show episodes


Leo Saldanha

O podcast sobre o mercado fotográfico. Inovação, negócios, notícias e tendências. - @NFoTo_o 📷 @leops - @leo_saldanha_job 📷
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Daily news for the podcast and on-demand audio industry - from Apple Podcasts to Spotify, YouTube Music to Joe Rogan. Podnews also covers the latest jobs and events and trending shows in a short update every weekday. - visit to get our free newsletter.
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Economia Austríaca: Fraternidade Hoppeana: Twitter: @SoTo_Speak Artigos em:
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Um apanhado de minhas histórias que passei sozinho ou com amigos. Os casos tristes e "bads", eu vou deixar pra alguém te contar pessoalmente um dia - caso você tenha esse azar -, mas se você quer ouvir histórias engraçadas ou curiosas que passei, está no lugar certo. Talvez uma forma de me conhecer melhor, ou ouvir de mim mesmo, uma aventura qualquer que começou ali no início de minha adolescência. Tem também dicas de brasileiros que vivem na gringa, tem uns lances experimentais, papo sobre ...
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O podcast da JTBD+ vai trazer pra você reflexões e práticas sobre inovação, pesquisas com clientes e, é claro, sobre a teoria de Jobs to be done. O host, Pedro Vargas, vai contar com a participação de Daniel Salengue, Nicolás Martinez e Felipe Barbosa na discussão de temas relevantes para o mercado e para a comunidade de Produto, UX e Design do Brasil.
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Job Stress e Cafeína

Job Stress e Cafeína

Se você trabalha, fica estressado e vive movido por café esse podcast é pra você! Aqui, vamos explorar vários aspectos da vida profissional, desde dicas e truques para aumentar a produtividade até histórias inspiradoras de pessoas e seus trabalhos. Mas não vai achando que somos algum tipo de coach ou guru, vamos aprender junto com vocês ao longo da jornada. E nós sabemos que uma das coisas mais legais no trabalho é dar aquela pausa pra tomar uma cafezinho e bater um papo, então pode encher s ...
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"Metanoia" em Grego antigo significa "Mudar radicalmente a sua forma de pensar". E é disso que precisamos, no mundo digital, no mundo de hoje. Urgente. O Metanoia Lab, podcast autoral do Andrea Iorio, busca ser o seu laboratorio de transformação semanal. A cada episódio, que é publicado cada 4a feira as 8h30 da manhã, o Andrea analisa e comenta 3 frases dos maiores nomes de negócio e pensadores da era digital - entre os quais o Jeff Bezos, Simon Sinek, Sheryl Sandberg e Steve Jobs -, abordan ...
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Podcast Movendo-se, aqui você vai encontrar muito conteúdo com histórias reais e inspiradoras sobre vida, carreira e trabalho, que irão te fazer refletir e quem sabe fazer com que você também se mova! Vambora? Instagram: @movendose Sobre o produtor: Éder Monteiro É formado em Administração pela UFRJ, com especialização em Recursos Humanos pelo COPPEAD/UFRJ e pós-graduação em Neurociências e Comportamento pela PUC-RS. Executivo da área de RH com mais de 15 anos de experiênc ...
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“Visão de Génio” traz um novo olhar sobre grandes génios da humanidade. O que viram de novo? Que novas perspectivas trouxeram às suas áreas? Rubrica a não perder, em parceria com o Alberto Oculista.
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Esse canal tem como objetivo promover conteúdo que ajude pessoas que buscam entender sobre liderança através do coaching. Com foco no autoconhecimento, autodesenvolvimento, através de histórias reais relacionadas a liderança.
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Melhore o seu inglês e conheça a cultura dos falantes nativos desse idioma com histórias reais e emocionantes. Elas são narradas em um inglês fácil de entender e incluem comentários em português para ajudar com o contexto. Criado por Duolingo, a melhor maneira do mundo de aprender idiomas. Apresentado por Helena Fruet e produzido em colaboração com Adonde Media. Compartilhe nosso podcast com seus amigos com a hashtag #DuolingoPodcastBR.
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show series
This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Transform Your Podcast Guest Lineup - Central Talent Booking delivers top-tier guests—celebrities, influencers, thought leaders, and compelling experts—to elevate your podcast. Discover more. Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. The winne…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Transform Your Podcast Guest Lineup - Central Talent Booking delivers top-tier guests—celebrities, influencers, thought leaders, and compelling experts—to elevate your podcast. Discover more. Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. There are more…
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Confira + https://enfbyleosaldanha.comSemana Fotograf.IA - da Comunidade:…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Transform Your Podcast Guest Lineup - Central Talent Booking delivers top-tier guests—celebrities, influencers, thought leaders, and compelling experts—to elevate your podcast. Discover more. Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. Spotify…
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O futuro da fotografia é vídeo? Explore a convergência entre imagem estática e em movimento - Leia aqui: bons motivos para participar da Semana Fotograf.IA:…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Transform Your Podcast Guest Lineup - Central Talent Booking delivers top-tier guests—celebrities, influencers, thought leaders, and compelling experts—to elevate your podcast. Discover more. Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. Buzzsprout is…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. The Guests Your Podcast Needs - From celebrities to experts, Central Talent Booking connects you with the right guests to captivate your listeners. Learn more. Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. Exclusive: Apple Podcasts has made change…
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Novo assistente com IA "causou" entre portais internacionais de fotografia e tecnologia.…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. The Guests Your Podcast Needs - From celebrities to experts, Central Talent Booking connects you with the right guests to captivate your listeners. Learn more. The partnership will include ad and sponsorship opportunities Visit for all the links, and …
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Caminhos da Imagem em 2025: Fotografia, autenticidade e o futuro do marketing visual. Marketing e fotografia: Um paralelo visualNa essência, uma foto é marketing. Ela encapsula os 5 Ps de forma tão natural que se torna uma ferramenta poderosa de comunicação e conexão.Posicionamento: Uma foto é uma assinatura visual. Ela define quem você é, o que re…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. The Guests Your Podcast Needs - From celebrities to experts, Central Talent Booking connects you with the right guests to captivate your listeners. Learn more. Podcasters hard at work at the next event in the Canadian city Visit for all the links, and t…
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Instagram em 2025: Uma ferramenta indispensável ou um desafio desgastante para fotógrafos? Leia aqui: o desafio Palco 2025: 2025:…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. The Guests Your Podcast Needs - From celebrities to experts, Central Talent Booking connects you with the right guests to captivate your listeners. Learn more. The whole ceremony is available to watch Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter.…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Your Podcast Deserves the Best Guests - Central Talent Booking helps you secure top-tier guests to boost your podcast’s reach and engagement. Find out how. The Podcast Hall of Fame induction ceremony is tonight Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter.…
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Todas as notícias mencionadas neste conteúdo estão aqui: o desafio Palco 2025: 2025:…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Your Podcast Deserves the Best Guests - Central Talent Booking helps you secure top-tier guests to boost your podcast’s reach and engagement. Find out how. A nice example of promotional activity Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. Image: Google…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Your Podcast Deserves the Best Guests - Central Talent Booking helps you secure top-tier guests to boost your podcast’s reach and engagement. Find out how. Among the third wave of featured talent announced today is Anderson Cooper, Jemele Hill and Anna Martin. Visit…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Your Podcast Deserves the Best Guests - Central Talent Booking helps you secure top-tier guests to boost your podcast’s reach and engagement. Find out how. Mistakes and lessons along the way, from Tanner Campbell Visit for all the links, and to get…
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Em 2025, seu preço vai contar uma História. Será que ela é valiosa para seu negócio de fotografia?ém do planejamento estratégico abrangente do R.U.M.O. 2025, explore o poder da Inteligência Artificial com o Fotograf.IA + C.E.Foto: Prepare-se para 2025: Transforme sua carreira fotográfica com inovação e e…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Your Podcast Deserves the Best Guests - Central Talent Booking helps you secure top-tier guests to boost your podcast’s reach and engagement. Find out how. Could you produce an original piece of storytelling audio with just 48 hours notice? Visit for all the links…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Transform Your Podcast Guest Lineup - Central Talent Booking delivers top-tier guests—celebrities, influencers, thought leaders, and compelling experts—to elevate your podcast. Discover more. The magazine was monthly inside some issues of The Sunday Times Visit…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Transform Your Podcast Guest Lineup - Central Talent Booking delivers top-tier guests—celebrities, influencers, thought leaders, and compelling experts—to elevate your podcast. Discover more. We learn the details of a Barstool Sports show Visit for all the links, …
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Transform Your Podcast Guest Lineup - Central Talent Booking delivers top-tier guests—celebrities, influencers, thought leaders, and compelling experts—to elevate your podcast. Discover more. You can vote now for the Podcast of the Year. Visit for a…
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Transforme sua arte em um negócio próspero com estratégias, conhecimento e recursos exclusivos. Imagine converter sua paixão pela fotografia em uma carreira que não apenas pague suas contas, mas também lhe permita expressar sua arte todos os dias. Como em qualquer negócio existem desafios a superar, contudo a recompensa de ver sua paixão se transfo…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Transform Your Podcast Guest Lineup - Central Talent Booking delivers top-tier guests—celebrities, influencers, thought leaders, and compelling experts—to elevate your podcast. Discover more. The man had disappeared in June Visit for all the links, …
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Descubra como alinhar sua identidade visual, estratégias de marketing e fotografia marcante para criar um negócio memorável e sustentável no próximo ano. Leia aqui:ém do planejamento estratégico abrangente do R.U.M.O. 2025, explore o poder da Inteligência Artificial com o Fotograf.IA + C.E.Foto: Prepare-se para 2…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. Transform Your Podcast Guest Lineup - Central Talent Booking delivers top-tier guests—celebrities, influencers, thought leaders, and compelling experts—to elevate your podcast. Discover more. The company doubles its share of new episodes in December Visit for al…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. The Guests Your Podcast Needs - From celebrities to experts, Central Talent Booking connects you with the right guests to captivate your listeners. Learn more. How much will it pay - and could it mean the end of open RSS? Visit for all the links, …
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Neste conteúdo uma visão especial sobre duas publicações recentes do site. Primeiro: IA na fotografia: ameaça para alguns, oportunidade para outros. E na sequência: os 7 pilares para navegar no mercado fotográfico em 2025. IA na fotografia: ameaça ou oportunidade:…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. The Guests Your Podcast Needs - From celebrities to experts, Central Talent Booking connects you with the right guests to captivate your listeners. Learn more. Attention to retention should be your intention Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter.…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. The Guests Your Podcast Needs - From celebrities to experts, Central Talent Booking connects you with the right guests to captivate your listeners. Learn more. Will a shift to video make things harder for women? Visit for all the links, and to get our…
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This is sponsored by Personally, from CBC. From CBC, Personally is the home for intimate storytelling and memoir. Get lost in someone else's life. Now accepting pitches. But how much government funding does it get anyway? Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. Image: James Cridland…
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This is sponsored by Sounds Good, from CBC. From the staff at CBC Podcasts, Sounds Good is a bi-weekly newsletter that offers the latest in news, events and industry buzz from podcast creators and producers. Subscribe now. Hear predictions - it's not assured, not yet Visit for all the links, and to get our news…
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This is sponsored by Sounds Good, from CBC. From the staff at CBC Podcasts, Sounds Good is a bi-weekly newsletter that offers the latest in news, events and industry buzz from podcast creators and producers. Subscribe now. Some of us get a minute - some get 18 minutes Visit for all the links, and to ge…
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This is sponsored by Sounds Good, from CBC. From the staff at CBC Podcasts, Sounds Good is a bi-weekly newsletter that offers the latest in news, events and industry buzz from podcast creators and producers. Subscribe now. Ten moments that got podcasting talked about Visit for all the links, and to get our…
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This is sponsored by Sounds Good, from CBC. From the staff at CBC Podcasts, Sounds Good is a bi-weekly newsletter that offers the latest in news, events and industry buzz from podcast creators and producers. Subscribe now. Revenue up by over 80%, again Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. Im…
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This is sponsored by Sounds Good, from CBC. From the staff at CBC Podcasts, Sounds Good is a bi-weekly newsletter that offers the latest in news, events and industry buzz from podcast creators and producers. Subscribe now. And a membership plan of $450 a year Visit for all the links, and to get our ne…
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This is sponsored by Understood, from CBC. From CBC, Understood goes deep on the current events, people, and cultural moments shaping society. Seasons span four episodes, hosted by journalists with an existing expertise on the story. Now accepting pitches. Clips from podcasts throughout the year Visit…
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This is sponsored by Understood, from CBC. From CBC, Understood goes deep on the current events, people, and cultural moments shaping society. Seasons span four episodes, hosted by journalists with an existing expertise on the story. Now accepting pitches. The size of the podcast market has increased, according to new estimates Visit https://podnew…
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This is sponsored by Understood, from CBC. From CBC, Understood goes deep on the current events, people, and cultural moments shaping society. Seasons span four episodes, hosted by journalists with an existing expertise on the story. Now accepting pitches. The company isn't updating new shows, and has undergone cuts Visit…
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Nova tecnologia que começa a ser integrada nas principais ferramentas de IA permite análise instantânea de ambientes e interações, marcando nova era na inteligência artificial conversacional. Algo que deve ter ainda mais impacto no marketing, estratégia e na área de educação. Leia aqui: acesso ao melhor conteúdo…
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Neste episódio da quarta temporada do Metanoia Lab, patrocinado pela Oi Soluções, o Andrea ( analisa uma frase do Ilya Sutskever, cofundador do OpenAI e hoje cofundador da Safe Superintelligence, que fala sobre as razões pelas quais hoje os Large Language Models chegaram num limite em seu desenvolvimento e aprimoramento, e porque os…
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This is sponsored by Understood, from CBC. From CBC, Understood goes deep on the current events, people, and cultural moments shaping society. Seasons span four episodes, hosted by journalists with an existing expertise on the story. Now accepting pitches. Is it the best ad for a podcast ever? Visit for all…
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Da ascensão da IA à busca por autenticidade, o ano testemunhou uma profunda transformação no cenário fotográficoLeia a matéria aqui: acesso ao melhor conteúdo sobre inovação e negócios da fotografia brasileira assinando fotograf.IA + Clube do Empreendedor…
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This is sponsored by Understood, from CBC. From CBC, Understood goes deep on the current events, people, and cultural moments shaping society. Seasons span four episodes, hosted by journalists with an existing expertise on the story. Now accepting pitches. Licensync is sending invoices demanding payment Visit…
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This is sponsored by Uncover, from CBC. From CBC, Uncover brings listeners explosive, high-caliber investigations and true crime series. CBC is currently accepting pitches from independents and publishers to be part of this successful podcast. ...and the biggest shows in the world Visit for all the links…
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