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Cumulus Podcast Network | VINCE

Get ready for VINCE, where Vince Coglianese brings his unparalleled wit, wisdom and sharp political acumen to the podcast arena! With in-depth interviews and insider knowledge of Washington, DC, Vince offers a sharp, unvarnished perspective you won't find anywhere else. His authenticity and unmatched ability to rapidly make sense of chaotic news cycles makes VINCE one of the most important podcasts on the planet. Ready to be informed, engaged and entertained? Good. You're going to love VINCE.
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The Vince Coglianese Show

WMAL | Cumulus Media Washington

Don't miss the show that's the talk of the nation's capital! Forget the mainstream headlines! Get the truth! The Vince Coglianese Show cuts through the nonsense to deliver the real news every day. With nearly two decades in conservative journalism and broadcasting, Vince provides a shockingly refreshing and entertaining take on the day's biggest stories. His unparalleled roster of expert guests and newsmakers offer fresh insights that blast through the BS of Washington politics. The Vince Co ...
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Vinhos de Bicicleta

Sommelier Rodrigo Ferraz

Podcast apresentado pelo sommelier Rodrigo Ferraz do Canal Vinhos de Bicicleta, reconhecido como o maior canal de vinhos da América Latina no YouTube. Prepare-se para uma viagem divertida e didática pela cultura do vinho. Cheers!
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Vince Russo's "Before My Head EXPLODES" is a 30 minute, twice a week podcast, where the most polarizing and contraversial man in the history of sports entertainment will rant, rave and rapid-fire his honest opinions on everything from pop culture, current news, entertainment, sports, music and whatever else is twisting his mind and burning his tongue! Real, dynamic, hard-hitting and oh yeah---NO MAMBY-PAMBYS allowed!
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'Que Vinho foi Esse?' é um podcast feito para quem ama vinho e tem sede, com a missão te ajudar a beber melhor, trazendo informações, dicas e ideias valiosas em um papo leve. Isabelle Moreira Lima e Patrícia Brentzel apresentam em todos os episódios sugestões de harmonização e um glossário explicando o vocabulário do mundo do vinho.
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Vin for begyndere


Podcasten som hjælper dig med finde din personlige smag inden for vin og samtidig gør dig klogere på de dejlige dråber. Rigtig god lyttelyst! Vært: Jonas Landin Ekspert: René Langdahl Der kan forekomme sponseret indhold i afsnittene. Køb bogen her Besøg os på Facebook og Instagram, hvor man kan vinde vin og se billeder og andet godt. Web: Kontakt: radiot ...
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SportsTalk Co-Host and Vol Network Play-By-Play Announcer and On-Air Personality, Vince Ferrara, shares his one-on-one interviews with Vols, SEC and national sports figures including athletes, coaches, broadcasters and much more.
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Cue the Next Leader is a series of conversations designed to share a common journey to help automotive leaders go further, faster. Go beyond what your team is achieving today with valuable lessons from other managers and owners in our industry. “We study the successes of others deeply, so that together we rise.” – Danny Zaslavsky. For more information on VINCUE, go to
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Vinci Partners

Vinci Partners

A Vinci Compass é sua principal parceira em investimentos alternativos e global solutions na América Latina. Com quase três décadas de experiência e com operações em onze escritórios espalhados pela América Latina e pelos Estados Unidos, nossa expertise abrange: Private Equity, Crédito, Real Estate, Infraestrutura, Florestal, Equities, Produtos e Soluções de Investimentos Globais, e Corporate Advisory. Cada segmento é liderado por equipes especializadas, comprometidas com a excelência em ges ...
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Vin för Rookies

Enjoy Wine & Spirits AB

För dig som älskar vin men vill få bättre kunskap om denna dryck och dess olika varianter. Våra experter Thomas Holstein och Johan Eklöf är dina värdar i en rapp podcast där ingen fråga är för dum, ingen fråga för svår. Nytt avsnitt varannan fredag. Skål och välkomna!
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Seattle Eats with Tan Vinh

KUOW News and Information and Seattle Times

Seattle is a buffet of great food... if you know where to look. Seattle Times journalist Tan Vinh invites listeners to the area's hottest restaurants, road-side food stalls and everywhere in between to find the best meals in the city and to meet the people who make them sing. New episodes every other Thursday. Thank you to the supporters of KUOW, you help make this show possible! If you want to help out, go to Seattle Eats is a production of The S ...
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Amateurs de vin, nos spécialistes César Compadre et Mathieu Hervé vous donnent rendez-vous au fil des saisons pour discuter bonnes bouteilles, vignoble bordelais et actualité viticole. Dans chaque épisode, ils vous guident sur les événements immanquables de la filière, décryptent ses enjeux et vous dévoilent leur bons plans (à consommer avec modération !). Ils reçoivent également des acteurs majeurs du monde viticole pour de longs entretiens. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour ...
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Zerocarbonista is the podcast from green entrepreneur and climate change campaigner, Dale Vince. From building his first windmill in 1996 to taking Forest Green Rovers Football Club vegan in 2015 and becoming a United Nations Ambassador in 2019, Dale Vince has made saving planet his life’s mission.
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Welcome to PrayerLife, led by Prophet Vincent Kyeremateng. Our mission is to create an atmosphere of Worship Without Walls. Our ultimate goal is to cultivate a congregation filled with the Holy Spirit—individuals walking in the ways of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and obedient to the Word of our Heavenly Father. We earnestly pray for a genuine intimacy with the Holy Spirit, seeking a profound connection with Him after each service. Join us for our weekly schedules: • Global Sunday Serv ...
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Your life is the biggest design project you will ever undertake! In his Design Your Life podcast series, Vince Frost discusses how design principles can be applied to everyday life with a group of leading creative guests. Listen in as designers, journalists, CEOs and founders reveal the key turning points in their lives and talk about the role design has played in shaping the success of their brands and careers. Vince Frost is the CEO and Executive Creative Director of ...
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Conteúdos e aulas de vinhos do prof. Marcelo Vargas, que atua como professor de pós-graduação da Università di Camerino (Itália) e PUCRS. Coordenador técnico no MBA em Marketing e Negócios do Vinho e Pós de Negócios em Alimentos e Bebidas da ESPM. Pesquisador do Centro Italiano di Analisi Sensoriale (CIAS Innovation) para projetos nas áreas de Análise Sensorial, Consumer Science e Neurociência Aplicada. Diretor da Associação Brasileira de Sommeliers (ABS-RS).Professor de sommeleirs no Brasil ...
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Vince Miller Podcast

Vince Miller

Get ready to be inspired and transformed with Vince Miller, a renowned author and speaker who has dedicated his life to helping men become the best versions of themselves. With over 36 books under his belt, Vince has become a leading voice in the field of manhood, masculinity, fatherhood, mentorship, and leadership. He has been featured on major video and radio platforms such as RightNow Media, Faithlife TV, FaithRadio, and YouVersion, reaching men all over the world. Vince's Men's Daily Dev ...
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20 Divin, le Podcast du Vin

20 Divin, le Podcast du Vin

20 Divin, c'est 20 minutes pour tout comprendre sur le vin : les cépages, les terroirs, les appellations, les grands crus, les vins de soif, la dégustation, les accords mets-vins, les conseils pour constituer sa cave, les millésimes, les bonnes adresses etc... C'est aussi l'opportunité de découvrir des vignerons, des producteurs ou d'aller à la rencontre de spécialistes du vin (œnologues, cavistes, maîtres de chais etc...). 20 Divin est né de l'imagination de Philippe Hermet - passionné de v ...
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Vince Del Monte is an entrepreneur, author, pro fitness model and has helped tens of thousands of men transform their bodies and lives through muscle, health and fitness. The goal of the Vince Del Monte Show is to share raw and real experiences, lessons and timeless principles every man needs to master the 5 M's of becoming a better man. By hearing conversations with legends such as Bedros Keuilian, Ryan Lee, Craig Ballantyne, Dan Lok, and Lewis Howes you'll build muscle faster, achieve a wi ...
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Vinh and Ali Show

Vinh Giang and Ali Terai

Vinh Giang is one of the world's top keynote speakers and communication teachers. Ali Terai is the Founder and CEO of Future Golf, an award winning passion business. In this podcast, Vinh and Ali discuss the books and lessons that have shaped their lives.
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DevTalk with Rich and Vin

Rich Nass, Embedded Computing Design

The DevTalk with Rich and Vin podcast features Rich Nass, EVP of Embedded Computing Design, and Vin D’Agostino, veteran embedded systems designer. Each episode tackles a different aspect of embedded system design, from the hardware to the software to the tools. It’ll also look at some higher level market issues, but only as it impacts the engineer/developer. Topics covered include artificial intelligence, embedded systems, machine learning, industrial automation and much more.
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VincentsGo3on3 - The Vincent boys love to meet today's top athletes and learn how they eat healthy and stay at the top of their game! Check out our Podcast which will be available weekly with today’s top stars. 🏈🏀⚾️
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Le Vin Pas à Pas - Devenez un dégustateur averti

Yann Rousselin - Le Vin Pas à Pas/Le COAM

Vous voulez apprendre le vin ? Savoir comment choisir un bon vin pour accompagner les plats lors de vos soirées entre amis ou entre collègues ? Vous souhaitez apprendre toutes les techniques pour mieux déguster un vin, et retrouver à l’aveugle sa provenance ou son cépage ? Vous êtes au bon endroit. Vous allez découvrir des podcasts pour PROGRESSER PAS A PAS dans le monde passionnant du vin. QUI EST YANN ROUSSELIN ? - Fondateur de l’école de dégustation Le COAM (Cours d’Oenologie And More), - ...
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We are all about NYC real estate. The transaction, buyers, sellers, attorney’s, mortgage brokers and agents. Many topics and great conversations with the top leaders in our industry. Fascinating information that is invaluable and a few real life stories that will make you laugh…I think. We talk about the current NYC markets and it’s ever changing dynamics. The show is highly rated and in demand. Take a listen and leave a rating and review. I greatly appreciate your support. - Vince Filmed at ...
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Lise Aanes, journalist, forfatter og vinformidler, snakker om naturlig vin med venner, vinprodusenter og bransjefolk. Diskusjoner om naturvin og livet for både de spesielt interesserte og de helt ferske, inkludert vintips!⚡️ Liker du naturvin? Bestill Lises bok Naturvin – den eneste norske boka om naturvin – på Norli 🤝 Ønsker du tilgang til alle episodene? For mindre enn prisen av én sort kaffe i måneden, får du tilgang til hele arkivet pluss masse ekstra bonusmateriale! Bli medlem på https: ...
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Gillar du mat och vin? Här är matpodden som förenklar. Stefan på svarar lyssnarfrågor: Enklare matlagning, knep i köket, goda smakkombinationer, mat och vin ihop. Här hittar du bästa vinerna på Systembolaget: ( – Sveriges största vinsajt med Topplistor) Instagram: (@vinbetyget) Livet är för långt för att dricka tråkiga viner.
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Vincos Podcast

Vincenzo Cosenza

Marketing e Tecnologia al tempo della rete. Riflessioni e approfondimenti su comunicazione, social media, digital marketing, nuove tecnologie, web3, metaversi. Per approfondire ti aspetto su
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show series
Vinene i afsnittet er skænket af Løgismose Smagekasse med 40% rabat ................... I dagens afsnit skal vi til Bordeaux og smage merlot fra Saint-Émilion og Pomerol. Og fra den danske vinmager Peter Sisseck. Det er alle tre vine med en helt utrol…
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Det er et lotterielement knyttet til lagring. I ukens episode får du flere tommelfingerregler. Ukens omtalte viner Tysk riesling: Geheimrat Riesling Spätlese trocken 2011 Spanske rødviner: P. A. Larsen Haro Rioja 2012 Lopez de Heredia Toscana: Castell'in Villa Mitt Toscana 2013 Castell'in Villa Chianti Classico Riserva 1971 Castell'in Villa Piemont…
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Brut, Extra-brut...mais aussi Hors Catégorie, est le monde de Carine Bailleul, cheffe de cave du Champagne Castelnau. Originaire du Vercors, fille d’agriculteurs, Carine Bailleul voulait être infirmière mais découvre le vin lors d’un stage chez Jaillance qui produit la fameuse Clairette de Dié. Après une visite des caves de Tain-l’Herm…
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Vous dégustez un vin incroyable… et quelques jours plus tard, impossible de vous rappeler son nom ou son goût exact ? C’est normal ! Notre cerveau oublie 50% des informations en 48h si elles ne sont pas bien ancrées. Mais alors, comment mémoriser durablement un vin pour ne plus jamais l’oublier ? Dans cette nouvelle vidéo (dispo sur ma chaine Youtu…
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Listen in with VIN Foundation board member and Student Debt Education lead Dr. Tony Bartels in this next installment of our Student Debt Series. In this episode we’re covering the latest news on income-driven repayment application changes Topics covered included: What happened to the Income-Driven Repayment application? If borrowers are using an in…
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NB! Episode in English! We return to Italy in this second episode of 2025, this time with the lovely Simone, son of Filippo and Nancy at the Sicilian winery Lamoresca. The family is situated about 50 square kilometers from any other winery and is managing their plants in an extraordinary harsh climate, which is growing harsher every year. How do th…
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Coproprétaire avec la famille Courtin (le groupe Clarins) du Château Beauséjour à Saint-Emilion, Joséphine Duffau-Lagarrosse revient sur cette vente-record à Bordeaux (un montant estimé entre 70 et 75 millions d'euros pour une propriété de moins de 7 hectares), dans des circonstances qui ont marqué le monde du vin à Bordeaux en 2021. Elle répond au…
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Vad kan finnas på tallriken under årets kallare månader och hur kan vi matcha det med vin? Vi får nöjet att gästas av vår så bekanta matexpert och tidigare matskribent Måns Falk som tillsammans med vår programledare Johan Eklöf återigen sätter sig i poddstudion för ett nytt spännande avsnitt av Vin för Rookies. Vi får lyssna till mängder av tips oc…
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In this episode of Nightly Scroll, I'll expose failures of the Biden administration like commuting the sentence of a career criminal, and creating jobs for illegal immigrants. Then, liberals meltdown at their city council meeting, refusing to assist ICE with deportation efforts. The Democrats are still wondering why they lost the election, and thei…
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JD Vance joins VINCE to discuss his new life as Vice President, working for Donald Trump, Kamala Harris' insane Vice-Presidency, and his favorite Vance memes. Chief Justice John Roberts Takes the Side of Deep State Swamp Creatures Against Trump…
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On the eve of it's debut in theaters, we examine the multiple controversies surrounding Disney's Snow White and its lead star, Rachel Zegler. Can we forgive her for the damage that has been done? Does she deserve it? Is she completely to blame? #snowwhite #snowwhiteandsevendwarfs #rachelzegler #galgadot #tobymac #heavenonmymind #disney #vspodcast F…
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Eating out is getting pricier. But if you’re looking for a great deal at Seattle-area restaurants, all you have to do is adventure out on a quieter day. Many local eateries run deals during their slowest hours, like Monday evenings or mid-week lunch times. In this episode, Tan explains his list of the 5 best meal deals in the region. Read more abou…
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On this week’s episode, Vince discusses how many sellers and agents still rely on open houses as a marketing tool, and how virtual open houses and appointment-only previews have gained traction, especially for luxury properties. Featuring guests Sara Rotter and Mike Lubin of Brown Harris Stevens, and Avi Alkotzer of Compass. If you are an agent in …
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Life can feel like walking a tightrope. Lean too far one way—self-righteousness—and you become rigid and judgmental. Lean too far the other—reckless sin—and you risk destruction. But what if there’s a better way? Welcome to The Daily, where we go through the Bible verse by verse, chapter by chapter, every single day. Today, we’re looking at Ecclesi…
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3/19/2025 Guest host: Joe Concha Hour-3 Listen as Joe Concha talks with Sean Spicer: former press secretary for President Trump's first term, and podcaster. They discuss the current Press Secretary, what is was like being Press Secretary. Tim Walz, The Astronauts returned home by Space X. The democrats, and what to wear on TV! Also: Democrats on mo…
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3/19/2025 Guest host: Joe Concha Hour-3 Listen as Joe Concha talks with Sean Spicer: former press secretary for President Trumps first term, podcaster. They discuss the current Press Secretary, what is was like being Press Secretary. Tim Walz, The Astronauts returned home by Space X. The democrats, and what to wear on TV! For more coverage on the i…
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3/19/2025 Guest host: Joe Concha Hour-2 Listen as Joe Concha talks with Gregg Jarrett; Fox News Legal Analyst; They discuss the Alien Enemies Act, judge impeachment history, Democrats, Biden pardons,Auto pen and consent, and Columbia University protests. Also: News on JFK files release, Ukraine-Russia Ceasefire update. For more coverage on the issu…
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3/19/2025 Guest host: Joe Concha Hour-2 Listen as Joe Concha talks with Gregg Jarrett; Fox News Legal Analyst; They discuss the Alien Enemies Act, judge impeachment history, Democrats, Biden pardons, Auto- pen and consent, and Columbia University protests. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you, visit, download the WMAL app…
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3/19/2025 Guest host: Joe Concha Hour-1 Listen as Joe Concha talks about today's White House pres conference. Also: the left's try at comedy. The middle east, and protests and and vandalism. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you, visit, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9 from 3-6pm. See…
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In this episode of Nightly Scroll, Hayley sits down with ColoradoGirl73, a veteran who says a gym employee harassed her over her "Make America Healthy Again" hat—then tried to snatch it off! Plus, the latest on the JFK file drop that’s sending JFK’s grandson into a frenzy. And, we revisit Lia Thomas vs. Riley Gaines—3 years later. Don’t miss it! Tr…
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Se você acha que já conhece tudo sobre Malbec, essa nova geração de vinhos vai te surpreender! Hoje, exploramos a nova escola argentina, um estilo em que a fruta é a atriz principal, resultando em vinhos elegantes. Além da degustação, falamos sobre como o terroir influencia esse perfil moderno de Malbec. Os rótulos que degustamos hoje são: Os rótul…
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In this episode, Vince follows the money on the relentless attacks against Elon Musk and his companies. Plus, a review of the recently released trove of JFK files and the secrets within them. Dan Bongino Sworn in as FBI Deputy Director: "Critical Time for Our Nation"…
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👉 FITNESS COACHES...ENTER TO WIN OUR $10,000 “10K IN 10 WEEKS” SPONSORSHIP GIVEAWAY: A lot of coaches I talk to who are trying to get to $10K/month shoot themselves in the foot. They get into this hustle culture grind, might even hit a $10K month because they're killing themselves working like crazy and …
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We all want security. That’s why we chase after savings, investments, and careful planning—trying to protect ourselves from life’s uncertainties. But even the best financial plan can’t prevent every hardship. What if true security isn’t found in what we have—but in something far more reliable? Welcome to The Daily, where we go through the Bible ver…
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In this episode of the Coach and Bro Show, Vince Russo and Tommy Carlucci dive into a lively discussion on all things sports and wrestling with their usual unfiltered style. Join them as they ponder over Yankees' injuries and touch on the world of professional wrestling. Vince discusses his St. Patty's Day tradition and makes note of Tommy joining …
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3/18/2025 Guest host: Joe Concha Hour-3 Listen as Joe Concha talks with Karoline Leavitt, White House Press Secretary. They discuss the President's accomplishments just sixty days in; How she was part of the Trump campaign,.Her daily experiences in answering reporters questions. Also: An outlook on the Democrats and elections For more coverage on t…
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3/18/2025 Guest host: Joe Concha Hour-3 Listen as Joe Concha talks with Karoline Leavitt, White House Press Secretary. They discuss the President's accomplishments just sixty days in; How she was part of the Trump campaign,.Her daily experiences in answering reporters questions. Also: An outlook on the Democrats and elections For more coverage on t…
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3/18/2025 Guest host: Joe Concha Hour-2 Listen as Joe Concha talks with Lara Trump; "My View with Lara Trump" on Fox News. Daughter in Law of the President. They discuss the cabinet, the President's current term and his previous term. Also: An outlook on the Democrats and elections For more coverage on the issues that matter to you, visit www.WMAL.…
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3/18/2025 Guest host: Joe Concha Hour-1 Listen as Joe Concha talks about vandalism , Ukriane, The left's for AOC, and Schumer news. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you, visit, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9 from 3-6pm. See for privacy information.…
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3/18/2025 Guest host: Joe Concha Hour-2 Listen as Joe Concha talks with Lara Trump; "My View with Lara Trump" on Fox News. Daughter in Law of the President. They discuss the Elon Musk, the President's current term and his previous term. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you, visit, download the WMAL app or tune in live on …
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Stranded astronauts Butch WILMORE and Suni Williams touch down just moments before Nightly Scroll begins! Hayley covers the exciting breaking news. Plus, Hayley reacts to another violent attack on a Las Vegas Tesla station, Tom Homan’s savage response to those resisting the Trump administration’s border agenda, Vice President JD Vance’s NEW job, Do…
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In this episode of Cue Next Leader, host Angela Rizzo sits down with Matt Love, Director of Dealer Services at MaxOffer by CarMax, to explore the game-changing integration between VINCUE and MaxOffer. MaxOffer is a free, no-obligation web app that delivers real-time trade-in offers in under two minutes, providing immediate insights to validate your…
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In the second part of the viral interview, Tucker Carlson joins VINCE to discuss the Biden crime family, J.D. Vance's political genius and prospects for the future, and much more. Trump’s Overtures Toward Greenland Are Paying Off Trump Ties For Highest Approval He's Ever Had - As More Americans Say U.S. Is On Right Track Than Any Time In 20 Years W…
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Ever felt frustrated when life doesn't move as fast as you want? You're not alone. Welcome to The Daily. We go through the bible verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter, every single day. Our text today is Ecclesiastes 7:7-10. Surely oppression drives the wise into madness, and a bribe corrupts the heart. Better is the end of a thing than its beginning,…
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On today's episode Vince covers the Following Topics; how his FIVE Fantasy Baseball Drafts faired this weekend, More SHOCKING DETAILS surrounding the Gene Hackman Mystery, Man Eats RATS on Bronx Street Corner, What you DIDN'T SEE in the "FLINSTONES" and TOP FIVE Cartoons of All-Time!!! @TheVinceRusso…
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3/17/2025 Guest host: Mike Opelka Hour-3 Listen as Mike Opelka talks about President Trump's visit to the Kennedy Center. Also: The release of Files. The Democrats and the the CR being passed. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you, visit, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9 from 3-6pm. See…
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3/17/2025 Guest host: Mike Opelka Hour-2 Listen as Mike Opelka talks Walter Curt; Editor, the W. C. Dispatch They discuss "swatting". Also, The Left and the program "The View". For more coverage on the issues that matter to you, visit, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9 from 3-6pm. See for pr…
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3/17/2025 Guest host: Mike Opelka Hour-1 Listen as Mike Opelka talks Mike Davis; Lawyer. They discuss the judges ruling against the executive branch. Also: A reporter's poor actions. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you, visit, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9 from 3-6pm. See …
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3/17/2025 Guest host: Mike Opelka Hour-1 Listen as Mike Opelka talks Mike Davis; Lawyer. (Article III Project). They discuss the judges ruling against the executive branch. For more coverage on the issues that matter to you, visit, download the WMAL app or tune in live on WMAL-FM 105.9 from 3-6pm. See for privac…
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In this Monday Edition of Nightly Scroll, Hayley details what exactly she wants done now that Kash & Dan are at the helm of the FBI, then she unpacks the glorious border developments from the weekend. Plus, another gruesome fire attack occurs in NYC and a BASED mom is speaking out after her daughter’s Illinois middle school allegedly forced girls t…
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Episode Summary In this episode, How to Choose the Right Trademark for Your Brand, Vincent LoTempio explains the key steps to creating and protecting a strong, distinctive trademark. From understanding the role of trademarks in brand recognition to avoiding common pitfalls, Vincent dives deep into the importance of selecting marks that resonate wit…
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Muita história e qualidade numa pequena região, influenciada pelos Alpes e Mediterrâneo. Assim, podemos apresentar o Südtirol (Alto Ádige), que já conquistou relevância entre os vinhos Italianos - inclusive, competindo com denominações famosas! Não foi sempre assim, e as mudanças não param de despontar em relação aos produtos locais... OUÇA E APREN…
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Children of immigrants are often hard workers; they’re under pressure to live up to their parents’ dreams. And it’s often thought that creativity and hard work don’t go hand in hand. Jean Lin has proven quite the opposite. Growing up in Massachusetts she was aware she came from a different place to her friends. But she credits her different upbring…
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👉 FITNESS COACHES...ENTER TO WIN OUR $10,000 “10K IN 10 WEEKS” SPONSORSHIP GIVEAWAY: If you're never going to send a DM, maybe try a different business, or become an affiliate or something. BUT...that doesn't mean you have to be sleazy and send a million cold DMs. In this episode I'm going to break down …
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