We conclude a series on the Bible's teaching on 'the presence of God' from creation (Gen. 1) to new creation (Rev. 21-22), noting the people and places, events and institutions in-between. We conclude with the presence of God in the New Creation.HIS PRESENCE IN THE RENEWAL OF CREATION (Rev. 21:1)HIS PRESENCE IN A REDEEMED PEOPLE (Rev. 21:2, 9-21)HI…
We return to the Psalms and the Psalms of Asaph. This is such a beautiful Psalm asking the Lord to show Justice to care for the weak. It's a Psalm that speaks of Christ.UNJUST JUDGES JUDGEDTHE JUST JUDGE JUDGEDPor Daniel Hyde
We continue a series on the Bible's teaching on the 'presence of God' from creation (Gen. 1) to new creation (Rev. 21-22), noting the people and places, events and institutions in-between. We follow up from our study of the presence in Christ in the presence of the Christian.THE PROMISE OF THE SPIRIT'S NEW BIRTH (EZEK. 37 & JOHN 3)THE PROMISE OF TH…
Our annual Vision Sunday looks back at 2024 and ahead to 2025 as we "Explore New Horizons" of what God has for Oceanside in the future.Por Joseph Dutko
Were talking about everyones favourite subject: tithing! Is it biblical? What does Jesus say? Why should I do it? Watch/listen to answer those questions and much more!Por Joseph Dutko
We continue a series on the Bible's teaching on the 'presence of God' from creation (Gen.1) to new creation (Rev. 21-22), noting the people and places, events and institutions in-between. We pick up with the dark time of the exile but how God made his presence/himself known.WHY EXILE? (EZEK. 8-10)The NorthThe SouthHOPE IN EXILE? (EZEK. 11)AFTER EXI…
We continue a series on the Bible's teaching on 'the presence of God' from creation (Gen. 1) to new creation (Rev. 21-22), noting the people and places, events and institutions in-between. We pick up with the temple and see how God made his presence/himself known.WHERE IN THE WORLD IS THE ARK? (1 SAM. 4:2; 2 SAM.6)DAVID'S AMBITION (2 SAM. 7)SOLOMON…
We return to the Psalms and the Psalms of Asaph again. We're going to start out by seeing how this Psalm is a prayer of Christ then how it applies to us in terms of our praying for God to revive us again.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GODACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SINTHE ACTION OF REPENTANCEPor Daniel Hyde
Part 2 of our annual New Years nuggets message! Joseph continues with intersecting nuggets about our upward worship, inward life, and outward living.Por Joseph Dutko
A HOLY HOUSE (25:1-8)ITS FURNITURE The courtyard (27:9-19)Bronze altar (30:17-21)The tent/miskan (26:1-37)Table for bread (25:23-30)Lampstand (25:31-40)Altar of incense (30:1-10)Ark of the covenant (25:10-22)Por Daniel Hyde
Darius has insured a decree which he demanded that it should be done with due diligence and the leaders follow through with the demand. The temple is finished through divine agency as well as human agency. The temple is dedicated with great joy. And we see the celebration of the Passover and Unleavened Bread because of the goodness of the LORD. Sur…
We pick up in the Psalms with Psalm 29 and a prayer for justice and salvation in a time of deep disappointment. As always, we'll hear the voice of Christ and learn how to pray ourselves.THE PROBLEM (VV. 1-4)THE PETITION (VV. 5-12)THE PRAISE (V. 13)Por Daniel Hyde
We continue a series on the biblical teaching of 'the presence of God'. We'll trace this theme from creation (Gen. 1) all the way to new creation (Rev. 21-22), noting the people and places, events and institutions in between. We'll pick up with Israel in the wilderness and see how God made his presence/himself known.THE PILAR OF CLOUD & FIRE (13:17…
It's our annual New Year's nuggets message! In part one Joseph shares 3 interesting nuggets about the history of our faith and some core Christian beliefs.Por Joseph Dutko
Matthew 1:18–25 & Belgic Confession, article 18In his incarnation, the divine Logos assumed a human nature to become like us in all things except for sin so that he would save us from our sins. Following the order of what the Nicene Creed says about the incarnation, we will consider what it means that Christ is our Immanuel. FOR US MEN AND FOR OUR …
Living in our technology driven age, we are constantly prompted to update our devices for optimal results. In Scripture, God's promise of the New Covenant is the "ultimate update" because it is the fulfillment of God"s great covenant promise: "I will be your God, and you will be my people." It is the ultimate update because in the new covenant, thr…
We turn to Psalm 33 tonight, which is a Psalm of praise. What does it teach us about the God we praise?GOD IS THE CREATORGOD IS THE SUSTAINERGOD IS OUR REDEEMERPor Mr. Jared pine
This morning we continue a series on the biblical teaching of the presence of God. We'll trace this theme from creation (Gen. 1) all the way to new creation (Rev. 21-22), noting the people and places, events and institutions in between. We pick up with Israel in Egypt and see how God made himself known.THE FRUITFULNESS OF ISRAEL (CH. 1)THE BIRTH OF…
We continue a series on the biblical teaching of the presence of God. We'll trace this theme from creation (Gen.1) all the way to new creation (Rev. 21-22), noting the people and places, events and institutions in-between. We pick up with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and see how God revealed himself to those we call "the patriarchs".THE PRESENCE OF GO…
Joseph tells the story of the real "Saint Nicholas," an early church leader, and gives helpful tips on how to approach the topic of Santa with your kids.Por Joseph Dutko
This morning we continue a series on the biblical teaching of the presence of God. We'll trace this theme from creation (Gen. 1) all the way to new creation (Rev. 21–22), noting the people and places, events and institutions in-between.Por Daniel Hyde
Reading this section in light of the previous episode sounds too good to be true. Because the eye of God was upon the elders of the Jews, the work continues until they get a response from Darius. God's work will not be stopped forever. God in His providence provides an occasion for the completion of the building of the temple. "The eyes of the Lord…
As a part of our History Month, Joseph tells the story of the controversies concerning the Lord's Supper in the sixteenth century, which eventually led to reformation.Por Joseph Dutko
Jesus has authority to forgive sins, but we are sometimes content (happier?) if he heals our bodies or other ills instead. We are not too hard to please. We are too easy to please. But the Savior knows this too, and often shows us his greatest gifts and power through many smaller blessings WHEN JESUS SEEMED TO MISUNDERSTAND THE SITUATION, BUT DIDN'…
This morning we begin a series on the biblical teaching of the presence of God. We'll trace this theme from creation (Gen. 1) all the way to new creation (Rev. 21–22), noting the people and places, events and institutions in-between. Today we start "in the beginning." Introduction: What is God's "Presence?"CREATIONAll thingsHumansGARDENBefore the F…
Psalm 77 is difficult to translate and interpret, but we'll take it as a prayer of lament by a doubting believer. What are we to do with our spiritual doubts? And how to we find Christ in them? Introduction: Two Types of DoubtGIVE THEM TO GOD (VV. 1–10)TURN FROM SELF TO GOD (VV. 11–20)CLING TO THE PROMISES OF GOD (VV. 11–20)…
We come to the end of Titus this morning and it's big exhortation to devote ourselves as God's people to good works. THE EXHORTATION: OUR NEW LIFE OF GOOD WORKS (VV. 1–2, 8–11, 14)THE CONTRAST: OUR OLD LIFE OF SELFISH WORKS (V. 3)THE REASON: THE LOVE OF GOD (VV. 4–7)Por Daniel Hyde
How should we obey the Covenant Lord during opposition from those in power? This is what the Israelites are confronted with. Here we see that the Israelites are beginning to have a taste of what it means to obey God during a lack of political/military might. This sets for us a picture of living under the sun and encountering difficult providences. …
In Exodus 19:6, God promises that his people will be a "kingdom of priests.' Peter applies this promise to his readers as he shows us how God is building us up into this promised kingdom. THE PRESENCE AND POWER OF GOD IN JERUSALEM (VV. 1-3)GOD'S METHOD FOR GROWING HIS PEOPLEGOD'S PLAN FOR GROWING HIS PEOPLEHOW GOD MAKES YOU TO BE HIS PEOPLE…