celle qui deviendra la femme de sa vie, Charmian Kittredge. Christel Mouchard nous emmène dans son ouvrage, « Charmian et Jack London », à partager une histoire d’amour …
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durée : 00:04:13 - Chroniques littorales - par : Jose Manuel Lamarque - ProtecMarineNC développe une protection de coque de bateau en forme de V amarrée à l'emplacement du bateau. Le propriétaire devra utiliser son téléphone portable pour faire démarrer la pompe qui va gonfler le reste de la protection. Les explications de son fondateur, Eric Celma…
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durée : 00:04:06 - Chroniques littorales - par : Jose Manuel Lamarque - Vincent Campredon a été Commissaire général de la Marine, et il a été l'homme à qui l’on a confié la rénovation du Musée de la Marine au Trocadéro. Aujourd'hui, il œuvre toujours pour la mer, la sensibilisation pour la mer et l'océan, les enjeux passés, présents et à venir……
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MORE at channel and its videos are for people 13 years and older, safe for work. #humor #idea #toons #animation #cartoon #manuelfm #script #voiceacting #bootleg #parody #comedy shrek 5,shrek,shrek 5 movie,shrek 5 teaser,shrek 5 trailer,shrek 5 official trailer,shrek 5 teaser trailer,shrek 5 f…
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It that time of the year again.... the 8th annual SAMPAS are here!! Jordan, Kyle and Manny reveal their award winners from the year in film of 2024! With categories like: Most Disappointing, Best Action Scene, Worst Film of the Year and Favorite Film of the Year, the episode is our look back on 2024 and the films and performances we loved and hated…
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durée : 00:04:16 - Chroniques littorales - par : Jose Manuel Lamarque - Un des lauréats des Trophées Innovation Océan 2024, la société Alegina, qui valorise la transformation de déchets coquilliers, par exemple, l'huître, qui devient de la porcelaine. Philippe Gaboriau, un des fondateurs d'Alegina, nous présente cette société.…
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